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Abstract. Mature female Brachymeria intermedia (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) were conditioned to fly towards vanilla odour in a wind tunnel. We analysed the tracks of wasps flying along turbulent plumes of either host odour (pupae of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar) or vanilla odour, along either a ribbon plume or a turbulent plume of vanilla odour, and before and after plume removal. Wasps flew in similar shallow zigzagging tracks along the turbulent plume of host and vanilla odours. When the plume was removed while wasps were flying upwind along a turbulent plume of vanilla odour, wasps either maintained an upwind course or drifted sideways, alternating upwind and downwind courses before turning around and flying downwind. No wasp casted upon loss of the plume.  相似文献   

In a wind‐tunnel study, the upwind flight and source location of female Aedes aegypti to plumes of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas and odour from human feet is tested. Both odour sources are presented singly and in combination. Flight upwind along the plumes is evident for both CO2 and odour from human feet when the odours are presented alone. Similarly, both odour sources are located by more than 70% of mosquitoes in less than 3 min. When both CO2 and odour from human feet are presented simultaneously in two different choice tests (with plumes superimposed or with plumes separated), there is no evidence that females orientate along the plume of CO2 and only a few mosquitoes locate its source. Rather, the foot odour plume is navigated and the source of foot odour is located by over 80% of female Ae. aegypti. When a female is presented a plume of CO2 within a broad plume of human foot odour of relatively low concentration, the source of CO2 is not located; instead, flight is upwind in the diffuse plume of foot odour. Although upwind flight by Ae. aegypti at long range is presumably induced by CO2 and the threshold of response to skin odours is lowered, our findings suggest that, once females have arrived near a prospective human host, upwind orientation and landing are largely governed by the suite of human odours, whereas orientation is no longer influenced by CO2.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Studies were conducted in Zimbabwe of the responses of Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood and Glossina pallidipes Austen to various host odours using either arrangements of electrocuting nets or visual observations. Tsetse flying upwind in a plume of carbon dioxide, acetone and octenol turned downwind upon flying into a plume of acetone or octenol, but did not turn upon flying into a plume of carbon dioxide. They also turned in response to a transient decline in odour concentration. Tsetse landed on the ground in the vicinity of a source of natural odour or artificial odour containing carbon dioxide but not at sources of acetone or octenol only. The proportion of female G.pallidipes caught at a source of natural odour (37%) was significantly different from that caught at a source of synthetic odour (17%). Resting tsetse stimulated by natural odour took off sooner than non-stimulated flies and had a strong upwind bias in the direction of take off. Tsetse stimulated with artificial odour did not take off sooner than non-stimulated flies. It is suggested that there is an unidentified components) of ox odour that activates resting tsetse.  相似文献   

Abstract.The stimuli and mechanisms mediating host location and host choice by the bee mite, Varroa jacobsoni (Oudemans), are currently unknown. It is shown that Varroa can use single clean‐air puffs and bee‐odour plumes in a wind tunnel as directional cues. Varroa turned nearly straight upwind in response to single 0.1‐s puffs of clean air directed at 90° to the their anterior‐posterior axis. They turned significantly further to their left side (104°) than to their right (76°), but showed no difference in latency to initiation of the turns (means of 63.3 ms vs. 62.6 ms, respectively). They also followed bee‐odour plumes in a wind tunnel. When released in odour and control plumes mid‐way between the plume's origin and the downwind end of the tunnel, mites responding to bee‐odour walked upwind in, or along the edge of, the odour plume with 38% making contact with the odour delivery tube; mites in clean air did not walk upwind along the air stream, and none made contact with the air delivery tube. Walking speeds were not different between the bee‐odour and control groups (0.28 vs. 0.29 cm s–1); there were also no differences in the turning rates (96.85 vs. 97.16 deg s–1 and 388.08 vs. 379.18 deg cm–1, respectively). Under all conditions, mites walked in a zigzag fashion.  相似文献   

The eucalyptus woodborer, Phoracantha semipunctata Fabricius (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), attacks mainly species of Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae). This study investigated walking and flight behaviour of P. semipunctata males and females exposed to an odour plume originating from a log of E. globulus placed vertically in the upwind end of a wind tunnel. In control experiments, beetles were exposed to a PVC drainpipe in the same position as the log, providing a visual stimulus without host‐tree odour. No statistical differences were found between behavioural responses of either sex when exposed to the log or PVC pipe. No beetles landed on the PVC pipe, whereas 49% of the beetles exposed to host‐tree odour plume landed on the log. Beetles aged over 24 days after emergence from the host tree were more responsive than beetles aged 20–24 days, and accounted vor 86% of the beetles that landed on the log. While walking, host‐tree odour affected the behaviour of the beetles that landed on the log as follows: upwind movement and path linearity increased, whereas turning rate, stopping frequency, mean stopping time and time to take‐off flight decreased. During flight, host‐tree odour affected the behaviour of the beetles that landed on the log as follows: increased upwind flight, turning rate, flight time, flight distance, and decreased flight speed. For beetles that never lost contact with the odour plume, flight progressed upwind with narrow zigzags, and showed higher directedness upwind, path linearity, faster flight speed and lower turning rate than for beetles that lost contact with the odour plume. After loosing contact with the plume, beetles tended to decrease their upwind progression, exhibiting a sharp turn or quick counterturns followed by crosswind or downwind excursions. This led to regaining contact with the odour plume and resumed upwind progression at higher speed provided they flew within the boundaries of the plume. The results showed that host‐tree odour affects both walking and flight behaviour of P. semipunctata beetles, inducing a more directed upwind movement and landing on the visual stimulus of a tree trunk.  相似文献   

In parasitoid insects, successful offspring development depends on the female’s ability to find a suitable host. Specific recognition is often based on responses to olfactory cues, but their source and nature have rarely been determined. –This paper deals with the recognition of odours involved in host location by Leptopilina boulardi[Barbotin, Carton & Kelner-Pillault] (Hymenoptera: Eucoilidae), a larval parasitoid of Drosophila species that develops in mature fruits. The nature and origin of volatile stimuli recognized among odours of the host–fruit complex, and the effect of learning on this recognition, were investigated. Oriented responses to these odours were observed in a four-armed olfactometer and were analysed with the observer software (Noldus Information Technology). Fruit odours alone (banana and pear) were not spontaneously attractive to naive parasitoids, whereas naturally-infested bananas were highly attractive. The attraction was related to the odour that adult Drosophila left on the substrate but not to Drosophila oviposition activity or larval development. A synergism between some fruit odours (banana and pear) and the odour left by adult Drosophila on damp filter paper was observed. However, when testing a non-fruit substrate (mushroom), no synergism was observed. Thus, female L. boulardi may innately recognize host–food substrate odours associated with odours from the adult stage of their host. In addition, an oviposition experience on an infested banana allows L. boulardi females to memorise the fruit odour itself through associative learning. The adaptive significance of this process is discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Studies were made in Zimbabwe of the propensity of Glossina pallidipes Austen and G. morsitans morsitans Westwood to divert from flying upwind in plumes of host odour to various visual features (termed targets). Using various arrangements of electrocuting nets with targets placed downwind of an odour source it was found that 45% diverted to a square target, c. 30% diverted to a black vertical oblong and there was no significant diversion to a bark-coloured vertical oblong that simulated the bole of a tree. The relative propensity of tsetse to divert to variously coloured targets decreased in the order: black = blue > red > yellow; for different shapes it decreased in the order: circle > square > horizontal oblong = vertical oblong. Changes in the composition or concentration of the odour, or loss of contact with it, did not markedly affect the percentage that diverted. Tsetse that diverted to a target and subsequently flew away from it showed an upwind bias in the presence of odour. In the absence of odour there was a slight crosswind bias. If these crosswind fliers then flew into a plume of host odour they turned c. 50 upwind.  相似文献   

Plasticity of olfactory orientation to foods in the snailAchatina fulica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Snails were tested in an olfactometer for their orientation to food odours. Measures of odour choice, latency to make a choice and percentage of upwind orientations were obtained after experimental manipulations of dietary experience and hunger motivation. Juvenile snails, given an exclusive diet of a certain food for 12 h or less, oriented preferentially toward the odour of that food when subsequently presented with a choice between it and a novel food odour (Fig. 2). A 48 h period of exposure to a food resulted in a 21 day retention of the odour preference (Fig. 3). There was no evidence for an especially sensitive period for conditioning during the first 50 days of age (Fig. 4); however, adult snails (minimum 1 year old) required longer periods of dietary exposure to establish equivalent food odour memories (Fig. 5). Measures of latency and percentage of upwind orientations confirmed the choice data in demonstrating an effect of dietary experiences on olfactory orientation. Hunger motivation increased the selection for familiar food odours, and reduced the latency (Fig. 6 and Tables 3 and 4). Sensory adaptation appears inadequate to explain the conditioning phenomenon since formation of the preferences was contingent upon ingestion of the foods; exposure to the food odours alone was insufficient (Table 2). The data suggest that orientation preferences derive from a learned association between the odour of a food and its nutritional value.We thank Dr. Donald Kramer for helpful criticism throughout the course of this work. The research was supported financially by the National Research Council of Canada and le Ministère de l'Education du Québec.  相似文献   

Abstract. To test the hypothesis that tsetse flies use visual input from the apparent movement of the ground to assess wind direction while in flight, Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood females were video- recorded in a wind-tunnel as they entered, in cross-wind flight, a broad plume of simulated host odour (C02 at c. 0.05%). The tunnel (2.3 times 1.2 m wide) generated winds up to 0.25 m s-1 and had a strongly patterned floor that could be moved upwind or downwind to increase or decrease the visual input due to wind drift. Flight tracks were analysed for speed, direction relative to the wind, and angle of turn. Mean groundspeeds were c. 1.8 m s-1. In control measurements in still air (with or without odour) flies turned 50:50 'upwind': 'downwind'. With a 0.25 m s-1 odour-perme- ated wind, 79% turned upwind, and c. 70% left view flying upwind. When the floor was moved at 0.25 m s-1 upwind (to mimic the visual input from the ground due to a 0.5 m s_-1 wind), the strength of this response increased. If instead the floor was moved downwind, faster than the wind speed (to mimic the visual input due to a wind from the opposite direction), 59% turned downwind and c. 70% left view flying downwind, and thus away from the source (though progressing 'upwind' in terms of the visual input from apparent ground pattern movement). Upwind turns were on average significantly larger than downwind turns. It is concluded that tsetse navigate up host odour plumes in flight by responding to the visual flow fields due to their movement over the ground (optomotor anemotaxis), even in weak winds blowing at a fraction of their groundspeed.  相似文献   

Abstract Airborne pheromone plumes in wind comprise filaments of odour interspersed with gaps of clean air. When flying moths intercept a filament, they have a tendency to surge upwind momentarily, and then fly crosswind until another filament is intercepted. Thus, the moment-to-moment contact with pheromone mediates the shape of a flight track along the plume. Within some range of favourable interception rates, flight tracks become straighter and are headed more due upwind. However, as the rate of interception increases, there comes a point at which the moth should not be able to discern discreet filaments but, rather, should perceive a 'fused signal'. At the extreme, homogeneous clouds of pheromone inhibit upwind progress by representative tortricids. In a wind tunnel, Cadra cautella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) were presented with 10 ms pulses of pheromone at a repetition rate of 5, 10, 17 and 25/s and a continuous, internally turbulent plume. Pulse size and concentrations were verified with a miniature photoionization detector sampling surrogate odour, propylene, at 100 Hz. Male moths maintain upwind progress even at plumes of 25 filaments/s. Furthermore, moths exhibited greater velocities and headings more due upwind at 17 and 25 Hz than at the lower frequencies or with the continuous plume. It is hypothesized that either C. cautella possesses a versatile sensory system that allows the resolution of these rapidly pulsed pheromone plumes, or that this species does not require a 'flickering' signal to fly upwind.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The direction of flight in tsetse flies ( Glossina pallidipes Aust. and G. m. morsitans Westw.) taking off in the presence of certain wind-borne odours showed a significant upwind shift both in the field and in the laboratory. The average angular deviation between the resting orientation and flight direction was not materially affected by odour, but turns were steered in relation to wind direction if odour was present. Upwind flight in an odour plume was regularly preceded by a standing turn, the fly turning partly or completely into the wind before taking off in upwind flight. This suggests that wind direction was assessed, and flight direction determined, before the fly took off.  相似文献   

The present study was initiated to gain insight into the way in which tsetse flies ( Glossina spp.) sense odours at different locations in odour plumes in both an open field and a wooded area.
We recorded the antennal responses (EAGs) from stationary living female G. pallidipes 15 m upwind and at various (60, 40, 20, 10, 5 and 1 m) distances downwind from a synthetic host odour source (containing 1-octen-3-ol, acetone and two phenols), in the natural habitat of the fly (Zimbabwe) using a portable electrophysiological device. Experiments were performed in a flat open area (an airstrip) and in riverine woodland. Differences between responses in different environments were determined by comparing various parameters of the EAGs (intermittency, frequency, amplitude, duration and rate of depolarization).
We found that a fly senses odours as puffs that, further downwind, contain less odour and pass less frequently. In an open field downwind from the source, tsetse perceive more olfactory information than upwind for only 10–20 m, whereas in woodland, olfactory responses remain higher and more frequent than upwind up to at least 60 m. In an open field, olfactory information rapidly increases when approaching the odour source from 20 m and in woodland from 5 m onwards.
It is proposed that averaging odour information over time may be of minor importance in long-range location of odour sources. The results suggest that tsetse may smell odour-baited targets from at least 60 m downwind and that the number of flies responding to and being caught by these baits may be higher in woodland than in an open field.  相似文献   

The effects of structure, concentration and composition of host‐odour plumes on catch of female Anopheles gambiae Giles sensu stricto and Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) were investigated in a dual‐choice olfactometer. We demonstrate that the fine‐scale structure of host‐odour plumes modulates capture of An. gambiae and Ae. aegypti. In both species homogeneous skin‐odour plumes result in trap entry, whereas homogeneous CO2 plumes reduce trap catch. Reduced trap catch also result from combining skin odour with a homogeneous CO2 plume. Trap capture rates in homogeneous CO2 plumes were concentration‐dependent and differed between the two species. Electric nets placed in front of the trap entrances intercepted mosquitoes before they could enter the traps. This showed that An. gambiae flew along CO2 plumes, but did not enter the traps. Survivorship analysis of the trap‐entry times of Ae. aegypti indicated interactions between the time until capture and treatment. The assay's duration therefore can alter the distribution in a dual‐choice olfactometer.  相似文献   

The behavioural response of Anopheles stephensi Liston (Diptera: Culicidae) to incubated host odours (from human and goat) and to human odour in combination with a repellent plant, Ocimum forskolei (Labiatae), or deet (N, N, diethyl-toluamide) (20%) was tested in a dual-port olfactometer. An. stephensi was significantly attracted to both host odours compared with air alone, but showed no preference when given a choice between both host odours simultaneously. In choice tests, the addition of deet to human odour did not significantly divert mosquitoes to human odour alone, but did divert them to goat odour. O. forskolei combined with human odour diverted mosquitoes to goat or human odour alone. Combinations of human odour and O. forskolei, and human odour and deet were both as unattractive as air alone, and attracted mosquitoes equally when offered simultaneously. The results indicate that use of O. forskolei as a repellent would be beneficial in reducing vector biting if used in communities in areas with partially zoophilic mosquito species such as An. stephensi, and where animals are present.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In fourteen releases, most female D.radicum (L.) (Diptera, Anthomyiidae) flew upwind or at an angle to it of less than 77° regardless of the presence of host-plant odour. Females ready to lay eggs flew upwind without prior stimulation by odours from either a host crop or a trap releasing up to 3 ml/day of the attractant allylisothiocyanate. Upwind flight was more pronounced in flies from a diapause than from a continuous, non-diapause culture. Males from the non-diapause culture dispersed upwind and downwind in more or less equal numbers; old males flew mainly downwind. But, like the females, most males from the diapause culture flew upwind. Long-distance, odour-modulated anemotaxis did not appear to be used to locate distant host crops by either sex. It is concluded that the distances of insect orientation to plant odours recorded to date are only of intermediate range, and that long-range orientation to the odours of a host-plant still has to be proven. It is suggested that host-plant volatiles are involved not only in the final stage of host location but also in the first, and probably most important stage of host selection whilst the insect is still in flight.  相似文献   

为了明确棉铃虫对苯乙醛和乙酸苯甲酯两种关键花香气味的联系性学习行为,在室内分别测定了不同学习训练的棉铃虫雌雄成虫对两种关键花香气味的选择偏好性反应和雄成虫的触角电位反应。偏好性测定结果表明,无花香气味接触经历的棉铃虫对苯乙醛和乙酸苯甲酯的选择频次均无显著差异,且单纯的花香气味接触经历也不能诱导棉铃虫气味偏好性的显著改变,唯有花香气味接触经历伴随蔗糖溶液进行强化训练时,才能诱导气味偏好性的显著性改变。从对两种花香气味的联系性学习看,棉铃虫更容易将苯乙醛与蔗糖溶液进行联系性学习,而不容易将乙酸苯甲酯与蔗糖溶液进行联系性学习。从性别差异看,雌虫比雄虫具有更强的将花香气味与蔗糖溶液进行联系性学习的能力。触角电位测定结果表明,不同学习训练的棉铃虫雄成虫对两种花香气味和绿叶气味顺-3-己烯-1-醇的EAG反应值之间不存在显著性差异。总之,花香气味伴随食物资源的联系性学习经历,能够明显提高棉铃虫成虫对花香气味的选择偏好,可以此为基础进一步优化花香引诱剂的配方设计和应用技术。  相似文献   

Aquatic organisms may use different mechanisms to locate an odour source, including odour-gated rheotaxis and chemotaxis. However, the effects of spatial and temporal information contained within odour signals in guiding orientation are under debate. In nature, turbulence and plume meandering give rise to signal intermittency, which organisms must overcome to locate an odour source successfully. In this study, crayfish were presented with odour plumes formed by a continuously released jet or a pulsed jet ranging from 0.5 to 3 Hz. Crayfish oriented significantly differently in pulsed odour plumes differed significantly from than in a continuously released jet plume. In a continuous odour plumes, crayfish walked faster, had more accurate heading and turning angles, and stopped less often. The results suggest that crayfish are able to orient in a pulsed odour plumes, but that the spatial and temporal complexity of a continuous released odour plume allowed them to be more successful to find the odour source.  相似文献   

Herbivorous insects use highly specific volatiles or blends of volatiles characteristic to particular plant species to locate their host plants. Thus, data on olfactory preferences can be valuable in developing integrated pest management tools that deal with manipulation of pest insect behaviour. We examined host plant odour preferences of the tomato leafminer, Liriomyza bryoniae (Kaltenbach) (Diptera: Agromyzidae), which is an economically important agricultural pest widespread throughout Europe. The odour preferences of leafminers were tested in dependence of feeding experiences. We ranked host plant odours by their appeal to L. bryoniae based on two‐choice tests using a Y‐tube olfactometer with five host plants: tomato, Solanum lycopersicum Mill.; bittersweet, Solanum dulcamara L.; downy ground‐cherry, Physalis pubescens L. (all Solanaceae); white goosefoot, Chenopodium album L. (Chenopodiaceae); and dead nettle, Lamium album L. (Lamiaceae). The results imply that ranking of host plant odours by their attractiveness to L. bryoniae is complicated due to the influence of larval and adult feeding experiences. Without any feeding experience as an adult, L. bryoniae males showed a preference for the airflow with host plant odour vs. pure air, whereas females did not display a preference. Further tests revealed that adult feeding experience can alter the odour choice of L. bryoniae females. After feeding experience, females showed a preference for host plant odour vs. pure air. Feeding experience in the larval stage influenced the choice by adults of both sexes: for males as well as females reared on bittersweet the odour of that plant was the most attractive. Thus, host feeding experience both in larval and/or adult stage of polyphagous tomato leafminer L. bryoniae influences host plant odour preference by adults.  相似文献   

Abstract. In Zimbabwe, studies were made of the flight responses of tsetse ( Glossina spp.) to synthetic and natural ox odour using arrangements of electric nets.Tsetse flying away from a target showed a significant upwind bias when a blend of carbon dioxide (2/1 min), acetone (500 mg/h), octenol (0.4 mg/h), 4-methylphenol (0.8 mg/h) and 3-n-propylphenol (0.1 ma) was dispensed 15 m upwind, with c. 35% flying upwind.Without carbon dioxide this percentage was significantly reduced to 15% which was not significantly different from that with no odour (8%).This pattern was not altered by reducing the doses of acetone, octenol and phenols by 10–100 times, to levels comparable to those produced by an ox.With natural ox odour or a synthetic equivalent of ox odour dispensed from a ventilated pit 8 m upwind of the target, c. 28% flew upwind.This was reduced significantly to 15% if carbon dioxide was removed.In studies using a 17 m line of nets arranged orthogonally across the prevailing wind line, c. 50% of the catch was caught on the downwind side in the absence of odour.This increased significantly to c.60% when acetone, octenol and phenols were dispensed 15 m upwind, with or without carbon dioxide.With a shorter line (9 m) or an incomplete one (16.5 m long with 5 times 1.5 m wide gaps along its length) there was no change in the proportion caught downwind.For all three lines, dispensing odour upwind increased the catch 2–5 times on both the up-and downwind sides of the nets.It is concluded that a stronger upwind response to host odour is elicited when carbon dioxide is present.It is suggested that in nature upwind flight is very imprecisely orientated, with tsetse making flights up and down an odour plume 'searching' for a host.  相似文献   

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