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The growth of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger, a common food spoilage organism, is inhibited by the weak acid preservative sorbic acid (trans-trans-2,4-hexadienoic acid). Conidia inoculated at 10(5)/ml of medium showed a sorbic acid MIC of 4.5 mM at pH 4.0, whereas the MIC for the amount of mycelia at 24 h developed from the same spore inoculum was threefold lower. The MIC for conidia and, to a lesser extent, mycelia was shown to be dependent on the inoculum size. A. niger is capable of degrading sorbic acid, and this ability has consequences for food preservation strategies. The mechanism of action of sorbic acid was investigated using (31)P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. We show that a rapid decline in cytosolic pH (pH(cyt)) by more than 1 pH unit and a depression of vacuolar pH (pH(vac)) in A. niger occurs in the presence of sorbic acid. The pH gradient over the vacuole completely collapsed as a result of the decline in pH(cyt). NMR spectra also revealed that sorbic acid (3.0 mM at pH 4.0) caused intracellular ATP pools and levels of sugar-phosphomonoesters and -phosphodiesters of A. niger mycelia to decrease dramatically, and they did not recover. The disruption of pH homeostasis by sorbic acid at concentrations below the MIC could account for the delay in spore germination and retardation of the onset of subsequent mycelial growth.  相似文献   

Aspergillus niger produces several polygalacturonases that, with other enzymes, are involved in the degradation of pectin. One of the two previously characterized genes coding for the abundant polygalacturonases I and II (PGI and PGII) found in a commercial pectinase preparation was used as a probe to isolate five more genes by screening a genomic DNA library in phage lambda EMBL4 using conditions of moderate stringency. The products of these genes were detected in the culture medium of Aspergillus nidulans transformants on the basis of activity measurements and Western-blot analysis using a polyclonal antibody raised against PGI. These transformants were, with one exception, constructed using phage DNA. A. nidulans transformants secreted high amounts of PGI and PGII in comparison to the previously characterized A. niger transformants and a novel polygalacturonase (PGC) was produced at high levels by A. nidulans transformed with the subcloned pgaC gene. This gene was sequenced and the protein-coding region was found to be interrupted by three introns; the different intron/exon organization of the three sequenced A. niger polygalacturonase genes can be explained by the gain or loss of two single introns. The pgaC gene encodes a putative 383-amino-acid prepro-protein that is cleaved after a pair of basic amino acids and shows approximately 60% amino acid sequence similarity to the other polygalacturonases in the mature protein. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of the A. niger polygalacturonases display characteristic amino acid insertions or deletions that are also observed in polygalacturonases of phytopathogenic fungi. In the upstream regions of the A. niger polygalacturonase genes, a sequence of ten conserved nucleotides comprising a CCAAT sequence was found, which is likely to represent a binding site for a regulatory protein as it shows a high similarity to the yeast CYC1 upstream activation site recognized by the HAP2/3/4 activation complex.  相似文献   

The weak acid sorbic acid transiently inhibited the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in media at low pH. During a lag period, the length of which depended on the severity of this weak-acid stress, yeast cells appeared to adapt to this stress, eventually recovering and growing normally. This adaptation to weak-acid stress was not due to metabolism and removal of the sorbic acid. A pma1-205 mutant, with about half the normal membrane H+-ATPase activity, was shown to be more sensitive to sorbic acid than its parent. Sorbic acid appeared to stimulate plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity in both PMA1 and pma1-205. Consistent with this, cellular ATP levels showed drastic reductions, the extent of which depended on the severity of weak-acid stress. The weak acid did not appear to affect the synthesis of ATP because CO2 production and O2 consumption were not affected significantly in PMA1 and pma1-205 cells. However, a glycolytic mutant, with about one-third the normal pyruvate kinase and phosphofructokinase activity and hence a reduced capacity to generate ATP, was more sensitive to sorbic acid than its isogenic parent. These data are consistent with the idea that adaptation by yeast cells to sorbic acid is dependent on (i) the restoration of internal pH via the export of protons by the membrane H+-ATPase in an energy-demanding process and (ii) the generation of sufficient ATP to drive this process and still allow growth.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1989,109(4):1695-1709
The flagellum of the parasitic hemoflagellate Trypanosoma brucei contains two major structures: (a) the microtubule axoneme, and (b) a highly ordered, filamentous array, the paraflagellar rod (PFR). This is a complex, three-dimensional structure, of yet unknown function, that extends along most of the axoneme and is closely linked to it. Its major structural component is a single protein of 600 amino acids. This PFR protein can assume two different conformations, resulting in two distinct bands of apparent molecular masses of 73 and 69 kD in SDS-gel electrophoresis. Secondary structure predictions indicate a very high helix content. Despite its biochemical similarity to the intermediate filament proteins (solubility properties, amino acid composition, and high degree of helicity), the PFR protein does not belong in this class of cytoskeletal proteins. The PFR protein is coded for by two tandemly linked genes of identical nucleotide sequence. Both genes are transcribed into stable mRNAs of very similar length that carry the mini-exon sequence at their 5'' termini.  相似文献   

A 16-kb BamHI fragment of the lactose plasmid pNZ63 from Leuconostoc lactis NZ6009 was cloned in Escherichia coli MC1061 by using pACYC184 and was found to express a functional beta-galactosidase. Deletion and complementation analysis showed that the coding region for beta-galactosidase was located on a 5.8-kb SalI-BamHI fragment. Nucleotide sequence analysis demonstrated that this fragment contained two partially overlapping genes, lacL (1,878 bp) and lacM (963 bp), that could encode proteins with calculated sizes of 72,113 and 35,389 Da, respectively. The L. lactis beta-galactosidase was overproduced in E. coli by using a lambda pL expression system. Two new proteins with M(r)s of 75,000 and 36,000 appeared upon induction of PL. The N-terminal sequences of these proteins corresponded to those deduced from the lacL and lacM gene sequences. Mutation and deletion analysis showed that lacL expression is essential for LacM production and that both the lacL and lacM genes are required for the production of a functional beta-galactosidase in E. coli. The deduced amino acid sequences of the LacL and LacM proteins showed considerable identity with the sequences of the N- and C-terminal parts, respectively, of beta-galactosidases from other lactic acid bacteria or E. coli. DNA and protein sequence alignments suggest that the L. lactis lacL and lacM genes have been generated by an internal deletion in an ancestral beta-galactosidase gene.  相似文献   

The location of the Aspergillus nidulans carnitine/acyl-carnitine carrier (ACUH) was studied. ACUH with a His-tag at its N-terminus was over-expressed in Escherichia coli and purified by Ni(2+) affinity chromatography. The purified protein was utilised to raise polyclonal antibodies which were characterised by Western blotting. For localisation studies A. nidulans T1 strain, that contains the acuH gene under control of the strong promoter alcA(p), was derived. Results obtained demonstrate the exclusively mitochondrial localisation of ACUH and therefore exclude the targeting of the acuH gene product to the peroxisomal membrane.  相似文献   

The decarboxylation of retinoic acid by horseradish peroxidase was investigated. A marked increase in the yield of products was obtained. However, the data indicated the reaction was a nonenzymatic, heme catalyzed peroxidation. Previously reported requirements for phosphate, oxygen and ferrous ion were eliminated when hydrogen peroxide was provided. Peroxide also eliminated the EDTA and cyanide induced inhibition of the phosphate dependent system. In the presence of hydrogen peroxide, horseradish peroxidase was not essential to the reaction; heme equivalent amounts of hemoglobin decarboxylated retinoic acid with equal facility. However, hemoglobin was ineffective in the absence of hydrogen peroxide. Attainment of 50--60% decarboxylation represented complete utilization of the available retinoic acid. Thus the products of the reaction can be divided into two groups, products of retinoic acid oxidation and products of an oxidative decarboxylation of retinoic acid.  相似文献   

Glycryrrhizic acid was metabolized to 3-oxo-18β-glycyrrhetinic acid via 18β-glycyrrhetinic acid by Aspergillus niger, A. oryzae, A. sojae, and A. tamarii. Two methyl esters were derived from these two metabolites and identified by their 13C-NMR spectra and MS data.  相似文献   

The factor Tollip is known to dampen TLR2- and TLR4-mediated signalling in mammals. No negative regulator of the piscine TLR-signalling cascade has been described so far, albeit a sizable collection of factors contributing to this ancient pathogen-sensing system are known from fish to date. We identified two closely related Tollip-encoding genes in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and the respective ortholog mRNA molecules in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The salmonid Tollip genes are segmented into 6 exons, similar to the human orthologous gene. The protein-encoding sequences are homologous to >97% among the twin factors and also between the species. Both encoded proteins contain a C2 domain and an ubiquitin system component, which are also characteristic features of the mammalian Tollip factor. We analysed the expression of these genes in trout. Both Tollip-encoding genes are ubiquitously and also equally expressed, as indicated by similar mRNA concentrations of both factors in any one tissue. Tollip expression was found to be up-regulated by viral infection. Our data suggest that the Tollip genes were duplicated before salmon and trout were evolutionary separated. Moreover, pathways dampening the activity of the TLR-cascade may have been conserved from lower vertebrates to mammals since Tollip, as a respective key factor has been highly conserved from fish to human.  相似文献   

The genomic locus containing the potential repressor gene mdcY (inactivated by a putative IS3 element) and the mdcLMACDEGBH genes from Acinetobacter calcoaceticus was cloned and sequenced. In order to evaluate the biochemical function of the protein components, the genes were expressed independently and their activities predicted by database analysis. The mdcA gene product, the alpha subunit, was found to be malonate/acetyl-CoA transferase and the mdcD gene product, the beta subunit, was found to be malonyl-CoA decarboxylase. The mdcE gene product, the gamma subunit, may play a role in subunit interaction to form a stable complex or as a codecarboxylase. The mdcC gene product, the delta subunit, was an acyl-carrier protein, which has a unique CoA-like prosthetic group. Various combinations of malonate decarboxylase subunits allowed us to estimate their contribution to malonyl-CoA decarboxylase activity. The prosthetic group was identified as carboxymethylated 2'-(5"-phosphoribosyl)-3'-dephospho-CoA by mass spectrometry. The mdcH gene product was determined to have malonyl-CoA/dephospho-CoA acyltransferase activity. Using database analysis mdcLM, mdcG, mdcB and mdcI were estimated to be the genes for a malonate transporter, a holo-acyl carrier synthase, protein for the formation of precursor of the prosthetic group and a regulatory protein, respectively. From the data shown above we propose a metabolic pathway for malonate in A. calcoaceticus.  相似文献   

ADP ribosylation factor (ARF) is a ubiquitous 21-kDa GTP-binding protein in eucaryotes. ARF was first identified in animal cells as the protein factor required for the efficient ADP-ribosylation of the mammalian G protein Gs by cholera toxin in vitro. A gene (ARF1) encoding a protein homologous to mammalian ARF was recently cloned from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sewell and Kahn, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 85:4620-4624, 1988). We have found a second gene encoding ARF in S. cerevisiae, ARF2. The two ARF genes are within 28 centimorgans of each other on chromosome IV, and the proteins encoded by them are 96% identical. Disruption of ARF1 causes slow growth, cold sensitivity, and sensitivity to normally sublethal concentrations of fluoride ion in the medium. Disruption of ARF2 causes no detectable phenotype. Disruption of both genes is lethal; thus, ARF is essential for mitotic growth. The ARF1 and ARF2 proteins are functionally homologous, and the phenotypic differences between mutations in the two genes can be accounted for by the level of expression; ARF1 produces approximately 90% of total ARF. Among revertants of the fluoride sensitivity of an arf1 null mutation were ARF1-ARF2 fusion genes created by a gene conversion event in which the deleted ARF1 sequences were repaired by recombination with ARF2.  相似文献   

The spoilage yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae degraded the food preservative sorbic acid (2,4-hexadienoic acid) to a volatile hydrocarbon, identified by gas chromatography mass spectrometry as 1,3-pentadiene. The gene responsible was identified as PAD1, previously associated with the decarboxylation of the aromatic carboxylic acids cinnamic acid, ferulic acid, and coumaric acid to styrene, 4-vinylguaiacol, and 4-vinylphenol, respectively. The loss of PAD1 resulted in the simultaneous loss of decarboxylation activity against both sorbic and cinnamic acids. Pad1p is therefore an unusual decarboxylase capable of accepting both aromatic and aliphatic carboxylic acids as substrates. All members of the Saccharomyces genus (sensu stricto) were found to decarboxylate both sorbic and cinnamic acids. PAD1 homologues and decarboxylation activity were found also in Candida albicans, Candida dubliniensis, Debaryomyces hansenii, and Pichia anomala. The decarboxylation of sorbic acid was assessed as a possible mechanism of resistance in spoilage yeasts. The decarboxylation of either sorbic or cinnamic acid was not detected for Zygosaccharomyces, Kazachstania (Saccharomyces sensu lato), Zygotorulaspora, or Torulaspora, the genera containing the most notorious spoilage yeasts. Scatter plots showed no correlation between the extent of sorbic acid decarboxylation and resistance to sorbic acid in spoilage yeasts. Inhibitory concentrations of sorbic acid were almost identical for S. cerevisiae wild-type and Deltapad1 strains. We concluded that Pad1p-mediated sorbic acid decarboxylation did not constitute a significant mechanism of resistance to weak-acid preservatives by spoilage yeasts, even if the decarboxylation contributed to spoilage through the generation of unpleasant odors.  相似文献   

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