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Tree stems have been identified as sources of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that play important roles in tree defence and atmospheric chemistry. Yet, we lack understanding on the magnitude and environmental drivers of stem VOC emissions in various forest ecosystems. Due to the increasing importance of extreme drought, we studied drought effects on the VOC emissions from mature Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stems. We measured monoterpenes, acetone, acetaldehyde and methanol emissions with custom-made stem chambers, online PTR-MS and adsorbent sampling in a drought-prone forest over the hot-dry summer of 2018 and compared the emission rates and dynamics between trees in naturally dry conditions and under long-term irrigation (drought release). The pine stems were significant monoterpene sources. The stem monoterpene emissions potentially originated from resin, based on their similar monoterpene spectra. The emission dynamics of all VOCs followed temperature at a daily scale, but monoterpene and acetaldehyde emission rates decreased nonlinearly with drought over the summer. Despite the dry conditions, large peaks of monoterpene, acetaldehyde and acetone emissions occurred in late summer potentially due to abiotic or biotic stressors. Our results highlight the potential importance of stem emissions in the ecosystem VOC budget, encouraging further studies in diverse environments.  相似文献   


Co-v-culture (co-cultivations of physically separated microbes that only interact through the air) systems were designed to investigate the effects of microbial volatile organic compounds (mVOCs) from about 20 different microbes, on a medicinal fungus, Ganoderma lucidum. For more accuracy in co-cultivations, a novel synchronized cultivation approach was tested for culturing G. lucidum. The hyphal growth of G. lucidum and the content of its ganoderic acids (GAs) were measured. In almost all of the co-v-cultures, there was an inhibiting effect on hyphal growth and a promoting effect on GAs contents. In inducing GAs production, Bacillus cereus PTCC 1247 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa UTMC 1404 were the most effective ones, as, compared to control cultures, GAs content increased 2.8 fold. Comparing different co-v-cultivations demonstrated that the concentrations of mVOCs, oxygen, and carbon dioxide were the main players in co-v-cultures. No correlation was found between hyphal growth and GAs production. Strains of the same species imposed totally different effects on hyphal growth or GAs production. This study has investigated the effects of mVOCs on G. lucidum for the first time. Moreover, it suggests that co-v-cultivation may be a promising biotechnological approach to improve the production in G. lucidum.  相似文献   

鲍歆歆  周伟奇  郑重  徐林莉 《生态学报》2023,43(5):1749-1762
近地面臭氧(O3)已成为继PM2.5后影响我国空气质量的一种重要二次污染物。随着氮氧化物浓度的持续下降和气候变暖的加剧,城市O3的形成对挥发性有机化合物的浓度更加敏感。近年来城市绿色空间显著增长,植物源挥发性有机化合物(BVOCs)排放和浓度逐年增加。针对BVOCs与近地面O3之间复杂的交互作用,从植物BVOCs的特性与作用出发,综述了不同因素尤其是O3浓度增加对树木生理状态及BVOCs排放速率的影响,定量分析了已有研究中O3对不同植物异戊二烯和单萜烯排放速率的影响,以及BVOCs对O3形成的贡献,总结了BVOCs与O3相互作用研究领域存在的不足。未来亟需加强的研究包括:(1)城市树种BVOCs排放因子的实测,建立物种的排放速率数据库,优化模型参数,提升精细尺度BVOCs排放量估算模型精度;(2)多种环境因子,比如污染物浓度、温湿度等对城市植物BVOCs排放的交互作用和综合影响的研究;(3)植物BVOCs对O  相似文献   

In this study, 136 strains of endophytic fungi were isolated from the Chinese traditional medicinal plant Coptis chinensis Franch. Of these, 129 strains were classified into 12 different genera according to morphological traits and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) gene sequence analyses. Their antifungal activities were assessed against the following fungi: Magnaporthe oryzae, Pythium graminicola, Cylindrocarpon destructans, Fusarium oxysporum, Cercospora zeae-maydis, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Setosphaeria turcica and Botrytis cinerea. Fourteen endophytic strains were active against at least one of the selected fungi. The most active strain Cc-HG-7 identified as Cryptosporiopsis ericae displayed inhibition rates of 81.42% and 72.00%, respectively, against S. sclerotiorum and S. turcica in dual culture technique. The volatile antifungal compounds were identified using headspace solid-phase microextraction, followed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry to investigate the potential biocontrol mechanisms of strain Cc-HG-7. The results suggested that the strain Cc-HG-7 could be a potential agent for the biological control of S. sclerotiorum and S. turcica.  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度增加和温度升高引起的全球变化对土壤生态系统的生物地球化学过程产生了重要影响.挥发性卤代烃(VOXs)的合成与释放是土壤参与全球物质循环与能量流动的重要途径.本研究以南亚热带乔木幼苗木荷和杉木为对象,设置对照(CK)、CO2浓度升高(EC)、增温(ET)以及两者同时升高(EC+ET)4个处理,运用开顶箱及吹...  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the relationships between the operation of the volatile organic compound (VOC) removal biofilter and the structure of microbial communities, and to study the impact on degradation activities and the structuring of microbial communities of biofilter malfunctions related to the qualitative composition of the polluted air. METHODS AND RESULTS: A microbiological study and a measurement of biodegradation activities were simultaneously carried out on two identical peat-packed columns, seeded with two different inocula, treating polluted air containing 11 VOCs. For both reactors, the spatial structure of the microbial communities was investigated by means of single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. For both reactors, stratification of degradation activities in function of depth was observed. Oxygenated compounds were removed at the top of the column and aromatics at the bottom. Comparison of SSCP patterns clearly showed a shift in community structure in function of depth inside both biofilters. This distribution of biodegradation activities correlates with the spatialization of microbial density and diversity. Although the operating conditions of both reactors were identical and the biodegradation activities similar, the composition of microflora differed for biofilters A and B. Subdivision of biofilter B into two independent parts supplied with polluted air containing the complex VOC mixture showed that the microflora having colonized the bottom of biofilter B retained their potential for degrading oxygenated compounds. CONCLUSIONS: This work highlights the spatialization of biodegradation functions in a biofilter treating a complex mixture of VOCs. This distribution of biodegradation activities correlates with the spatialization of microbial density and diversity. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This vertical structure of microbial communities must be taken into consideration when dealing with the malfunctioning of bioreactors. These results are also useful information about changes in microbial communities following natural or anthropogenic alterations in different ecosystems (soils and sediments) where structuring of microbial communities according to depth has been observed.  相似文献   

Microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs) were collected in water-damaged buildings to evaluate their use as possible indicators of indoor fungal growth. Fungal species isolated from contaminated buildings were screened for MVOC production on malt extract agar by means of headspace solid-phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. Some sesquiterpenes, specifically derived from fungal growth, were detected in the sampled environments and the corresponding fungal producers were identified. Statistical analysis of the detected MVOC profiles allowed the identification of species-specific MVOCs or MVOC patterns for Aspergillus versicolor group, Aspergillus ustus, and Eurotium amstelodami. In addition, Chaetomium spp. and Epicoccum spp. were clearly differentiated by their volatile production from a group of 76 fungal strains belonging to different genera. These results are useful in the chemotaxonomic discrimination of fungal species, in aid to the classical morphological and molecular identification techniques.  相似文献   

Monochamus alternatus is a destructive stem‐boring herbivore of Pinus massoniana, and the principal vector of pine wood nematode. To investigate the impacts of boring by M. alternatus larvae on the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from their host trees, the VOCs from uninfested and M. alternatus larvae infested P. massoniana trees were observed using a gas chromatograph–mass spectrometer. We detected 12, 9, 18 and 14 volatile organic compounds from infested xylem, infested phloem, uninfested xylem and uninfested phloem, respectively. In P. massoniana xylem, the boring of M. alternatus larvae induced cyclosativene, and inhibited 4‐carene, humulene, styrene, α‐phellandrene, β‐myrcene, β‐phellandrene and γ‐terpinene. The relative amounts of camphene, copacamphene, longicyclene, longifolene, tricyclene and α‐longipinene were significantly increased, and the relative amounts of α‐pinene and β‐pinene were significantly decreased by the boring behaviors of M. alternatus larvae. In P. massoniana phloem, the boring of M. alternatus larvae induced 2‐bornanone, copacamphene, longicyclene and α‐longipinene, and inhibited 2‐carene, 4‐carene, styrene, α‐phellandrene, β‐myrcene, β‐phellandrene, β‐pinene, γ‐terpinene and ο‐cymene. The relative amounts of camphene, caryophyllene and longifolene were significantly increased by the boring behaviors of M. alternatus larvae. The results indicate that the boring behaviors of M. alternatus larvae changed both the sorts and contents of the VOCs from P. massoniana trees.  相似文献   

植物挥发性有机化合物(biogenic volatile organic compounds,BVOCs)在近地表臭氧和二次有机气溶胶生成中有重要作用,而大气CO2浓度上升对植物BVOCs释放有显著影响。利用Meta-analysis方法对已发表的数据进行整合分析发现:(1)总体而言,大气CO2浓度增加会导致不同木本植物(常绿与落叶) BVOCs释放降低;(2)就不同木本植物BVOCs释放而言,大气CO2浓度增加主要导致落叶植物BVOCs释放速率降低,而常绿植物则以增加为主;(3)就植物释放BVOCs种类而言,大气CO2浓度增加显著降低异戊二烯的释放速率,对单萜烯释放速率则无显著影响。结果可为阐明陆地生态系统BVOCs释放对全球CO2浓度增加的响应提供依据。  相似文献   

Light and starvation are two principal environmental stimuli inducing conidiation in the soil micromycete Trichoderma spp. We observed that volatiles produced by conidiating colonies of Trichoderma spp. elicited conidiation in colonies that had not been induced previously by exposure to light. The inducing effect of volatiles was both intra- and interspecific. Chemical profiles of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced by the nonconidiated colonies grown in the dark and by the conidiating colonies were compared using solid-phase microextraction of headspace samples followed by tandem GC-MS. The conidiation was accompanied by increased production of eight-carbon compounds 1-octen-3-ol and its analogs 3-octanol and 3-octanone. When vapors of these compounds were applied individually to dark-grown colonies, they elicited their conidiation already at submicromolar concentrations. It is concluded that the eight-carbon VOCs act as signaling molecules regulating development and mediating intercolony communication in Trichoderma.  相似文献   

Aims: To provide an independent assessment of azoxystrobin effects on nontarget soil bacteria and fungi and generate some baseline information on azoxystrobin’s persistence in soil. Methods and Results: Plate based assay showed that azoxystrobin exhibited differential toxicity upon cultured fungi at different application rates. While 14C labelled isotopes experiments showed that less than 1% of azoxystrobin was mineralized, degradation studies revealed over 60% azoxystrobin breakdown over 21 days. PCR DGGE analysis of 16S and 18S rRNA genes from different soil microcosms showed that azoxystrobin had some effects on fungal community after 21 days (up to 84 days) of incubation in either light or dark soil microcosms. Light incubations increased fungal diversity while dark incubations reduced fungal diversity. Bacterial diversity was unaffected. Conclusions: Significant biotic breakdown of parent azoxystrobin occurred within 21 days even in the absence of light. Azoxystrobin under certain conditions can reduce fungal soil diversity. Significance and Impact of the Study: One of the few independent assessments of azoxystrobin (a widely used strobilurins fungicide) effects on soil fungi when used at the recommended rate. Azoxystrobin and metabolites may persist after 21 days and affect soil fungi.  相似文献   

Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) play important roles at cellular, foliar, ecosystem and atmospheric levels. The Amazonian rainforest represents one of the major global sources of BVOCs, so its study is essential for understanding BVOC dynamics. It also provides insights into the role of such large and biodiverse forest ecosystem in regional and global atmospheric chemistry and climate. We review the current information on Amazonian BVOCs and identify future research priorities exploring biogenic emissions and drivers, ecological interactions, atmospheric impacts, depositional processes and modifications to BVOC dynamics due to changes in climate and land cover. A feedback loop between Amazonian BVOCs and the trends of climate and land‐use changes in Amazonia is then constructed. Satellite observations and model simulation time series demonstrate the validity of the proposed loop showing a combined effect of climate change and deforestation on BVOC emission in Amazonia. A decreasing trend of isoprene during the wet season, most likely due to forest biomass loss, and an increasing trend of the sesquiterpene to isoprene ratio during the dry season suggest increasing temperature stress‐induced emissions due to climate change.  相似文献   

Ecological functions of volatile organic compounds in aquatic systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In terrestrial ecosystems, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are widely acknowledged as an important group of infochemicals. They play a major role in pollinator attraction by terrestrial plants and as insect pheromones. Furthermore, they are the mediating agent of so-called 'tritrophic interactions'. When plants are attacked by herbivorous insects, volatile signal substances are emitted, which act as attractants for parasitoids that kill the herbivores, thereby protecting the plant from herbivory. Despite the generally acknowledged importance of VOCs in terrestrial chemical ecology, their functions in aquatic food webs are largely unknown. VOCs produced by algae and cyanobacteria are a major concern in water processing, since aquatic primary producers are the reason for regularly encountered taste and odour problems in drinking water. Only very recently, research in aquatic chemical ecology has started to investigate possible ecological functions for the production of VOCs by algae and cyanobacteria. Volatile aldehydes released by wounded cells of marine planktonic diatoms seem to act as defensive compounds against herbivorous copepods on the population level. Just recently, it was found that VOCs released from benthic algae and cyanobacteria can be utilised as food and/or habitat finding cues by aquatic invertebrates such as freshwater gastropods and nematodes. Here, I review concepts and recent experimental studies on the ecological functions of such VOCs in aquatic ecosystems. Understanding the factors that lead to the liberation of volatile compounds is an essential prerequisite to properly assessing their ecological functions. It appears that (similar to terrestrial plant-herbivore interactions) VOCs can also play a steering role for both attraction and defence in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

冷蒿(Artemisia frigida)挥发性有机化合物(volatile organic compounds, VOCs)具有特殊气味, 在植物受损伤时, 此气味会更加浓烈。该文通过对未损伤与损伤冷蒿VOCs成分分析、地上部分结构观察, 初步揭示了冷蒿VOCs释放与结构之间的关系。结果表明, 未损伤冷蒿VOCs主要含有22种化合物, 其主要成分是莰烯(14.27%)、(E)-乙酸-3-己烯酯(10.85%)、对-伞花烃(9.05%)、桉树脑(39.80%)、α-萜品醇(10.04%)、β-萜品醇(2.48%)、樟脑(5.66%)和(R)-(-)-对薄荷-1-烯-4-醇(3.84%)。损伤较未损伤冷蒿VOCs增加了12种物质, 其中相对含量大于1%的化合物分别为顺-3-己烯醛(1.15%)、2-己烯醛(1.34%)、顺-牻牛儿醇(2.66%)、冰片(4.47%)、(1R,4R)(+)-对-薄荷-2,8-二烯(9.15%)、乙酸冰片酯(1.37%)和4(14), 11-桉叶双烯(1.30%)。冷蒿叶片中栅栏组织发达, 叶柄内具有2-3处栅栏组织, 并且栅栏组织中都具有发达的气室, 同时气室与气孔相连。因此, 损伤较未损伤冷蒿VOCs种类和浓度增多的原因可能为: 冷蒿VOCs合成后大量储存于气室中, 当叶片损伤时, VOCs大量释放出来, 同时合成释放一些新的VOCs, 致使损伤冷蒿VOCs种类和浓度增加。  相似文献   

Cross‐kingdom interactions between bacteria and fungi are a common occurrence in the environment. Recent studies have identified various types of interactions that either can take the form of a synergistic relationship or can result in an antagonistic interplay with the subsequent destruction or inhibition of growth of bacteria, fungi or both. This cross‐kingdom communication is of particular significance in human health and disease, as bacteria and fungi commonly colonize various human surfaces and their interactions can at times alter the outcome of invasive infections. Moreover, mixed infections from both bacteria and fungi are relatively common among critically ill patients and individuals with weak immune responses. The purpose of this review is to summarize our knowledge on the type of interactions between bacteria and fungi and their relevance in human infections.  相似文献   

The atmosphere is the first medium containing hazardous compounds entering the living environment. Metropolitan areas contain many industrial complex areas with high emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and consequently also large-scale exposure groups. As respiration is the most important part of the human exposure pathway, the atmosphere should be treated with greater importance than other media. It is therefore very important to monitor the emission of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) and measure the concentration of VOCs in the atmosphere of such areas. It is essential to establish basic measures in order to protect public health as part of overall national safety management. This study utilized the national air pollution monitoring network data from Seoul, Incheon, and Gyeonggi, and investigated the differences in risk levels for humans considering various factors of the receptors, including gender and age. A total of 13 VOCs were categorized into carcinogens and noncarcinogens for risk assessment. The carcinogens 1,3-butadiene and benzene demonstrated a high level of cancer risk, ranging between 10?4 and 10?6, respectively. Noncarcinogens did not exceed Hazard Quotient (HQ) 1 in any area. The results will serve as important references for managing urban air environments and setting air quality standards.  相似文献   

采用核糖体RNA转录间隔区(internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal RNA,ITS r RNA)、RNA聚合酶II(RNA polymerase II,rpb2)和β-维管蛋白(beta-tubulin,tub1)基因系统发育分析法,鉴定了一株分离自浙江庆元的麝香霉ZJQY709,鉴定结果表明该菌为白色麝香霉Muscodor albus。生长速率法测定结果显示该菌株最适生长温度为22–28℃。二分格培养皿对峙培养法测定该菌挥发性有机化合物的抑菌活性,结果表明其挥发性有机化合物对灰葡萄孢菌和立枯丝核菌的生长抑制作用较强,而对尖孢镰刀菌和终极腐霉的抑制作用较弱。固相微萃取/气质联用法分析该菌产生的挥发性有机化合物,结果显示其挥发性有机化合物成分复杂,主要气体成分为2-甲基丙酸、乙酸-2-甲基丙酯和1-丁醇-2-甲基乙酸。  相似文献   

A study was performed to determine the effectiveness of using biofiltration for the removal of a complex mixture of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) air-stripped from petroleum hydrocarbons. A biofilter was constructed which contained 264 cm3 of packing material (Celite? R-635). The unit was inoculated with a mixed culture containing a hydrocarbon-degrading Pseudomonas sp and an Alcaligenes sp. Several of the major compounds in the VOC mixture were monitored individually, along with the total VOCs, using gas chromatography. The average influent concentration of the VOC mixture was 320 ppmv and the average total VOC removal rate was over 56%, with the average removal rate of the monitored individual compounds ranging from 49–90%. After 30 days of operation the average overall removal rate was 69% and the removal of the major compounds averaged 92%. The toxicity and mutagenicity of the air stream was monitored using the Microtox and Ames assays, respectively. These data show marked decreases in toxicity and mutagenicity of the air stream as a result of the biofiltration treatment. The biofiltration system, therefore, was not only effective in removing VOCs from the air stream over an extended time-period, but was also effective in greatly reducing the toxicity and mutagenicity associated with the remaining VOCs. Received 03 July 1997/ Accepted in revised form 25 November 1997  相似文献   

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