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1. Membrane currents have been recorded from the soma of a bifunctional basalar/coxal depressor motoneurone in the metathoracic ganglion of the cockroach (Periplaneta americana) using a two-electrode voltage-clamp technique. 2. This motoneurone cell body is normally inexcitable when studied under current-clamp. Appropriate depolarizing command steps evoke rapid transient outward currents and late outward currents. 3. Late outward currents are dominated by a Ca-dependent component that confers an N-shaped I-V relationship on the neurone. 4. The Ca-dependent outward current is suppressed by Cd2+ (1 mM), Mn2+ (5 mM) or verapamil (50 microM). 5. Externally applied tetraethylammonium ions (TEA+) (25 mM) block the Ca-dependent current, but also appear to suppress a component of the late outward current that is independent of Ca2+. 6. Aminopyridines cause only minor suppression of late outward currents, but shift the peak in the N-shaped I-V relationship to more negative potentials. 7. The reversal potential of tail currents recorded following pre-pulses to +50 mV were dependent upon the pre-pulse duration; increasing the duration from 10 to 50 msec caused a +17 mV shift in tail current reversal potential. 8. A five-fold increase in the K+ concentration of the solution bathing the preparation only produced small and inconsistent changes in the reversal potential of tail currents. 9. Five-fold reduction in external Cl- caused no change. 10. The dependence of tail current reversal potential upon pre-pulse duration and the limited effect of alterations in the composition of the bathing solution are discussed in the context of restricted ion movements near the external surface of the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Changes in the characteristics of activity of sodium, calcium, and potassium channels in the surface membrane during variation of the calcium ion concentration in the extracellular and intracellular medium were investigated by the voltage clamp method during intracellular dialysis of isolated neurons of the mollusksLimnea stagnalis andHelix pomatia. Besides their direct role in passage of the current through the membrane, calcium ions were shown to have two actions, differing in their mechanism, on the functional properties of this membrane. The first was caused by the electrostatic action of calcium ions on the outer surface of the membrane and was manifested as a shift of the potential-dependent characteristics of the ion transport channels along the potential axis; the second is determined by closer interaction of calcium ions with the specific structures of the channels. During the action of calcium-chelating agents EGTA and EDTA on the inner side of the membrane the conductivity of the potassium channels is substantially reduced. With an increase in the intracellular free calcium concentration the conductivity is partially restored. The action of EGTA and EDTA on the outer side of the membrane causes a substantial decrease in the ion selectivity of the calcium channels and changes the kinetics of the portal mechanism. These changes are easily abolished by rinsing off the chelating agents or by returning calcium ions to the external medium. A specific blocking action of an increase in the intracellular free calcium concentration on conductivity of the calcium channels was found.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 69–77, January–February, 1977.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out on neurons of the visceral complex of ganglia ofHelix pomatia. Application of strong hyperpolarizing stimuli ("electro-convulsive shock") throughan intracellular microelectrode led to dissociation of the original action potential into small components. Repetition of the "electro-convulsive shock" intensified these phenomena. Regular hyperpolarizing stimuli led to the formation of action potentials whose amplitude depended on the intensity and duration of the hyperpolarizing stimuli. The possibility that trigger zones are located on the soma membrane of molluscan neurons is discussed on the basis of the results.  相似文献   

Two-microelectrode voltage-clamp measurements were made to determine the kinetics and voltage dependence of ionic currents across the soma membrane of the Hermissenda type B photoreceptor. The voltage-dependent outward potassium currents, IA and ICa(2+)-K+, the inward voltage-dependent calcium current, ICa2+ and the light-induced current, IIgt, were then described with Hodgkin-Huxley-type equations. The fast-activating and inactivating potassium current, IA, was described by the equation; IA(t) = gA(max)(ma infinity[1-exp(-t/tau ma)])3 x (ha infinity [1-exp(-t/tau ha)] + exp(-t/tau ha)) (Vm-EK), where the parameters ma infinity, ha infinity, tau ma, and tau ha are functions of membrane potential, Vm, and ma infinity and ha infinity are steady-state activation and inactivation parameters. Similarly, the calcium-dependent outward potassium current, ICa(2+)-K+, was described by the equation, ICa(2+)-K+ (t) = gc(max)(mc infinity(VC)(1-exp[-t/tau mc (VC)]))pc (hc infinity(VC) [1-exp(-t/tau hc)] + exp(-t/tau hc(VC)])pc(VC-EK). In high external potassium, ICa(2+)-K+ could be measured in approximate isolation from other currents as a voltage-dependent inward tail current following a depolarizing command pulse from a holding potential of -60 mV. A voltage-dependent inward calcium current across the type B soma membrane, ICa2+, activated rapidly, showed little inactivation, and was described by the equation: ICa2+ = gCa(max) [1 + exp](-Vm-5)/7]-1 (Vm-ECa), where gCa(max) was 0.5 microS. The light-induced current with both fast and slow phases was described by: IIgt(t) = IIgt1 + IIgt2 + IIgt3, IIgti = gIgti [1-exp(- ton/tau mi)] exp(-ton/tau hi)(Vm-EIgti) (i = 1, 2).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. The main objectives of the present study were to investigate the effects of either caffeine or ryanodine on action potential shape in four identified neurones of Lymnaea stagnalis (L) in situ.2. The action potential width at half-amplitude (half-width, HW) is a Ca2+ -dependent phenomenon and hence it was used here as a measure of spike broadening or narrowing. Spike data were analysed using a computer programme and appropriate statistical tests were performed.3. Intracellular recordings were made under control conditions to establish the frequency/HW relationship for each cell type. Recordings were also made from each cell after perfusion with two concentrations of each drug and their effects on the frequency/HW relationship were studied.4. Caffeine produced a significant increase in HW in three out of four studied neurones, whilst ryanodine produced a significant response in only one neurone and inconsistent results in the remainder. Therefore, both drugs were found to produce cell specific responses.5. The data presented here are consistent with previous studies which demonstrate that both caffeine and ryanodine act as mobilizing agents for intracellular calcium from internal storage sites, although by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

The effects of tetraethylammonium (TEA) on the delayed K+ current and on the Ca2+-activated K+ current of the Aplysia pacemaker neurons R-15 and L-6 were studied. The delayed outward K+ current was measured in Ca2+-free ASW containing tetrodotoxin (TTX), using brief depolarizing clamp pulses. External TEA blocks the delayed K+ current reversibly in a dose-dependent manner. The experimental results are well fitted with a Michaelis-Menten expression, assuming a one-to-one reaction between TEA and a receptor site, with an apparent dissociation constant of 6.0 mM. The block depends on membrane voltage and is reduced at positive membrane potentials. The Ca2+-activated K+ current was measured in Ca2+-free artificial seawater (ASW) containing TTX, using internal Ca2+ ion injection to directly activate the K+ conductance. External TEA and a number of other quaternary ammonium ions block the Ca2+-activated K+ current reversibly in a dose-dependent manner. TEA is the most effective blocker, with an apparent dissociation constant, for a one-to-one reaction with a receptor site, of 0.4 mM. The block decreases with depolarization. The Ca2+-activated K+ current was also measured after intracellular iontophoretic TEA injection. Internal TEA blocks the Ca2+-activated K+ current (but the block is only apparent at positive membrane potentials), is increased by depolarization, and is irreversible. The effects of external and internal TEA can be seen in measurements of the total outward K+ current at different membrane potentials in normal ASW.  相似文献   

The time course of weakening of inward calcium currents (inactivation) during prolonged (of the order of 1 sec) depolarizing shifts of membrane potential was studied in isolated dialyzed neurons of snailHelix pomatia. This decay of the current recorded in this way can be approximated by two exponential functions with time constants of 20–70 and 250–350 msec, respectively. With an increase in pH of the intracellular solution to 8.5 the fast component of the decay disappeared completely; the kinetics of the slow component in this case was very slightly retarded. It is concluded that the fast component of decay of the recorded current does not reflect a change in the calcium current but is due to parallel activation of the nonspecific outward current; the slow component, however, is true in activation of the calcium current. The rate of inactivation of this current was shown to be determined by its maximal value and not by the level of the depolarizing potential shift and it depends on the conditions of accumulation of calcium ions near the inner surface of the membrane.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 525–531, September–October, 1982.  相似文献   

The effects of MnCl2 on outward currents in frog atrial muscle were investigated under voltage-clamp conditions. MnCl2 (3 mmol/L), which completely abolished the slow inward current, produced a decrease in the outward background current (Ib) at potentials positive to -50 mV. The delayed outward current (Ix, time dependent) was not altered by Mn. "Isochronic activation curves" for Ix and decay of current tails at -40 mV remained unaffected after Mn. Effects on Ib probably reflect a decrease in IK1 related to the decrease in Ca influx as well as a reduction in the Na-Ca exchange current.  相似文献   

Effects of 4-aminopyridine on potassium currents in a molluscan neuron   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The effects of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) on the delayed K+ current and on the Ca2+-activated K+ current of the Aplysia pacemaker neurons R-15 and L-6 were studied. The delayed outward K+ current was measured in Ca2+- free artificial seawater (ASW) containing tetrodotoxin (TTX), using brief depolarizing clamp pulses. External (and internal) 4-AP blocks the delayed K+ current in a dose-dependent manner but does not block the leakage current. Our results show that one 4-AP molecule combines with a single receptor site and that the block is voltage dependent with an apparent dissociation constant (K4-AP) of approximately 0.8 mM at 0 mV. K4-AP increases e-fold for a 32-mV change in potential, which is consistent with the block occurring approximately 0.8 of the distance through the membrane electrical field. The 4-AP block appears to depend upon stimulus frequency as well as upon voltage. The greater speed of onset of the block produced by internal 4-AP relative to when it is used externally suggests that 4-AP acts from inside the cell. The Ca2+-activated K+ current was measured in Ca2+-free ASW containing TTX, using internal Ca2+-ion injection to directly activate the K+ conductance. Low external 4-AP concentrations (less than 2 mM) have no effect on the Ca2+-activated K+ current, but concentrations of 5 mM or greater increase the K+ current. Internal 4-AP has the same effect. The opposing effects of 4-AP on the two components of the K+ current can be seen in measurements of the total outward K+ current at different membrane potentials in normal ASW and during the repolarizing phase of the action potential.  相似文献   

Spontaneous miniature outward currents (SMOCs) occur in a subset of retinal amacrine cells at membrane potentials between -60 and -40 mV. At more depolarized potentials, a transient outward current (I(to)) appears and SMOCs disappear. Both SMOCs and the I(to) are K(+) currents carried by BK channels. They both arise from Ca(2+) influx through high voltage-activated (HVA) Ca(2+) channels, which stimulates release of internal Ca(2+) from caffeine- and ryanodine-sensitive stores. An increase in Ca(2+) influx resulted in an increase in SMOC frequency, but also led to a decline in SMOC mean amplitude. This reduction showed a temporal dependence: the effect being greater in the latter part of a voltage step. Thus, Ca(2+) influx, although required to generate SMOCs, also produced a negative modulation of their amplitudes. Increasing Ca(2+) influx also led to a decline in the first latency to SMOC occurrence. A combination of these effects resulted in the disappearance of SMOCs, along with the concomitant appearance of the I(to) at high levels of Ca(2+) influx. Therefore, low levels of Ca(2+) influx, arising from low levels of activation of the HVA Ca(2+) channels, produce randomly occurring SMOCs within the range of -60 to -40 mV. Further depolarization leads to greater activation of the HVA Ca(2+) channels, larger Ca(2+) influx, and the disappearance of discontinuous SMOCs, along with the appearance of the I(to). Based on their characteristics, SMOCs in retinal neurons may function as synaptic noise suppressors at quiescent glutamatergic synapses.  相似文献   

The effects of quinidine on the fast, the delayed, and the Ca2+- activated K+ outward currents, as well as on Na+ and Ca2+ inward currents, were studied at the soma membrane from neurons of the marine mollusk Aplysia californica. External quinidine blocks these current components but to different degrees. Its main effect is on the voltage- dependent, delayed K+ current, and it resembles the block produced by quaternary ammonium ions (Armstrong, C. M., 1975, Membranes, Lipid Bilayers and Biological Membranes: Dynamic Properties, 3:325-358). The apparent dissociation constant is 28 microM at V = +20 mV. The blocking action is voltage and time dependent and increases during maintained depolarization. The data are consistent with the block occurring approximately 70-80% through the membrane electric field. Internal injection of quinidine has an effect similar to that obtained after external application, but its time course of action is faster. External quinidine may therefore have to pass into or through the membrane to reach a blocking site. The Ca2+-activated K+ current is blocked by external quinidine at concentrations 20-50-fold higher compared with the delayed outward K+ current. In addition, it prolongs the time course of decay of the Ca2+-activated K+ current. Na+ and Ca2+ inward currents are also blocked by external quinidine, but again at higher concentrations. The effects of quinidine on membrane currents can be seen from its effect on action potentials and the conversion of repetitive "beating" discharge activity to "bursting" pacemaker activity.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The effect of a pyrethroid insecticide deltamethrin was investigated on transient outward potassium currents of identified snail (Helix pomatia) neurones LPa1 and RPa3.
  • 2.2. In 5 × 10−5 M concentration the deltamethrin decreased the IA amplitude and the slope of I–V curve. The activation variable was shifted left along the voltage axis by 10–20 mV, while the inactivation variable remained unchanged.
  • 3.3. Time constant of inactivation decreased, and the relaxation of IA described by one exponential. “Modified” ionic channel fraction was not observed.
  • 4.4. It is suggested that deltamethrin acts on IA channels through a different molecular mechanism to INa channels, since not only the gating machinery but the permeability of the channels were influenced.

Three types of high-threshold K+ currents were recorded in isolated neurons of the snail Helix pomatia using a two-microelectrode voltage clamp technique: transient K+ current (I(A)), delayed rectifier (I(KD)) and Ca2+-dependent K+ current (I(K(Ca))). Vinpocetine (1-100 microM) applied to the bath affected different types of K+ current in different ways: I(A) was increased (35+/-14%), I(KD) was moderately inhibited (20+/-9%) and I(K(Ca)) was strongly suppressed (45+/-15%). When I(A) and I(K(Ca)) were present in the same cell, vinpocetine exerted a dual effect on the total K+ current, depending on the amplitude of the test stimulus. In the presence of vinpocetine, the I-V curve crossed the control I-V curve. The inhibition of I(K(Ca)) by vinpocetine between 1 and 100 microM is unlikely to be a result of Ca2+ current (I(Ca)) suppression, as the latter was inhibited only at vinpocetine concentrations exceeding 300 microM. Dibutyryl cyclic GMP (dbcGMP) (but not dbcAMP) mimicked the effects of vinpocetine in the majority of cells tested (coefficient of correlation r=0.60, P<0.05, n=22). The data suggest that modulation of different types of K+ current in neuronal membrane can contribute, at least partially, to the nootropic effect of vinpocetine through the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ concentration.  相似文献   

The effects of the molluscan neuropeptide FMRF-amide were tested on several neurones in the suboesophageal ganglia of the snail Helix aspersa. Almost all neurones tested responded to the peptide, some being hyperpolarized (H response) and others depolarized (D response). The H response is due primarily to an inward potassium current and may be blocked in 20 microM 4-aminopyridine. The hyperpolarizing actions of FMRF-amide and dopamine may be separated by ergometrine which blocks the response to dopamine but not to FMRF-amide. The D response is due mainly to an inward sodium current but this is not blocked by d-tubocurarine, morphine or TTX. It appears to be mediated by a distinct receptor/ionophore as excitation by ACh and 5-HT are both antagonized by d-tubocurarine. The Leu2-substituted analogue FLRF-amide was found to produce similar H responses to FMRF-amide, but was much less potent at producing D responses. It did, however, produce cross-desensitization of the D response to FMRF-amide, suggesting that it does bind to the FMRF-amide receptor.  相似文献   

The ionic nature and pharmacological properties of the outward current activated by membrane depolarization were studied on isolated neurones of the snail Helix pomatia, placed in Na+- and Ca2+-free extracellular solutions and intracellularly perfused with K+-free solution ("nonspecific outward current"). It was shown that the amplitude and reversal potential of this current (estimated from instantaneous current-voltage characteristics) are determined mainly by the transmembrane gradient for H+ ions. Lowering of pHi induced an increase in the current amplitude and a shift of the reversal potential to more negative values; the shift magnitude was comparable with that predicted for the hydrogen electrode. Raising pHi, as well as lowering pHo, induced a decrease in the current amplitude and a displacement of the current activation curve to more positive potentials. Addition of EGTA (8 mmol/l) to the intracellular perfusate did not affect the current amplitude. Extracellular 4-aminopyridine (10 mmol/l), verapamil (0.25 mmol/l) or Cd2+ (0.5 mmol/l) blocked the current. It is concluded that the current studied is carried mainly by H+ ions. In the same neurones the nature of the fast decay of the calcium inward current was also studied (in the presence of extracellular Ca2+ ions). This decay considerably slowed when pHi was raised or pHo was lowered, and it became less pronounced upon extracellular application of 4-aminopyridine or upon intracellular introduction of phenobarbital (4 mmol/l) and tolbutamide (3 mmol/l). It is suggested that the fast decay of the calcium inward current is due to activation of a Ca-sensitive component of the hydrogen current which depends on accumulation of Ca2+ ions. The possible physiological role of the transmembrane hydrogen currents is discussed.  相似文献   

M Pusch  F Conti    W Stühmer 《Biophysical journal》1989,55(6):1267-1271
Tail currents through Na+ channels have been measured in inside-out patches from Xenopus laevis oocytes injected with cDNA-derived mRNA coding for the rat brain type II Na+ channel. It is shown that intracellular Mg2+ blocks outward currents in a voltage- and dose-dependent manner with a half blocking concentration between 3 and 4 mM at 0 mV and a voltage dependence of e-fold per 49 mV.  相似文献   

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