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Birds and reptiles have been important models for studying the energetics of embryonic development. Studies on these groups reveal three metabolic patterns: an exponential increase in metabolism with embryo age, a sigmoidal increase with age, or a sigmoidal increase followed by a decrease before hatching. Models developed to explain avian metabolic patterns and developmental costs partition total costs between growth and maintenance. To test the generality of these models, we examined embryonic energetics of the oviparous white-spotted bamboo shark Chiloscyllium plagiosum. Oviparous sharks must actively ventilate during development, which could increase their development costs relative to birds and reptiles. Our results demonstrated that bamboo shark embryos have a peaked metabolic pattern and sigmoidal increase in body mass similar to ratites, crocodilians, and some turtles. The total cost of development was higher in bamboo sharks than in reptiles and many birds. However, calculations reveal that the high cost of bamboo shark development can be explained by the relatively long incubation time rather than the additional cost of muscular movement. Finally, an avian model can reasonably describe shark embryonic metabolism, suggesting that movement costs do not significantly alter the metabolic pattern during development.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(3):300-320
The morphological patterns and molecular mechanisms of vertebral column development are well understood in bony fishes (osteichthyans). However, vertebral column morphology in elasmobranch chondrichthyans (e.g., sharks and skates) differs from that of osteichthyans, and its development has not been extensively studied. Here, we characterize vertebral development in an elasmobranch fish, the little skate, Leucoraja erinacea , using microCT, paraffin histology, and whole‐mount skeletal preparations. Vertebral development begins with the condensation of mesenchyme, first around the notochord, and subsequently around the neural tube and caudal artery and vein. Mesenchyme surrounding the notochord differentiates into a continuous sheath of spindle‐shaped cells, which forms the precursor to the mineralized areolar calcification of the centrum. Mesenchyme around the neural tube and caudal artery/vein becomes united by a population of mesenchymal cells that condenses lateral to the sheath of spindle‐shaped cells, with this mesenchymal complex eventually differentiating into the hyaline cartilage of the future neural arches, hemal arches, and outer centrum. The initially continuous layers of areolar tissue and outer hyaline cartilage eventually subdivide into discrete centra and arches, with the notochord constricted in the center of each vertebra by a late‐forming “inner layer” of hyaline cartilage, and by a ring of areolar calcification located medial to the outer vertebral cartilage. The vertebrae of elasmobranchs are distinct among vertebrates, both in terms of their composition (i.e., with centra consisting of up to three tissues layers—an inner cartilage layer, a calcified areolar ring, and an outer layer of hyaline cartilage), and their mode of development (i.e., the subdivision of arch and outer centrum cartilage from an initially continuous layer of hyaline cartilage). Given the evident variation in patterns of vertebral construction, broad taxon sampling, and comparative developmental analyses are required to understand the diversity of mechanisms at work in the developing axial skeleton of vertebrates. J. Morphol. 278:300–320, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Five cytosolic glutathione transferases were isolated from the liver of the male little skate, Raja erinacea, a marine elasmobranch. They were designated E-1 through E-5 in order of their elution from a DEAE-cellulose column with a 0 to 100 mM KCl gradient in 0.01 M Tris (pH 8.0). Each eluted peak of glutathione transferase activity, after concentration, was applied to an affinity column prepared by reaction of epoxy-activated Sepharose 6B with glutathione (GSH). Elution of the various glutathione transferases from this column with GSH resulted in the further purification of each enzyme; the major glutathione transferase, E-4 and E-1, were purified to apparent homogeneity by this procedure. Skate glutathione transferase E-4 is dimeric and the subunits are either very similar or identical in molecular weight (about 26 000 daltons). Enzymes E-2 through E-5 were acidic proteins (pI less than 7.0) and had high specific glutathione transferase activity (0.3--12 mumol/min/mg protein) with benzo[a]pyrene 4,5-oxide (BPO) as substrate, whereas the other enzyme (E-1) had low activity (0.01 mumol/min/mg) with BPO and a basic pI (greater than 9.5). Bilirubin and hematin, non-substrate ligands, bound tightly to homogeneous E-4, with dissociation constants in the micromolar range.  相似文献   

The liver is a major organ involved in regulating whole body manganese (Mn) homeostasis; however, the mechanisms of Mn transport across the hepatocyte basolateral and canalicular membranes remain poorly defined. To gain insight into these transport steps, the present study measured hepatic uptake and biliary excretion of Mn in an evolutionarily primitive marine vertebrate, the elasmobranch Leucoraja erinacea, the little skate. Mn was rapidly removed from the recirculating perfusate of isolated perfused skate livers in a dose-dependent fashion; however, only a small fraction was released into bile (< 2% in 6 h). Mn was also rapidly taken up by freshly isolated skate hepatocytes in culture. Mn uptake was inhibited by a variety of divalent metals, but not by cesium. Analysis of the concentration-dependence of Mn uptake revealed of two components, with apparent Km values 1.1 ± 0.1 µM and 112 ± 29 µM. The Km value for the high-affinity component was similar to the measured skate blood Mn concentration, 1.9 ± 0.5 µM. Mn uptake was reduced by nearly half when bicarbonate was removed from the culture medium, but was unaffected by a change in pH from 6.5 to 8.5, or by substitution of Na with Li or K. Mn efflux from the hepatocytes was also rapid, and was inhibited when cells were treated with 0.5 mM 2,4-dinitrophenol to deplete ATP levels. These data indicate that skate liver has efficient mechanisms for removing Mn from the sinusoidal circulation, whereas overall biliary excretion is low and appears to be mediated in part by an ATP-sensitive mechanism.  相似文献   

Anderson WG  Leprince J  Conlon JM 《Peptides》2008,29(8):1280-1286
A bradykinin (BK)-related peptide was isolated from heat-denaturated plasma from an elasmobranch fish, the little skate, Leucoraja erinacea after incubation with porcine pancreatic kallikrein. The primary structure of the peptide (H-Gly-Ile-Thr-Ser-Trp-Leu-Pro-Phe-OH; skate BK) shows limited structural similarity to the mammalian B1 receptor agonist, des-Arg(9)-BK. The myotropic activities of synthetic skate BK, and the analog skate [Arg(9)]BK, were examined in isolated skate vascular and intestinal smooth muscle preparations. Skate BK produced a concentration-dependent constriction of the mesenteric artery (EC(50)=4.37x10(-8)M; maximum response=103.4+/-10.23% of the response to 60mM KCl) but the response to skate [Arg(9)]BK was appreciably weaker (response to 10(-6)M=73.0+/-23.4% of the response to 60mM KCl). Neither the first branchial gill arch nor the ventral aorta responded to either purified peptide. Skate BK also produced a concentration-dependent constriction of intestinal smooth muscle preparations (EC(50)=2.74x10(-7)M; maximum response 31.0+/-12.2% of the response to 10(-5)M acetylcholine). Skate [Arg(9)]BK was without effect on the intestinal preparation. The data provide evidence for the existence of the kallikrein-kinin system in a phylogenetically ancient vertebrate group and the greater potency of skate BK compared with the analog skate [Arg(9)]BK suggests that the receptor mediating vascular responses resembles the mammalian B1 receptor more closely than the B2 receptor.  相似文献   

Summary Isolated gastric mucosa of the skate shows marked changes in acid secretory rate (J H ), electrical potential difference (PD), and transepithelial resistance (R) with changes in mucosal bathing solution composition and a constant serosal solution. Removal of the 350 mM urea usually present in the mucosal solution reduces acid secretory rate by 25%, while adding urea to 1 M has no significant effect. Complete removal of osmotic solutes (distilled water) inhibits secretion by 78%, isotonic urea (no salts) inhibits by 54%, while isotonic salts alone (no urea) gives control secretory rates. The changes in PD and R are consistent with acid secretory changes. Theory and experience with terrestrial organisms would not predict these changes. The most likely explanation is osmotic swelling and shrinking of the surface cells, and occlusion of the secretory tubules in the swollen condition. Since marine species never encounter hypo- or hyperosmotic conditions due to food ingestion, their surface cells may be water permeable, unlike the situation in terrestrial and fresh water animals.Abbreviations J H acid secretory rate per square centimetre tissue area - OC oxyntic cell - PBC pit border cell - PD transepithelial electrical potential difference - R transepithelial electrical resistance per square centimetre tissue area - SEC Surface epithelial cell  相似文献   

The teeth of white-spotted bamboo sharks (Chiloscyllium plagiosum) are used to clutch soft-bodied prey and crush hard prey; however, the dual function is not evident from tooth morphology alone. Teeth exhibit characteristics that are in agreement with a clutching-type tooth morphology that is well suited for grasping and holding soft-bodied prey, but not for crushing hard prey. The dual role of this single tooth morphology is facilitated by features of the dental ligament and jaw joint. Tooth attachment is flexible and elastic, allowing movement in both sagittal and frontal planes. During prey capture spike-like tooth cusps pierce the flesh of soft prey, thereby preventing escape. When processing prey harder than the teeth can pierce the teeth passively depress, rotating inward towards the oral cavity such that the broader labial faces of the teeth are nearly parallel to the surface of the jaws and form a crushing surface. Movement into the depressed position increases the tooth surface area contacting prey and decreases the total stress applied to the tooth, thereby decreasing the risk of structural failure. This action is aided by a jaw joint that is ventrally offset from the occlusal planes of the jaws. The offset joint position allows many teeth to contact prey simultaneously and orients force vectors at contact points between the jaws and prey in a manner that shears or rolls prey between the jaws during a bite, thus, aiding in processing while reducing forward slip of hard prey from the mouth. Together the teeth, dental ligament, and jaws form an integrated system that may be beneficial to the feeding ecology of C. plagiosum, allowing for a diet that includes prey of varying hardness and elusiveness.  相似文献   

An investigation was undertaken to determine whether photoperiod or temperature have an effect on the timing of vertebral opaque–transluscent band‐pair deposition in captive young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) little skate Leucoraja erinacea. The experimental design consisted of a randomized complete block split plot design with two factors: temperature and light. Temperature was nested within light and therefore four variables were tested: 1) constant light, 2) constant temperature, 3) seasonal light and 4) seasonal temperature. For 18 months, L. erinacea experienced accelerated seasonal conditions of temperature and light to mimic 3 years of growth. This study provides primary and supporting evidence that seasonal photoperiod and temperature, respectively, have no effect on timing of vertebral band‐pair deposition in captive L. erinacea. Vertebral analysis of surviving L. erinacea (n = 6, time = 18 months) showed that all produced 1–1·5 band pairs, while centrum edge analysis (n = 56) showed timing of winter and summer band deposition were similar regardless of treatment. The winter band (translucent) appeared in February 2007 and January 2008 while the summer band (opaque) showed up in July for both 2007 and 2008 and mimicked patterns observed in the wild. While temperature and photoperiod appear to have no effect on timing of band‐pair deposition in YOY L. erinacea, other mechanisms which may influence band deposition should be investigated including the effect of food ration and the presence of a circa‐annual rhythm and hormone secretion.  相似文献   

Aerial exposure and acute thermal stress have been shown to elicit profound physiological disruptions in obligate water-breathing teleosts. However, no study has investigated these responses in an elasmobranch. To address this, venous blood samples were collected and evaluated from little skates (Leucoraja erinacea) subjected to discrete aerial exposure durations (0, 15, and 50 min) coupled with differing abrupt thermal changes (gradient between seawater and air; winter: ΔT=-3 °C; summer: ΔT=+9 °C) in two distinct laboratory studies. In general, blood acid-base properties (e.g. decline in pH; elevation in PCO(2)) and select metabolites (elevated whole-blood lactate) and electrolytes (elevated plasma K(+)) were significantly disrupted by aerial exposure, and were most disturbed after skates were exposed to air for 50 min. However, the magnitude of the blood acid-base perturbations, metabolic contribution to the resulting blood acidosis, elevations to ionic and metabolic parameters, and delayed mortality were more extreme during the summer study, suggesting that acute thermal stress exacerbates the physiological impairments associated with aerial exposure in little skates. Conversely, a reduced thermal gradient (from seawater to air) may attenuate the magnitude of metabolic and ionic perturbations, resulting in a high physiological threshold for coping with extended aerial exposure.  相似文献   

The histological investigation of the kidney of the skate Raja erinacea revealed a thin cap of dorsal bundles, which contain segments of single nephrons that are arranged separately in a countercurrent manner, and a large ventral zone, where the second proximal segments (PII) and parts of the lower nephron are located. This zonation is apparent in fresh, unfixed material and makes it possible to separate small tissue samples under a dissecting microscope. The osmolality in both zones does not differ. The dorsal bundle zone had a lower urea concentration and a higher sodium concentration than the ventral zone. The differences in the mean concentrations of the tissue samples indicate a gradient for the two substances along the bundles. Determinations of amounts of water and solutes per mg solute-free, dry tissue of the two zones, showed that the amounts of water, total osmolytes, Na and K were greater in the bundle zone than in the ventral zone, while the amount of urea was identical in the two zones. This indicates that the lower urea concentration in the bundle zone is established through an accumulation of Na and water in the interstitium. The countercurrent arrangement of very early and late segments of single renal tubules supports the concept of passive reabsorption of urea in the kidney of the marine elasmobranch.  相似文献   

The electrosensory primary afferents in elasmobranchs are responsive to electric potentials created by the animal's own ventilation, while the second-order neurons (AENs) which receive this afferent input in the medulla suppress responses to ventilatory potentials but retain their extreme sensitivity to electric signals in the environment. Ventilatory potentials are common mode signals in elasmobranchs and a common mode rejection mechanism is one way the AENs suppress ventilatory noise. By pressure injecting the GABA-A receptor antagonist SR95531 while extracellularly recording from AENs, we tested the hypothesis that the subtractive circuitry that selectively reduces common mode signals in AENs utilizes GABA, and that a GAB-Aergic component of the dorsal nucleus commissural pathway mediates crossed inhibition of AENs. Local application of SR95531 increased the spontaneous activity and the responsiveness of AENs to electrosensory stimuli. AEN responses to a common mode stimulus were selectively increased compared to responses to a localized stimulus due to SR95531 application. Contralateral inhibition of AENs was blocked by SR95531, indicating that GABAergic commissural cells may inhibit AENs when the contralateral side of the body is stimulated, as with common mode stimulation. We conclude that GABAergic inhibition contributes significantly to the shaping of AEN responses including common mode rejection.Abbreviations AENs ascending efferent neurons - GABA gamma-aminobutyric acid  相似文献   

Flow cytometric DNA analysis was used to determine the DNA content of red blood cells from Ginglymostoma cirratum (Bonaterre) and Raja eglanteria (Bosc). The DNA content/nucleus was calculated to be 7.6 and 7.1 pg/nucleus, respectively. Peripheral red blood cells obtained both from G. cirratum and from R. eglanteria were demonstrated to be actively cell cycling. Percentages of red blood cells in the phases of the cell cycle ( G 0/ G 1, S , and G 2/ M ) not only varied considerably between different fishes but also were quite variable in weekly samples obtained from individual animals.  相似文献   

Size and age estimates at sexual maturity were determined for 162 male and 273 female little skates Leucoraja erinacea collected from the western Gulf of Maine. Maturity ogives suggest that 50% maturity in females occurs at age 9·5 years and 480 mm total length (LT), whereas 50% maturity in males occurs at a slightly younger age of 7·7 years and smaller size of 460 mm LT. Age estimates were made from 389 L. erinacea ranging in size from 93 to 570 mm LT. The index of average per cent error and age‐bias plots indicated that the ageing methods were precise and non‐biased. Additionally, annual periodicity of band formation was validated with oxytetracycline in eight individuals (three males and five females) ranging in age from 3 to 12 years. In conclusion, results from this study indicate that L. erinacea exhibits characteristics that make other elasmobranch populations highly susceptible to overexploitation.  相似文献   

Conventional classification of reproductive modes in female elasmobranchs fails to account for the diversity in ovarian dynamics that operate during oviparous and viviparous cycles. Delineating this diversity is crucial for understanding the endocrine regulation of the manifold physiological mechanisms utilized to retain and protect eggs and developing embryos, to fuel embryogenesis, and to manage the intrauterine milieu. Oocyte development and follicular steroidogenesis overlap with egg retention and pregnancy in some species, whereas in others the follicular phase of the cycle is temporally separated from the gravid period. A luteal phase predominates the post-ovulatory period in viviparous species. In oviparous species, the luteal phase overlaps with the follicular cycle. This heterogeneity in ovulatory cycles suggests that the endocrine system evolved a transmutable system for regulating steroidogenesis and the control of the reproductive events. The reproductive biology and endocrinology of the oviparous little skate and lecithotrophic viviparous spiny dogfish are reviewed in order to derive a working hypothesis that explains the complex nature of endocrine patterns observed in species utilizing disparate reproductive modes. An understanding of the adaptations in ovarian dynamics to particular ovulatory cycles is key to developing theories about the evolution of reproductive strategies in female elasmobranchs. J. Exp. Zool. 284:557-574, 1999.  相似文献   

Amounts of estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone in plasma were measured during the reproductive cycle of female Raja erinacea. Estradiol titers correlated directly with follicle size in females undergoing ovarian recrudescence, while highest concentrations were found in females with preovulatory follicles. These data indicate that as follicles grow, their steroidogenic capacity increases. In mature, nonspawning females, titers of estradiol and testosterone varied markedly. Progesterone was not detected in peripheral plasma of skates that did not produce eggs during the observation period. In females producing eggs, estradiol and testosterone predominated during the follicular phase of each spawning cycle. While estradiol and testosterone were elevated, progesterone was not detectable in the peripheral circulation. As ovulation and formation of capsules approached, plasma estradiol and testosterone declined to near baseline levels. Circulating progesterone rose sharply two days before encapsulation of ovulated eggs and remained elevated for only two days. On the day of encapsulation, concentrations of plasma progesterone had fallen to nearly baseline levels. Progesterone titers remained low throughout egg retention and oviposition. These measurements demonstrate that progesterone titers are elevated at specific times during the reproductive cycle of the skate and clearly suggest that progesterone is critically involved in events occurring at ovulation, encapsulation, and possibly oviposition.  相似文献   

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