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S. Kawano  H. Takano  K. Mori  T. Kuroiwa 《Protoplasma》1991,160(2-3):167-169
Summary We have identified a novel mitochondrial plasmid of about 16 kbp inPhysarum polycephalum. This plasmid was apparently responsible for promoting mitochondrial fusion. Only in strains carrying the plasmid, small spherical mitochondria fused with one another to form large knotted multinucleate mitochondria which subsequently nderwent fusion between the areas (mt-nuclear) that contained the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) derived from individual mitochondria. Several successive mitochondrial divisions followed, accompanied by mt-nuclear divisions. The resulting mitochondria contained recombinant mtDNAs, but the plasmid was transmitted to all mitochondria without any structural change.  相似文献   

This paper reports the characterization of a new locus, vagC/vagD, on the virulence plasmid of Salmonella dublin. Strain G19, harbouring a TnA insertion in vagC, exhibited reduced virulence although vagC was outside the 8 kb essential virulence region. G19 was also unable to grow on minimal-medium containing various sole carbon/energy sources, unlike the wild-type and plasmid-cured strains. Sequencing of the locus revealed the presence of two ORFs (vagC and vagD) which overlapped by one nucleotide. The VagC polypeptide (12 kDa) was observed using minicell expression. Results indicated that vagD was responsible for the phenotypic differences observed between the wild type and G19, and that vagC modulated the activity of vagD. Furthermore, microscopic analysis of G19 cells harvested from minimal-medium plates showed that a high proportion of cells were elongated, which suggested that vagC and vagD might be involved in coordination of plasmid replication with cell division. We propose that vagD, under certain environmental conditions, acts to prevent cell division until plasmid replication is complete, thus aiding plasmid maintenance. vagC and vagD are absent from the related virulence plasmid of Salmonella typhimurium.  相似文献   

Terfestatin A (TrfA), terphenyl-beta-glucoside, was isolated from Streptomyces sp. F40 in a forward screen for compounds that inhibit the expression of auxin-inducible genes in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). TrfA specifically and competitively inhibited the expression of primary auxin-inducible genes in Arabidopsis roots, but did not affect the expression of genes regulated by other plant hormones such as abscisic acid and cytokinin. TrfA also blocked the auxin-enhanced degradation of auxin/indole-3-acetic acid (Aux/IAA) repressor proteins without affecting the auxin-stimulated interaction between Aux/IAAs and the F-box protein TIR1. TrfA treatment antagonized auxin responses in roots, including primary root inhibition, lateral root initiation, root hair promotion, and root gravitropism, but had only limited effects on shoot auxin responses. Taken together, these results indicate that TrfA acts as a modulator of Aux/IAA stability and thus provides a new tool for dissecting auxin signaling.  相似文献   

Harbouring a plasmid often imposes a fitness cost on the bacterial host. Motivated by implications for public health, the majority of studies on plasmid cost are focused on elements that impart antibiotic resistance. Plasmids, however, can provide a wide range of ecologically important phenotypes to their bacterial hosts-such as virulence, specialized catabolism and metal resistance. The Agrobacterium tumefaciens tumour-inducing (Ti) plasmid confers both the ability to infect dicotyledonous plants and to catabolize the metabolites that plants produce as a result of being infected. We demonstrate that this virulence and catabolic plasmid imposes a measurable fitness cost on host cells under resource-limiting, but not resource replete, environmental conditions. Additionally, we show that the expression of Ti-plasmid-borne pathogenesis genes necessary to initiate cooperative pathogenesis is extremely costly to the host cell. The benefits of agrobacterial pathogenesis stem from the catabolism of public goods produced by infected host plants. Thus, the virulence-plasmid-dependent costs we demonstrate constitute costs of cooperation typically associated with the ability to garner the benefits of cooperation. Interestingly, genotypes that harbour derived opine catabolic plasmids minimize this trade-off, and are thus able to freeload upon the pathogenesis initiated by other individuals.  相似文献   

Summary The linear autonomous form of kalilo DNA (previously called AR-kalDNA) is shown to be resident within mitochondria rather than nuclei, as had been suggested by previous experiments. This form has been renamed mtAR-kalDNA, to signify its mitochondrial location. Experiments are described that illustrate the inheritance and somatic transmission patterns of the mitochondrial kalilo plasmid and the mitochondrial inserted form of kalilo DNA (mtlS-kalDNA). Progeny of a cross with a pre-senescent subculture as the female parent inherited mtAR-ka1DNA only; mtIS-kalDNA was not transmitted sexually. During somatic propagation of the ascospore cultures, novel kalilo DNA inserts appeared and most of them persisted until death. We propose that these inserts originated from de novo integration of mtAR-kalDNA into the mitochondrial DNA. In two of the ascopore-derived series analyzed, the first inserts detected were seen only transiently and inserts appearing subsequent to the transient inserts were retained until death. We propose that these enduring inserts originated either from rearrangements of the transient inserts or from novel integration events, either from mtAR-kalDNA or from transposition of the transient inserts.  相似文献   

H Bertrand  B S Chan  A J Griffiths 《Cell》1985,41(3):877-884
The kalilo variants of Neurospora contain a cytoplasmic genetic factor that causes senescence. This factor is a 9.0 kb transposable element (kalDNA) that lacks nucleotide sequence homology with mtDNA and is inserted into the mitochondrial chromosome, often at sites located within the open reading frame in the intron-DNA of the mitochondrial 25S-rRNA gene. Genomes containing the "foreign" DNA insert accumulate during growth, and death occurs as the cells become deficient in functional large and small subunits of mitochondrial ribosomes. The kalDNA transposon may be an "activator" element that causes breaks in mtDNA. Nonsenescing [+] strains of Neurospora do not contain kalDNA.  相似文献   

Perturbed metabolism of ammonia, an endogenous cytotoxin, causes mitochondrial dysfunction, reduced NAD+/NADH (redox) ratio, and postmitotic senescence. Sirtuins are NAD+-dependent deacetylases that delay senescence. In multiomics analyses, NAD metabolism and sirtuin pathways are enriched during hyperammonemia. Consistently, NAD+-dependent Sirtuin3 (Sirt3) expression and deacetylase activity were decreased, and protein acetylation was increased in human and murine skeletal muscle/myotubes. Global acetylomics and subcellular fractions from myotubes showed hyperammonemia-induced hyperacetylation of cellular signaling and mitochondrial proteins. We dissected the mechanisms and consequences of hyperammonemia-induced NAD metabolism by complementary genetic and chemical approaches. Hyperammonemia inhibited electron transport chain components, specifically complex I that oxidizes NADH to NAD+, that resulted in lower redox ratio. Ammonia also caused mitochondrial oxidative dysfunction, lower mitochondrial NAD+-sensor Sirt3, protein hyperacetylation, and postmitotic senescence. Mitochondrial-targeted Lactobacillus brevis NADH oxidase (MitoLbNOX), but not NAD+ precursor nicotinamide riboside, reversed ammonia-induced oxidative dysfunction, electron transport chain supercomplex disassembly, lower ATP and NAD+ content, protein hyperacetylation, Sirt3 dysfunction and postmitotic senescence in myotubes. Even though Sirt3 overexpression reversed ammonia-induced hyperacetylation, lower redox status or mitochondrial oxidative dysfunction were not reversed. These data show that acetylation is a consequence of, but is not the mechanism of, lower redox status or oxidative dysfunction during hyperammonemia. Targeting NADH oxidation is a potential approach to reverse and potentially prevent ammonia-induced postmitotic senescence in skeletal muscle. Since dysregulated ammonia metabolism occurs with aging, and NAD+ biosynthesis is reduced in sarcopenia, our studies provide a biochemical basis for cellular senescence and have relevance in multiple tissues.  相似文献   

MQ Nguyen  NJ Ryba 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e41899
In mammals, odorants are detected by a large family of receptors that are each expressed in just a small subset of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs). Here we describe a strain of transgenic mice engineered to express an octanal receptor in almost all OSNs. Remarkably, octanal triggered a striking and involuntary phenotype in these animals, with passive exposure regularly inducing seizures. Octanal exposure invariably resulted in widespread activation of OSNs but interestingly seizures only occurred in 30-40% of trials. We hypothesized that this reflects the need for the olfactory system to filter strong but slowly-changing backgrounds from salient signals. Therefore we used an olfactometer to control octanal delivery and demonstrated suppression of responses whenever this odorant is delivered slowly. By contrast, rapid exposure of the mice to octanal induced seizure in every trial. Our results expose new details of olfactory processing and provide a robust and non-invasive platform for studying epilepsy.  相似文献   

Summary The Escherichia coli mutator gene mutT, which causes A:TC:G transversion, was cloned in pBR 322. mutT + plasmids carry a 0.9 kb PvuII DNA fragment derived from the E. coli chromosome. Specific labelling of plasmid-encoded proteins by the maxicell method revealed that mutT codes for a polypeptide of about 15,000 daltons. The protein was overproduced when the mutT gene was placed under the control of the lac regulatory region on a multicopy runaway plasmid. The nucleotide sequence of the mutT gene was determined by the dideoxy method.Abbreviations Ap ampicillin - IPTG isopropyl--d-thiogalactopyranoside - kb kilobase pair(s) - kDa kilodalton(s) - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - Tc tetracycline  相似文献   

Antioxidants specifically addressed to mitochondria have been studied to determine if they can decelerate senescence of organisms. For this purpose, a project has been established with participation of several research groups from Russia and some other countries. This paper summarizes the first results of the project. A new type of compounds (SkQs) comprising plastoquinone (an antioxidant moiety), a penetrating cation, and a decane or pentane linker has been synthesized. Using planar bilayer phospholipid membrane (BLM), we selected SkQ derivatives with the highest permeability, namely plastoquinonyl-decyl-triphenylphosphonium (SkQ1), plastoquinonyl-decyl-rhodamine 19 (SkQR1), and methylplastoquinonyldecyltriphenylphosphonium (SkQ3). Anti- and prooxidant properties of these substances and also of ubiquinonyl-decyl-triphenylphosphonium (MitoQ) were tested in aqueous solution, detergent micelles, liposomes, BLM, isolated mitochondria, and cell cultures. In mitochondria, micromolar cationic quinone derivatives were found to be prooxidants, but at lower (sub-micromolar) concentrations they displayed antioxidant activity that decreases in the series SkQ1 = SkQR1 > SkQ3 > MitoQ. SkQ1 was reduced by mitochondrial respiratory chain, i.e. it is a rechargeable antioxidant. Nanomolar SkQ1 specifically prevented oxidation of mitochondrial cardiolipin. In cell cultures, SkQR1, a fluorescent SkQ derivative, stained only one type of organelles, namely mitochondria. Extremely low concentrations of SkQ1 or SkQR1 arrested H2O2-induced apoptosis in human fibroblasts and HeLa cells. Higher concentrations of SkQ are required to block necrosis initiated by reactive oxygen species (ROS). In the fungus Podospora anserina, the crustacean Ceriodaphnia affinis, Drosophila, and mice, SkQ1 prolonged lifespan, being especially effective at early and middle stages of aging. In mammals, the effect of SkQs on aging was accompanied by inhibition of development of such age-related diseases and traits as cataract, retinopathy, glaucoma, balding, canities, osteoporosis, involution of the thymus, hypothermia, torpor, peroxidation of lipids and proteins, etc. SkQ1 manifested a strong therapeutic action on some already pronounced retinopathies, in particular, congenital retinal dysplasia. With drops containing 250 nM SkQ1, vision was restored to 67 of 89 animals (dogs, cats, and horses) that became blind because of a retinopathy. Instillation of SkQ1-containing drops prevented the loss of sight in rabbits with experimental uveitis and restored vision to animals that had already become blind. A favorable effect of the same drops was also achieved in experimental glaucoma in rabbits. Moreover, the SkQ1 pretreatment of rats significantly decreased the H2O2 or ischemia-induced arrhythmia of the isolated heart. SkQs strongly reduced the damaged area in myocardial infarction or stroke and prevented the death of animals from kidney ischemia. In p53−/− mice, 5 nmol/kg × day SkQ1 decreased the ROS level in the spleen and inhibited appearance of lymphomas to the same degree as million-fold higher concentration of conventional antioxidant NAC. Thus, SkQs look promising as potential tools for treatment of senescence and age-related diseases.  相似文献   

Two domains of fibronectin deliver two different but cooperative signals required for focal adhesion formation. The signal from the cell-binding domain is mediated by integrins, whereas the signal from the heparin-binding domain is recognized by heparan sulfate proteoglycans, of which syndecan-4 has been hypothesized to be involved in focal adhesion formation. We generated mice deficient in syndecan-4 to study its role directly. Even in fibroblasts from syndecan-4-deficient mice, focal adhesions were formed, and actin fibers terminated normally at focal adhesions when they were cultured on coverslips coated with fibronectin or with a mixture of its cell-binding and heparin-binding fragments. However, when the cells were cultured on the cell-binding fragment and the heparin-binding fragment was added to the medium, focal adhesion formation was impaired in the syndecan-4 null fibroblasts as compared with that in wild-type cells. Therefore, syndecan-4 is essential for promoting focal adhesion formation only when the signal of the heparin-binding domain of fibronectin is delivered as a soluble form, most probably from the apical surface. When the signal is delivered as a substratum-bound form, other molecule(s) also participate(s) in the signal reception.  相似文献   

Short-chain quinones have been investigated as therapeutic molecules due to their ability to modulate cellular redox reactions, mitochondrial electron transfer and oxidative stress, which are pathologically altered in many mitochondrial and neuromuscular disorders. Recently, we and others described that certain short-chain quinones are able to bypass a deficiency in complex I by shuttling electrons directly from the cytoplasm to complex III of the mitochondrial respiratory chain to produce ATP. Although this energy rescue activity is highly interesting for the therapy of disorders associated with complex I dysfunction, no structure-activity-relationship has been reported for short-chain quinones so far. Using a panel of 70 quinones, we observed that the capacity for this cellular energy rescue as well as their effect on lipid peroxidation was influenced more by the physicochemical properties (in particular logD) of the whole molecule than the quinone moiety itself. Thus, the observed correlations allow us to explain the differential biological activities and therapeutic potential of short-chain quinones for the therapy of disorders associated with mitochondrial complex I dysfunction and/or oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Mitochondria, composed of two membranes, play a key role in energy production in eukaryotic cells. The main function of the inner membrane is oxidative phosphorylation, while the mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM) seems to control the energy flux and exchange of various charged metabolites between mitochondria and the cytosol. Metabolites cross MOM via the various isoforms of voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC). In turn, VDACs interact with some enzymes, other proteins and molecules, including drugs. This work aimed to analyze various literature experimental data related to targeting mitochondrial VDACs and VDAC-kinase complexes on the basis of the hypothesis of generation of the outer membrane potential (OMP) and OMP-dependent reprogramming of cell energy metabolism. Our previous model of the VDAC-hexokinase-linked generation of OMP was further complemented in this study with an additional regulation of the MOM permeability by the OMP-dependent docking of cytosolic proteins like tubulin to VDACs. Computational analysis of the model suggests that OMP changes might be involved in the mechanisms of apoptosis promotion through the so-called transient hyperpolarization of mitochondria. The high concordance of the performed computational estimations with many published experimental data allows concluding that OMP generation under physiological conditions is highly probable and VDAC might function as an OMP-dependent gatekeeper of mitochondria, controlling cell life and death. The proposed model of OMP generation allows understanding in more detail the mechanisms of cancer death resistance and anticancer action of various drugs and treatments influencing VDAC voltage-gating properties, VDAC content, mitochondrial hexokinase activity and VDAC-kinase interactions in MOM.  相似文献   

J Cornelis  Z Z Su  C Dinsart  J Rommelaere 《Biochimie》1982,64(8-9):677-680
The UV-irradiated temperature-sensitive early SV40 mutant tsA209 is able to activate at the nonpermissive temperature the expression of mutator and recovery functions in rat cells. Unirradiated SV40 activates these functions only to a low extent. The expression of these mutator and recovery functions in SV40-infected cells was detected using the single-stranded DNA parvovirus H-1 as a probe. Because early SV40 mutants are defective in the initiation of viral DNA synthesis at the nonpermissive temperature, these results suggest that replication of UV-damaged DNA is not a prerequisite for the activation of mutator and recovery functions in mammalian cells. The expression of the mutator function is dose-dependent, i.e., the absolute number of UV-irradiated SV40 virions introduced per cell determines its level. Implications for the interpretation of mutation induction curves in the progeny of UV-irradiated SV40 in permissive host cells are discussed.  相似文献   

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