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A simple and fast nuclear magnetic resonance method for docking proteins using pseudo-contact shift (PCS) and 1HN/15N chemical shift perturbation is presented. PCS is induced by a paramagnetic lanthanide ion that is attached to a target protein using a lanthanide binding peptide tag anchored at two points. PCS provides long-range (~40 Å) distance and angular restraints between the lanthanide ion and the observed nuclei, while the 1HN/15N chemical shift perturbation data provide loose contact-surface information. The usefulness of this method was demonstrated through the structure determination of the p62 PB1-PB1 complex, which forms a front-to-back 20 kDa homo-oligomer. As p62 PB1 does not intrinsically bind metal ions, the lanthanide binding peptide tag was attached to one subunit of the dimer at two anchoring points. Each monomer was treated as a rigid body and was docked based on the backbone PCS and backbone chemical shift perturbation data. Unlike NOE-based structural determination, this method only requires resonance assignments of the backbone 1HN/15N signals and the PCS data obtained from several sets of two-dimensional 15N-heteronuclear single quantum coherence spectra, thus facilitating rapid structure determination of the protein–protein complex.  相似文献   

Glycosaminoglycans are long linear and complex polysaccharides that are fundamental components of the mammalian extracellular matrix. Therefore, it is crucial to appropriately characterize molecular structure, dynamics, and interactions of protein-glycosaminoglycans complexes for improving understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying GAG biological function. Nevertheless, this proved challenging experimentally, and theoretical techniques are beneficial to construct new hypotheses and aid the interpretation of experimental data. The scope of this mini-review is to summarize four specific aspects of the current theoretical approaches for investigating noncovalent protein-glycosaminoglycan complexes such as molecular docking, free binding energy calculations, modeling ion impact, and addressing the phenomena of multipose binding of glycosaminoglycans to proteins.  相似文献   

Proteins and nucleic acids are key components in many processes in living cells, and interactions between proteins and nucleic acids are often crucial pathway components. In many cases, large flexibility of proteins as they interact with nucleic acids is key to their function. To understand the mechanisms of these processes, it is necessary to consider the 3D atomic structures of such protein–nucleic acid complexes. When such structures are not yet experimentally determined, protein docking can be used to computationally generate useful structure models. However, such docking has long had the limitation that the consideration of flexibility is usually limited to small movements or to small structures. We previously developed a method of flexible protein docking which could model ordered proteins which undergo large-scale conformational changes, which we also showed was compatible with nucleic acids. Here, we elaborate on the ability of that pipeline, Flex-LZerD, to model specifically interactions between proteins and nucleic acids, and demonstrate that Flex-LZerD can model more interactions and types of conformational change than previously shown.  相似文献   

To fully understand how pathogens infect their host and hijack key biological processes, systematic mapping of intra-pathogenic and pathogen–host protein–protein interactions (PPIs) is crucial. Due to the relatively small size of viral genomes (usually around 10–100 proteins), generation of comprehensive host–virus PPI maps using different experimental platforms, including affinity tag purification-mass spectrometry (AP-MS) and yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) approaches, can be achieved. Global maps such as these provide unbiased insight into the molecular mechanisms of viral entry, replication and assembly. However, to date, only two-hybrid methodology has been used in a systematic fashion to characterize viral–host protein–protein interactions, although a deluge of data exists in databases that manually curate from the literature individual host–pathogen PPIs. We will summarize this work and also describe an AP-MS platform that can be used to characterize viral-human protein complexes and discuss its application for the HIV genome.  相似文献   

Two water-soluble polysaccharide-protein complexes, extracted from Pleurotus tuber-regium sclerotia, were modified chemically to obtain their sulfated and carboxymethylated derivatives. While C6 position of glucan was fully substituted, C2, C3, and C4 were only partially substituted by sulfate groups. C3, C4, and C6 position of glucan were partially substituted during the carboxymethylation. Chain conformation and antitumor activity of the native samples and their derivatives were studied. The native samples and derivatives existed in sphere conformation, and showed potent in vitro antitumor activities. Water-solubility and introduction of ionic groups played important roles in enhancing the antitumor activities of the polysaccharide–protein complexes.  相似文献   

We have previously proposed a method for refining force-field parameters of protein systems, which consists of minimising the summation of the square of the force acting on each atom in the proteins with the structures from the protein data bank (PDB). The results showed that the modified force-field parameters for all-atom model gave structures more consistent with the experimental implications than the original force fields. In this work, we applied this method and a new method to the OPLS–UA force field. In the new method, we perform a minimisation of the average of the root-mean-square deviation of various protein structures from the native structure. We selected some torsion-energy parameters for this optimisation, and 100 molecules from the PDB were used. The results imply that the new force-field parameters gave structures of two peptides more consistent with the experimental implications for the secondary structure-forming tendencies than the original OPLS–UA force field.  相似文献   

Conformation switching in protein–protein complexes is considered important for the molecular recognition process. Overall analysis of 123 protein–protein complexes in a benchmark data-set showed that 6.8% of residues switched over their secondary structure conformation upon complex formation. Amino acid residue-wise preference for conformation change has been analyzed in binding and non-binding site residues separately. In this analysis, residues such as Ser, Leu, Glu, and Lys had higher frequency of secondary structural conformation change. The change of helix to coil and sheet to coil conformation and vice versa has been observed frequently, whereas the conformation change of helix to extended sheet occurred rarely in the studied complexes. Influence of conformation change toward the N and C terminal on either side of the binding site residues has been analyzed. Further, analysis on φ and ψ angle variation, conservation, stability, and solvent accessibility have been performed on binding site residues. Knowledge obtained from the present study could be effectively employed in the protein–protein modeling and docking studies.  相似文献   

A novel method is proposed for predicting protein–protein interactions (PPIs) based on the meta approach, which predicts PPIs using support vector machine that combines results by six independent state-of-the-art predictors. Significant improvement in prediction performance is observed, when performed on Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Helicobacter pylori datasets. In addition, we used the final prediction model trained on the PPIs dataset of S. cerevisiae to predict interactions in other species. The results reveal that our meta model is also capable of performing cross-species predictions. The source code and the datasets are available at  相似文献   

Recent biochemical studies evaluated the affinity of histones to DNA in the context of nucleosome core particle (NCP). These have indicated a concentration-dependence for nucleosome stability. However, when studying chromatin the preferred templates are nucleosome arrays (NA) and not the NCP. Biochemical methods are poorly suited for structural analysis of chromatin. To overcome that technical hindrance, and investigate the effect of concentration on stability of the histone–DNA interactions, we have applied the multigel Quantitative Agarose Gel Electrophoresis (QAGE) method to in vitro-assembled nucleosomal arrays. The results demonstrated the method to be extremely valuable for the evaluation of the effect of low concentration on NA. However, QAGE is a fairly time-demanding and complex method. To maximize the efficiency of use of this technology, we devised a protocol that allowed for multiple sets of templates to be analyzed simultaneously. Briefly, samples can be loaded at regular intervals and analyzed individually for their molecular composition. The technique presented in this study describes the calibration steps and proof of concept necessary to validate the use of multiple loading of multigel to evaluate the composition of nucleosomal arrays as a function of concentration.  相似文献   

DNA co-crystallization with Dps family proteins is a fundamental mechanism, which preserves DNA in bacteria from harsh conditions. Though many aspects of this phenomenon are well characterized, the spatial organization of DNA in DNA–Dps co-crystals is not completely understood, and existing models need further clarification. To advance in this problem we have utilized atomic force microscopy (AFM) as the main structural tool, and small-angle X-scattering (SAXS) to characterize Dps as a key component of the DNA-protein complex. SAXS analysis in the presence of EDTA indicates a significantly larger radius of gyration for Dps than would be expected for the core of the dodecamer, consistent with the N-terminal regions extending out into solution and being accessible for interaction with DNA. In AFM experiments, both Dps protein molecules and DNA–Dps complexes adsorbed on mica or highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) surfaces form densely packed hexagonal structures with a characteristic size of about 9 nm. To shed light on the peculiarities of DNA interaction with Dps molecules, we have characterized individual DNA–Dps complexes. Contour length evaluation has confirmed the non-specific character of Dps binding with DNA and revealed that DNA does not wrap Dps molecules in DNA–Dps complexes. Angle analysis has demonstrated that in DNA–Dps complexes a Dps molecule contacts with a DNA segment of ~6 nm in length. Consideration of DNA condensation upon complex formation with small Dps quasi-crystals indicates that DNA may be arranged along the rows of ordered protein molecules on a Dps sheet.  相似文献   

Identifying protein–protein interactions (PPIs) is critical for understanding the cellular function of the proteins and the machinery of a proteome. Data of PPIs derived from high-throughput technologies are often incomplete and noisy. Therefore, it is important to develop computational methods and high-quality interaction dataset for predicting PPIs. A sequence-based method is proposed by combining correlation coefficient (CC) transformation and support vector machine (SVM). CC transformation not only adequately considers the neighboring effect of protein sequence but describes the level of CC between two protein sequences. A gold standard positives (interacting) dataset MIPS Core and a gold standard negatives (non-interacting) dataset GO-NEG of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were mined to objectively evaluate the above method and attenuate the bias. The SVM model combined with CC transformation yielded the best performance with a high accuracy of 87.94% using gold standard positives and gold standard negatives datasets. The source code of MATLAB and the datasets are available on request under smgsmg@mail.ustc.edu.cn.  相似文献   

We have performed 20?ns of fully atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of Hen Egg-White Lysozyme in 0, 10, 20, 30, and 100% by weight of glycerol in water to better understand the microscopic physics behind the bioprotection offered by glycerol to naturally occuring biological systems. The solvent exposure of protein surface residues changes when glycerol is introduced. The dynamic behavior of the protein, as quantified by the incoherent intermediate scattering function, shows a nonmonotonic dependence on glycerol content. The fluctuations of the protein residues with respect to each other were found to be similar in all water-containing solvents, but different from the pure glycerol case. The increase in the number of protein–glycerol hydrogen bonds in glycerol–water binary mixtures explains the slowing down of protein dynamics as the glycerol content increases. We also explored the dynamic behavior of the hydration layer. We show that the short length scale dynamics of this layer are insensitive to glycerol concentration. However, the long length scale behavior shows a significant dependence on glycerol content. We also provide insights into the behavior of bound and mobile water molecules.  相似文献   

YH Cai  H Huang 《Amino acids》2012,43(3):1141-1146
Protein-DNA interaction plays an important role in many biological processes. The classical methods and the novel technologies advanced have been developed for the interaction of protein-DNA. Recent developments of these methods and research achievements have been reviewed in this paper.  相似文献   

By means of circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, we have characterized the organization of the photosynthetic complexes of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum at different levels of structural complexity: in intact cells, isolated thylakoid membranes and purified fucoxanthin chlorophyll protein (FCP) complexes. We found that the CD spectrum of whole cells was dominated by a large band at (+)698 nm, accompanied by a long tail from differential scattering, features typical for psi-type (polymerization or salt-induced) CD. The CD spectrum additionally contained intense (−)679 nm, (+)445 nm and (−)470 nm bands, which were also present in isolated thylakoid membranes and FCPs. While the latter two bands were evidently produced by excitonic interactions, the nature of the (−)679 nm band remained unclear. Electrochromic absorbance changes also revealed the existence of a CD-silent long-wavelength (∼545 nm) absorbing fucoxanthin molecule with very high sensitivity to the transmembrane electrical field. In intact cells the main CD band at (+)698 nm appeared to be associated with the multilamellar organization of the thylakoid membranes. It was sensitive to the osmotic pressure and was selectively diminished at elevated temperatures and was capable of undergoing light-induced reversible changes. In isolated thylakoid membranes, the psi-type CD band, which was lost during the isolation procedure, could be partially restored by addition of Mg-ions, along with the maximum quantum yield and the non-photochemical quenching of singlet excited chlorophyll a, measured by fluorescence transients.  相似文献   



Many protein–protein interactions are mediated by a short linear motif. Usually, amino acid sequences of those motifs are known or can be predicted. It is much harder to experimentally characterize or predict their structure in the bound form. In this work, we test a possibility of using flexible docking of a short linear motif to predict the interaction interface of the EphB4-EphrinB2 complex (a system extensively studied for its significance in tumor progression).


In the modeling, we only use knowledge about the motif sequence and experimental structures of EphB4-EphrinB2 complex partners. The proposed protocol enables efficient modeling of significant conformational changes in the short linear motif fragment during molecular docking simulation. For the docking simulations, we use the CABS-dock method for docking fully flexible peptides to flexible protein receptors (available as a server at http://biocomp.chem.uw.edu.pl/CABSdock/). Based on the docking result, the protein–protein complex is reconstructed and refined.


Using this novel protocol, we obtained an accurate EphB4-EphrinB2 interaction model.


The results show that the CABS-dock method may be useful as the primary docking tool in specific protein–protein docking cases similar to EphB4-EphrinB2 complex—that is, where a short linear motif fragment can be identified.

We have systematically analyzed the variation of protein binding cavity volume of 200 protein–ligand complexes belonging to eight protein families. Wide variation in protein binding cavity volume for the same protein is observed on binding different ligands. Analysis of individual protein families shows high correlation between atom–atom interactions in binding site and ligand volume. This study implies the significance of protein flexibility in docking small molecule inhibitors on the basis of protein binding cavity volume with respect to ligand volume.  相似文献   

Ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) was evaluated for isolation of polysaccharide–protein (PSP) complexes from three important medicinal mushrooms (Grifola frondosa, Coriolus versicolor and Lentinus edodes). Compared with those of conventional hot-water extraction (HWE), the PSP yield of UAE was similar with G. frondosa, notably higher with L. edodes but lower with C. versicolor, and the extraction rate of UAE was notably higher with G. frondosa and L. edodes but much lower with C. versicolor. The PSPs from all three mushrooms by UAE had higher protein but lower carbohydrate contents than those by HWE, and their molecular weight (MW) profiles exhibited an overall shift to lower MW and a major low-MW peak near 1.0 kDa. All PSPs from UAE but none from HWE exhibited 3–4 distinct protein bands between 10 and 130 kDa. The antioxidant activities of PSPs extracted by UAE were generally higher than those by HWE.  相似文献   

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