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A rabbit antibody against the light-chain of guinea-pig high-molecular-weight (HMW) kininogen, which was specific to HWM kininogen and did not recognize low-molecular-weight kininogen, was prepared. This antibody demonstrated the presence of HMW kininogen antigen at the interstitial-tissue space in the guinea-pig skin by means of immunohistochemistry. The interstitial-tissue HMW kininogen antigen was extracted from the skin. This antigen molecule in the skin extract behaved identically as HWM kininogen of plasma in slab-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate followed by immunoblotting. Therefore, it was concluded that HMW kininogen was present in the interstitial-tissue fluid in the skin. The amount of HMW kininogen in the skin extract was quantified by a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with the anti-light-chain antibody and a goat anti-guinea-pig HMW kininogen antibody. On the assumption that the interstitial-tissue volume is 50 ml/100 g wet skin tissue, the average concentration of HMW kininogen in the interstitial-tissue fluid of the skin was calculated to be 23% of the plasma concentration. On the other hand, the proportion of intravascular HMW kininogen (derived from blood remaining in the vessels of the harvested skin) in relation to the total HMW kininogen in the skin extract was quantified by measuring the radio-labelled HMW kininogen which had been injected intravenously as a tracer of the intravascular HMW kininogen. About 5% of the total HMW kininogen in the skin extract was calculated to be derived from the intravascular blood volume of the skin, indicating that the majority of the HMW kininogen in the skin extract was derived from the extravascular-tissue space.  相似文献   

High-molecular-weight (high-Mr) kininogen was purified from horse plasma by chromatography on columns of DEAE-Sephadex A-50, CM-Sephadex C-50, p-chlorobenzylamine-Sepharose and Sephadex G-150. The yield was about 150 mg from 81 of fresh plasma. The purified material gave a single band on sodium dodecylsulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and a single precipitin line on immunodiffusion and immunoelectrophoresis. The molecular weight of horse high-Mr kininogen was estimated to be 78000 by dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis using the Ferguson plot. Its polypeptide content was determined to be 86% by amino acid analysis and there was a total of 581 amino acid residues/molecule of protein. The kininogen contained a total of 13.9% carbohydrates, consisting of hexoses (7.8%), glucosamine (1.9%), galactosamine (0.6%) and sialic acid (3.6%). On incubation of horse high-Mr kininogen with bovine and horse plasma kallikreins, several fragments which contained extremely high levels of histidine, were liberated, in addition to kinin. After the liberation of kinin and histidine-rich fragments, a protein free of kinin and its fragments was isolated. This protein consisted of two polypeptide chains, heavy chain and light chain, which are bridged by disulfide bonds. The molecular weight and amino acid composition of the heavy chain and the light chain from horse high-Mr kininogen were very similar to those of the heavy and light chains from bovine high-Mr kininogen, respectively. From these results, it was revealed that horse high-Mr kininogen is quite similar to bovine high-Mr kininogen in terms of their physicochemical and chemical properties, although they are immunologically distinguishable.  相似文献   

Hybridization histochemistry has been used to detect the presence of mRNA for the alpha and beta A subunit of inhibin in tissue sections of the ovary of cows. 32P-labelled cDNAs, complementary to the bovine alpha or beta A subunit of inhibin or to a control segment of plasmid DNA (pBR 322), were used. The alpha subunit mRNA was located in the granulosa layer of antral follicles greater than 0.36 mm in diameter while the alpha and beta A subunit mRNA were both present in follicles of greater than 0.8 mm. In these latter follicles, the thecal layer hybridized with only the alpha subunit mRNA. No hybridization of the alpha or beta A subunit probe was found in the cells of the corpus luteum. Hybridization of both probes was abolished when the tissue sections were pretreated with ribonuclease (RNAse). The plasmid cDNA did not hybridize to any of the tissue sections. This study demonstrates that mRNA for the alpha inhibin subunit can be detected in granulosa and theca cells whereas the beta A inhibin subunit mRNA is restricted to the granulosa cells. These results provide evidence for an independent regulation of expression for the two subunits of inhibin.  相似文献   

Previous studies from our laboratories (Sugo et al. (1980) Biochemistry 19, 3215-3220) have shown that bovine high-molecular-weight (HMW) kininogen remarkably accelerates the kaolin-mediated activation of Factor XII in the presence of prekallikrein, and that both fragment 1.2 and the light chain regions located in the COOH terminal half of the kininogen molecule are essential for the activation. In the present study, we demonstrate that the accelerating effect of HMW kininogen is mediated through its adsorption on the kaolin surface through the fragment 1.2 region and its complex formation with prekallikrein through the light chain region. The evidence is as follows: 1. HMW kininogen radio-labeled with 125I was adsorbed on kaolin and the adsorption was inhibited by the prior treatment of kaolin with fragment 1.2, fragment 1.2-light chain, kinin-free protein or HMW kininogen, but not with kinin- and fragment 1.2-free protein, light chain or low molecular-weight (LMW) kininogen. 2. The complex formation of HMW kininogen with prekallikrein in bovine plasma or in the purified system was examined by gel-filtration on a column of Sephacryl S-200 In bovine plasma, prekallikrein was eluted in the same fraction as HMW kininogen, showing an apparent molecular weight of 250,000, whereas purified prekallikrein was eluted in the fraction corresponding to an apparent molecular weight of 100,000. When purified prekallikrein was mixed with purified HMW kininogen in a mol ratio of 1 to 2, all prekallikrein was found to be associated with HMW kininogen. Furthermore, purified prekallikrein mixed with kininogen derivatives, such as kinin- and fragment 1.2-free protein, fragment 1.2-light chain or light chain, was eluted in the higher molecular weight fraction. HMW kininogen did not form a complex with prekallikrein. Using the same technique, it was shown that kinin- and fragment 1.2-free protein forms a complex not only with prekallikrein but also with kallikrein.  相似文献   

High molecular weight kininogen (HKg) and T kininogen (TKg) were detected and localized by immunocytochemistry in adult rat hypothalamus. In addition, kininogens were measured by their direct radioimmunoassay (RIA) or by indirect estimation of kinins released after trypsin hydrolysis and high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) separation of bradykinin (BK) and T kinin. A specific HKg immunoreactivity demonstrated with antibodies directed against the light chain (LC) of HKg was colocated with SRIF in neurons of hypothalamic periventricular area (PVA) projecting to external zone (ZE) of median eminence (ME). Heavy chain (HC) immunoreactivity which could be related to HKg or to low molecular weight kininogen (LKg) was detected in some other systems: i) parvocellular neurons of suprachiasmatic (SCN) and arcuate nuclei containing SRIF, ii) magnocellular neurons (mostly oxytocinergic) of paraventricular (PVN) and supraoptic (SON) nuclei, iii) neurons of dorsomedian and lateral hypothalamic areas. TKg immunostaining was restricted to magnocellular neurons of PVN, SON, accessory nuclei (mostly vasopressinergic) and to parvocellular neurons of SCN (vasopressinergic). TKg projections are directed towards the internal zone (ZI) of ME, but very few immunoreactive terminals are detectable in neurohypophysis. TKg staining parallels with vasopressin during water deprivation, and is undetectable in homozygous Brattleboro rats. In some magnocellular neurons, TKg and HC (related to HKg or LKg) are coexpressed. TKg, was also detected in hypothalamus and cerebellum extracts by direct RIA, and BK and T kinin were identified after trypsin hydrolysis. HKg and LKg can act as precursor of BK which can play a physiological role as releasing factor, neuromodulator--neurotransmitter,--or modulator of local microcirculation in hypothalamus. The three kininogens are also potent thiolprotease inhibitors which could modulate both the maturation processes of peptidic hormones and their inactivation and catabolism.  相似文献   

The sialic acid content of highly purified human kininogen was found to be about 8.6 mol/mol(mol.wt. 50,000). The isoelectric point (pH 4.9 +/- 0.2) is much higher than that of bovine low-molecular-weight kininogen, but is close to that expected from the amino acid and sialic acid analyses.  相似文献   

mRNA localization and the cytoskeleton   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

High molecular weight (HMW) kininogen is known to be a large plasma protein and cleaved by plasma proteinase kallikrein, then it generates four fragments in the blood coagulation cascade: heavy chain, bradykinin, fragment 1.2, and light chain. The fragment 1.2 has also been found in the basic protein fraction of bovine milk as a bioactive protein which promotes osteoblast proliferation. The milk basic protein has been shown to be a multi functional edible protein which promotes bone formation and inhibits bone resorption. In the present study, we purified the fragment 1.2 from bovine plasma and assessed it could promote osteoblast proliferation and posses the activity after pepsin digestion. Purified plasma HMW kininogen did not promote the proliferation, however, the kallikrein-cleaved HMW kininogen promoted the proliferation. The fragment 1.2, purified from the proteolysate, also promoted the proliferation. The pepsin digestion was performed according to the method of the assessment of allergenesity of genetically modified crops. After pepsin digestion, the fragment 1.2 generated resistant fragments and showed the promoting activity of osteoblast proliferation. These results suggest that the enzymatically-digested fragments of bovine HMW kininogen are able to be a naturally occurred active protein that promotes the bone formation by oral administration.  相似文献   

Determinants of mRNA localization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RNA localization provides a mechanism for protein targeting within developing or differentiating cells. Specific cis-acting sequences on mRNA mediate this process. Such 'localizer' or 'zipcode' nucleic acid sequences have been restricted to the 3' untranslated region of several mRNAs. The presence of genetic information denoting a spatial component of translation adds a new dimension to gene expression.  相似文献   

In many species, intracellular mRNA localization is linked to cell polarity. In many cases however, mRNAs become localized as a result of a pre-existing cell-polarity, and they do not modify it. Remarkably, in the case beta actin mRNA in vertebrate, it has been shown that the transport and localization of this RNA is required for the establishment and maintenance of cell polarity. This occurs in fibroblasts, but, very interestingly, in immature neurons as well. This review will describe the functions and mechanisms of actin mRNA localization.  相似文献   

mRNA localization patterns in zebrafish oocytes   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In both invertebrate and vertebrate systems, the localization of maternal mRNAs is a common mechanism used to influence developmental processes, including the establishment of the dorsal/ventral axis, anterior/posterior axis, and the germ line (for review, see Bashirullah et al., 1998. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 67, 335-394). While the existence of localized maternal mRNAs has been reported in the zebrafish, Danio rerio, the precise localization patterns of these molecules during oogenesis has not been determined. In this study, in situ hybridization experiments were performed on zebrafish ovaries and activated eggs to examine different mRNA localization patterns. The results establish that while some maternal mRNAs remain ubiquitously distributed throughout the oocyte, other mRNAs follow specific localization patterns, including localization to the animal pole, localization to the vegetal pole, and cortical localization. The animal/vegetal axis is first apparent in stage II oocytes when the earliest mRNA localization is seen. Unique patterns of localization are seen in mature eggs as well. Some mRNAs maintain their oocyte localization patterns, while others localize upon egg activation (fertilization).  相似文献   

The localization of mRNA appears to facilitate protein sorting, so that proteins are synthesized in specific cellular regions. The spatial information on the mRNA may be transduced by proteins that recognize specific localizing sequences on the 3' end and then chaperone the mRNA, presumably along filaments, to its destination. Additional sequences such as poly(A), or the nascent chains of cytoskeleton-associated proteins, may then anchor mRNAs on the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Previously, we have shown that alleles of the BM1500 microsatellite, located 3.6 kb downstream of the leptin gene in cattle, were associated with carcass fat measures in a population of 154 unrelated beef bulls. Subsequently, a cytosine (C) to thymine (T) transition that encoded an amino acid change of an arginine to a cysteine was identified in exon 2 of the leptin gene. A PCR-RFLP was designed and allele frequencies in four beef breeds were correlated with levels of carcass fat. The T allele was associated with fatter carcasses and the C allele with leaner carcasses. The frequencies of the SNP alleles among breeds indicated that British breeds have a higher frequency of the T allele whereas the continental breeds have a higher occurrence of the C allele. A ribonuclease protection assay was developed to quantify leptin mRNA in a separate group of animals selected by genotype. Animals homozygous for thymine expressed higher levels of leptin mRNA. This may suggest that the T allele, which adds an extra cysteine to the protein, imparts a partial loss of biological function and hence could be the causative mutation.  相似文献   

The two types of the rat kininogen genes show different modes of mRNA production. The K gene encodes two distinct mRNAs for high molecular weight (HMW) and low molecular weight (LMW) kininogens. These two mRNAs are generated by differential usage of the 3'-terminal exon (LMW exon) and the one next to this exon (HMW exon) through alternative polyadenylation and splicing. In contrast, the two T genes selectively generate the LMW form of the mRNA, although the T genes are extremely homologous to the K gene, including the sequence (psi HMW region) corresponding to the HMW exon of the K gene. In this study, we constructed a series of chimeric kininogen genes by exchanging equivalent restriction fragments of the K and T genes and examined the sequences and the mechanisms governing the different expression patterns of the kininogen genes by introducing the chimeric genes into heterologous COS cells. The results indicate that the formation of the two forms of the mRNA is controlled by two separate 3' sequences of the kininogen genes. One is located within the internal sequence of the HMW/psi HMW region, whereas the other is within the LMW exon and its preceding region. Our data also suggest that the different expression patterns of the kininogen genes are primarily governed by differing splicing efficiency.  相似文献   

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