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1. In many organisms, males provide nutrients to females via ejaculates that can influence female fecundity, longevity and mating behaviour. The effect of male mating history on male ejaculate size, female fecundity, female longevity and female remating behaviour in the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus was determined.
2. The quantity of ejaculate passed to females declined dramatically with successive matings. Despite the decline, a male's ability to fertilize a female fully did not appear to decline substantially until his fourth mating.
3. When females multiply mated with males of a particular mated status, the pattern of egg production was cyclic, with egg production increasing after mating. Females multiply mated to virgins had higher fecundity than females mated to non-virgins, and females mated to twice-mated males had disproportionately increased egg production late in their life.
4. Females that mated to multiple virgins, and consequently laid more eggs, experienced greater mortality than females mated only once or mated to non-virgins, suggesting that egg production is costly, and rather than ameliorating these costs, male ejaculates may increase them by allowing or stimulating females to lay more eggs.
5. Females mating with non-virgin males remated more readily than did females mated to virgins. Females given food supplements were less likely to remate than females that were nutritionally stressed, suggesting that females remate in part to obtain additional nutrients.  相似文献   

  本文在实验室条件下通过一次性灌胃的方式研究了左炔诺孕酮-炔雌醚复合不育剂(EP-1)对雌性东方田鼠激素、生殖系统、胎仔数、受孕率的影响及药效持续时间,旨在检验其应用于野外东方田鼠不育控制的价值。结果表明,各浓度EP-1灌胃均能显著提高雌性东方田鼠的子宫系数,使子宫形态发生变化,对卵巢组织造成损伤,影响卵泡和黄体的发育,但是对雌二醇含量和子宫长度没有明显影响;60mg/kg EP-1灌胃能显著提高促卵泡刺激素含量和卵巢系数,而10mg/kg、30mg/kg EP-1灌胃对二者没有明显影响。室内繁殖实验表明,各浓度EP-1灌胃均能不同程度延迟初次怀孕时间,并降低试鼠的怀孕率和胎仔数,但抗生育作用具有可逆性且与药物浓度相关,10mg/kg、30mg/kg和60mg/kg剂量组生殖系统恢复时间分别为16 d、38 d和52 d。  相似文献   

1. The fertility restoration hypothesis posits that polyandry can evolve when female fertility is reduced by matings with related males, but restored by matings with unrelated ones. 2. Using a promiscuous ladybird, this hypothesis was tested by mating mature, virgin females twice with sib and non‐sib males in all four permutations and observing female fertility. The development of progeny from the first and 10th clutches was also followed to test for differences in paternal effects. 3. Mating treatment did not affect fecundity, but egg viability was reduced by sib matings, and restored by non‐sib matings, regardless of mating sequence. In addition, negative paternal effects of sib matings on progeny (lower survival) were compensated by non‐sib matings. 4. The survival of offspring in first clutches was sensitive to the paternal mating sequence and was higher if a sibling male was preceded by a non‐sib male, compared with the reverse, consistent with a time lag in response to male epigenetic signals. Offspring survival did not differ between these two treatments in the 10th clutch, suggesting a blending of paternal effects over time. 5. The results are indicative of interactions between the paternal effects contributed by different males, and between paternal and maternal effects, the latter causing faster development in later clutches. 6. Thus, the reproductive benefits of polyandry for H. convergens females are potentially both genetic and epigenetic, as both egg fertility and beneficial paternal effects were diminished by sib matings, but restored by matings with unrelated males.  相似文献   

The fitness of a female's offspring depends cruicially on the traits, genetic and paternal, that the father contributes. As such, females may either have an interest in behaviorally choosing the highest‐quality male, or in reliably signaling their fertility status to males. Combining hormonal data on a female's ovulatory fertile window with a behavioral context, we suggest that captive female olive baboons (Papio h. anubis) provide fathers with reliable signals of their fertile period. One signal, the maximum anogenital swelling (AGA), typically coincided with a 4‐day fertile window of ovulation, which occurred 2–3 days prior to deturgescence. As expected from previous studies, AGA swelling indicated general attractiveness to males, and males attended to the relative attractiveness of females. Males approached and copulated with females significantly more often during the 4‐day window around ovulation, irrespective of the absolute swelling stage. The two adult males present in the group were both able to copulate with consistent partners as at least two cycling females were available in most months; the dominant male was more selective about the timing of his copulations close to ovulation during the maximal swelling phase. Females with ovulatory but nonconceptive cycles were less attractive to males, especially during their maximal AGA swelling phase. Am. J. Primatol. 71:529–538, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


Based on a very large sample of married women aged 15 to 49 from the 1970 census of Mexico, the effect of literacy and education on the number of children ever born in different size communities is investigated. While cumulative marital fertility tends to be inversely related to community size, the overall shape of the education‐fertility relationship is generally similar in rural, semi‐urban, small urban, and large urban localities. These results combined with those for literacy do not support the hypothesis of an urbanization or a literacy “threshold” at which women's schooling begins to reduce family size.  相似文献   

J Holian 《Social biology》1984,31(3-4):298-307
Based on a very large sample of married women aged 15 to 49 from the 1970 census of Mexico, the effect of literacy and education on the number of children ever born in different size communities is investigated. While cumulative marital fertility tends to be inversely related to community size, the overall shape of the education-fertility relationship is generally similar in rural, semi-urban, small urban, and large urban localities. These results combined with those for literacy do not support the hypothesis of an urbanization or a literacy threshold at which women's schooling begins to reduce family size. Literate wives have slightly more children than illiterate wives in rural areas, but in more urbanized regions this differential inverses and seems to widen with each increase in size of the community. Fertility is slightly higher at 1 to 3 years of primary school than at no education; it declines slightly at 4 to 5 years primary, and then declines substantially at complete primary, secondary, and preparatory/university levels. A statistically significant but small interaction between education and residence on cumulative marital fertility is noted. The overall greater impact of female education on cumulative marital fertility in urban as compared to semi-urban as compared to rural communities of Mexico is primarily due to the proportion of married women with fertility depressing educational backgrounds rather than to a markedly different effect of education, per se, on fertility. The results emphasize the country-wide importance of completion of the entire 6-year primary cycle.  相似文献   

An earlier field study on the fifteen-spined stickleback (Spinachia spinachia) showed that frequent male—male interactionsresult in high frequencies of sneaking and egg stealing. Moreover,sneaking behavior was performed not only by males adoptingalternative mating strategies, but also by males with theirown nests. The advantage of sneaking is easily understood, but it is more difficult to explain the evolutionary benefitof stealing eggs from other males. I investigated whether malessuffering from sneaking adjust their paternal effort in relationto their degree of paternity. I also examined whether femalesprefer males that have more eggs in their nests, as this couldexplain egg stealing. There was no relationship between thedegree of paternity and fanning activity, hatching success,or nest defense. However, the older the eggs become, the morethe males increase their attack rate toward potential egg predators(goldsinny wrasse and shore crabs). Thus, males adjusted theirlevel of defense to the amount of energy and time already investedin the clutch. Females did not prefer males with more eggs intheir nests. On the contrary, females preferred males withreduced clutches over males with enlarged clutches. Therefore,female choice is unlikely to be a driving force behind eggstealing in this species.  相似文献   

In Plodia interpunctella, radioactive labelling techniques indicate that male-derived substances, transferred to the female during copulation, enter unfertilized eggs. These substances are proteinaceous and the cumulative amount of material entering the unfertilized eggs increases with time since mating. Following courtship, smaller males complete coupling with females at a lower frequency than larger males. Smaller males also transfer smaller (by weight) ejaculates than larger males. Ejaculate weight is about 4% of male body weight in P. interpunctella. However, neither fecundity nor the number of deposited eggs are a function of ejaculate weight. Consequently, ejaculate materials cannot be designated a form of paternal investment, despite the observed transfer to unfertilized eggs.  相似文献   

Elucidation of maternal-fetal tolerance mechanisms clarifies the role of regulatory T cells (Treg) in transplant tolerance. This study aim to investigate the effect of pregnancy on paternal skin allograft survival. Flow cytometry techniques, mixed lymphocytes reaction (MLR), PCR, real-time PCR and skin transplantation were key methods. Treg increased significantly from 4.2% before pregnancy to peak at 6.8% day 8 after pregnancy. Both heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) mRNA express high in placenta while low in spleen (P<0.05). Although Treg increased during pregnancy, and splenocytes from the pregnant mice showed lower MLR response toward the paternal stimulator, single time pregnancy showed no significant protective effect on paternal skin allograft survival in the tested condition.  相似文献   

Summary Nicotine, administered by sub-cutaneous injection over a period of six weeks, was found to be ineffective in breaking male mouse chromosomes as judged by dominant lethal tests. In addition, no indication of an effect of nicotine on the fertility of female mice, or on the development of the foetusin utero, was found.  相似文献   

It is proposed here that mate-attraction strategies among females and among males vary facultatively with expectations about paternal investment. The following four hypotheses are argued and tested: 1. Females who expect to find investing mates will be more likely than other females to emphasize their need for investment by suppressing their resources and appearance of competence. 2. Females who expect to find investing mates will try to attract them by acting chaste and emphasizing their fidelity, while females who expect non-investing mates will flaunt their sexuality in order to get pre-reproductive investment from as many males as possible. 3. Males who think it is appropriate to invest heavily in offspring will be more likely than other males to attract mates by emphasizing their ability and willingness to invest. 4. Investing males will be more likely than non-investing males to emphasize chastity and fidelity, whereas non-investing males will flaunt their sexuality and sexual attractiveness to females.These hypotheses were evaluated among undergraduates by administering questionnaires measuring (a) attitudes toward paternal investment and (b) reported tactics used to attract mates. Hypotheses 2–4 were supported by the data, while hypothesis 1 received only partial support. The mixed results for hypothesis 1 indicate that self-deprecating acts and deferential acts may be signaling different things.  相似文献   

Paternal care is associated with a reduced likelihood of engaging in competitive or mating behavior and an increased likelihood of providing protection when necessary. Over recent years, there has been increasing evidence to assume that the steroid testosterone (T) in men might reflect the degree of mating effort. In line with this, decreased T levels were shown in fathers compared to non-fathers and it was suggested that paternal care, and most behavior positively associated with T, might be incompatible with each other. Independently, the personality trait sensation seeking (SS) has been related to mating behavior and also to elevated T in men. Aiming to integrate these different lines of research in a longitudinal approach, we explored the impact of SS on T levels in the context of the transition to fatherhood. Thirty-seven fathers and 38 men without children but in committed, romantic relationships (controls) were recruited. At two time points (for fathers: four weeks prior to (t1) and eight weeks after birth (t2)), all subjects repeatedly collected saliva samples for T measurement, filled in a protocol of activities during the course of these days and completed an online questionnaire. In line with our hypotheses, the results show significantly lower aggregated (AUC-T) T levels in fathers compared with non-fathers. Furthermore, moderation analyses revealed a significant interaction between group and SS at t2, with the lowest T levels in low SS fathers. These data suggest that adaptation processes of the transition to fatherhood are influenced by individual differences in personality traits.  相似文献   

Female ornamentation is frequently observed in animal species and is sometimes found as more evolutionary labile than male ornamentation. A complex array of factors may explain its presence and variation. Here we assessed the role of female cost of reproduction and paternal care. Both factors have been pinpointed as important by theoretical studies but have not been investigated yet in details at the interspecific level. We worked on 133 species of North temperate Passeriformes bird species for which both the clutch volume – here taken as the proxy of female cost of reproduction – and amount of paternal care are relatively well known. Using spectrometry, we measured the whole-body coloured plumage patches and quantified three metrics corresponding to brightness (i.e. achromatic component), colour chromaticity (i.e. intensity) and colour volume (i.e. diversity). We found a strong association between male and female colour metrics. Controlling for this association, we found additional small but detectable effects of both cost of reproduction and paternal care. First, females of species with more paternal care were slightly brighter. Second, the interaction between the level of paternal care and egg volume was correlated with female colour intensity: females with more paternal care were more chromatic, with this association mostly present when their investment in reproduction was low. Together these results suggest that female cost of reproduction and paternal care are part of the multiple factors explaining variation of female coloration, besides the strong covariation between male and female coloration.  相似文献   

Female spawning-site preference within a nest and its effect on the female mate choice in a paternal brooding blenny Rhabdoblennius ellipes , were examined in rocky intertidal pools using artificial nests. The number of eggs deposited at the nest entrance site was lower than the number deposited at the center and at deep sites. Moreover, the within-nest difference in the egg developmental stage indicated that eggs at the nest entrance site were deposited after those at the center and deep sites. These results indicated that females prefer to spawn eggs in the center and deep sites rather than at the entrance site. Owing to the higher egg mortality rate at the entrance site, females may avoid spawning at such sites. An analysis of the nests in the study area suggested that the within-nest site preference affects female mate choice that is females avoided nests where only the entrance site was available for spawning and instead spawned in nests where the center and deep sites were available.  相似文献   

Forced copulations are common among waterfowl species (Anatidae), a group with relatively large eggs and very precocial young. They can be viewed as the outcome of an overt sexual conflict, and an evolutionary arms race between the sexes. We examined the female choice hypothesis suggested, but not properly tested by Briskie and Montgomerie (1997) and Montgomerie and Briskie (2007), that penis size in male ducks might correlate with female investment in eggs, predicting that in species where females lay larger eggs, penis size might be larger, because females would be more reluctant to abandon their eggs if forced to copulate. A larger data set than in earlier studies enabled us to test that hypothesis in a comparative way. Our results compelled us to reject the female choice hypothesis since egg size is negatively correlated with penis length and the number of vaginal spirals, both being seen as adaptations to frequent forced copulations. The apparent trade-off between egg size and morphological defences (vaginal spirals) is strong particularly among monogamous species. Overall, we conclude that factors that set a lower limit for egg size constrain the morphological defences of females and the arms race between the sexes in waterfowl.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Feed restriction with its resultant body weight loss impacts the rodent estrous cycle; however, the manifestation of these changes in a regulatory study design has not been documented. This study reports the effects of feed restriction in the context of an FDA regulatory submission. METHODS: Adult female rats (n = 20/group; weighing approximately 200 g each) were provided rodent chow ad lib (control) or at 20, 15, 10, or 7.5 g/rat/day (g/day) during a 2-week pre-mating phase, throughout the mating phase, and up to gestation day (GD) 7. On GD 8, all animals were provided ad lib feed until necropsy on GD 14. Estrous cyclicity, mating, and fertility parameters were evaluated. RESULTS: Ad lib rats consumed approximately 20 and 28 g/day during the pre-mating and gestation phases, respectively. All measured fertility parameters in the 20 g/day group were similar to control values. In the 15 g/day group, body weight was reduced by 16% at 2 weeks, prolonged diestrus occurred, and fertility was compromised due to reductions in corpora lutea. Within 2 weeks, mean body weight in groups receiving < or = 10 g/day was reduced by > or = 29% compared to ad lib values, and overt changes in estrous cyclicity, mating, and fertility occurred. The 7.5 g/day group was not sustainable beyond the pre-mating phase. CONCLUSIONS: For this study type, feed intake at < or = 50% ad lib values (< or = 10 g/day) was inadequate due to the magnitude and rapidity of body weight effects. Estrous parameters appeared slightly more sensitive than functional measures, as body weight changes of approximately 16% appeared near the threshold of changing routinely calculated estrous cycle parameters and were later associated with reduced fertility. In general, body weight differences of 10-15% by themselves were not adverse to normal reproduction (20 g/day).  相似文献   

This study explores the association between type of female circumcision and infertility and fertility in Sudan using the 1989-90 Demographic and Health Survey. It is hypothesized that women with either Pharaonic or Intermediate circumcision would have higher infertility and lower fertility compared with women with Sunna circumcision, and that uncircumcised women would have the lowest infertility and highest fertility of the three groups. This hypothesis, a widely held assumption, proved to be largely incorrect. Though women with Pharaonic or Intermediate circumcision did have a higher prevalence of primary infertility than uncircumcised women, women with Sunna circumcision had even lower rates of primary infertility compared with uncircumcised women. This pattern prevailed in multivariate models controlling for confounding variables, where women with Pharaonic or Intermediate circumcision had significantly higher primary infertility. Moreover, though women with Pharaonic or Intermediate circumcision also had the highest prevalence of secondary infertility, once confounding covariates were controlled in multivariate models, there was no significant difference among the three groups of women. With respect to fertility, the total fertility rate was 7.6 for women with Pharaonic or Intermediate circumcision, 8.1 for women with Sunna circumcision and 8.3 for uncircumcised women. Differences in fertility were found to be insignificant when covariates were controlled. The multivariate models were estimated using logistic regression. In conclusion, Pharaonic or Intermediate circumcision may be associated with higher primary infertility while there was no evidence suggesting that either secondary infertility or fertility was associated with a woman's circumcision status.  相似文献   

Working during the night can disrupt the normal circadian rhythm by altering the melatonin level. A low level of melatonin is associated with an increased risk of cancer, possibly by decreasing the expression of tumor-suppressor genes, such as p53. To determine whether nighttime work is associated with melatonin level in serum as well as the expression of related genetic markers, we enrolled 100 female nighttime medical technologists employed at a hospital in South Korea. Melatonin concentration and melatonin receptor 1 (MT1) expression were significantly lower in nighttime than in daytime workers (1.84 pg/mL versus 4.04 pg/mL; 1.16 versus 1.61, respectively). However, p53 expression showed no difference between the groups. In summary, nighttime work could be an important risk factor for circadian disruption, but not a direct risk factor for cancer in medical technologists in South Korea.  相似文献   

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