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The genomic island pKLC102 first detected in Pseudomonas aeruginosa clone C strains can cross species barriers and exhibits the highest mobilization rate of a genomic island known to date. Homologous genomic islands of 81-108 kb in size were identified in the completely sequenced P. aeruginosa strains PA7, PA14, 2192, C3719 and PACS2, but not in strains PAO1 and LES. All pKLC102-like genomic islands are integrated in chromosomal tRNA(Lys) genes and share a syntenic set of more than 70 homologous ORFs, part of which are related to DNA replication or mobility genes. The conserved backbone has predilection sites for the uptake of island-specific gene cassettes. A major difference between the islands is the organization of the origin of replication oriV.  相似文献   

Myoglobin is a cytoplasmic hemoprotein, expressed solely in cardiac myocytes and oxidative skeletal muscle fibers, that reversibly binds O2 by its heme residue. Myoglobin is an essential oxygen-storage hemoprotein capable of facilitating oxygen transport and modulating nitric oxide homeostasis within cardiac and skeletal myocytes. Functionally, myoglobin is well accepted as an O2- storage protein in muscle, capable of releasing O2 during periods of hypoxia or anoxia. There is no evidence available regarding active sites, ligand binding sites, antigenic determinants and the ASA value of myoglobin in Channa striata. We further document the predicted active sites in the structural model with solvent exposed ASA residues. During this study, the model was built by CPH program and validated through PROCHECK, Verify 3D, ERRAT and ProSA for reliability. The active sites were predicted in the model with further ASA analysis of active site residues. The discussed information thus provides the predicted active sites, ligand binding sites, antigenic determinants and ASA values of myoglobin model in Channa striata.  相似文献   

One of the grand challenges in chemical biology is identifying a small-molecule modulator for each individual function of all human proteins. Instead of targeting one protein at a time, an efficient approach to address this challenge is to target entire protein families by taking advantage of the relatively high levels of chemical promiscuity observed within certain boundaries of sequence phylogeny. We recently developed a computational approach to identifying the potential protein targets of compounds based on their similarity to known bioactive molecules for almost 700 targets. Here, we describe the direct identification of novel antagonists for all four adenosine receptor subtypes by applying our virtual profiling approach to a unique synthesis-driven chemical collection composed of 482 biologically-orphan molecules. These results illustrate the potential role of in silico target profiling to guide efficiently screening campaigns directed to discover new chemical probes for all members of a protein family.  相似文献   

EPS8 codes for a protein essential in Ras to Rac signaling leading to actin remodeling. Three genes highly homologous to EPS8 were discovered, thereby defining a novel gene family. Here, we report the genomic structure of EPS8 and the EPS8-related genes in human and mouse. We performed BLASTN searches against the Celera Human Genome and Mouse Fragments Database. The mouse fragments were manually assembled, and the organization of both human and mouse genes was reconstructed. The gene structures in Celera annotations of the human and mouse genomes were compared to outline correspondences and divergences. We also compared the EPS8 family gene structures predicted by Celera with those predicted by NCBI. Moreover, we performed a virtual analysis of the expression of the EPS8 gene family members by using the SAGEmap Database in NCBI. Finally, we analyzed the domain organization of the gene products and their evolutionary conservation to define novel putative domains, thereby helping to predict novel modality of action for the members of this gene family. The data obtained will be instrumental in directing further experimental functional characterization of these genes.  相似文献   

We have developed an online generic tool for simulation of fingerprinting techniques based on the double endonuclease digestion of DNA. This tool allows modelling and modifications of already existing techniques, as well as new theoretical approaches not yet tried in the lab. It allows the use of any combination of recognition patterns and discrimination of end types yielded by restriction with non palindromic recognition sizes. Re-creation of experimental conditions in silico saves time and reduces laboratory costs. This tool allows simulation of Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP-PCR), Subtracted Restriction Fingerprinting (SRF), and additional novel fingerprinting techniques. Simulation may be performed against custom sequences uploaded to the server, or against all sequenced bacterial genomes. Different endonuclease types may be selected from a list, or a recognition sequence may be introduced in the form. After double digestion of DNA, four fragment types are yielded, and the program allows their customised selection. Selective nucleotides may be used in the experiment. Scripts for specific simulation of AFLP-PCR and SRF techniques are available, and both include a suggestion tool for the selection of endonucleases. This is the first program available for the simulation of SRF fingerprinting. Availability: This free online tool is available at http://www.in-silico.com/DDF/.  相似文献   

Actin-related proteins (ARPs) are key players in cytoskeleton activities and nuclear functions. Two complexes, ARP2/3 and ARP1/11, also known as dynactin, are implicated in actin dynamics and in microtubule-based trafficking, respectively. ARP4 to ARP9 are components of many chromatin-modulating complexes. Conventional actins and ARPs codefine a large family of homologous proteins, the actin superfamily, with a tertiary structure known as the actin fold. Because ARPs and actin share high sequence conservation, clear family definition requires distinct features to easily and systematically identify each subfamily. In this study we performed an in depth sequence and comparative genomic analysis of ARP subfamilies. A high-quality multiple alignment of approximately 700 complete protein sequences homologous to actin, including 148 ARP sequences, allowed us to extend the ARP classification to new organisms. Sequence alignments revealed conserved residues, motifs, and inserted sequence signatures to define each ARP subfamily. These discriminative characteristics allowed us to develop ARPAnno (http://bips.u-strasbg.fr/ARPAnno), a new web server dedicated to the annotation of ARP sequences. Analyses of sequence conservation among actins and ARPs highlight part of the actin fold and suggest interactions between ARPs and actin-binding proteins. Finally, analysis of ARP distribution across eukaryotic phyla emphasizes the central importance of nuclear ARPs, particularly the multifunctional ARP4.  相似文献   

A large-scale search for attenuation regulation in bacteria was performed using two original computer programs, which modeled the attenuation regulation and multiple alignment along a phylogenetic tree. The programs are available at http://lab6.iitp.ru. Candidate attenuations were predicted for many organisms belonging to α-, ß-, γ-, and δ-proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bact eroidetes/Chlorobi, Firmicutes, and Thermotoga; in Cloroflexi, the corresponding sites were found upstream of hisG, hisZ, hisS, pheA, pheST, trpEG, trpA, trpB, trpE, trpS, thrA, thrS, leuA, leuS, ilvB, ilvI, ilvA, ilvC, ilvD, and ilvG. Searches were conducted across all bacterial genomes contained in GenBank, NCBI. Other bacterial taxa were not predicted to have attenuation. It was possible to assume, in some cases, that RNA triplexes play a substantial role in the formation of an active antiterminator and terminator or pseudoknots during termination. The attenuation regulation of Lactobacillus lactis lysQ was assumed to depend on the histidyl-tRNA concentration. Several types of attenuation regulation and the evolution of attenuation are discussed.  相似文献   

More than 200 open reading frames (ORFs) from the human cytomegalovirus genome have been reported as potentially coding for proteins. We have used two pattern-based in silico approaches to analyze this set of putative viral genes. With the help of an objective annotation method that is based on the Bio-Dictionary, a comprehensive collection of amino acid patterns that describes the currently known natural sequence space of proteins, we have reannotated all of the previously reported putative genes of the human cytomegalovirus. Also, with the help of MUSCA, a pattern-based multiple sequence alignment algorithm, we have reexamined the original human cytomegalovirus gene family definitions. Our analysis of the genome shows that many of the coded proteins comprise amino acid combinations that are unique to either the human cytomegalovirus or the larger group of herpesviruses. We have confirmed that a surprisingly large portion of the analyzed ORFs encode membrane proteins, and we have discovered a significant number of previously uncharacterized proteins that are predicted to be G-protein-coupled receptor homologues. The analysis also indicates that many of the encoded proteins undergo posttranslational modifications such as hydroxylation, phosphorylation, and glycosylation. ORFs encoding proteins with similar functional behavior appear in neighboring regions of the human cytomegalovirus genome. All of the results of the present study can be found and interactively explored online (http://cbcsrv.watson.ibm.com/virus/).  相似文献   

We show that difficulties in regulating cellular behavior with synthetic biological circuits may be circumvented using in silico feedback control. By tracking a circuit's output in Saccharomyces cerevisiae in real time, we precisely control its behavior using an in silico feedback algorithm to compute regulatory inputs implemented through a genetically encoded light-responsive module. Moving control functions outside the cell should enable more sophisticated manipulation of cellular processes whenever real-time measurements of cellular variables are possible.  相似文献   

Prohibitins (PHBs) are highly conserved proteins in species ranging from prokaryotes to eukaryotes. Plant PHBs have been implicated in various cellular processes including development, senescence and stress responses. Although PHBs have been investigated in several plant species including Arabidopsis and tobacco, no systematic gene family analysis has been carried in maize. In the present study, 16 putative PHB genes have been identified. Analysis of the conserved protein motifs and gene structures has revealed high levels of conservation within the phylogenetic subgroups. Published microarray database showed that most maize PHB genes exhibited different expression levels in different tissues and developmental stages. Cis-elements analysis showed that ZmPHB2 and ZmPHB12 may play important roles in plant development. Taken together, we provide a comprehensive bioinformatics analysis of the PHB gene family in maize genome and our data provide an important foundation for further functional study of this gene family in maize.  相似文献   

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