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His-Asp phosphorelays are evolutionary-conserved powerful biological tactics for intracellular signal transduction. Such a phosphorelay is generally made up of "sensor histidine (His)-kinases", "response regulators", and "histidine-containing (HPt) phosphotransmitters". In the higher plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, results from recent intensive studies suggested that His-Asp phosphorelays may be widely used for propagating environmental stimuli, such as phytohormones (e.g., ethylene and cytokinin). In this study, we first inspected extensively the occurrence of Arabidopsis response regulators in order to compile and characterize them. The results showed that this higher plant has, at least, 14 members of the family of response regulators that can be classified into two distinct subtypes (type-A and type-B), as judged from their structural designs, biochemical properties, and expression profiles. Comparative studies were conducted for each representative (ARR3 and ARR4 for type-A, and ARR10 for type-B). It was suggested that expression of the type-A response regulator is cytokinin-inducible, while that of the type-B response regulator appears to be not. Results from yeast two-hybrid analyses suggested that the type-B response regulator may have an ability to stably interact with a set of HPt phosphotransmitters (AHPs). These and other results will be discussed with special reference to the His-Asp phosphorelay signaling network in Arabidopsis thaliana.  相似文献   

Histidine (His)-to-Aspartate (Asp) phosphorelay signal transduction systems are generally made up of a "sensor histidine (His)-kinase", a "response regulator", and a "histidine-containing phosphotransmitter (HPt)". In the higher plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, results from recent intensive studies suggested that the His-to-Asp phosphorelay mechanism is at least partly responsible for propagation of environmental stimuli, such as phytohormones (e.g. ethylene and cytokinin). Here we compiled the members of the HPt family of phosphotransmitters in Arabidopsis thaliana (AHP-series, Arabidopsis HPt phosphotransmitters), based on both database and experimental analyses, in order to provide a comprehensive basis at the molecular level for understanding the function of the AHP phosphotransmitters that are implicated in the His-to-Asp phosphorelay of higher plants.  相似文献   

The evolutionarily-conserved histidine to aspartate (His-to-Asp) phosphorelay signal transduction is common in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Such a phosphorelay system is generally made up of 'a histidine (His)-kinase', 'a histidine-containing phosphotransmitter (HPt)', and 'a phospho-accepting response regulator (RR)'. In general, an HPt factor acts as an intermediate in a given multistep His-to-Asp phosphorelay. In Arabidopsis thaliana, this model higher plant has five genes (named AHP1 to AHP5), each of which seems to encode an HPt factor. Recent studies suggested that the His-to-Asp phosphorelay involving the AHP factors is at least partly implicated in signal transduction in response to cytokinin (a plant hormone). Nevertheless, the properties of AHPs have not yet been fully clarified. Here we did comparative studies of all the AHP factors, in terms of (i) expression profiles in plants, (ii) intracellular localization, (iii) ability to acquire a phosphoryl group in vitro, and (iv) ability to interact with the downstream components, ARRs (Arabidopsis response regulators). The results of this study provided us with a comprehensive view at the molecular level for understanding the functions of the AHP phosphotransmitters in the His-to-Asp phosphorelay.  相似文献   

His to Asp phosphorelay signal transduction mechanisms involve three types of widespread signaling components: a sensor His-kinase, a response regulator, and a histidine-containing phosphotransfer (HPt) domain. In Arabidopsis, several sensor His-kinases have recently been discovered (e.g., ETR1 and CKI1) through extensive genetic studies. Furthermore, a recent search for response regulators in this higher plant revealed that it possesses a group of response regulators (ARR-series), each of which exhibits the phospho-accepting receiver function. However, no signal transducer containing the HPt domain has been reported. Here we identify three distinct Arabidopsis genes (AHP1 to AHP3), each encoding a signal transducer containing a HPt domain. Both in vivo and in vitro evidence that each AHP can function as a phospho-transmitting HPt domain with an active histidine site was obtained by employing both the Escherichia coli and yeast His-Asp phosphorelay systems. It was demonstrated that AHP1 exhibits in vivo ability to complement a mutational lesion of the yeast YPD1 gene, encoding a typical HPt domain involved in an osmosensing signal transduction. It was also demonstrated that AHPs can interact in vitro with ARRs through the His-Asp phosphotransfer reaction. It was thus suggested that the uncovered sensors-AHPs-ARRs lineups may play important roles in propagating environmental stimuli through the multistep His-Asp phosphorelay in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana AHK4 histidine kinase (also known as CRE1 or WOL) acts as a cytokinin signal transducer, presumably, in concert with downstream components, such as histidine-containing phosphotransfer factors (AHPs) and response regulators (ARRs), through the histidine-to-aspartate (His-->Asp) phosphorelay. Among 10 members of the type-A ARR family, the cytokinin-induced expression of ARR15 in roots is selectively impaired in the cre1-1 mutant, which carries a mutation in the AHK4 gene, suggesting a link between this type-A response regulator and the AHK4-mediated cytokinin signal transduction in roots. To address this issue further, we characterized a T-DNA insertion mutant of ARR15, and also constructed transgenic lines (referred to as ARR15-ox) that overexpress the ARR15 gene in a manner independent of cytokinin. While the T-DNA insertion mutant (arr15-1) showed no apparent phenotype, the cytokinin-independent overexpression of ARR15 in ARR15-ox plants resulted in a reduced sensitivity toward exogenously applied cytokinin, not only in elongation of roots in plants, but also in green callus formation (or shoot formation) in explants. Cytokinin-induced expressions of certain type-A ARRs were also down-regulated in ARR15-ox plants. These results support the view that ARR15 acts as a repressor that mediates a negative feedback loop in the cytokinin and AHK4-mediated His-->Asp phosphorelay.  相似文献   

ARR22 (At3g04280) is a novel Type A response regulator whose function in Arabidopsis is unknown. RT-PCR analysis has shown that expression of the gene takes place in flowers and developing pods with the tissues accumulating different proportions of splice variants. Spatial analysis of expression, using ARR22::GUS plants as a marker, has revealed that the reporter protein accumulates specifically at the junction between the funiculus and the chalazal tissue. Expression can be up-regulated at this location by wounding the developing seed. A detailed analysis has failed to detect ARR22 expression at any other sites and, to support this assertion, the only evidence for tissue ablation in ARR22::Barnase plants is during seed development, with the consequence that embryo growth is attenuated. Ectopic expression of ARR22, driven by either the CaMV 35S or the pea plastocyanin (PPC) promoters, resulted in the generation of plants exhibiting extremely stunted root and shoot growth. No viable progeny could be isolated from the PPC::ARR22 transgenic lines. An RT-PCR analysis of a recently annotated gene (ARR24-At5g26594), that exhibits 66% amino acid similarity to ARR22, has shown that expression is also predominantly in floral and silique tissues. Examination of ARR24::GUS plants has revealed that the activity of the promoter is primarily restricted to pollen grains indicating that this gene is unlikely to display an overlapping function with ARR22. Analyses of individual KO lines of either ARR22 or ARR24 have failed to identify a mutant phenotype under the growth conditions employed and the double knockout ARR22/ARR24 line is also indistinguishable from wild-type plants. These results are discussed in the light of the proposed role of response regulators in plant growth and development.  相似文献   

In the higher plant, Arabidopsis thaliana, histidine-to-aspartate (His-to-Asp) phosphorelay signal transduction systems play crucial roles in propagation of environmental stimuli, including plant hormones. This plant has 11 sensor His-kinases, 5 histidine-containing phosphotransfer (HPt) factors (AHPs), and 20 response regulators (ARRs). To gain new insight into the functions of these phosphorelay components, their intracellular localization was examined with use of GFP-fusion proteins, constructed for certain representatives of HPt factors (AHP2) and type-A and type-B ARRs (ARR6/ARR7 and ARR10, respectively). The results showed that AHP2 is mainly located in the cytoplasmic space, while both the types of ARRs have an ability to enter preferentially into the nuclei, if not exclusively. Together with the results from an in vitro phosphorelay assay with AHP2 and ARRs, these results are discussed, in terms of a geneal framework of the Arabidopsis His-to-Asp phosphorelay network.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, a set of type-A authentic response regulator (ARR) genes, consisting of 10 homologous members, is induced primarily in response to the phytohormone cytokinin. Among these, we found that the expression of ARR9 is uniquely regulated through the circadian clock in a cytokinin-independent manner. This finding appears to be compatible to the current idea that some ARR genes (namely, ARR3, ARR4, ARR8, and ARR9) are implicated in an additional level of regulation of the circadian clock. Hence, the result of this study provided us with a new insight into the complex molecular mechanisms underlying both the cytokinin signaling and circadian rhythm.  相似文献   

The so-called 'response regulators' were originally discovered as common components of the widespread histidine (His)-->aspartate (Asp) phosphorelay signal transduction system in prokaryotes. Through the course of evolution, higher plants have also come to employ such prokaryotic response regulators (RRs) for their own signal transduction, such as the elicitation of plant hormone (e.g. cytokinin) responses. Furthermore, plants have evolved their own atypical variants of response regulators, pseudo response regulators (PRRs), which are used to modulate sophisticated biological processes, including circadian rhythms and other light-signal responses. Recent studies using the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana have begun to shed light on the interesting functions of these plant response regulators.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology - Calcium (Ca2+) is considered as crucial second messenger in all living organisms. Ca2+ signaling regulates a diverse array of different biological...  相似文献   

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