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Plum pox virus (PPV) is one of the most important plant viruses causing serious economic losses. Thus far, strain typing based on the definition of 10 monophyletic strains with partially differentiable biological properties has been the sole approach used for epidemiological characterization of PPV. However, elucidating the genetic determinants underlying intra-strain biological variation among populations or isolates remains a relevant but unexamined aspect of the epidemiology of the virus. In this study, based on complete nucleotide sequence information of 210 Japanese and 47 non-Japanese isolates of the PPV-Dideron (D) strain, we identified five positively selected sites in the PPV-D genome. Among them, molecular studies showed that amino acid substitutions at position 2,635 in viral replicase correlate with viral titre and competitiveness at the systemic level, suggesting that amino acid position 2,635 is involved in aphid transmission efficiency and symptom severity. Estimation of ancestral genome sequences indicated that substitutions at amino acid position 2,635 were reversible and peculiar to one of two genetically distinct PPV-D populations in Japan. The reversible amino acid evolution probably contributes to the dissemination of the virus population. This study provides the first genomic insight into the evolutionary epidemiology of PPV based on intra-strain biological variation ascribed to positive selection.  相似文献   

Plum pox potyvirus (PPV), the causal agent of a devastating disease that affects stone fruit trees, is becoming a target of intense studies intended both to fight against viral infection and to develop practical applications based on the current knowledge of potyvirus molecular biology. This review focuses on biotechnological aspects related to PPV, such as novel diagnostic techniques that facilitate detection and typing of virus isolates, strategies to implement pathogen-derived resistance through plant transformation, the potential use of genetic elements derived from the virus, and the recent development of PPV-based expression vectors.  相似文献   

Some diagnostic methods devised for the demonstration of the presence of plum pox virus in plum (Prunus domestica L.) and apricot (Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.) leaves were examined. The method of radial diffusion in agar can be recommended as the simplest and the least time consuming method which can be used during the entire vegetation period. In order to obtain antisera, some preparation methods of PPV antigen were verified. The best preparation method was a modification of Van Oosten’s method in which HEPES buffer pH 6.7 was used for the homogenization-of leaves from infectedNicotiana clevelandii Gray plants and for the solution of sediments after ultracentrifugation. In this way, antigens with titre up to 1: 2048 and during the immunization of rabbit antisera with titre 1: 512 to 1: 1024 were obtained. After the saturation of antisera according to Uyemoto, the titre of the antisera was 1: 64 to 1: 256. Antisera were used for agar preparation in transparent plastic boxes. 0.2 to 1 g portions of leaf material were homogenized with 0.05 M Tris-HCl buffer pH 7.2, 3% pyrrolidine and 1 % polyvinylpyrrolidone in the ratio of 1: 3 for the determination of PPV in plum and apricot leaves.  相似文献   

Recent evidence has indicated that activated oxygen species (AOS) may function as molecular signals in the induction of defence genes. In the present work, the response of antioxidative enzymes to the plum pox virus (PPV) was examined in two apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars, which behaved differently against PPV infection. In the inoculated resistant cultivar (Goldrich), a decrease in catalase (CAT) as well as an increase in total superoxide dismutase (SOD) and dehydroascorbate reductase (DHAR) activities were observed. Ascorbate peroxidase (APX), glutathione reductase (GR) and monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR) did not change significantly in relation to non-inoculated (control) plants. In the susceptible cultivar (Real Fino), inoculation with PPV brought about a decrease in CAT, SOD and GR, whereas a rise in APX, MDHAR and DHAR activities was found in comparison to non-inoculated (control) plants. Apricot leaves contain only CuZn-SOD isozymes, which responded differently to PPV depending on the cultivar. Goldrich leaves contained 6 SODs and both SOD 1 and SOD 2 increased in the inoculated plants. In leaves from Real Fino, 5 SODs were detected and only SOD 5 was increased in inoculated plants. The different behaviour of SODs (H2O2-generating enzymes) and APX (an H2O2-remover enzyme) in both cultivars suggests an important role for H2O2 in the response to PPV of the resistant cultivar, in which no change in APX activity was observed. This result also points to further studies in order to determine if an alternative H2O2-scavenging mechanism takes place in the resistant apricot cultivar exposed to PPV. On the other hand, the ability of the inoculated resistant cultivar to induce SOD 1 and SOD 2 as well as the important increase of DHAR seems to suggest a relationship between these activities and resistance to PPV. This is the first report about the effect of PPV infection on the antioxidative enzymes of apricot plants. It opens the way for the further studies, which are necessary for a better understanding of the role of antioxidative processes in viral infection by PPV in apricot plants.  相似文献   

Sheep pox virus DNAs from field isolates and vaccine strains were analysed by digestion with the restriction enzymes PstI and Bam HI. The restriction profiles generated by these enzymes show very close relationship between isolates from different geographical regions. The patterns of isolates can be grouped by the animal of origin (e.g. a cattle pox isolate can be differentiated from sheep pox isolate). The molecular weights of the genomes of different isolates varied from 91 to 94 MDa. The restriction enzyme patterns can be used as a molecular epidemiological tool for differentiating field and vaccine isolates.  相似文献   

Plum transformed with an intron hairpin RNA CP (ihpRNA-CP) was resistant to plum pox virus (PPV) infection through the specific process of RNA silencing involving both small interfering-RNA (siRNA) and a methylated virus transgene. Silencing specifically targeted the PPV genome and led to the degradation of viral RNA in the model plant species Nicotiana benthamiana and the natural Prunus domestica host. Plums inoculated with the five major PPV strains, three widespread PPV strains (D, M, and Rec), and the atypical EA strain did not allow systemic spread of PPV in greenhouse-grown transgenic ihRNA-CP plum over multiple cycles of vegetative growth and cold-induced dormancy. PPV ihRNA-CP N. benthamiana displayed an immunity reaction and also allowed for the testing of PPV-C, a strain that was unable to infect P. domestica. This stable resistance demonstrated in plum based on the accumulation of siRNA can prevent PPV infection and can also act as a “curative” when PPV is inoculated through graft inoculation, through a recovery reaction. Regardless PPV strain variability based on geography, host species, epidemiology and serotypes of the CP protein and substitutions of nucleotides at the NH2-terminus of CP of the major five PPV strains tested, we show that the use of a PPV-CP intron hairpin (ihp) RNA is an effective strategy to specifically target the PPV genome. We provide methods and tools that demonstrate a reliable path towards developing PPV resistance suitable for protecting stone fruit orchards.  相似文献   

The slot-immunobinding assay (SIBA) was adapted for detection of plum pox virus (PPV) and compared with DAS-ELISA. SIBA was easy to perform and as sensitive as DAS-ELISA in detection of various PPV isolates in herbaceous and woody plants, but not in aphids (Myzus persicae).  相似文献   

Site-specific proteases are the most popular kind of enzymes for removing the fusion tags from fused target proteins. Nuclear inclusion protein a (NIa) proteases obtained from the family Potyviridae have become promising due to their high activities and stringencies of sequences recognition. NIa proteases from tobacco etch virus (TEV) and tomato vein mottling virus (TVMV) have been shown to process recombinant proteins successfully in vitro. In this report, recombinant PPV (plum pox virus) NIa protease was employed to process fusion proteins with artificial cleavage site in vitro. Characteristics such as catalytic ability and affecting factors (salt, temperature, protease inhibitors, detergents, and denaturing reagents) were investigated. Recombinant PPV NIa protease expressed and purified from Escherichia coli demonstrated efficient and specific processing of recombinant GFP and SARS-CoV nucleocapsid protein, with site F (N V V V H Q black triangle down A) for PPV NIa protease artificially inserted between the fusion tags and the target proteins. Its catalytic capability is similar to those of TVMV and TEV NIa protease. Recombinant PPV NIa protease reached its maximal proteolytic activity at approximately 30 degrees C. Salt concentration and only one of the tested protease inhibitors had minor influences on the proteolytic activity of PPV NIa protease. Recombinant PPV NIa protease was resistant to self-lysis for at least five days.  相似文献   

This work describes, for the first time, the changes taking place in the antioxidative system of the leaf apoplast in response to plum pox virus (PPV) in different Prunus species showing different susceptibilities to PPV. The presence of p-hydroxymercuribenzoic acid (pHMB)-sensitive ascorbate peroxidase (APX) (class I APX) and pHMB-insensitive APX (class III APX), superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POX), NADH-POX, and polyphenoloxidase (PPO) was described in the apoplast from both peach and apricot leaves. PPV infection produced different changes in the antioxidant system of the leaf apoplast from the Prunus species, depending on their susceptibility to the virus. In leaves of the very susceptible peach cultivar GF305, PPV brought about an increase in class I APX, POX, NADH-POX, and PPO activities. In the susceptible apricot cultivar Real Fino, PPV infection produced a decrease in apoplastic POX and SOD activities, whereas a strong increase in PPO was observed. However, in the resistant apricot cultivar Stark Early Orange, a rise in class I APX as well as a strong increase in POX and SOD activities was noticed in the apoplastic compartment. Long-term PPV infection produced an oxidative stress in the apoplastic space from apricot and peach plants, as observed by the increase in H2O2 contents in this compartment. However, this increase was much higher in the PPV-susceptible plants than in the resistant apricot cultivar. Only in the PPV-susceptible apricot and peach plants was the increase in apoplastic H2O2 levels accompanied by an increase in electrolyte leakage. No changes in the electrolyte leakage were observed in the PPV-inoculated resistant apricot leaves, although a 42% increase in the apoplastic H2O2 levels was produced. Two-dimensional electrophoresis analyses revealed that the majority of the polypeptides in the apoplastic fluid had isoelectric points in the range of pI 4-6. The identification of proteins using MALDI-TOF (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight) and peptide mass fingerprinting analyses showed the induction of a thaumatin-like protein as well as the decrease of mandelonitrile lyase in peach apoplast due to PPV infection. However, most of the selected polypeptides showed no homology with known proteins. This fact emphasizes that, at least in Prunus, most of the functions of the apoplastic space remain unknown. It is concluded that long-term PPV infection produced an oxidative stress in the leaf apoplast, contributing to the deleterious effects produced by PPV infection in leaves of inoculated, susceptible Prunus plants.  相似文献   

Sharka disease, caused by the plum pox virus (PPV), is one of the major limiting factors for stone fruit production in Europe and America. Attempts to stop the disease through the eradication of infected trees have been unsuccessful. Introgression of PPV resistance for crop improvement is therefore the most important goal in Prunus breeding programs. Due to time- and labour-consuming protocols, phenotyping for sharka is still the major bottleneck in the breeding pipeline. In this context, screening of seedlings at early stages of development and marker-assisted selection (MAS) provide the best solution for enhancing breeding efficiency. In this study, we generated 42 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers from the peach genome assembly v1.0 and an apricot bacterial artificial chromosome clone identified in the physical map of the PPV resistance locus previously defined in apricot. Using a linkage mapping approach, we found SSR markers tightly linked to PPV resistance trait in all our progenies. Three SSR markers, PGS1.21 PGS1.23 and PGS1.24, showed allelic variants associated with PPV resistance with no recombinants in the crosses analysed. These markers unambiguously discriminated resistant from susceptible accessions in different genetic backgrounds. The results presented here are the first successful application of their use in MAS for breeding resistance in Prunus species.  相似文献   

Isozyme profiles of esterases (E.C., glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (E.C. and peroxidases (E.C. have been determined in healthy tissues of Chenopodium foetidum as well as their modifications during leaf development. The effect of plum pox virus infection on the isozyme profiles has also been studied. Virus-induced necrotic lesions displayed a peroxidase (POX) pattern that has not been found in any other tissue of the plant so far analyzed. The pattern was similar to that of old yellow leaves, except that POX-B, which was detected in the necrotic lesions, has not been detected in any developmental stage of healthy leaves. Changes in the peroxidase profile seem to begin early during infection, even before necrosis is visible. We suggest that senescence is established at necrotic lesions extending from there to the rest of the infected leaf affecting the peroxidase isozyme pattern. However, other changes, which induce POX-B, must also take place at necrotic lesions. These do not extend to the rest of the infected leaves. Plum pox virus infection has less effect on the glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase and esterase isozyme patterns, inducing an almost normal senescence pattern.  相似文献   

The cylindrical inclusion (CI) protein of potyviruses is involved in virus replication and cell-to-cell movement. These two processes should rely on multiple plant-virus interactions; however, little is known about the host factors that are involved in, or that may interfere with, CI functions. By using a yeast two-hybrid system, the CI protein from Plum pox virus (PPV) was found to interact with the photosystem I PSI-K protein, the product of the gene psaK, of Nicotiana benthamiana. Coexpression of PPV CI was shown to cause a decrease in the accumulation level of PSI-K transiently expressed in N. benthamiana leaves. To test the biological relevance of this interaction, we have analyzed the infection of PPV in N. benthamiana plants in which psaK gene expression has been silenced by RNA interference, as well as in Arabidopsis thaliana psaK knockout plants. Our results show that downregulation of the psaK gene leads to higher PPV accumulation, suggesting a role for the CI-PSI-K interaction in PPV infection.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of long-term plum pox virus (PPV) infection on the response of certain antioxidant enzymes at the subcellular level was studied in peach plants ( Prunus persica (L.) Batch) (cv. GF305), which are characterized by great susceptibility to the virus. In infected plants, a decrease in the efficiency of excitation energy capture by PSII ( F v'/ F m') was observed, which was accompanied by a decrease in non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). p -Hydroxy-mercury benzoic acid (pHMB)-insensitive ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity (class III peroxidase) was detected in both chloroplast and soluble fractions. In soluble fractions from inoculated peaches, a significant increase in pHMB-sensitive APX activity and a significant decrease in superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity were observed. These changes were correlated with the observations in isolated chloroplasts, where an increase in both pHMB-sensitive and pHMB-insensitive APX activities was observed, whereas significant decreases in SOD, monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR) and glutathione reductase (GR) activities were produced. According to these results, as a consequence of PPV infection, an oxidative stress, indicated by an increase in lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation, was produced in peach leaves, which was monitored by the diaminobenzidine (DAB) peroxidase-coupled H2O2 probe. PPV infection produced an alteration in chloroplast ultrastructure, giving rise to dilated thylakoid membranes. PPV-infected peach leaves showed a decreased amount of starch in chloroplasts from palisade parenchyma, as well as an increase in the number and size of plastoglobuli, in relation to control plants. The results suggest that long-term PPV infection produces an oxidative stress, and that an antioxidative metabolism imbalance may be related to the progress of PPV infection and symptoms in peach plants.  相似文献   

Summary Plum hypocotyl slices were transformed with the coat protein (CP) gene of plum pox virus (PPV-CP) following cocultivation with Agrobacterium tumefaciens containing the plasmid pGA482GG/PPVCP-33. This binary vector carries the PPV-CP gene construct, as well as the chimeric neomycin phosphotransferase and -glucuronidase genes. Integration and expression of the transferred genes into regenerated plum plants was verified through kan resistance, GUS assays, and PCR amplification of the PPV-CP gene. Twenty-two transgenic clones were identified from approximately 1800 hypocotyl slices. DNA, mRNA, and protein analyses of five transgenic plants confirmed the integration of the engineered CP gene, the accumulation of CP mRNA and of PPV-CP-immunoreactive protein. CP mRNA levels ranged from high to undetectable levels, apparently correlated with gene structure, as indicated by DNA blot analysis. Western analysis showed that transgenic plants produced amounts of CP which generally correlated with amounts of detected mRNA.  相似文献   

Sharka disease, caused by the plum pox virus (PPV), is one of the major limiting factors for stone fruit crops in Europe and America. In particular, apricot is severely affected suffering significant fruit losses. Thus, PPV resistance is a trait of great interest for the apricot breeding programs currently in progress. In this work, two apricot maps, earlier constructed with the F1 ‘Goldrich × Currot’ (G×C) and the F2 ‘Lito × Lito’-98 (L×L-98) populations, have been improved including 43 and 37 new simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci, respectively, to facilitate PPV resistance trait mapping. Screening of PPV resistance on the segregating populations classified seedling phenotypes into resistant or susceptible. A non-parametric mapping method, based on the Kruskal–Wallis (KW) rank sum test, was initially used to score marker–trait association, and results were confirmed by interval mapping. Contrary to the putative digenic model inferred from the phenotypic segregations, all significant markers for the KW statistic (P < 0.005) mapped in a unique region of ~21.0 and ~20.3 cM located on the upper part of the G1 linkage group in ‘G×C’ and ‘L×L-98’ maps, respectively. According to the data, PPV resistance is suggested to be controlled by at least one major dominant locus. The association between three SSRs distributed within this region and the PPV resistance was tested in two additional populations (‘Goldrich × Canino’ and ‘Lito × Lito’-00) and breeding program parents. The marker ssrPaCITA5 showed the highest KW value (P < 0.005) in all cases, pointing out its usefulness in marker-assisted selection. Electronic Supplementary Material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Plum pox virus (PPV) was detected by ELISA throughout the year in extracts of root, bark, fruit, flowers and leaves of Prunus species; extracts from healthy plants gave negligible background reactions. In the summer, ELISA values obtained with extracts from infected leaves were variable but samples extracted at 1:50 (w/v) could have been diluted a further five to 110 times before reaching the limit of detection. Using a single antiserum the virus was detected in several hundred trees, suggesting that there was little antigenic variation. PPV was unevenly distributed in leaves and shoots and commonly occurred in only a few branches of an infected tree although it was frequently present in suckers growing from the roots. Virus was detected in the only three trees known to be infected in random leaf samples taken from 530 1-yr-old trees, but some infected trees were missed in samples taken from older trees and from a 7-yr-old rootstock hedge. The main practical use of ELISA for PPV is therefore as a sensitive and highly reliable confirmatory test which greatly facilitates control of the disease by the prompt destruction of infected trees.  相似文献   

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