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The early embryonic development of Hydractinia lasts about 2.5 days until the developing planula larva acquires competence for metamorphosis. Most embryonic cells stop cycling on reaching the larval stage. In older larvae of Hydractinia, cells that are still proliferating occur exclusively in the endoderm in a typical distribution along the longitudinal axis. During metamorphosis, proliferation activity begins again. The number of S-phase cells has increased by the 9th hour after induction of metamorphosis. Proliferative activity starts in the middle gastric region and in basal parts of primary polyps. Tentacles and stolon tips are always free of replicating cells.  相似文献   

Summary Patterning processes during embryonic development of Hydractinia echinata were analysed for alterations in morphology and physiology as well as for changes at the cellular level by means of treatment with proportioning altering factor (PAF). PAF is an endogenous factor known to change body proportions and to stimulate nerve cell differentiation in hydroids (Plickert 1987, 1989). Applied during early embryogenesis, this factor interferes with the proper establishment of polarity in the embryo. Instead of normal shaped planulae with one single anterior and one single posterior end, larvae with multiple termini develop. Preferentially, supernumerary posterior ends, which give rise to polyp head structures during metamorphosis, form while anterior ends are reduced. The formation of such polycaudal larvae coincide with an increase in the number of interstitial cells and their derivatives at the expense of epithelial cells. Treatment of further advanced embryonic stages causes an increase in length, presumably due to the general stimulation of cell proliferation observed in such embryos. Also, the spatial arrangement of cells (i.e. cells in proliferation and RFamide (Arg-Phe-amide immunopositive nerve cells) is altered by PAF. Larvae that develop from treated embryos display altered physiological properties and are remarkably different from normal planulae with respect to their morphogenetic potential: (1) Larvae lose their capacity to regenerate missing anterior parts; isolated posterior larva fragments form regenerates of a bicaudal phenotype. (2) In accordance with the frequently observed reduction of anterior structures, the capacity to respond to metamorphosis-inducing stimuli decreases. (3) The morphogenetic potential to form basal polyp parts is found to be reduced. In contrast, the potential to form head structures during metamorphosis increases, since primary polyps with supernumerary hypostomes and tentacles metamorphose from treated animals.  相似文献   

The planula larva of the hydroid Clava multicornis (Forskål, 1775) has a complex nervous system, characterized by the presence of distinct, anteriorly concentrated peptidergic populations of amidated neurons, presumably involved in the detection of environmental stimuli and metamorphic signals. Differently from other hydrozoan larvae in C. multicornis planulae GLW-positive cells with putative sensory role have a peculiar dome-shaped forefront organization, followed by a belt of RF-positive nerve cells. By immunohistochemistry, we investigated the transformation of the peptidergic (GLW-amide and RF-amide) larval neuroanatomy at different stages of metamorphosis and the subsequent development of the primary polyp nervous system. By terminal transferase-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling assay, apoptotic nuclei were first identified in the anterior pole of the settled larva, in the same region occupied by GLW-amide positive putative sensory cells. In primary polyps, GLW-amide positive signals first encircled the hypostome area, later extending downwards along the polyp column or upwards over the hypostome dome, whereas RF-amide positive sensory cells initially appeared at the tentacles base to later extend in the tentacles and the polyp column. In spite of the possession of distinct neuroanatomies, different cnidarian planulae may share common developmental mechanisms underlying metamorphosis, including apoptosis and de novo differentiation. Our data confirm the hypothesis that the developmental dynamics of tissue rearrangements may be not uniform across different taxa.  相似文献   

In the marine hydroid Hydractinia echinata, metamorphosis transforms the spindle-shaped larva into a primary polyp. It bears a hypostome with a ring of tentacles at its apical end, a gastric region in the middle and stolons at the base. In nature, metamorphosis is induced in response to external stimuli provided by bacteria. These stimuli can be replaced by artificial inducers, one of which is heat shock. Among heat shock treated stages are those undergoing complete metamorphosis but also specimens forming chimeras of different developmental stages. In the chimeric larvae, the posterior is transformed into the apical hypostome of the adult polyp while the anterior part of the larva persists as larval tissue. After transverse sectioning, these stage chimeras regenerate the missing body parts with respect to the nature of the tissue at the wound surface. This shows that the decision to make larva or polyp morphology depends not on the majority of the tissue in the original body section, but on stage specificity within the regenerating animal part. Single cells can escape from this general rule, since RFamide nerve cells which usually differentiate in polyp tissue appear in regenerated larval tails of sectioned stage chimeras. The results indicate that the pattern-forming system of the larva and of the adult have features in common. The primary signals controlling patterning along the anterior-posterior axis in larvae and the apical-basal axis in polyps arethus likelyto be the same while the interpretation of these primary signals by the individual cells changes during metamorphosis.  相似文献   

The morphology and histology of the planula larva ofEudendrium racemosum (Cavolini) and its metamorphosis into the primary polyp are described from light microscopic observations. The planula hatches as a differentiated gastrula. During the lecithotrophic larval period, large ectodermal mucous cells, embedded between epitheliomuscular cells, secrete a sticky slime. Two granulated cell types occur in the ectoderm that are interpreted as secretory and sensorynervous cells, but might also be representatives of only one cell type with a multiple function. The entoderm consists of yolk-storing gastrodermal cells, digestive gland cells, interstitial cells, cnidoblasts, and premature cnidocytes. The larva starts metamorphosis by affixing its blunt aboral pole to a substratum. While the planula flattens down, the mucous cells penetrate the mesolamella and migrate through the entoderm into the gastral cavity where they are lysed. Subsequently, interstitial cells, cnidoblasts, and premature cnidocytes migrate in the opposite direction, i.e. from entoderm to ectoderm. Then, the polypoid body organization, comprising head (hydranth), stem and foot, all covered by peridermal secretion, becomes recognisable. An oral constriction divides the hypostomal portion of the gastral cavity from the stomachic portion. Within the hypostomal entoderm, cells containing secretory granules differentiate. Following growth and the multiplication of tentacles, the head periderm disappears. A ring of gland cells differentiates at the hydranth's base. The positioning of cnidae in the tentacle ectoderm, penetration of the mouth opening and the multiplication of digestive gland cells enable the polyp to change from lecithotrophic to planktotrophic nutrition.  相似文献   

The larvae of many marine organisms including hydrozoans are lecithotrophic and will not feed until after metamorphosis. In hydrozoans the aboral region of the planula becomes the holdfast and stolon, while the oral region becomes the stalk and hydranth that grows out of the holdfast following metamorphosis. If metamorphosis is delayed, the portion of the planula allocated to form holdfast and stolon shrinks and the region that forms the hydranth increases in size. Planulae also have the ability to regenerate their polyp prepattern. When the aboral region of the planula that does not normally form a hydranth is isolated and metamorphosis is delayed, it acquires the capacity to form a hydranth from the holdfast. A relatively high proportion of entodermal cells of young planulae engage in DNA synthesis (BrdU labeling index); as planulae age, the labeling index falls close to zero. When the polyp prepattern is modified during planula regeneration, entodermal cells are induced to engage in DNA synthesis. If DNA synthesis is inhibited in planulae, the polyp prepattern changes during regeneration and age-related developmental changes in planula are inhibited, suggesting that DNA synthesis is a necessary part of the pattern respecification process.  相似文献   

Abstract. Laser scanning confocal microscopy is used to reveal the changes that occur in the RFamide-positive nerve net as a free-swimming, solid hydrozoan planula larva is transformed into a sessile, hollow, young polyp. Seven stages of development in Pennaria tiarella are described: planula competent to metamorphose, attaching planula, disc, pawn, crown, developing polyp, and developed primary polyp. The RFamide-positive nervous system undergoes dramatic reorganization during metamorphosis: (1) larval neurons degenerate; (2) new neurons differentiate and reform a nerve net; and (3) the overall distribution pattern of the nervous system changes. This study confirms earlier observations on RFamide-positive neurons of Hydractinia which also show the loss of these cells after the onset of metamorphosis.  相似文献   

We investigated the development of Aurelia (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) during embryogenesis and metamorphosis into a polyp, using antibody markers combined with confocal and transmission electron microscopy. Early embryos form actively proliferating coeloblastulae. Invagination is observed during gastrulation. In the planula, (1) the ectoderm is pseudostratified with densely packed nuclei arranged in a superficial and a deep stratum, (2) the aboral pole consists of elongated ectodermal cells with basally located nuclei forming an apical organ, which is previously only known from anthozoan planulae, (3) endodermal cells are large and highly vacuolated, and (4) FMRFamide-immunoreactive nerve cells are found exclusively in the ectoderm of the aboral region. During metamorphosis into a polyp, cells in the planula endoderm, but not in the ectoderm, become strongly caspase 3 immunoreactive, suggesting that the planula endoderm, in part or in its entirety, undergoes apoptosis during metamorphosis. The polyp endoderm seems to be derived from the planula ectoderm in Aurelia, implicating the occurrence of “secondary” gastrulation during early metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Aurelia aurita is a cosmopolite species of scyphomedusae. Its anatomy and life cycle are well investigated. This work provides a detailed study on development and structure of A. aurita planula before and during its metamorphosis. Intravital observations and histology study during the settlement and metamorphosis of the planulae demonstrated that the inner manubrium lining of primary polyp (gastroderm) develops from the ectoderm of the planula posterior end. The spatial and temporal dynamics of serotonergic cells from the early embryonic stages until the formation of the primary polyp were studied for the first time. In addition, the distribution of tyrosinated tubulin and neuropeptide RF-amide at different stages of A. aurita development was traced.  相似文献   

Peptides are increasingly attracting attention as primary signals in the control of development. Even though a large number of peptides have been characterized in cnidarians, little experimental evidence addresses their endogenous role. The life cycle of Hydractinia echinata includes metamorphosis from planula larva into the adult stage of the polyp. This process of stage conversion includes internal signalling, which controls cell cycle activity, cell differentiation, cell death and proportion-controlled morphogenesis. LWamide peptides are considered to be part of the control system. We implemented methods to silence gene activity by dsRNAi in Hydractinia and show a substantial knock-down of LWamide gene activity. In addition, LWamide function was knocked-out pharmacologically by targeting the biosynthesis of amidated peptides and thus preventing functional LWamides. Here we show that extinction of bioactive LWamides from planulae causes loss of metamorphosis competence, a deficiency which can be rescued by synthetic LWamide peptides. Thus, it is shown that LWamides are indispensable and act by conveying outer metamorphosis stimuli to target cells within the animal. Considering non-availability of genetic analysis and the so-far limited success in expressing transgenes in hydroids, gene functions are difficult to analyse in hydroids. The approach as outlined here is suitable for functional analysis of genes encoding amidated peptides in hydroids.  相似文献   

Summary There are species of hydrozoans, Eutonina victoria, Mitrocomella polydiademata, and Phialidium gregarium whose eggs contain calcium-specific photoproteins. These cytoplasmic photoproteins are synthesized during oogenesis. During the cleavage stages of embryogenesis they are distributed to all of the cells of the developing planula larva. The amount of photoprotein slowly declines during the development of the planula larva, and markedly declines when the planula undergoes metamorphosis to become a polyp.Oocytes, unfertilized eggs, and fertilized eggs prior to the first cleavage do not produce light when treated with KCl. The ability to respond to KCl appears about the time of first cleavage, and is correlated with the appearance of active membrane responses. Both the KCl response and the action potentials will occur in sodium-free sea water, and both are inhibited by calcium channel blockers. These and other experiments suggest that voltage sensitive calcium channels first become active at about the time of first cleavage. These channels also appear on the same schedule in both unfertilized eggs and in enucleated egg fragments, which have been artificially activated with A23187.Developing planulae produce few or no spontaneous light responses before gastrulation. Later the frequency and magnitude of spontaneous light production increases presumably due to an increasing frequency and magnitude of calcium transients. Both the natural trigger of metamorphosis (bacteria) and an artificial trigger (CsCl) cause a conspicuous series of calcium transients. When these transients are inhibited by calcium channel blockers, metamorphosis is also inhibited.  相似文献   

Summary Hydractinia echinata is a marine, colony-forming coelenterate. Fertilized eggs develop into freely swimming planula larvae, which undergo metamorphosis to a sessile (primary) polyp. Metamorphosis can be triggered by means of certain marine bacteria and by Cs+. Half a day after this treatment a larva will have developed into a polyp. The induction of metamorphosis can be prevented by addition of inhibitor I, a substance partially purified from tissue ofHydra. The larvae ofH. echinata also appear to contain this substance. Inhibitor I appliedafter the onset of metamorphosis blocks its continuation as long as it remains in the culture medium. Cs+ applied within the same period of time also blocks the continuation of metamorphosis. However, these two agents have opposite effects on the body pattern of the resultant polyps. The experiments indicate that application of Cs+ triggers the generation of the pre-pattern. Inhibitor I appears to be a factor of this prepattern. A model is proposed which describes the basic features of head and foot/stolon formation not only forHydractinia but also for other related hydroids.  相似文献   

Larval development in Cnidaria: A connection to bilateria?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Among the basal animal phyla, the Cnidaria display many characteristics similar to the Bilateria (the higher Metazoa). However, the relation of that outgroup phyla to the Bilateria is still equivocal. Additionally to morphological and genetic data, studies on cnidarian embryogenesis are essential to clarify the Cnidaria-Bilateria relationship. We analyzed cellular differentiation during planula larvae development of the jellyfish Podocoryne carnea. Within 24 to 30 h postfertilization, the diploblastic body structure and all cell types found in polyps have already differentiated in the larva. Whereas the differentiating smooth muscles, RFamide-positive nerve cells, or nematocytes (stinging cells) express no axial polarity, a newly discovered tyrosine-tubulin-positive nervous system develops gradually in repetitive patterns from anterior to posterior. These data demonstrate that part of the cnidarian nervous system develops from anterior to posterior in serially repeated patterns. This developmental mechanism seems to follow the bilaterian pattern and would have antedated the Cambrian explosion.  相似文献   

We examined the development of the nervous system in Aurelia (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) from the early planula to the polyp stage using confocal and transmission electron microscopy. Fluorescently labeled anti-FMRFamide, antitaurine, and antityrosinated tubulin antibodies were used to visualize the nervous system. The first detectable FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity occurs in a narrow circumferential belt toward the anterior/aboral end of the ectoderm in the early planula. As the planula matures, the FMRFamide-immunoreactive cells send horizontal processes (i.e., neurites) basally along the longitudinal axis. Neurites extend both anteriorly/aborally and posteriorly/orally, but the preference is for anterior neurite extension, and neurites converge to form a plexus at the aboral/anterior end at the base of the ectoderm. In the mature planula, a subset of cells in the apical organ at the anterior/aboral pole begins to show FMRFamide-like and taurine-like immunoreactivity, suggesting a sensory function of the apical organ. During metamorphosis, FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity diminishes in the ectoderm but begins to occur in the degenerating primary endoderm, indicating that degenerating FMRFamide-immunoreactive neurons are taken up by the primary endoderm. FMRFamide-like expression reappears in the ectoderm of the oral disc and the tentacle anlagen of the growing polyp, indicating metamorphosis-associated restructuring of the nervous system. These observations are discussed in the context of metazoan nervous system evolution.  相似文献   

Gonothyraea loveni (Allman, 1859) is a colonial thecate hydrozoan with a life cycle that lacks a free-swimming medusa stage. The development from zygote to planula occurs within meconidia attached to the female colony. The planula metamorphosis results in the formation of a primary hydranth. The colony then grows by development of new colony elements. In the present work, we studied the temporal pattern of the formation of FMRF-amide-positive cells during embryogenesis, in larvae and during early colony ontogeny. FMRF-amide-positive cells appear in the planula only after its maturation. However, they disappear after planula settlement. For the first time, we show that neural cells are present in the coenosarc of the hydroid colony. We also trace the process of neural net formation during the development of a new shoot internode of the G. loveni colony.  相似文献   

Abstract. Vanadate interferes with the development of planula larvae of the marine hydrozoon Hydractinia echinata . Exposure of embryos (morulae) to vanadate leads to teratomalike and heavily malformed larvae. Thirty h old embryos treated for 18 h develop into larvae signficiantly longer than control larvae. In control larvae cell proliferation detected by BrdU-antiBrdU immuno-histochemistry ceases at the posterior and anterior pole at an age of 72 h but is maintained at a high level in treated larvae. Even in teratomas cell proliferation is at a higher level than in proliferation zones of control animals indicating a deregulation of proliferation in the treated larvae just as in mammalian teratomas. Arginine-phenylalanine-amide (RF-amide) immunopositive nerve cells and fibres are found in 5 day old teratomas. RF-amide immunopositive cells are concentrated in globular structures. The animals overcome the deregulation by extruding these structures. In intact larvae 2–4 m M ort-hovanadate and 25–250 m M metavanadate induced metamorphosis. A majority of the developing polyps displayed an abnormal body pattern often having an elongated hypostome and instead of one whorl, had several tentacle whorls, one upon another. Incomplete polyps with a larval anterior part instead of a basal plate are also observed. Metamorphosis induced by vanadate is promoted by amiloride and inhibited by ouabain. Vanadate also disturbs pattern control in regeneration. Up to 50% of isolated larval tails either regenerate a second mirror-image tail instead of an anterior one or develop tentacles at their anterior part (up to 20%), i.e., exhibited a reversed polarity. Vanadate is assumed to act by influencing signal transducing pathways like the phosphoinositide cycle or tyrosine phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The recent members of the phylum Cnidaria were analyzed with phylogenetic methodology and the help of the PAUP Computer program. The Cnidaria are established as a monophylum by their cnidocysts, planula larva, and a polyp stage. The Ctenophora were seen as the most probable sister group of the Cnidaria. Arguments for the monophyly of the cnidarian classes Anthozoa, Scyphozoa, Cubozoa, and Hydrozoa were providea. For the ground plan of the Cnidaria the following characters were postulated: triphasic life cycle consisting of a planula larva, a benthic polyp stage, and a sexually propagating medusa like stage. For the polyp a radial symmetry, lack of septae, and hollow tentacles were assumed. The original medusa probably was tetraradial and developed from the polyp stage by a total metamorphosis. Twelve polarized characters were used to generate cladograms. The most parsimonious one showed the Anthozoa as the first offshoot of the tree with the united Scyphozoa, Cubozoa and Hydrozoa forming its sister group. Within this sister group the Scyphozoa and Cubozoa were seen as sistergroups to each other. Both groups united are then the sistergroup of the Hydrozoa. A bootstrap analysis yielded the same tree with high probabilities for the internal nodes. Despite assuming a planktonic origin of the Cnidaria in this investigation, the resulting cladogram is also compatible with an evolution of the medusa stage within the Cnidaria after the splitting-off of the Anthozoa. The possible loss of the medusa stage in the Anthozoa is discussed.  相似文献   

Kraus IuA 《Ontogenez》2011,42(2):116-125
Activity of organizer regions is required for body plan formation in the developing organism. Transplanting a fragment of such a region to a host organism leads to the formation of a secondary body axis that consists of both the donor's and the host's tissues (Gerhart, 2001). The subject of this study, the White Sea hydroid cnidarian Dynamena pumila L. (Thecaphora, Sertulariidae), forms morphologically advanced colonies in the course of complex metamorphosis of the planula larva. To reveal an organizer region, a series of experiments has been performed in which small fragments of donor planula tissues were transplanted to embryos at the early and late gastrula stage, as well as to planulae. Only transplantations of a posterior tip fragment of a donor planula to a host planula of the same age led, in the course of metamorphosis, to the formation of a secondary shoot, which involved up to 50% of the host's tissues. After transplantations of tissue fragments of the anterior tip and the middle of the planula body, the formation of any ectopic structures was never observed. It was concluded that the posterior tip of the planula has organizer properties in Dynamena.  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜、透射电镜和蛋白银染色等方法研究了海蜇胚胎发育和变态过程中细胞超微结构变化。结果显示: (1)海蜇自受精卵至原肠期阶段细胞均等分裂, 细胞间存在大量连接, 细胞形态相近, 未出现显著分化; (2)海蜇自早期浮浪游虫阶段, 其外胚层细胞开始出现空泡化, 至4触手螅状体阶段外胚层细胞空泡体积逐渐增大, 而内胚层细胞仅在4触手螅状体阶段才出现空泡化。伴随着外胚层细胞空泡化比例的增大, 杯状体和4触手螅状体阶段出现疑似凋亡小体结构; (3)刺细胞分化于早期浮浪游虫期的外胚层近中胶层区域, 而后逐渐向外转移, 至4触手螅状体阶段发育成熟并转移至表面; (4)纤毛形成于早期浮浪幼虫, 在杯状体阶段逐渐退化, 并于4触手螅状体阶段完全消失; (5)在海蜇早期发育各个阶段, 其内部均发现大量着色较深的卵黄体, 且在浮浪游虫阶段首次发现了海蜇外层细胞主动吞噬细菌现象, 表明海蜇早期发育营养来自内源性和外源性两部分。研究结果可为阐明刺胞动物早期发育模式提供依据。  相似文献   

Metamorphosin A is a neuropeptide   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A novel biologically active peptide (metamorphosin A, MMA, pEQPGLW.NH2) has recently been described. It was isolated from Anthopleura elegantissima and triggers metamorphosis in Hydractinia echinata. Antibodies directed against the C-terminal part of the molecule immunohistochemically stain neurosensory cells and processes in the anterior part of larvae of H. echinata. We assume that in metamorphosis MMA (or a closely related LW-amide) is an internal signal transmitted from the anterior to the posterior body parts. Immunoreactivity is also found in ectodermal nerve processes — but not cell bodies — in the tentacles and in the basal disk of the foot of Hydra magnipapillata. This is, to our knowledge, the first report of LW-amide(s) as (a) neuropeptide(s).  相似文献   

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