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We examined the conformational preferences of mutants of thymosin beta4, an actin monomer sequestering protein by NMR spectroscopy in 60% (v/v) trifluoroethanol. Under these conditions, the wild-type thymosin beta4 conformation consists of an alpha-helix (helix I) extending from residues 5-16 with a more stable fragment from lysine 11 to lysine 16 and a second alpha-helix (helix II) encompassing residues 31-39. The point mutations studied here are located in helix I or in the LKKTET segment (residues 17-22) that form the two main entities of interaction with the actin molecule. The alpha-1H conformational shifts allow us to investigate the helicity of the polypeptides at the residue level and to correlate these structures with their biological activity. We determine that an extension of helix I at its C-terminal end over the LKK-segment results in loss of activity. The correct termination of this helix is connected to a specific orientation of the polypeptide essential for a cooperative action of the thymosin beta4 binding entities required for full activity.  相似文献   

Thymosin beta 4 has been determined by a simple and fast one-step procedure in different tissues of rats. The tissues (1 to 40 mg) were disintegrated and deproteinized by homogenization in perchloric acid. After neutralization by potassium hydroxide the supernatant solution was used for determining thymosin beta 4 by reverse-phase HPLC without further manipulations. Not only does this procedure avoid artificial proteolysis as effectively as extraction of tissues by guanidinium chloride or boiling buffer, but it offers two further advantages. First, no additional steps--as for example desalting--are necessary prior to HPLC and thus the risk of losing thymosin beta 4 is eliminated. Using this procedure thymosin beta 4 is recovered quantitatively. The method is linear over the range 0.04 to 1.13 nmol and thymosin beta 4 is well separated from other thymosin beta 4-like peptides known to be present in mammals; i.e., thymosin beta Ala4, thymosin beta 9, thymosin beta 10, and thymosin beta Arg10. Second, the acid-insoluble pellet of the same extract can be used to determine the DNA content of the sample. Thus it is possible to relate thymosin beta 4 to DNA, which then allows comparing cells of different tissues and cell lines to one another. This procedure is also applicable to small peptides soluble in perchloric acid.  相似文献   

During the course for the studies of thymosin beta 4 and prothymosin alpha from porcine thymus, a new analog of thymosin beta 4 has been identified. This peptide consists of 41 amino acid residues. The amino terminus is blocked by an acetyl group as revealed by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometric analysis. Amino acid sequence studies disclosed that this peptide is identical to bovine thymosin beta 9 except that leucine at position 6 in beta 9 is substituted by methionine. Thus, this new peptide has been termed thymosin beta 9 Met. The recoveries of beta 9 Met, beta 4, and prothymosin alpha in porcine tissues have been determined (in micrograms/g tissue) as follows: thymus (43, 85, 133); spleen (68, 203, 37); liver (10, 31, 27); heart (1.5, 10, 0); kidney (5, 51, 37); brain (0.8, 31, 5). Biologically, thymosin beta 9 Met was found to be more active than beta 4 in enhancing gamma-interferon production in cord blood lymphocytes. However, beta 4 appeared to stimulate higher amounts of interleukin 2 and tumor necrotic factor. The significance for the coexistence of two homologous peptides with similar functions in the thymus and a number of other organs is not clear, and deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

Sequence of a cloned 523-bp cDNA for thymosin beta 4   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The sequence of a 523-bp cDNA, isolated from a clone bank prepared from partially purified rat spleen mRNA coding for thymosin beta 4, was described. The 3' sequence extended through the poly(A) segment and the 5' sequence included 36 bp preceding the translated sequence. The putative amino acid sequence coded by this segment possesses some of the features of a signal peptide.  相似文献   

Studies from our laboratory provide substantial evidence that thymosin beta 4, (Tbeta(4)), an actin-sequestering protein, promotes corneal wound healing through its ability to stimulate epithelial cell migration. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which are expressed in a wide variety of tissues including the cornea, also play a key role in epithelial cell migration and wound healing. In this study we investigated the role of MMPs in Tbeta(4)-stimulated corneal epithelial cell migration. In Boyden chamber assays, XG076, an inhibitor of the conversion of pro- to active MMPs, had no effect on epithelial cell migration stimulated by exogenous activated MMP-1. However, in in vitro migration assays where the activation of pro-MMPs was blocked, XG076 significantly inhibited cell migration and wound healing in the presence or absence of Tbeta(4). GM6001, a broad-spectrum inhibitor of active MMPs and selective MMP inhibitors, also suppressed Tbeta(4)-stimulated cell migration. Tbeta(4) upregulated MMP-1 gene and protein expression in primary human corneal epithelial cells and in transformed human corneal epithelial cells following scrape wounding. From these results we conclude that MMP catalytic activity is necessary for Tbeta(4) promotion of epithelial cell migration. These novel findings are the first to demonstrate a functional link between the two.  相似文献   

Cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) participate in the catabolism of many physiologically important ligands. We previously reported that syndecan HSPGs directly mediate endocytosis, independent of coated pits. We now studied perlecan, a major cell surface HSPG genetically distinct from syndecans. Cells expressing perlecan but no other proteoglycans bound, internalized, and degraded atherogenic lipoproteins enriched in lipoprotein lipase. Binding was blocked by heparitinase, and degradation by chloroquine. Antibodies against beta(1) integrins reduced initial ligand binding, consistent with their roles as cell surface attachment sites for perlecan. By several criteria, catabolism via perlecan was distinct from either coated pits or the syndecan pathway. The kinetics of internalization (t(12) = 6 h) and degradation (t(12) approximately 18 h) were remarkably slow, unlike the other pathways. Blockade of the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein did not slow perlecan-dependent internalization. Internalization via perlecan was inhibited by genistein but unaffected by cytochalasin D, a pattern distinct from coated pits or syndecan-mediated endocytosis. Finally, we examined cooperation between perlecan and low density lipoprotein receptors and found limited synergy. Our results demonstrate that perlecan mediates internalization and lysosomal delivery that is kinetically and biochemically distinct from other known uptake pathways and is consistent with a very slow component of HSPG-dependent ligand processing found in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

We have identified a receptor in hepatic endothelial and Kupffer cells that binds oligosaccharides terminating with the sequence SO4-4GalNAc beta 1,4GlcNAc beta 1,2-Man alpha (S4GGnM). This receptor can account for the rapid removal of the glycoprotein hormone lutropin, which bears unique Asn-linked oligosaccharides terminating in S4GGnM, from the circulation. Hepatic endothelial cells express 579,000 S4GGnM receptors at their surface and bind lutropin with an apparent Kd of 1.63 x 10(-7) M. Bound ligand is rapidly internalized. Binding does not require divalent cations, is reversed by incubation at pH 5.0 or below, and is inhibited by fucoidin but not by hyaluronate, heparin, chondroitin sulfate, or dextran sulfate. We propose that the S4GGnM-specific receptor represents a major mechanism for clearance of certain sulfated glycoproteins from the blood, including members of the glycoprotein hormone family.  相似文献   

The atypical beta3-adrenergic receptor (AR) agonist CGP-12177 has been used to define a novel atypical beta-AR subtype, the putative beta4-AR. Recent evaluation of recombinant beta-AR subtypes and beta-AR-deficient mice, however, has established the identity of the pharmacological beta4-AR as a novel state of the beta1-AR protein. The ability of aryloxypropanolamine ligands like CGP-12177 to independently interact with agonist and antagonist states of the beta1-AR has important implications regarding receptor classification and the potential development of tissue-specific beta-AR agonists.  相似文献   

Ku, the heterodimer of Ku70 and Ku80, plays an essential role in the DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair pathway, i.e., non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ). Two isoforms of Ku80 encoded by the same genes, namely, Ku80 and KARP-1 are expressed and function in primate cells, but not in rodent cells. Ku80 works as a heterodimer with Ku70. However, it is not yet clear whether KARP-1 forms a heterodimer with Ku70 and works as a heterodimer. Although KARP-1 appears to work in NHEJ, its physiological role remains unclear. In this study, we established and characterized EGFP-KARP-1-expressing xrs-6 cell lines, EGFP-KARP-1/xrs-6. We found that nuclear localization signal (NLS) of KARP-1 is localized in the C-terminal region. Our data showed that KARP-1 localizes within the nucleus in NLS-dependent and NLS-independent manner and forms a heterodimer with Ku70, and stabilizes Ku70. On the other hand, EGFP-KARP-1 could not perfectly complement the radiosensitivity and DSB repair activity of Ku80-deficient xrs-6 cells. Furthermore, KARP-1 could not accumulate at DSBs faster than Ku80, although EGFP-KARP-1 accumulates at DSBs. Our data demonstrate that the function of KARP-1 could not perfectly replace that of Ku80 in DSB repair, although KARP-1 has some biochemical properties, which resemble those of Ku80, and works as a heterodimer with Ku70. On the other hand, the number of EGFP-KARP-1-expressing xrs-6 cells showing pan-nuclear γ-H2AX staining significantly increases following X-irradiation, suggesting that KARP-1 may have a novel role in DSB response.  相似文献   

CD4 recruitment to T cell receptor (TCR)-peptide-major histocompatibility class II complexes is required for stabilization of low affinity antigen recognition by T lymphocytes. The cytoplasmic portion of CD4 is thought to amplify TCR-initiated signal transduction via its association with the protein tyrosine kinase p56(lck). Here we describe a novel functional determinant in the cytosolic tail of CD4 that inhibits TCR-induced T cell activation. Deletion of two conserved hydrophobic amino acids from the CD4 carboxyl terminus resulted in a pronounced enhancement of CD4-mediated T cell costimulation. This effect was observed in the presence or absence of p56(lck), implying involvement of alternative cytosolic ligands of CD4. A two-hybrid screen with the intracellular portion of CD4 identified a previously unknown 33-kDa protein, ACP33 (acidic cluster protein 33), as a novel intracellular binding partner of CD4. Since interaction with ACP33 is abolished by deletion of the hydrophobic CD4 C-terminal amino acids mediating repression of T cell activation, we propose that ACP33 modulates the stimulatory activity of CD4. Furthermore, we demonstrate that interaction with CD4 is mediated by the noncatalytic alpha/beta hydrolase fold domain of ACP33. This suggests a previously unrecognized function for alpha/beta hydrolase fold domains as a peptide binding module mediating protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

A 100 kd protein was isolated from tissue and cell extracts by affinity chromatography on a synthetic peptide representing the cytoplasmic domain of the fibronectin receptor beta subunit. The 100 kd protein also bound to native fibronectin receptor, and this binding could be reversed with EDTA. Calcium may be the divalent cation required for the binding since the 100 kd protein was found to bind 45Ca2+. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the 100 kd protein was not similar to any sequence in a protein data base. Immunofluorescent staining of cells cultured on fibronectin showed the 100 kd protein coinciding with the fibronectin receptor beta subunit in sites of substrate contact. Therefore this protein, which we term fibulin, interacts with the fibronectin receptor in vitro and associates with the receptor in vivo. Fibulin is a potential mediator of interactions between adhesion receptors and the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

A simple adhesion assay was used to measure the interaction between rat oligodendrocytes and various substrata, including a matrix secreted by glial cells. Oligodendrocytes bound to surfaces coated with fibronectin, vitronectin and a protein component of the glial matrix. The binding of cells to all of these substrates was inhibited by a synthetic peptide (GRGDSP) modeled after the cell-binding domain of fibronectin. The component of the glial matrix responsible for the oligodendrocyte interaction is a protein which is either secreted by the glial cells or removed from serum by products of these cultures; serum alone does not promote adhesion to the same extent as the glial-derived matrix. The interaction of cells with this glial-derived matrix requires divalent cations and is not mediated by several known RGD-containing extracellular proteins, including fibronectin, vitronectin, thrombospondin, type I and type IV collagen, and tenascin.  相似文献   

Li J  Li WX 《Nature cell biology》2006,8(12):1407-1414
Signalling by the TGF-beta superfamily member and BMP orthologue Decapentaplegic (Dpp) is crucial for multiple developmental programmes and has to be tightly regulated. Here, we demonstrate that the Drosophila Dpp pathway is negatively regulated by eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A (eIF4A), which mediates activation-dependent degradation of the Dpp signalling components Mad and Medea. eIF4A mutants exhibit increased Dpp signalling and accumulation of Mad and phospho-Mad. Overexpression of eIF4A decreases Dpp signalling and causes loss of Mad and phospho-Mad. Furthermore, eIF4A physically associates with Mad and Medea, and promotes their degradation following activation of Dpp signalling in a translation-independent manner. Finally, we show that eIF4A acts synergistically with, but independently of, the ubiquitin ligase DSmurf, indicating that a dual system controls SMAD degradation. Thus, in addition to being an obligatory component of the cap-dependent translation initiation complex, eIF4A has a novel function as a specific inhibitor of Dpp signalling that mediates the degradation of SMAD homologues.  相似文献   

In addition to its positive signaling function in the antigen presentation process, CD4 acts as the primary receptor for HIV-1. Contact between CD4 and the viral envelope leads to virus entry, but can also trigger apoptosis of uninfected CD4+ T-cells through a mechanism that is poorly understood. We show that Siva-1, a death domain-containing proapoptotic protein, associates with the cytoplasmic domain of CD4. This interaction is mediated by the cysteine-rich region found in the C-terminal part of the Siva-1 protein. Expression of Siva-1 specifically increases the susceptibility of both T-cell lines and unstimulated human primary CD4+ T-lymphocytes to CD4-mediated apoptosis triggered by the HIV-1 envelope, and results in activation of a caspase-dependent mitochondrial pathway. The same susceptibility is observed in T-cells expressing a truncated form of CD4 that is able to recruit Siva-1 but fails to associate with p56Lck, indicating that Siva-1 participates in a pathway independent of the p56Lck kinase activity. Altogether, these results suggest that Siva-1 might participate in the CD4-initiated signaling apoptotic pathway induced by the HIV-1 envelope in T-lymphoid cells. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Microcystins (MCs) are a group of closely related cyclic heptapeptides produced by a variety of common cyanobacteria. These are potent and highly specific hepatotoxins, the toxicity of which is based upon their inhibition of type-1 (PP1) and type-2A (PP2A) protein phosphatases. Apart from protein phosphatases, it is not known whether these phosphatase-inhibiting peptides could bind any other cellular proteins. We wanted to determine whether any possible unknown MC-adducts could explain the apoptotic effects observed at high concentrations of MCs. The question of other possible cellular proteins binding to MCs is also relevant when these compounds are employed for affinity purification of protein phosphatases. In MC-treated cell lysates, antibodies to MC recognized three protein adducts of 35-37 and 55 kD. By immunochemical and proteomics approaches, these proteins were identified as the catalytic subunits of type-1 and type-2A protein phosphatases and the ATP-synthase beta-subunit. The latter target could be associated with the suggested apoptosis-inducing potential of MCs.  相似文献   

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