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Sexual selection, mating systems and parental behaviour are closely linked, although the exact nature of their relationship is controversial. The parental investment hypothesis (PIH) states that parental care disparity drives sexual selection intensity, because the sex providing less care competes for the sex that provides more. In contrast, the sexual selection hypothesis (SSH) asserts that more intense sexual selection on males leads to reduced male parental investment. We tested these hypotheses using directional phylogenetic comparative methods in shorebirds, which have an unusually diverse array of breeding systems. Changes in parental care and sexual selection intensity were tightly correlated, and we carried out three sets of analyses focusing on changes in male behaviour, female behaviour and in either sex. The results from the analyses were consistent with both PIH and SSH, although the patterns in male transition were sensitive to model values. We propose two explanations for these results. First, phylogenetic transitions may be idiosyncratic so that they depend on the ecological circumstances of individual species. Second, transitions in social traits, such as breeding systems, may be rapid and take place in ecological time, so directional phylogenetic methods that work through longer time scales may not infer accurately the timing and direction of all changes.  相似文献   

A recent study has shown that short-term training in response inhibition can make people more cautious for up to two hours when making decisions. However, the longevity of such training effects is unclear. In this study we tested whether training in the stop-signal paradigm reduces risky gambling when the training and gambling task are separated by 24 hours. Two independent experiments revealed that the aftereffects of stop-signal training are negligible after 24 hours. This was supported by Bayes factors that provided strong support for the null hypothesis. These findings indicate the need to better optimise the parameters of inhibition training to achieve clinical efficacy, potentially by strengthening automatic associations between specific stimuli and stopping.  相似文献   

Humans find symmetrical faces more attractive than are asymmetricalfaces. Evolutionary psychologists claim that our preferencefor symmetry can be explained in the context of mate choicebecause symmetry is an honest indicator of the genetic qualityof potential mates. These arguments assume that asymmetry inhuman faces is fluctuating asymmetry (FA), because this formof asymmetry can be revealing of developmental instability.However, no study has yet examined the characteristics of facialasymmetry. Here we provide the first detailed study of the patternsof asymmetry in human faces. We measured asymmetry in 35 facialtraits. Although some traits had distributions characteristicof FA, many had distributions that characterize directionalasymmetry (DA); on average, both men and women had right hemi-facedominance. For DA traits we used deviations from the mean asymmetryas a measure of developmental instability. Our measures of asymmetryaccounted for a moderate proportion of the variance in perceivedsymmetry. Importantly, only FAs and random deviations from DAcontributed to people's perception of symmetry. DA was not importantin symmetry judgments. Faces rated as symmetrical were alsorated as attractive. Random deviations from DA were weakly relatedto women's attractiveness judgments of men's faces. DAs didnot influence attractiveness judgments. Our data suggest thatpeople focus on aspects of facial asymmetry that may be revealingof developmental instability. Further studies that isolate FAfrom other forms of asymmetry are required to accurately assessthe influence of developmental instability on the quality ofindividuals and its potential role in mate preferences.  相似文献   

Are there any consistent predictors of invasion success?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article summarises the results of 49 studies that together test the significance of 115 characteristics in 7 biological groups: birds, finfish, insects, mammals, plants, reptiles/amphibians and shellfish. Climate/habitat match, history of invasive success and number of arriving/released individuals are associated with establishment success in at least four independent data sets, both within and across biological groups, and none are contraindicated by other studies. In the introduced-invasive control group, two species level characteristics—taxon and geographic range size—were significantly associated with establishment success across two biological groups. These characteristics, however, were not supported by independent data sets, or were contraindicated by these data sets, within the biological groups examined here. In the introduced-native control group, three species level characteristics—geographic range size, leaf surface area and fertilisation system (monoecious, hermaphroditic or dioecious)—were consistently supported within plants but were either not supported by independent data sets or contraindicated by datasets within or across other biological groups. Climate/habitat match is the only characteristic that is consistently significantly associated with invasive behaviour (in this case exotic range size) across biological groups. This finding, however, is not supported by two or more independent data sets within any of the biological groups examined here. Within plants there are a suite of characteristics, predominately associated with reproduction, that are significantly associated with a range of invasion metrics, predominately abundance in the invaded range. None of these characteristics, however, are supported across any other biological groups. We note the confounding effects of phylogeny, residence time and propagule pressure and suggest that site- and taxa-specific analysis will provide further useful insights.  相似文献   

Vegetation cover plays a major role in providing organic matter and in acting as a physical barrier, with both together contributing to the formation of “fertile islands,” which play an active role in prolonging biological activity in desert ecosystems. By undertaking this study, a long-term research, we designed an experiment to separate the two components—the physical and biotic parts of the perennial plants—and to identify the factor that contributes the most to the ecosystem. The study site was located in the northern Negev Desert, Israel, where 50 Hammada scoparia shrubs and 50 artificial plants were randomly marked. Soil samples were collected monthly over 3 years of research at three locations: under the canopy of H. scoparia shrubs, in the vicinity of the artificial plants, and between the shrubs (control). The contribution to microbial activity was measured by evaluation of the microbial community functions in soil. The functional aspects of the microbial community that were measured were CO2 evolution, microbial biomass, microbial functional diversity, and the physiological profile of the community. The results of this study are presented in two ways: (1) according to the three locations/treatments; and (2) according to the phenological situation of the vegetation (annual and perennial plants) in the research field: the growing phase, the drying process, and the absence of annual plants. The only parameters that were found to affect microbial activity were the contribution of the organic matter of perennial shrubs and the growth of vegetation (annual and perennial) during the growing seasons. The physical component was found to have no effect on soil microbial functional diversity, which elucidates the important contribution of the desert shrub in enhancing biological multiplicity and activity.  相似文献   

Parental care involves elaborate behavioural interactions between parents and their offspring, with offspring stimulating their parents via begging to provision resources. Thus, begging has direct fitness benefits as it enhances offspring growth and survival. It is nevertheless subject to a complex evolutionary trajectory, because begging may serve as a means for the offspring to manipulate parents in the context of evolutionary conflicts of interest. Furthermore, it has been hypothesized that begging is coadapted and potentially genetically correlated with parental care traits as a result of social selection. Further experiments on the causal processes that shape the evolution of begging are therefore essential. We applied bidirectional artificial selection on begging behaviour, using canaries (Serinus canaria) as a model species. We measured the response to selection, the consequences for offspring development, changes in parental care traits, here the rate of parental provisioning, as well as the effects on reproductive success. After three generations of selection, offspring differed in begging behaviour according to our artificial selection regime: nestlings of the high begging line begged significantly more than nestlings of the low begging line. Intriguingly, begging less benefitted the nestlings, as reflected by on average significantly higher growth rates, and increased reproductive success in terms of a higher number of fledglings in the low selected line. Begging could thus represent an exaggerated trait, possibly because parent–offspring conflict enhanced the selection on begging. We did not find evidence that we co‐selected on parental provisioning, which may be due to the lack of power, but may also suggest that the evolution of begging is probably not constrained by a genetic correlation between parental provisioning and offspring begging.  相似文献   

Environmental enrichment is intended to improve the well-being of laboratory animals. Although many researchers have indicated that environmental enrichment may enhance animal well-being, there is some evidence that enrichment differs in its effects on physiology and behaviour between species and strains. The present study focuses on the effects of different enrichment designs on the physiology and behaviour of male and female DBA/2 mice. A total of 48 DBA/2J mice, 24 males and 24 females were used for this experiment. Upon arrival at about 3 weeks of age, the animals were randomly allotted to three experimental groups: NE, non-enrichment; E1, enriched with nest box, wooden climbing bar and nest material according to Scharmann (1993); E2, enriched with horizontal and vertical dividers, modified from Haemisch and G?rtner (1994). Same-sex groups of four mice were housed for 12 weeks in type III Makrolon cages with (E1 or E2) or without (NE) enrichment objects. Behavioural performance (Open Field, Food Drive and Elevated Plus Maze tests) and physiological traits (haematological variables, body weight and organ weights, corticosterone and thyroxine levels) were measured. This study observed that enrichment had significant effects on the mean values of body weight (females), Open Field and Food Drive tests. The most significant housing differences were found between the E2 and NE/E1 groups. Furthermore, sex differences in the NE, E1 and E2 groups were not consistent for several variables (growth rate, relative weights of spleen, kidney and heart, Food Drive and Elevated Plus Maze behavioural performance). There was often a higher coefficient of variation (CV) in the E1 and E2 groups as compared to the NE group, chiefly in physiological traits and in the Open Field and Food Drive tests. The results of this study indicate, that the effects of enrichment designs used in the present study are not consistent, but vary according to sex and the variable studied.  相似文献   

The evolution of parental care is beneficial if it facilitates offspring performance traits that are ultimately tied to offspring fitness. While this may seem self‐evident, the benefits of parental care have received relatively little theoretical exploration. Here, we develop a theoretical model that elucidates how parental care can affect offspring performance and which aspects of offspring performance (e.g., survival, development) are likely to be influenced by care. We begin by summarizing four general types of parental care benefits. Care can be beneficial if parents (1) increase offspring survival during the stage in which parents and offspring are associated, (2) improve offspring quality in a way that leads to increased offspring survival and/or reproduction in the future when parents are no longer associated with offspring, and/or (3) directly increase offspring reproductive success when parents and offspring remain associated into adulthood. We additionally suggest that parental control over offspring developmental rate might represent a substantial, yet underappreciated, benefit of care. We hypothesize that parents adjust the amount of time offspring spend in life‐history stages in response to expected offspring mortality, which in turn might increase overall offspring survival, and ultimately, fitness of parents and offspring. Using a theoretical evolutionary framework, we show that parental control over offspring developmental rate can represent a significant, or even the sole, benefit of care. Considering this benefit influences our general understanding of the evolution of care, as parental control over offspring developmental rate can increase the range of life‐history conditions (e.g., egg and juvenile mortalities) under which care can evolve.  相似文献   

Recent studies on birds have shown that offspring begging and parental provisioning covary at the phenotypic level, which is thought to reflect genetic correlations. However, prenatal maternal factors, like yolk testosterone, may also facilitate parent-offspring coadaptation via their effects on offspring begging and development. In fact, maternal effects are thought to adjust offspring phenotype to the environmental conditions they will experience after birth, which are in turn strongly dependent on the levels of parental provisioning. Using cross-fostering experiments in canaries, we tested the role of maternal effects on parent-offspring coadaptation from two different approaches. First, we analyzed whether females deposit yolk testosterone in relation to their own or their partner's prospective parental provisioning, measured as the rate of parental feeding to foster nestlings. Second, we investigated whether females deposit yolk testosterone in relation to costs they incurred when raising a previous brood, as this likely impinges on their capacity to provide parental care in the near future. However, from the results of both experiments we have no evidence that canary females deposit yolk testosterone in order to match offspring begging to the levels of care they and/or their partners provide. We therefore found no evidence that yolk testosterone facilitates parent-offspring coadaptation. In addition, our results suggest that the functional consequences of yolk testosterone deposition may relate to hatching asynchrony since it primarily varied with egg laying order.  相似文献   

Animal responses to global climate variation might be spatially inconsistent. This may arise from spatial variation in factors limiting populations' growth or from differences in the links between global climate patterns and ecologically relevant local climate variation. For example, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) has a spatially consistent relation to temperature, but inconsistent spatial relation to snow depth in Scandinavia. Furthermore, there are multiple mechanistic ways by which climate may limit animal populations, involving both direct effects through thermoregulation and indirect pathways through trophic interactions. It is conceptually appealing to directly model the predicted mechanistic links. This includes the use of climate variables mimicking such interactions, for example, to use growing degree days (GDD) as a proxy for plant growth rather than average monthly temperature. Using a unique database of autumn body mass of 83331 domestic lambs from the period 1992–2007 in four alpine ranges in Norway, we demonstrate the utility of hierarchical, mechanistic path models fitted using a Bayesian approach to analyse explicitly predicted relationships among environmental variables and between lamb body mass and the environmental variables. We found large spatial variation in strength of responses of autumn lamb body mass to the NAO, to a proxy for plant growth in spring (the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI) and effects even differed in direction to local summer climate. Average local temperature outperformed GDD as a predictor of the NDVI, whereas the NAO index in two areas outperformed local weather variables as a predictor of lamb body mass, despite the weaker mechanistic link. Our study highlights that spatial variation in strength of herbivore responses may arise from several processes. Furthermore, mechanistically more appealing measures do not always increase predictive power due to scale of measurement and since global measures may provide more relevant “weather packages” for larger scales.  相似文献   

Evolutionary psychologists have suggested that stepchildren should be over-represented as victims of lethal parental violence compared with children living with their two genetic parents, because of relatively more lapses in parental solicitude among stepparents. In our study, using data over a period of 35 years in Sweden (1965-1999), there was no overall over-representation of stepchildren as victims. For very young stepchildren there was a tendency for over-representation. In families with both stepchildren and children genetically related to the offender, genetic children tended to be more likely to be victims.  相似文献   

饱食则耐渴?论干旱和盐度对新西兰红树林的影响尽管已有大量的研究考察了非生物胁迫因素对植物的影响,但是我们对干旱造成植物死亡的机理尚无定论,而对多种胁迫因子之间的相互作用更是知之甚少。非结构性碳水化合物(NSCs)在防止或延缓因干旱造成死亡方面的作用正日益引人关注。在本研究中,我们探讨了NSCs在缓解新西兰红树林(Avicennia marina subsp. australasica)受干旱和盐度影响时所起的作用。首先,我们对植物体内的NSC 水平进行了实验调控,随后将植株置于不同的干旱和盐度组合环境中培育。研究结果表明,在高盐度且高度干旱的条件下,高NSC水平组(H-NSC)的植物生长速率和存活率分别比低NSC水平组(L-NSC)的高出2和3倍。在高盐度且高度干旱的条件下培育了12周后,H-NSC组植株的茎杆导水率(281 ± 50 mmol cm−1 s−1 MPa−1)高于L-NSC组植株(134 ± 40 mmol cm−1 s−1 MPa−1)。尽管淀粉含量保持相对稳定,但H-NSC组植株茎杆中的可溶性糖含量在高盐度且高度干旱条件下的第8周时比第12周时高出20%。这些研究结果表明:1) NSCs对于缓解因干旱和与之相关的高盐度造成的较低土壤水势的影响具有重要作用;2)旱、盐联合胁迫下的植株生长受到库的限制。  相似文献   

Broad-based studies of gymnosperms and angiosperms reveal consistent and functionally significant correlations among foliar traits such as leaf mass per area (LMA), maximum photosynthetic rate (A(area)), foliar nitrogen (N(area)), foliar chlorophyll (Chl) and leaf longevity. To assess the generality of these relationships, we studied 20 fern species growing in the understorey of a temperate deciduous forest. We found that foliar N(area) increases with LMA, and that foliar N(area) and A(area) are positively correlated with one another, as are foliar N(area) and Chl. The ferns in general have very low LMA compared with most seed plants; A(area), N(area) and Chl are below median values for seed plants but are not extreme. Species with overwintering fronds have significantly higher LMA than species with fronds that senesce at the end of the growing season, as well as a significantly higher C : N ratio in frond tissue and relatively high foliar N on an areal basis. Correlations among foliar traits associated with gas exchange in these forest understorey ferns are in accordance with patterns reported for seed plants, suggesting a high degree of functional constraint on the interrelationships among key elements in foliar design.  相似文献   

A key factor for estimates of assimilation of resources and trophic position based on stable isotope data is the trophic discrimination factor (TDF). TDFs are assumed based on literature reviews, but may vary depending on a variety of factors, including the type of diet. We analyzed effects of alternative TDFs on estimates of assimilated resources and trophic positions for an omnivorous fish, Jenynsia multidentata, that reveals dietary variation among locations across a salinity gradient of a coastal lagoon in southern Brazil. We also compared estimates of foods ingested vs. foods assimilated. Food assimilation was estimated using carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope ratios of food sources and consumer muscle tissue and an isotopic mixing model (SIAR); consumer trophic position (TP) was estimated from consumer and production source δ15N values. Diet was estimated using an index of relative importance based on frequency of occurrence and volumetric and numeric proportions of food items from stomach contents. The effect of variation in TDF on food assimilation and TP was tested using three alternative TDFs reported in review papers. We then created a new method that used food source-specific TDFs (reported separately for herbivores and carnivores) weighted in proportion to estimated assimilation of resources according to mixing model estimates to estimate TP (hereafter TPWAR). We found that plant material was not assimilated in a proportion similar to its importance in the diet of fish at a freshwater site, and the new method yielded best assimilation estimates. Animal material made greatest contributions to fish biomass irrespective of TDFs used in the mixing model. The new method produced TP estimates consistent with differences in estimated food assimilation along the salinity gradient. Our findings support the idea that food source-specific TDFs should be used in trophic studies of omnivores, since the method improved our ability to estimate trophic position and resource assimilation, two important ecological indicators.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung
Is pathological metabolism in the parental organism responsible for defective and monstrous development of the offspring?

Parental age at offspring conception often influences offspring longevity, but the mechanisms underlying this link are poorly understood. One mechanism that may be important is telomeres, highly conserved, repetitive sections of non-coding DNA that form protective caps at chromosome ends and are often positively associated with longevity. Here, the potential pathways by which the age of the parents at the time of conception may impact offspring telomeres are described first, including direct effects on parental gamete telomeres and indirect effects on offspring telomere loss during pre- or post-natal development. Then a surge of recent studies demonstrating the effects of parental age on offspring telomeres in diverse taxa are reviewed. In doing so, important areas for future research and experimental approaches that will enhance the understanding of how and when these effects likely occur are highlighted. It is concluded by considering the potential evolutionary consequences of parental age on offspring telomeres.  相似文献   

The importance of inbreeding avoidance for the fitness of individualsis currently undergoing reevahation. Especially when the frequencyof inbreeding is low, it may be difficult to accumulate sufficientinformation. In a long-term study of the Mexican jay (Aphelocomaultamarina) in Arizona, we found inbreeding, as determined bypedigree, to be rare even though this species exhibits strongnatal philopatry and commonly lives in social groups of closerelatives. Brood sizes of inbred pairs were significantly lowerthan those of outbred pairs, suggesting hatching failure; butthere was no difference in die probability that one or moreyoung would fledge from a nest. Survival of inbred nestlingsto die next year was significantly lower than that of outbrednestlings.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that traits which signal parental quality might evolve in males of species with biparental care. In avian species, male ornaments may be the most likely candidates for such signals. Male house sparrows (Passer domesticus) possess a black throat patch often referred to as a “badge” or a “badge of status”. By assuming a trade-off between male attractiveness (reflected in male ornaments) and parental care under the differential allocation hypothesis, we predicted that badge size would be negatively correlated with male parental investment. An experiment in which the badge was enlarged in one group and unchanged in a control group was conducted. Our manipulation was predicted to affect female as well as male parental investment. However, we found that eight variables associated with parental investment—the start date for breeding, clutch size, male and female incubation time, male and female food provisioning rate, and average chick weight and the number of fledglings—barely differed between treatments. Also, little evidence for correlations between natural variation in badge size and any of these eight variables was found. Instead, the start date for breeding and the number of fledglings were significantly correlated with both male and female age, while clutch size increased with female age. Female condition was a positive predictor of clutch size and number of fledglings. Female tarsus length, unexpectedly, is related to both male and female incubation time. Badge size was also positively correlated with male age. However, parental age (male or female) was not related to parental care. We conclude that badge size does not signal parental quality, but that the ages of both sexes and the condition of the female play significant roles in the reproductive performance of this species.  相似文献   

Reconstructing evolutionary relationships using Bayesian inference has become increasingly popular due to the ability of Bayesian inference to handle complex models of evolution. In this review we concentrate on inference of recombination events between strains of viruses when these events are sporadic, ie rare relative to point mutations. Bayesian inference is especially attractive in the detection of recombination events because it allows for simultaneous inferences about the presence, number and location of crossover points and the identification of parental sequences. Current frequentist recombination identification falls into a sequential testing trap. The most likely parental sequences and crossover points are identified using the data and then the certainty of recombination is assessed conditional on this identification. After briefly outlining basic phylogenetic models, Bayesian inference and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) computation, we summarise three different approaches to recombination detection and discuss current challenges in applying Bayesian phylogenetic inference of recombination.  相似文献   

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