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Numerous ring-width chronologies from different species have recently been developed in diverse tropical forests across South America. However, the temporal and spatial climate signals in these tropical chronologies is less well known. In this work, annual growth rings of Amburana cearensis, a widely distributed tropical tree species, were employed to estimate temporal and spatial patterns of climate variability in the transition from the dry Chiquitano (16–17°S) to the humid Guarayos-southern Amazon (14–15°S) forests. Four well-replicated chronologies (16–21 trees, 22–28 radii) of A. cearensis were compared with temperature and precipitation records available in the region. The interannual variations in all four A. cearensis tree-ring chronologies are positively correlated with precipitation and negatively with temperature during the late dry-early wet season, the classic moisture response seen widely in trees from dry tropical and temperate forests worldwide. However, the chronologies from the dry Chiquitano forests of southern Bolivia reflect the regional reduction in precipitation during recent decades, while the chronologies from the tropical lowland moist forests in the north capture the recent increase in precipitation in the southern Amazon basin. These results indicate that A. cearensis tree growth is not only sensitive to the moisture balance of the growing season, it can also record subtle differences in regional precipitation trends across the dry to humid forest transition. Comparisons with previously developed Centrolobium microchaete chronologies in the region reveal a substantial common signal between chronologies in similar environments, suggesting that regional differences in climate are a major drivers of tree growth along the precipitation gradient. The difficulty of finding A. cearensis trees over 150-years old is the main limitation involved in the paleoclimate application of this species. The expansion of monocultures and intensive cattle ranching in the South American tropics are contributing to the loss of these old growth A. cearensis trees and the valuable records of climate variability and climate change that they contain.  相似文献   

Seasonally dry tropical forests are an important global climatic regulator, a main driver of the global carbon sink dynamics and are predicted to suffer future reductions in their productivity due to climate change. Yet, little is known about how interannual climate variability affects tree growth and how climate-growth responses vary across rainfall gradients in these forests. Here we evaluate changes in climate sensitivity of tree growth along an environmental gradient of seasonally dry tropical vegetation types (evergreen forest – savannah – dry forest) in Northeastern Brazil, using congeneric species of two common neotropical genera: Aspidosperma and Handroanthus. We built tree-ring width chronologies for each species × forest type combinations and explored how growth variability correlated with local (precipitation, temperature) and global (the El Niño Southern Oscillation - ENSO) climatic factors. We also assessed how growth sensitivity to climate and the presence of growth deviations varied along the gradient. Precipitation stimulates tree growth and was the main growth-influencing factor across vegetation types. Trees in the dry forest site showed highest growth sensitivity to interannual variation in precipitation. Temperature and ENSO phenomena correlated negatively with growth and sensitivity to both climatic factors were similar across sites. Negative growth deviations were present and found mostly in the dry-forest species. Our results reveal a dominant effect of precipitation on tree growth in seasonally dry tropical forests and suggest that along the gradient, dry forests are the most sensitivity to drought. These forests may therefore be the most vulnerable to the deleterious effects of future climatic changes. These results highlight the importance of understanding the climatic sensitivity of different tropical forests. This understanding is key to predict the carbon dynamics in tropical regions, and sensitivity differences should be considered when prioritizing conservation measures of seasonally dry topical forests.  相似文献   

While the forest-tundra zone in Siberia, Russia has been dendroclimatologically well-studied in recent decades, much less emphasis has been given to a wide belt of northern taiga larch forests located to the south. In this study, climate and local site conditions are explored to trace their influence on radial growth of Gmelin larch (Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr.) trees developed on permafrost soils in the northern taiga. Three dendrochronological sites characterized by great differences in thermo-hydrological regime of soils were established along a short (ca. 100 m long) transect: on a river bank (RB), at riparian zone of a stream (RZ) and on a terrace (TER). Comparative analysis of the rate and year-to-year dynamics of tree radial growth among sites revealed considerable difference in both raw and standardized tree-ring width (TRW) chronologies obtained for the RZ site, characterized by shallow soil active layer depth and saturated soils. Results of dendroclimatic analysis indicated that tree-ring growth at all the sites is mostly defined by climatic conditions of a previous year and precipitation has stronger effect on TRW chronologies in comparison to the air temperatures. Remarkably, a great difference in the climatic response of TRW chronologies has been obtained for trees growing within a very short distance from each other. The positive relation of tree-ring growth with precipitation, and negative to temperature was observed in the dry site RB. In contrary, precipitation negatively and temperature positively influenced tree radial growth of larch at the water saturated RZ. Thus, a complicate response of northern Siberian larch forest productivity to the possible climate changes is expected due to great mosaic of site conditions and variability of environmental factors controlling tree-ring growth at different sites. Our study demonstrates the new possibilities for the future dendroclimatic research in the region, as various climatic parameters can be reconstructed from tree-ring chronologies obtained for different sites.  相似文献   

Tree-ring studies contribute worldwide to the understanding of climate and its relation to tree growth. Long tree-ring chronologies serve as climate proxies for the reconstruction of past, pre-instrument climate and its recent change. In tropical regions, the availability of exactly dated tree-ring chronologies is limited. The dendroclimatic potential of two dominant species from dry forests in northern Namibia was examined in the study presented in this paper. Both species (Burkea africana Hook and Pterocarpus angolensis DC) were sampled at two sites (ca. 900 km apart), and the response to several climatic variables, including ENSO indices, is studied. All specimens showed distinct growth rings and cross-dating between radii was successful for all trees. Species-specific mean curves were built for both sites. The mean curves of different species of the same site synchronised significantly, allowing the construction of a site-specific chronology. Synchronisation between sites was not possible, but spectral analysis of the chronologies implied that both show similar long-term (6.7 year) oscillation patterns. B. africana is more sensitive to rainfall variation than P. angolensis at both sites. Growth response to rainfall was positive, but a time-lag in the reaction occurred between the sites, corresponding to the time-lag of the beginning of the rainy season. Air temperature showed a negative correlation with stem increment at both sites. The response at the westernmost site to two ENSO indices indicates a tree growth decrease during El Niño years, which are generally dry in southern Africa.  相似文献   

Tree-ring research in the highland tropics and subtropics represents a major frontier for understanding climate-growth relationships. Nonetheless, there are many lowland regions – including the South American Pampa biome – with scarce tree ring data. We present the first two tree-ring chronologies for Scutia buxifolia in subtropical Southeastern South America (SESA), using 54 series from 29 trees in two sites in northern and southern Uruguay. We cross-dated annual rings and compared tree growth from 1950 to 2012 with regional climate variability, including rainfall, temperature and the Palmer Drought Severity Index – PDSI, the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Southern Annular Mode (SAM). Overall, ring width variability was highly responsive to climate signals linked to water availability. For example, tree growth was positively correlated with accumulated rainfall in the summer-fall prior to ring formation for both chronologies. Summer climate conditions were key for tree growth, as shown by a negative effect of hot summer temperatures and a positive correlation with PDSI in late austral summer. The El Niño phase in late spring/early summer favored an increase in rainfall and annual tree growth, while the La Niña phase was associated with less rainfall and reduced tree growth. Extratropical climate factors such as SAM had an equally relevant effect on tree growth, whereby the positive phase of SAM had a negative effect over radial growth. These findings demonstrate the potential for dendroclimatic research and climate reconstruction in a region with scarce tree-ring data. They also improve the understanding of how climate variability may affect woody growth in native forests – an extremely limited ecosystem in the Pampa biome.  相似文献   

Polylepis tarapacana is the highest-elevation tree species worldwide growing between 4000 and 5000 m a.s.l. along the South American Altiplano. P. tarapacana is adapted to live in harsh conditions and has been widely used for drought and precipitation tree-ring based reconstructions. Here, we present a 400-year tree-ring width (TRW) chronology located in southern Peru (17ºS; 69ºW) at the northernmost limit of P. tarapacana tree species distribution. The objectives of this study are to assess tree growth sensitivity of a northern P. tarapacana population to (1) precipitation, temperature and El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variability; (2) to compare its growth variability and ENSO sensitivity with southern P. tarapacana forests. Our results showed that this TRW record is highly sensitive to the prior summer season (Nov-Jan) precipitation (i.e. positive correlation) when the South American Summer Monsoon (SASM) reaches its maximum intensity in this region. We also found a positive relationship with current year temperature that suggests that radial growth may be enhanced by warm, less cloudy, conditions during the year of formation. A strong positive relationship was found between el Niño 3.4 and tree growth variability during the current growing season, but negative during the previous growth period. Growth variability in our northern study site was in agreement with other populations that represent almost the full range of P. tarapacana latitudinal distribution (~ 18ºS to 23ºS). Towards the south of the P. tarapacana TRW network there was a decrease in the strength of the agreement of growth variability with our site,with the exception of higher correlation with the two southeastern sites. Similarly, the TRW chronologies recorded higher sensitivity to ENSO influences in the north and southeastern locations, which are wetter, than the drier southwestern sites . These patterns hold for the entire period, as well as for periods of high and low ENSO activity. Overall, P. tarapacana tree growth at the north of its distribution is mostly influenced by prior year moisture availability and current year temperature that are linked to large-scale climate patterns such as the SASM and ENSO, respectively.  相似文献   

Precipitation is one of the most important climate factors controlling tree growth, yet it is not fully understood how changes in precipitation affect the relationship between growth and temperature. On the northeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, nine tree-ring chronologies of Picea crassifolia were developed along a precipitation gradient from semi-arid (mean annual precipitation, 255 mm) to semi-humid (710 mm). We analyze the growth-climate relationships along this precipitation gradient and assess whether these associations are regulated by local precipitation. From 1960 to 2014, temperature increased significantly while precipitation remained stable at the nine sampling sites. The radial growth of P. crassifolia decreased at the semi-arid sites but increased at the semi-humid sites. Growth-temperature relationships gradually changed from negative to positive along the precipitation gradient (from dry to wet sites), particularly during summer. The moist P. crassifolia sites are also characterized by positive correlations with the Palmer Drought Severity Index. The temporal growth-temperature relationships varied significantly among the different spruce sites over the last five decades. Although temperature remains the main factor controlling the growth of P. crassifolia, local precipitation variability is becoming increasingly important. Our findings indicate that considering species distribution areas supports the analyses of the impact of climate change on tree growth.  相似文献   

Three tree-ring width chronologies were developed from 75 Picea schrenkiana trees ranging from low- to high-elevation in the mountains surrounding the Issyk-Kul Lake, Northeast Kyrgyzstan. The reliable chronologies extend back to the mid-18th and late-19th centuries. Spatial correlation analysis indicates that the chronologies for the relatively high-elevation trees contain large-scale climatic signals, while the chronology at relatively low elevation may reflect the local climate variability. The results of the response of tree growth to climate show that these chronologies contain an annual precipitation signal. Furthermore, the influence of temperature indicates mainly moisture stress that is enhanced with rising elevation. The tree-ring records also captured a wetting trend in eastern Central Asia over the past decades. These new tree-ring width chronologies provide reliable proxies of precipitation variability in Central Asia and contribute to the International Tree-Ring Data Bank.  相似文献   

Knowledge of tree growth/climate response relationships is important to dendroecological studies and dendroclimatic reconstructions, particularly in the Southeastern Coastal Plain where few such studies have been attempted. To this end, we developed tree-ring chronologies of total ring width, earlywood width, and latewood width from longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) at three sites in the Southeastern Coastal Plain to examine the climate–growth relationships for this tree species. The length of these chronologies is unprecedented for southern pine chronologies in the Southeast. We compared the tree-ring chronologies to monthly temperature, precipitation, Palmer drought severity index (PDSI), and Palmer hydrological drought index (PHDI) data from the pertinent climate divisions. We found that PDSI and PHDI have the highest correlation with longleaf pine growth, and the strongest relationships between longleaf pine growth and these variables occur between July and November. Precipitation in the spring and summer was also positively related to growth at all sites. The relationship between temperature and growth was the weakest among all climate variables, but warm summer temperatures had a consistent, negative relationship with longleaf pine growth. The climate signal in the latewood was generally more robust than for total ring width and earlywood width.  相似文献   

Long-term climate–growth relationships, were examined in tree rings of four co-occurring tree species from semi-arid Acacia savanna woodlands in Ethiopia. The main purpose of the study was to prove the presence of annual tree rings, evaluate the relationship between radial growth and climate parameters, and evaluate the association of El Niño and drought years in Ethiopia. The results showed that all species studied form distinct growth boundaries, though differences in distinctiveness were revealed among the species. Tree rings of the evergreen Balanites aegyptiaca were separated by vessels surrounding a thin parenchyma band and the growth boundary of the deciduous acacias was characterized by thin parenchyma bands. The mean annual diameter increment ranged from 3.6 to 5.0 mm. Acacia senegal and Acacia seyal showed more enhanced growth than Acacia tortilis and B. aegyptiaca. High positive correlations were found between the tree-ring width chronologies and precipitation data, and all species showed similar response to external climate forcing, which supports the formation of one tree-ring per year. Strong declines in tree-ring width correlated remarkably well with past El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events and drought/famine periods in Ethiopia. Spectral analysis of the master tree-ring chronology indicated occurrences of periodic drought events, which fall within the spectral peak equivalent to 2–8 years. Our results proved the strong linkage between tree-ring chronologies and climate, which sheds light on the potential of dendrochronological studies developing in Ethiopia. The outcome of this study has important implications for paleoclimatic reconstructions and in restoration of degraded lands.  相似文献   

Climatic harshness is expected to increase at higher elevations; however, elevational trends of tree radial growth response of high-elevation forests to climate change need to be investigated at different locations because of existing local variability in site-specific climatic conditions. We developed tree-ring width chronologies of Yunnan fir (Abies georgei) along elevation gradients at two sites in the central Hengduan Mountains (HM). High-elevation forests of A. georgei showed growth synchronicity and common growth signals along elevation gradients, indicating a common climatic forcing, although tree radial growth rates decreased with increasing elevation. Radial growth of Yunnan fir showed positive correlations with summer temperatures and February precipitation and moisture availability, but were negatively correlated with spring temperatures. The strongest positive relationship indicated summer (July) mean and minimum temperatures are the most important growth determining climatic factors for tree radial growth in the cold environment of HM, and this relationship revealed a clear elevational trend with stronger correlations at higher altitudes. In contrast, tree radial growth was negatively correlated with June precipitation and moisture availability. The whole study period 1954–2015 was split in two sub-periods of equal length. Comparing the early sub-period (1954–1984) to the later sub-period (1985–2015), tree growth response to the summer temperatures strongly increased, while it became weaker to June precipitation and moisture availability. High-elevation Yunnan fir forests in the HM currently benefit from elevated growing season temperatures under humid summer conditions. However, increasing temperatures may induce drought stress on tree radial growth if the observed decreasing trend in humidity and precipitation continues.  相似文献   

The response of non-native forest plantation trees to climate change remains poorly understood.We hypothesized that precipitation and temperature modulate tree-ring width chronology at each site and that higher tree growth is exhibited at remote sites than sites near copper mines. This study investigates if the annual tree-ring boundaries in non-native Pinus kesiya Royle ex Gordon in Zambia are distinct, cross-datable, and coherent with climate signal. We collected increment cores from live trees and climate data near and further away from emission sources and developed site tree-ring width chronologies. Based on cross-dating and chronology building statistics (i.e., ESP > 0.85; Glk > 0.6 and series inter-correlation > 0.4), P. kesiya posses cross-datable distinct annual growth ring boundaries that exhibited a high climate signal at both sites. The tree-ring width chronology was positively modulated by precipitation and negatively by solar radiation and temperature. The dry season precipitation was the limiting factor for the growth of P. kesiya. The predicted decrease in dry season precipitation and increase in temperature and solar radiation may reduce tree growth of P. kesiya, reduce productivity, and extend the rotation age. The mean ring width in P. kesiya was not significantly (p = 0.296) different between sites. However, the mean basal area increment at the site near the emission source (Ichimpe) was significantly (p < 0.001) higher than at the remote site (Chati), suggesting site-specific influences that require investigation. We recommend evaluating the causes and consequences of tree growth variation between sites and their relation to environmental variation, including microclimate, soils, and pollution. In this regard, an assessment of site-specific ring-width chronology and tree growth variation in this study directly contributes to an improved understanding of non-native P. kesiya ecology, and it offers the potential to study trees' responses to edaphic and climatic factors. Knowing these responses deepens our understanding of non-native pine tree growth in the face of climate change, given the significant role of tropical forests in the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   

Individual tree-ring width chronologies and mean chronologies from Pinus tabuliformis Carr. (Chinese pine) and Sabina przewalskii Kom. (Qilian juniper) tree cores were collected and analyzed from two sites in the eastern Qilian Mountains of China. The chronologies were used to analyze individual and time-varying tree-ring growth to climate sensitivity with monthly mean air temperature and total precipitation data for the period 1958–2008. Climate–growth relationships were assessed with correlation functions and their stationarity and consistency over time were measured using moving correlation analysis. Individuals’ growth–climate correlations suggested increased percentages of individuals are correlated with certain variables (e.g., current June temperature at the P. tabuliformis site; previous June, December and current May temperature and May precipitation at the S. przewalskii site). These same climatic variables also correspond to the mean chronology correlations. A decreased percentage of individuals correlated with these climatic variables indicates a reduced sensitivity of the mean chronology. Moving correlation analysis indicated a significant change over time in the sensitivity of trees to climatic variability. Our results suggested: (1) that individual tree analysis might be a worthwhile tool to improve the quality and reliability of the climate signal from tree-ring series for dendroclimatology research; and (2) time-dependent fluctuations of climate growth relationships should be taken into account when assessing the quality and reliability of reconstructed climate signals.  相似文献   

We used tree-ring data from a major North American boreal tree species, Jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.), to decipher spatial and temporal tree-growth responses to climate variability within the area of northwestern Quebec and northeastern Ontario. Fifteen sites with clay soils were selected and grouped into North and South sub-regions at approximately 49°N and 50°N, respectively. Tree-ring chronologies were analyzed through a response function for the years 1951–2000 to identify growth-limiting climate factors. Increased precipitation in June in the previous year and a warm month of April this year favored radial growth whereas higher temperature in September and increased precipitation in October, both of the previous year, and current June precipitation were negatively related to growth. There was a clear difference in climatic response between the southern and northern sub-regions: southern sites were more responsive to temperature dynamics while on northern sites Jack pine growth appeared negatively influenced by an excess of precipitation. Soil conditions, with larger areas covered by less water permeable clay deposits in the northern sub-region, explain this result.If recently observed trends towards warmer springs continue, Jack pine may increase its radial growth in the study area. However, increases in fall precipitation, also predicted under the future climate, may offset the positive effect of previous years weather on clay sites.  相似文献   

Tropical lowland forests are characterized by humid climate conditions with interannual variations in amount of precipitation, length of dry season, and relative humidity. The African tree species, Terminalia superba Engl. & Diels has a large distribution area and potentially incorporates these variations in its tree rings. Tree ring analysis was performed on 60 plantation trees (increment cores) and 41 natural trees (stem disks) from Ivory Coast and the Congolese Mayombe Forest. Natural forests and old plantations (50–55 years) showed similar growth patterns. Regional chronologies were developed for the two sample regions and showed a long-distance relationship for the period 1959–2008. Growth in the Mayombe was associated with early rainy season precipitation, but no relation was found between tree growth and precipitation in Ivory Coast. Congolese trees possibly show a higher climate-sensitivity than Ivorian trees, because precipitation in the Mayombe is more limiting, and Congolese T. superba trees are found closer to the margins of their distribution. Likewise, tree growth in the Mayombe was also influenced by the SSTs of the Gulf of Guinea and the South Atlantic Ocean during the early rainy season. However, tree growth was influenced by ENSO in both regions. In the Mayombe, La Niña years were associated with stronger tree growth whereas in Ivory Coast, El Niño years corresponded with stronger tree growth. The presented relation between ENSO, precipitation and tree growth is original for equatorial African forests, suggesting an influence of global climate variability on tree growth.  相似文献   

Climate forcing is the major abiotic driver for forest ecosystem functioning and thus significantly affects the role of forests within the global carbon cycle and related ecosystem services. Annual radial increments of trees are probably the most valuable source of information to link tree growth and climate at long-term time scales, and have been used in a wide variety of investigations worldwide. However, especially in mountainous areas, tree-ring studies have focused on extreme environments where the climate sensitivity is perhaps greatest but are necessarily a biased representation of the forests within a region. We used tree-ring analyses to study two of the most important tree species growing in the Alps: Norway spruce (Picea abies) and silver fir (Abies alba). We developed tree-ring chronologies from 13 mesic mid-elevation sites (203 trees) and then compared them to monthly temperature and precipitation data for the period 1846–1995. Correlation functions, principal component analysis and fuzzy C-means clustering were applied to 1) assess the climate/growth relationships and their stationarity and consistency over time, and 2) extract common modes of variability in the species responses to mean and extreme climate variability. Our results highlight a clear, time-stable, and species-specific response to mean climate conditions. However, during the previous-year''s growing season, which shows the strongest correlations, the primary difference between species is in their response to extreme events, not mean conditions. Mesic sites at mid-altitude are commonly underrepresented in tree-ring research; we showed that strong climatic controls of growth may exist even in those areas. Extreme climatic events may play a key role in defining the species-specific responses on climatic sensitivity and, with a global change perspective, specific divergent responses are likely to occur even where current conditions are less limited.  相似文献   

川西米亚罗林区不同海拔岷江冷杉生长对气候变化的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐宁  王晓春  张远东  刘世荣 《生态学报》2013,33(12):3742-3751
为分析青藏高原东缘半湿润区树木生长与气候关系随海拔变化的规律,于川西米亚罗林区分别在高、中、低海拔选取3个采样点,共采集132棵岷江冷杉年轮样芯,建立了最长达170a(1842-2011年)3个海拔高度的差值年表.岷江冷杉年轮指数与气候因子的相关分析表明:随海拔高度降低,温度与生长的负相关呈增加趋势.高海拔岷江冷杉径向生长与前—年冬季最低温呈显著正相关,中低海拔与当年春季均温、最高温和年均最高温呈显著负相关.低海拔岷江冷杉与当年4月降水呈显著正相关,随海拔升高降水与岷江冷杉生长的相关性降低.中低海拔岷江冷杉年表与4、5月帕尔默干旱指数(P DSI)呈显著正相关,表明在中低海拔存在春季干旱胁迫,抑制了岷江冷杉的生长.另外,大龄树木比小龄树木对气候变化的响应更敏感.  相似文献   

利用青海不同生境祁连圆柏树木年轮样本,采用3种不同去趋势方法建立树轮年表,结合青海30个气象站的气象资料,分析不同生境和去趋势方法下祁连圆柏径向生长对气候的响应差异。结果表明,祁连山区,生长季前期的平均气温是祁连圆柏树木径向生长的主要限制性因子,NEP树轮标准化宽度年表与生长季前期冬季平均气温相关最好;在柴达木盆地,生长季降水量是该地区树木径向生长的限制性因子,SPL树轮年表对生长季降水量相关较好;在青南高原,祁连圆柏径向生长对春季温度响应最为敏感,而SPL年表与春季温度呈现明显的负相关关系,相关系数达-0.606;而在青海东部地区,祁连圆柏树木径向生长对气候的响应总体不显著。位于青海西部和北部的柴达木盆地和祁连山区祁连圆柏径向生长受西风气候的影响显著,尤其是柴达木盆地,其气候受西风主导;而青南高原受西南季风影响更为显著,该地区祁连圆柏径向生长同时受西南季风气候和海拔高度两方面影响;在青海东部,祁连圆柏径向生长受东亚季风影响更为显著。  相似文献   

We examine the climate significance in tree-ring chronologies retrieved from Sabina tibetica Kom. (Tibetan juniper) at two sites ranging in elevation from 4124 to 4693 m above sea level (a.s.l.) in the Namling region, south Tibet. The study region is under the control of semi-arid plateau temperate climate. The samples were grouped into high- and low-elevation classes and standard ring-width chronologies for both classes were developed. Statistical analysis revealed a decreasing growth rate yet increasing chronology reliability with increasing elevation. Overall, correlation analyses showed that radial growth in S. tibetica at the study sites was controlled by similar climatic factors, regardless of elevation; these factors comprised early winter (November) and early summer (May–June) temperatures as well as annual precipitation (July–June). Slight differences in the correlation between tree growth along the elevation gradient and climate variables were examined. The correlations with early winter temperature varied from significantly positive at the low-elevation site to weakly positive at the high-elevation site, whereas the correlations between radial growth and early summer temperature increased from weakly negative at the low-elevation sites to strongly negative at the high-elevation sites. The abundant precipitation through the year may have masked variations in tree growth on different elevation aspects. Our results will aid future dendroclimatological studies of Namling tree rings in south Tibet and demonstrate the potential of S. tibetica Kom. for improving our understanding of environmental impacts on tree growth.  相似文献   

Tree growth sensitivity to climate can vary over space and time. This variability generates inconsistency in growth response to climate, which makes it difficult to assess the effects of past climate and global climate change on tree growth. A previous short-term study of Pseudopiptadenia contorta found a consistent growth response to climate in distinct locations, which raises the question, is the growth response of P. contorta to climate consistent over the long-term? We aimed to assess whether there is a common pattern of variation in tree-ring width, build tree-ring width chronologies, and verify the consistency of the climate-growth response of P. contorta in two Atlantic Forest remnants. Wood samples were collected in Reserva Biológica de Poço das Antas (RBPA) and Reserva Biológica de Tinguá (RBT) in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Conventional dendrochronology methods were used for cross-dating, to build chronologies and to assess the climate-growth relationship. A common growth pattern was detected for P. contorta, and two tree-ring width chronologies were constructed. A congruent growth response was found for trees of RBPA and RBT to annual and spring precipitation as well as precipitation in the rainy months. Other climate-growth relationships were detected with other precipitation and temperature variables. Considering that P. contorta is a widespread species, occurring in other Brazilian biomes and forest formations, it is a promising model for developing further dendrochronological research including regional networks of replicated site chronologies, which could facilitate the reconstruction of historical climatic series and predictions of future impacts of climate change in tropical areas.  相似文献   

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