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During epithelial development cells become polarized along their apical-basal axis and some epithelia also exhibit polarity in the plane of the tissue. Mutations in the gene encoding a Drosophila Pak family serine/threonine kinase, dPak, disrupt the follicular epithelium that covers developing egg chambers during oogenesis. The follicular epithelium normally exhibits planar polarized organization of basal F-actin bundles such that they lie perpendicular to the anterior-posterior axis of the egg chamber, and requires contact with the basement membrane for apical-basal polarization. During oogenesis, dPak becomes localized to the basal end of follicle cells and is required for polarized organization of the basal actin cytoskeleton and for epithelial integrity and apical-basal polarity. The receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase Dlar and integrins, all receptors for extracellular matrix proteins, are required for polarization of the basal F-actin bundles, and for correct dPak localization in follicle cells. dpak mutant follicle cells show increased beta(Heavy)-spectrin levels, and we speculate that dPak regulation of beta(Heavy)-spectrin, a known participant in the maintenance of membrane domains, is required for correct apical-basal polarization of the membrane. We propose that dPak mediates communication between the basement membrane and intracellular proteins required for polarization of the basal F-actin and for apical-basal polarity.  相似文献   

The gall midge Heteropeza pygmaea can reproduce by means of paedogenesis (i.e., larval parthenogenesis). In that process, follicles are produced that develop while floating in the hemocoele of the mother larva. A chorion is not formed at the end of oogenesis, and the growing embryos remain enveloped by the follicular epithelium. To investigate possible adaptations of the follicular epithelium to this unusual egg development, its ultrastructure has been studied during late oogenesis and cleavage. Earlier investigations had shown that the follicle cells are provided with a specifically arranged microtubular frame, which may be responsible for the anisometric growth of the egg. The present work shows that the follicle cells are always joined by desmosomes and septate junctions. During development, the septate junctions increase their surface and change their orientation to become parallel to the longitudinal egg axis, thus increasing the resistance of the follicle cells to being torn apart by growth tensions. The total surface of the follicular epithelium increases during development. Well-developed nucleoli in the nuclei and numerous ribosomes in the cytoplasm of follicle cells indicate a high level of synthetic activity. This activity may be required to support the increase in the membrane surface and the establishment of the microtubular frame. Lipid droplets, glycogen, and different inclusions in the follicle cells may represent nutrient and energy reserves. Structures indicating a quantitative significant transfer of nutrients from the follicle cells to the egg were not found.  相似文献   

Summary The follicular epithelial layers of the developing ovary of two cichlid species were examined by electron microscopy for evidence of steroid secretion. As each oocyte grew, its follicular cell layers increased in height, eventually becoming somewhat columnar; no development could be detected in follicle cells of non-activated oocytes. Isolated cells close to capillaries in the thecal layer developed large amounts of smooth membrane indicative of steroidogenesis, appearing similar at maturity to testicular Leydig cells. In Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum the mitochondria of differentiated thecal elements contained microtubule-like inclusions. It is suggested that these cells may produce estrogens during vitellogenesis.In developing granulosa cells, active synthesis of granular endoplasmic reticulum occurred. This membrane appeared to arise from the nuclear envelope, and in the pre-ovulatory stage was always intermediate between smooth and granular forms, being only partly associated with ribosomes. Evidence for steroid biosynthesis in the granulosa at this time was therefore equivocal. Evidence was found of transfer of micropinocytotic vesicles from the granulosa cells into the ooplasm.The fate of the post-ovulatory follicle was investigated in Cichlasoma. Thecal elements remained separate from granulosa and unchanged in ultrastructure for up to ten days. The granulosa cells proliferated and differentiated within a few hours after ovulation into a cell type containing much smooth reticulum, characteristic of steroidogenesis. However, after approximately three days numerous signs of degenerative processes became visible. The significance of the observed ultrastructural changes in relation to endocrine function is discussed.  相似文献   

Oogenesis in Hydra occurs in so-called egg patches containing several thousand germ cells. Only one oocyte is formed per egg patch; the remaining germ cells differentiate as nurse cells. Whether and how nurse cells contribute cytoplasm to the developing oocyte has been unclear. We have used tissue maceration to characterize the differentiation of oocytes and nurse cells in developing egg patches. We show that nurse cells decrease in size at the same time that developing oocytes increase dramatically in volume. Nurse cells are also tightly attached to oocytes at this stage and confocal images of egg patches stained with the fluorescent membrane dye FM 4-64 clearly show large gaps (10 microm) in the cell membranes separating nurse cells from the developing oocyte. We conclude that nurse cells directly transfer cytoplasm to the developing oocyte. Following this transfer of cytoplasm, nurse cells undergo apoptosis and are phagocytosed by the oocyte. These results demonstrate that basic mechanisms of alimentary oogenesis typical of Caenorhabditis and Drosophila are already present in the early metazoan Hydra.  相似文献   

Summary The eggs of the gall midgeHeteropeza pygmaea develop parthenogenetically inside of the mother larva. They lack a chorion and remain enveloped by the follicular epithelium. After experimental elimination of the follicular epithelium naked eggs are formed, which reach the blastoderm stage but remain spherical instead of assuming an elongated shape. To analyze this peculiar egg development and the roles of egg shape and envelope during development, the ultrastructure of cleaving normal and naked eggs was investigated. It was shown that the number of elements of Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum strongly increases during early cleavage. Their association with cleavage furrows and nuclei suggests that these organelles play a dominant role in membrane production. Egg yolk consists of lipids and glycogen, wheareas no proteins are found. Cleaving eggs contain numerous vesicles with lysosomal characteristics, indicating intense autophagic processes. Cleavage furrow formation occurs independently from the positioning of cleavage nuclei. The numerous microtubules, which are associated with cleavage furrows and nuclei and located in the egg periphery, the intercellular bridges, and in the central part of the egg, suggest that the cytoskeleton has an important role in cleavage furrow formation, blastoderm layer establishment, and yolk localization. Since these processes are accurately accomplished in naked spherical eggs, they can be considered as independent of normal egg shape and the follicular epithelium.  相似文献   

采用显微镜和透射电镜对阔叶鳞盖蕨(Microlepia platyphylla)的配子体发育和卵发生过程进行了观察,以阐明其卵发生的细胞学机制,探讨其演化地位。阔叶鳞盖蕨孢子褐色,四面体形,具三裂缝,接种5~10d后孢子萌发,经丝状体和片状体阶段发育为心形原叶体,原叶体发育是铁线蕨型,通常为雌雄异株,精子器产生于不规则配子体的表面,颈卵器产生于心形原叶体生长点的下方,性器官是薄囊蕨型。卵发生研究表明,阔叶鳞盖蕨颈卵器产生于生长点下方表面细胞,经两次分裂形成了顶细胞、初生细胞和基细胞。其中初生细胞再经两次不等分裂产生卵细胞、腹沟细胞和颈沟细胞,此3个细胞通过胞间连丝紧密相连,随发育,腹沟细胞与卵细胞间形成了分离腔,但在孔区处始终通过胞间连丝相连,成熟卵细胞上形成了卵膜和受精孔,卵核表面产生了核外突,通过比较表明阔叶鳞盖蕨卵发生与蕨(Pteridium aquilinum)卵发生相似。  相似文献   

The egg shells of investigated phthirapterans consist of three basic elements: an anterior operculum, a main egg shell and a posterior hydropyle. In some species these elements show further regional specializations: bristles and projections that facilitate attachment to feathers of the host, micropyles and aeropylar openings. All of the egg shell specializations are formed by distinct subpopulations of follicular cells. Staining with rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin has revealed that these subpopulations significantly differ in the distribution of microfilaments (F-actin). In this respect four morphological categories of the follicular cells have been distinguished: (1) cells devoid of processes and microvilli, with basal arrays of microfilaments, responsible for the secretion of a flat chorion; (2) cells devoid of processes and microvilli, separated by intercellular spaces, with basal arrays of microfilaments, responsible for the secretion of attachment structures; (3) cells equipped with actin-containing processes, responsible for the formation of micropyles or aeropyles, and (4) cells equipped with bundles of microvilli, responsible for the formation of hydropyles.  相似文献   

采用电镜和细胞化学技术对地钱(Marchantia polymorpha)卵发生过程进行了研究,根据卵发生过程中细胞化学和超微结构特征可将卵发育过程分为幼卵、中期卵和成熟卵3个阶段.幼卵阶段,卵细胞、腹沟细胞及颈沟细胞间有发达的胞间连丝,但卵与腹沟细胞间的胞间连丝很快退化,幼卵细胞内具大量透明的囊泡,均匀分布于细胞质中;卵发育中期,突出特征是卵细胞质内产生嗜锇性的脂滴,位于囊泡中,与此同时,腹沟细胞退化,其细胞质内产生大型囊泡,囊泡内分泌物与卵细胞外的物质类似,呈PAS反应阳性,表明该物质应为多糖类;卵成熟时,腹沟细胞和颈沟细胞完全退化,卵细胞外包被大量粘性多糖类物质,卵细胞核表面不规则,产生明显的核外突,众多的小泡围绕着细胞核,脂滴聚集成簇,卵细胞内其他细胞器不易区分.卵发育过程中,质体不含淀粉粒,线粒体退化,高尔基体相对发达.地钱卵发育的这些特征显著区分于蕨类植物.  相似文献   

In order to clarify contradictory reports concerning ciliary structure and function, follicular epithelium from macroscopically normal portions of 37 surgical specimens of human thyroid were processed for video-microscopy and/or transmission electron microscopy. The cilia of living cells were immotile. In transverse sections the cilia revealed a 9 + 0 pattern at the base of the shaft, whereas towards the distal end the number of microtubular doublets diminished. Dynein arms, radial spokes and central microtubules were absent. The immotility and structure of these primary cilia implies that their function is not related to motility. The phylogenetic and ontogenetic development of the thyroid suggests that tumor cells of follicular origin displaying abnormal secondary cilia may represent a pathological variant of differentiation.  相似文献   

The function of epithelial tissues is dependent on their polarised architecture, and loss of cell polarity is a hallmark of various diseases. Here we analyse cell polarisation in the follicular epithelium of Drosophila, an epithelium that arises by a mesenchymal-epithelial transition. Although many epithelia are formed by mesenchymal precursors, it is unclear how they polarise. Here we show how lateral, apical, and adherens junction proteins act stepwise to establish polarity in the follicular epithelium. Polarisation starts with the formation of adherens junctions, whose positioning is controlled by combined activities of Par-3, β-catenin, and Discs large. Subsequently, Par-6 and aPKC localise to the apical membrane in a Par-3-dependent manner. Apical membrane specification continues by the accumulation of the Crumbs complex, which is controlled by Par-3, Par-6, and aPKC. Thus, our data elucidate the genetic mechanisms leading to the stepwise polarisation of an epithelium with a mesenchymal origin.  相似文献   

Summary The activities of three antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase, were monitored in isolated human renal adenocarcinoma tissues and in cultured human renal adenocarcinoma cells. The results were compared to the activities of these enzymes in the proposed cell of origin, isolated human proximal tubular tissues, and cultured proximal tubular epithelial cells. Strong modulation of these enzymes by culture conditions was observed in normal cells but not in carcinoma cells. Low levels of cellular lipid peroxidation, as assessed by levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), were observed in adenocarcinoma cells under the culture conditions tested with one exception: greatly elevated MDA was observed in renal adenocarcinoma cells growth on plastic in serum-free, chemically defined medium. This increased lipid peroxidation correlated with a loss of cell viability under these conditions. This work was supported by a grant from the Veterans Adminsitration (T. D. O.) and by grant 1 R01 CA 41267 from the National Institutes of Health (L. W. O.), Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Ratto MH  Singh J  Huanca W  Adams GP 《Theriogenology》2003,60(9):1645-1656
The study was designed to compare the efficacy of treatments intended to induce follicular wave synchronization among llamas (Experiment 1), and to determine the effect of these treatments on pregnancy rates after fixed-time natural mating (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, llamas were treated with: (1) saline (control, n=20); (2) estradiol and progesterone (E/P, n=20); (3) LH (LH, n=20); or (4) transvaginal ultrasound-guided follicle ablation (FA, n=20). The ovarian response was monitored daily by transrectal ultrasonography. The intervals from treatment to follicular wave emergence and to the day on which the new dominant follicle reached ≥7 mm, respectively, did not differ between the LH (2.1±0.3 days and 5.2±0.5 days, respectively) and FA groups (2.3±0.3 days and 5.0±0.5 days), but both were shorter (P<0.05) and less variable (P<0.01) than in the control group (5.5±1.0 days and 8.4±2.0 days), while the E/P group (4.5±0.8 days and 7.7±0.5 days) was intermediate. In Experiment 2, llamas at unknown stages of follicular development were assigned randomly to control, E/P, and LH groups (n=30 per group). A single, fixed-time natural mating was permitted 10–12 days after treatment. Ovulation rates did not differ among groups (control, 93%; E/P, 90%; LH, 90%; P=0.99), but the pregnancy rate was higher (P<0.05) for synchronized llamas (LH and E/P groups combined, 41/54) than for non-synchronized llamas (control group, 15/28). In conclusion, LH and FA treatments were most effective for inducing follicular wave synchronization, while E/P treatment was intermediate. Synchronization treatments did not influence ovulation rate subsequent to fixed-time natural mating, but a higher pregnancy rate in synchronized than non-synchronized llamas warrants critical evaluation of the effects of follicular status on the developmental competence of the contained oocyte.  相似文献   

Regeneration of the lung airway epithelium after injury has been extensively studied. In contrast, analysis of its turnover in healthy adulthood has received little attention. In the classical view, this epithelium is maintained in the steady‐state by the infrequent proliferation of basal or Clara cells. The intermediate filament protein nestin was initially identified as a marker for neural stem cells, but its expression has also been detected in other stem cells. Lungs from CD1 mice at the age of 2, 6, 12, 18 or 24 months were fixed in neutral‐buffered formalin and paraffin‐embedded. Nestin expression was examined by an immunohistochemical peroxidase‐based method. Nestin‐positive cells were detected in perivascular areas and in connective tissue that were in close proximity of the airway epithelium. Also, nestin‐positive cells were found among the cells lining the airway epithelium. These findings suggest that nestin‐positive stem cells circulate in the bloodstream, transmigrate through blood vessels and localize in the lung airway epithelium to participate in its turnover. We previously reported the existence of similar cells able to differentiate into lung chondrocytes. Thus, the stem cell reported here might be a bone marrow‐derived mesenchymal stem cell (BMDMSC) able to generate several types of lung tissues. In conclusion, our findings indicate that there exist a BMDMSC in healthy adulthood that participates in the turnover of the lung airway epithelium. These findings may improve our knowledge about the lung stem cell biology and also provide novel approaches to therapy for devastating pulmonary diseases.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic annulate lamellae have been observed in frog (Rana ridibunda) adenohypophysis pars distalis from normal spring animals and from others which were submitted to experimental conditions inducing selective activation of different cell types. Cell activation, because of either the normal active period in the frog cycle or the experimental treatments, seems to be correlated with the occurrence annulate lamellae. These annulate lamellae consist of a succession of two relatively parallel membranes interrupted periodically by discontinuities similar to nuclear pores. Sometimes they have been observed connected to endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

九孔鲍卵子发生及卵巢发育的组织学观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用组织学方法研究了九孔鲍(Haliotis diversicolor supertexta)的卵子发生、卵巢结构及其发育.根据卵细胞的大小、形状,核仁的形态,卵黄颗粒的积累情况,滤泡的结构等.将九孔鲍卵子的发生分为卵原细胞、卵黄发生前的卵母细胞和卵黄发生期的卵母细胞3个时期;卵巢壁由外膜及内生殖上皮构成,生殖上皮分化产生卵原细胞和滤泡细胞;卵巢的结构单位是滤泡.根据卵巢的外部形态和内部组织结构,将九孔鲍的卵巢发育分为休止期、增殖期、生长期、成熟期和排放期共5期.  相似文献   

Summary Formation of the oocyte-nurse chamber complex in the cecidomyid insectMycophila speyeri was studied in situ and in vitro by electron microscopy and time-lapse cinemicrography. At the end of the oogonial divisions each oogonium passes through a mitotic division with incomplete cytokinesis. This division gives rise to two sister cells, a prospective nurse cell and the oocyte, which remain connected by an intercellular bridge. In two phases of nurse chamber formation, first four and then (usually) one or two ovarian cells of mesodermal origin fuse with the prospective nurse cell. This results in a syncytial nurse chamber containing one germ-cell-derived nucleus and a varying number of mesoderm-cell-derived nuclei. In two subsequent fusion steps, two mesodermal cells fuse with the oocyte, giving rise to an oocyte containing one large and two small nuclei. Thus, four fusion steps lead to the formation of the complete oocyte-nurse chamber complex. Characteristics of the cell fusions are: (1) in each case one or more somatic cell(s) fuse with a germ-line cell and (2) cell contact between the fusing cells is established by the somatic cell, which approaches the germ-line cells.  相似文献   

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