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Within the Gavrovo–Tripolitza area (southern continental Greece), marine carbonate platforms existed from the Late Triassic to the Late Eocene. The Middle–Upper Eocene marine shallow-water carbonates of the Klokova Mountain represent remnants of the large volumes of sediment that were produced on a middle ramp sedimentary system which culminated in the Lower Oligocene terrigenous deposits. Facies analysis of Bartonian–Priabonian shallow-water carbonate successions and the integration with palaeoecological analysis are used to produce a detailed palaeoenvironmental model. In the proximal middle ramp, porcelaneous foraminiferal packstone facies is characterised by larger foraminifera such as Praturlonella and Spirolina. These forms thrived in a shallow-water setting with low turbidity, high-light intensity and low-substrate stability. The foraminiferal packstone facies, the thin coralline wacke–packstone facies and the rhodolith packstone facies deposited approximately in the same depth range adjacent to one another in the middle-ramp. Nummulitids (Nummulites, Assilina, Pellatispira, Heterostegina and Spiroclypeus) increase in abundance in the middle to distal mid-ramp together with the orthophragminids. Coralline algae, represented by six genera, are present in all facies. Rhodoliths occur in all facies but they show different shapes and growth forms. They develop laminar sub-ellipsoidal shapes in higher turbulence conditions on mobile sand substrates (foraminiferal packstones and rhodolith rudstones), whilst sub-discoidal shapes often bound by thin encrusting coralline plants in lower hydrodynamic settings. The distinctive characteristics of the palaeoecological middle-ramp gradient are an increase in dominance of melobesioids, a thinning of the encrusting coralline plants and a flattening of the larger benthic foraminiferal shells.  相似文献   

Microfacial investigations of the Lower Paleogene sediments were based on four sections of the passive Indian (Ladakh, Tingri County, Gamba County and Yadong County) and one of the active Asian continental margin (Zhongba County). Eleven microfacies from the Tethyan Himalaya (prefixed with P for passive continental margin) and four from the Xigaze forearc basin (prefixed with A for active continental margin) were observed. The distribution of fossil assemblages in the environment ranges from the tidal flat and restricted lagoonal part of the inner carbonate ramp to the outer carbonate ramp: (P1) green algae pack-/grainstone with small miliolids, (P2) bioclast grainstone, (P3) Rotaliidae packstone, (P4) Miscellaneidae-Rotaliidae-Nummulitidae pack-/grainstone, (P5) laminated and bioturbated mud- and grainstone, (P6) Alveolina wacke-/packstone with Soritidae, (P7) Nummulites-Alveolina-Orbitolites pack-/floatstone, (P8) Discocyclinidae-Nummulitidae pack-/floatstone, (P9) Rhodolith wacke-/packstone, (P10) mudstone with anhydrite nodules, (P11) planktonic foraminiferal wackestone, (A1) molluskan float-/rudstone, (A2) Nummulitidae wacke-/packstone, (A3) rhodolith wacke-/packstone, (A4) Discocyclinidae-Nummulitidae float-/rudstone. The correlation of our observations provides a detailed overview of the paleoenvironmental development and the sedimentary history of the eastern Neo-Tethyan Ocean, showing a deepening trend in two stages from Lower Paleocene to Lower Eocene.  相似文献   

The Paleocene–Eocene Taleh Zang Formation of the Zagros Basin is a sequence of shallow-water carbonates. We have studied carbonate platform, sedimentary environments and its changes based on the facies analysis with particular emphasis on the biogenic assemblages of the Late Paleocene Sarkan and Early Eocene Maleh kuh sections. In the Late Paleocene, nine microfacies types were distinguished, dominated by algal taxa and corals at the lower part and larger foraminifera at the upper part. The Lower Eocene section is characterised by 10 microfacies types, which are dominated by diverse larger foraminifera such as alveolinids, orbitolitids and nummulitids. The Taleh Zang Formation at the Sarkan and Maleh kuh sections represents sedimentation on a carbonate ramp.

The deepening trends show a gradual increase in perforate foraminifera, the deepest environment is marked by the maximum occurrence of perforate foraminifers (Nummulites), while the shallowing trends are composed mainly of imperforate foraminifera and also characterised by lack of fossils in tidal flat facies.

Based on the facies changes and platform evolution, three stages are assumed in platform development: I; algal and coralgal colonies (coralgal platform), II; coralgal reefs giving way to larger foraminifera, III; dominance of diverse and newly developing larger foraminifera lineages in oligotrophic conditions.  相似文献   

During the Late Miocene, the marginal areas of the Mediterranean Basin were characterized by the development of mixed siliciclastic-carbonate ramps. This paper deals with a temperate siliciclastic-carbonate ramp (late Tortonian–early Messinian in age) which crops out in the Capo Vaticano area, Southern Apennines (Italy). Carbonate components are mainly represented by calcitic skeletal fragments of coralline red algae, bryozoans, bivalves, and larger foraminifera, whereas corals, brachiopods, echinoderms, and planktonic foraminifera are subordinate. In the studied ramp, the depositional geometries of the main unit, the ‘Sabbie gialle ad Heterostegina’, show a gradual steepening from low/middle (dip about 2–5°) to steep slope settings (up to 25°). The microfacies observations, the quantitative analyses of the main biogenic components as well as the rhodolith shapes and growth forms allowed the differentiation between the middle and the outer ramp depositional setting and the refining of the stratigraphic framework. The middle ramp is characterized by coralline red algal debris packstone facies often associated with larger foraminiferal floatstone/packstone facies, while the outer ramp is characterized by rhodolith floatstone/rudstone facies. These facies pass basinward into typical open-marine deposits (planktonic foraminiferal facies). The taxonomic composition of the coralline red algal assemblage points to a temperate paleoclimate and emphasizes the Miocene Mediterranean phytogeographic patterns. The absence of non-skeletal grains (ooids and green algae), the paucity of Porites patch reefs, the rare occurrence of primary marine cementation, all confirm that the studied ramp was poorly lithified within a warm–temperate setting. The flat depositional profile of the ramp can be related to the absence or paucity of primary marine carbonate cements.  相似文献   

Larger benthic foraminifera (LBF) are significant proxies in biostratigraphy and also act as excellent indicators of shallow-marine carbonate environments in fossil series. The Palaeogene LBF recorded from Meghalaya, NE India (eastern part of the relic eastern Tethys/Neo-Tethys) have high potential for dating shallow-marine sediments and documenting the multiple episodes of carbonate sedimentation that have contributed to the development of the Sylhet Limestone Group. Early Eocene witnessed the proliferation of LBF species worldwide, the phenomenon better known as the Larger Foraminiferal Turnover (LFT). Genera like Alveolina, Nummulites and Orbitolites with broad species complexes thrived as the dominant LBF amidst numerous other taxa on the verge of extinction or only surviving as stable forms. The current study emphasizes on the biostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental account of the early Eocene Umlatdoh Limestone successions outcropping in the Jaintia Hills of Meghalaya, primarily based on the recorded species of Alveolina and other larger benthic foraminifera. Five species of AlveolinaA. oblonga, A. schwageri, A. cf. ruetimeyeri, A. aff. haymanensis and A. aff. varians are recorded in the evaluated sections that indicate an early Eocene age corresponding to the Shallow Benthic Zone 10. Major carbonate facies types in the present assessment include oolitic-smaller benthic foraminiferal -green algal grainstone–packstone, smaller miliolid-Alveolina grainstone, green algal-benthic foraminiferal grainstone, larger porcellaneous (Alveolina) grainstone-packstone, Alveolina-nummulitid grainstone-rudstone, and nummulitid grainstone-rudstone, which indicate a shallow marine, high-energy depositional environment ranging from shoal-sandy bars to a distal inner ramp setting.  相似文献   

Dr. Davide Bassi 《Facies》1998,39(1):179-201
Summary The Calcare di Nago is a carbonate unit of Middle-Late Eocene (Bartonian and Priabonian) age which is well exposed at the north-eastern end of Lake Garda, on the western margin of the Lessini Shelf (Southern Alps). This unit is highly fossiliferous as far as the coralline red algae and large foraminifera are concerned. Corals, bryozoans, echinoderms, and molluscs are also present. The present study deals with the relationships among the coralline taxa, the coralline growth-forms, and their facies development in the Priabonian part of the type section of the Calcare di Nago. The taxonomic investigation led to the identification of 15 coralline red algal species belonging to 7 non-geniculate and 2 geniculate genera. One species of Peyssonneliacean (red alga) and one of Halimedacean (green alga) were also recognized. The quantitative and qualitative analyses based on coralline red algae and large foraminifera enabled five facies to be distinguished: Algal crust-branch rudstone, Algal/Discocyclina packstone, Coralalgal boundstone, Rhodolith mound wacke/packstone, and Rhodolith pavement. According to the coralline assemblages, coralline growth-forms, and large foraminiferal associations, the five facies reflect solid and soft substrate types. Some of these facies are dominated byin situ rhodoliths, others by reworked algal debris. In the architecture of an interpreted prograding carbonate ramp, shallow water facies are dominated by members of the subfamily Mastophoroideae, while deeper water facies are dominated by those of the subfamily Melobesioideae and family Sporolithaceae. There is a significant increase both in size and in constructional voids of the rhodoliths with depth. A concomitant decrease in algal species diversity with depth has been also recognized. LargeDiscocyclina assemblages are localized across the inner and mid ramp boundary.Pellatispira andBiplanispira are present only in the uppermost mid-ramp.Nummulites, Assilina, andSpiroclypeus are dominant together with small orthophragminids both in the mid- and uppermost outer ramp facies.  相似文献   

Afzal, J., Williams, M., Leng, M.J., Aldridge, R.J. & Stephenson, M.H. 2011: Evolution of Paleocene to Early Eocene larger benthic foraminifer assemblages of the Indus Basin, Pakistan. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 299–320. The Paleocene–Early Eocene carbonate successions of the Indus Basin in Pakistan formed on the northwestern continental shelf margin of the Indian Plate in the eastern Tethys Ocean. Based on larger benthic foraminifera (LBF), eight Tethyan foraminiferal biozones (SBZ1–SBZ8) spanning the Paleocene to Early Eocene interval are identified. The base of the Eocene is identified by the first appearance of Alveolina sp. Other stratigraphically important LBFs that are characteristic of the earliest Eocene are Ranikothalia nuttalli, Discocyclina dispansa and Assilina dandotica. Stable isotope analysis through the Paleocene–Eocene (P–E) boundary interval identifies more positive δ13C values for the Late Paleocene (+3.4‰ to +3.0‰) and lower values (+2.7‰ to +1.6‰) for the earliest Eocene. However, there is insufficient sampling resolution to identify the maximum negative δ13C excursion of the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum. During Late Paleocene times LBF assemblages in the Indus Basin were taxonomically close to those of west Tethys, facilitating biostratigraphic correlation. However, this faunal continuity is lost at the P–E boundary and the earliest Eocene succession lacks typical west Tethys Nummulites, while Alveolina are rare; LBFs such as Miscellanea and Ranikothalia continue to dominate in the Indus Basin. The absence of Nummulites from the earliest Eocene of Pakistan and rarity of Alveolina, elsewhere used as the prime marker for the base of the Eocene, may imply biogeographical barriers between east and west Tethys, perhaps caused by the initial stages of India‐Asia collision. Later, at the level of the Eocene SBZ8 Biozone, faunal links were re‐established and many foraminifera with west Tethys affinities appeared in east Tethys, suggesting the barriers to migration ceased. □Biostratigraphy, Eocene, India‐Asia collision, larger benthic foraminifera, palaeoecology, Paleocene.  相似文献   

A paleoecological and sedimentological study was carried out on shallow-water carbonates of the Kras Plateau (SW Slovenia) with the goal of reconstructing paleoenvironmental conditions and evolution of foraminiferal communities on the northwestern Adriatic Carbonate Platform (AdCP) during the Late Paleocene–earliest Eocene. Three facies have been recognized and summarized in a carbonate ramp model. Within these facies, six foraminiferal assemblages, representing different ramp sub-environments, have been defined: during the Late Paleocene sedimentation took place in a protected innermost ramp with (1) smaller miliolids- and (2) small benthic foraminifera-dominated assemblages thriving on partly vegetated, soft substrates. In the Uppermost Paleocene, sedimentation primarily occurred along a mid ramp. The upper mid-ramp was sporadically influenced by storms/currents and occupied by (3) Assilina-dominated assemblage occurring on a soft sandy substrate. The deeper mid-ramp was characterized by (4) ‘bioconstructors’- and (5) orthophragminids-dominated assemblages, colonizing biotopes with substrates of different nature. During the earliest Eocene, deposition occurred in an inner-ramp setting with (6) alveolinids-nummulitids assemblage thriving on muddy and sandy substrate, partly covered or close to seagrass beds. The Late Paleocene–earliest Eocene environmental conditions, coupled with the long-term evolution of larger benthic foraminifera (LBF), seem to have favored this low-light dependent group as common sediment contributors. By comparing the evolution of the shallow-water biota from the Adriatic area with data from the Pyrenees and Egypt, a general latitudinal trend can be recognized. However, on a smaller geographical scale, local conditions are likely to have played a pivotal role in promoting the evolution of biota characterized by suites of unique features.  相似文献   

The Kuwait example studied here may serve as a model for ancient carbonate ramp systems just as the classical—but markedly different—southern Arabian-Persian Gulf ramp of the Trucial Coast (United Arab Emirates). Five sedimentary facies may be distinguished on the modern southern Kuwait carbonate ramp based on quantitative sedimentological, mineralogical, and geochemical analyses of 130 surface sediment samples and by using multivariate statistics. These facies include (1) inner ramp ooid-skeletal grainstone with common aggregate grains, peloids, and molluscs, (2) limited occurrences of nearshore quartz-ooid sand, (3) mid ramp mollusk packstone to grainstone, (4) outer ramp mollusk-marl wackestone with abundant siliciclastic fines, and (5) coralgal grainstone that is found on small nearshore patch reefs and outer ramp pinnacle and platform reefs. In addition to facies (1), an aggregate grain packstone to grainstone sub-facies is mapped out where abundances of this grain type exceed 20%. Ooid-skeletal grainstone, mollusk packstone to grainstone, and coralgal grainstone are predominantly aragonitic with 5–10% insoluble residue on average. Mollusk-marl wackestone has 55% insoluble residue on average with aragonite and low-magnesium calcite predominating in the carbonate fraction. Dolomite in this facies is interpreted to be of eolian origin derived from the upwind deserts of Syria and Iraq. Facies distribution is correlated with water depth, and hence controlled by depositional energy, primarily wavebase. This correlation is seen in the results of statistical analyses and in the fact that facies boundaries are more or less parallel to depth contours. Ooid-skeletal grainstones are found in depths from 0 to <10 m. The boundary between the mollusk packstone to grainstone and the mollusk-marl wackestone, which also marks the transition from grain-supported to mud-supported textures, is situated between 15–20 m depth and is much sharper than the boundary between the ooid-skeletal and the mollusk packstone to grainstone facies. Carbonate-dominated facies may also be distinguished geochemically as indicated by significantly different carbon and oxygen isotope compositions. The latter should be kept in mind when using bulk isotope values for chemostratigraphy or for paleo-environmental reconstructions in fossil carbonate ramps and platforms.An erratum to this article can be found at .  相似文献   

The Upper Paleocene of E-Tademaït and W-Tinrhertis characterized by a new macrofauna and the appearance of Ranikothalia bermudezi. This is followed by Lower Eocene (Lowermost Ilerdian) Nummulites fraasi and N. deserti, in E-Tademaït.We note in relation with the uplifting of Saharo-Nubianshelf a regressive evolution towards the North, where successively later Nummulites species (deserti, globulus, rollandi, gizehensis) appear during the Lower Eocene.  相似文献   

The foraminiferal contents of three surface sections [Gebel Tarboul, Wadi Tarfa (WT) and Bir Dakhl (BD) sections] in southern Galala area, North-Eastern Desert, Egypt, have been studied in detail and used in biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy of the upper Cretaceous–Paleogene successions. Sixty-nine planktonic foraminiferal species belonging to 23 genera have yielded 17 biozones. They are given in ascending order: Globotruncana aegyptiaca Interval Zone (IZ), Gansserina gansseri IZ, Contusotruncana contusa–Racemiguembelina fructicosa IZ, Abathomphalus mayaroensis IZ, P1c, P2, P3, P3a, P3b, P4, P4a, P4b, P4c, P5, E1, E2, E3, E4 and E5. Moreover, local and widespread regional hiatus was detected in the pelagic to hemipelagic sequence during Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary in southern Galala Sub-basin. This hiatus corresponds to the Early Maastrichtian–Early Eocene in Gebel Tarboul, the interval between Late Maastrichtian–Early Paleocene throughout WT sequences and Late Maastrichtian–Late Paleocene in BD section.  相似文献   

The analysis of planktic foraminiferal assemblages from Site 1090 (ODP Leg 177), located in the central part of the Subantarctic Zone south of South Africa, provided a geochronology of a 330-m-thick sequence spanning the Middle Eocene to Early Pliocene. A sequence of discrete bioevents enables the calibration of the Antarctic Paleogene (AP) Zonation with lower latitude biozonal schemes for the Middle–Late Eocene interval. In spite of the poor recovery of planktic foraminiferal assemblages, a correlation with the lower latitude standard planktic foraminiferal zonations has been attempted for the whole surveyed interval. Identified bioevents have been tentatively calibrated to the geomagnetic polarity time scale following the biochronology of Berggren et al. (1995). Besides planktic foraminiferal bioevents, the disappearance of the benthic foraminifera Nuttallides truempyi has been used to approximate the Middle/Late Eocene boundary. A hiatus of at least 11.7 Myr occurs between 78 and 71 m composite depth extending from the Early Miocene to the latest Miocene–Early Pliocene. Middle Eocene assemblages exhibit a temperate affinity, while the loss of several planktic foraminiferal species by late Middle to early Late Eocene time reflects cooling. During the Late Eocene–Oligocene intense dissolution caused impoverishment of planktic foraminiferal assemblages possibly following the emplacement of cold, corrosive bottom waters. Two warming peaks are, however, observed: the late Middle Eocene is marked by the invasion of the warmer water Acarinina spinuloinflata and Hantkenina alabamensis at 40.5 Ma, while the middle Late Eocene experienced the immigration of some globigerinathekids including Globigerinatheka luterbacheri and Globigerinatheka cf. semiinvoluta at 34.3 Ma. A more continuous record is observed for the Early Miocene and the Late Miocene–Early Pliocene where planktic foraminiferal assemblages show a distinct affinity with southern mid- to high-latitude faunas.  相似文献   

Summary Following the demise of the stromatoporoid-coral reef community in Late Frasnian time, Lower Carboniferous carbonate shelf profiles possessed a ramp geometry, with major organic buildups represented by mud-rich mounds. Microfacies petrography of the exceptionally well-preserved Upper Viséan (Lower Carboniferous) carbonate ramp of the Béchar Basin, Algerian Sahara, may well contribute significantly to our understanding of the paleoecological zonation of Carboniferous non-rimmed platforms, and of the still enigmatic mounds commonly referred to as Waulsortian banks or mounds. Facies are grouped into two broad groups: (a) a mound facies group which comprises sponge wackestone-bafflestone, sponge-fenestellid bafflestone-wackestone, crinoid wackestone-packstone, and bedded flanks of intraclastic wackestone-packstone, all four facies composing the actual mud-rich mounds, and (b) a supramound facies group composed of coral-microbial framestone, crinoid packstone-grainstone, algal-foraminiferal grainstone and oolite grainstone. Calcareous algae are important bathymetric indicators and are used to delineate three bathymetric zones based on light penetration: the aphotic zone, which contains no calcareous algae; the dysphotic zone, where there is little ambient light, and which is characterized by the presence of red algae (Fasciella, Ungdarella, Stacheia, Epistacheoides) and absence of green algae; and the euphotic zone, which receives the full spectrum of sunlight, and is characterized by the occurrence of both green algae (Koninckopora, Kamaenella, Kamaena, Palaeoberesella, Calcisphaera, Anthracoporellopsis, Issinella, Exvotarisella) and red algae. Integration of algal zonation, distribution of the other biota, and recurrence of distinct assemblages, enable recognition of seven depth-related benthic assemblages. Together with the physical properties of the facies, the benthic assemblages were used to define seven bathymetric zones, from upper to lower ramp: (1) algal assemblage (upper ramp); (2) crinoid-ramose bryozoan assemblage (mid-ramp); and (3) productid brachiopod assemblage, (4) colonial rugose coral-microbial encruster assemblage, (5) crinoid-fenestellid assemblage, (6) sponge-fenestellid, and (7) sponge assemblage (lower ramp). The vertical zonation of the mud-rich mounds and associated facies differ from that reported from the classical Upper Tournaisian-Lower Viséan Waulsortian mound-bearing successions.  相似文献   

The Maastrichtian shallow-water carbonate platform (Tarbur Formation) is described from outcrop in southwest Iran. It is characterised by eight microfacies types, which are dominated by larger foraminifera, rudist debris and dasycladacean algae. They are grouped into four distinct depositional settings: tidal flat, lagoon, barrier and open marine. The depositional settings include stromatolitic boundstone of tidal flat, peloidal dasycladacean miliolids wackestone and peloid bioclastic imperforate foraminifera wackestone of restricted lagoon, Omphalocyclus miliolids bioclast packstone–grainstone and miliolids intraclast bioclast packstone–grainstone of open lagoon, rudist bioclast grainstone of inner-platform shoals and rudist bioclast floatstone–rudstone and bioclastic wackestone of open-marine environments.

The facies and faunal characters are typical of a ramp-like open shelf. The lack of reef-constructing organisms resulted in a gently dipping ramp morphology for the margin and slope. On the basis of facies analysis, three depositional sequences (third order) are defined.  相似文献   

The well-exposed outcrops of the Bujan, northern Abadeh, and Varkan stratigraphic sections of the Qom Formation in the Iranian part of the “northeastern margin” of the Tethyan Seaway were characterized by abundant biogenic components dominated by foraminifers, coralline red algae, and corals. The Qom Formation is Rupelian–Chattian in age in the study areas. Based on the field investigations, depositional textures, and dominant biogenic components, fifteen (carbonate and terrigenous) facies were identified. These facies can be grouped into four depositional environments: open marine, open lagoon, restricted lagoon, and continental braided streams. The marine facies were deposited on a ramp-type platform. The euphotic inner ramp was characterized mainly by imperforate foraminifera, with co-occurrence of some perforate taxa. These facies passed basinward into a mesophotic (middle) ramp with Neorotalia packstone (F5), coral, coralline algae, perforate foraminiferal packstone (F4), and coral patch reefs (F7). The deeper, oligophotic ramp facies were marly packstones with planktonic and hyaline benthic foraminifera, including large lepidocyclinids and nummulitids. The abundance of perforate foraminifera and the absence of facies indicating restricted lagoonal or intertidal settings suggest that the Varkan section was deposited mainly in open marine settings with normal salinity. The prevalence of larger benthic foraminiferal and red algal assemblages, together with the coral facies, indicates that carbonate production took place in tropical–subtropical waters.  相似文献   

The kilometer-sized and 100-meter-thick carbonate platforms of the Escalada Fm. I and II (Middle Pennsylvanian) accumulated in the foredeep of a marine foreland basin during the transgressive phases of 3rd-order sequences and were buried by prograding siliciclastic deltaic systems in the course of the subsequent highstand. The carbonate successions show a general upward trend from grain- to mud-supported carbonates, interfingering landwards with siliciclastic deposits of a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate shelf (Fito Fm.) adjacent to deltaic systems. The spatial variability of the carbonate facies and the high-frequency (4th–5th order) cycles, from the platform margin-outer platform to the deltaic systems, has been interpreted from basin reconstruction. Carbonate facies include skeletal grainstone to packstone, ooidal grainstone, burrowed skeletal wackestone, microbial and algal boundstone to wackestone forming mounds, various algal bafflestone and coral biostromes in areas with siliciclastic input. These high-frequency transgressive–regressive cycles are interpreted to record allocyclic forcing of high-amplitude glacioeustasy because they show characteristic features of icehouse cycles: thickness >5 m, absence of peritidal facies, and in some cases, subaerial exposure surfaces capping the cycles. In the mixed cycles, siliciclastics are interpreted as late highstand to lowstand regressive deposits, whereas carbonates as transgressive-early highstand deposition. The lateral and vertical variability of the facies in the glacioeustatic cycles was a response to deposition in a rapidly subsiding, active foreland basin subjected to siliciclastic input, conditions that might be detrimental to the growth of high-relief carbonate systems.  相似文献   

The internal facies and sedimentary architecture of an Upper Jurassic inner carbonate ramp were reconstructed after the analysis and correlation of 14 logs in a 1 × 2 km outcrop area around the Mezalocha locality (south of Zaragoza, NE Spain). The studied interval is 10–16 m thick and belongs to the upper part of the uppermost Kimmeridgian–lower Tithonian Higueruelas Fm. On the basis of texture and relative proportion of the main skeletal and non-skeletal components, 6 facies and 12 subfacies were differentiated, which record subtidal (backshoal/washover, sheltered lagoon and pond/restricted lagoon) to intertidal subenvironments. The backshoal/washover subenvironment is characterized by peloidal wackestone–packstone and grainstone. The lagoon subenvironment includes oncolitic, stromatoporoid, and oncolitic-stromatoporoid (wackestone and packstone) facies. The intertidal subenvironment is represented by peloidal mudstone and packstone–grainstone with fenestral porosity. Gastropod-oncolitic (wackestone–packstone and grainstone) facies with intercalated marl may reflect local ponds in the intertidal or restricted lagoon subenvironments. Detailed facies mapping allowed us to document 7 sedimentary units within a general shallowing-upward trend, which reflect a mosaic distribution, especially for stromatoporoid and fenestral facies, with facies patches locally more than 500 m in lateral extent. External and internal factors controlled this heterogeneity, including resedimentation, topographic relief and substrate stability, combined with variations in sea-level. This mosaic facies distribution provides useful tools for more precise reconstructions of depositional heterogeneities, and this variability must be taken into account in order to obtain a solid sedimentary framework at the kilometer scale.  相似文献   

Sixty-one species belonging to 32 foraminiferal genera are reported from the Paleocene to Early Eocene Muthaymimah Formation at different localities in the western flank of the Northern Oman Mountains of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Oman. Several of the discovered species provide precise ages for the Paleocene series (Bolivinoides curtus and Neoflabellina jarvisi). A prominent conglomerate bed marks the K–T boundary between the Late Cretaceous Simsima Formation and Muthaymimah Formation in the study area. Occurrences of planktonic foraminiferal Morozovella inconstans (Subbotina, 1947) and Morozovella trinidadensis (Bolli, 1957) of Early Paleocene age (P1–P2 zones) are recorded for the first time in some locations in the study area.

http://zoobank.org/2266E0F1-0C0F-428F-B18C-F8347F0CEE07  相似文献   

The succession of the Galala Mountains at the southern Tethyan margin (Eastern Desert, Egypt) provides new data for the evolution of an isolated carbonate platform in the Early Eocene. Since the Late Cretaceous emergence of the Galala platform, its evolution has been controlled strongly by eustatic sea-level fluctuations and the tectonic activity along the Syrian Arc-Fold-Belt. Previous studies introduced five platform stages to describe platform evolution from the Maastrichtian (stage A) to the latest Paleocene shift from a platform to ramp morphology (stage E). A first Early Eocene stage F was tentatively introduced but not described in detail. In this study, we continue the work at the Galala platform, focussing on Early Eocene platform evolution, microfacies analysis and the distribution of larger benthic foraminifera on a south-dipping inner ramp to basin transect. We redefine the tentative platform stage F and introduce two new platform stages (stage G and H) by means of the distribution of 13 facies types and syn-depositional tectonism. In the earliest Eocene (stage F, NP 9b–NP 11), facies patterns indicate mainly aggradation of the ramp system. The first occurrence of isolated sandstone beds at the mid ramp reflects a post-Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) reactivation of a Cretaceous fault system, yielding to the tectonic uplift of Mesozoic and Palaeozoic siliciclastics. As a consequence, the Paleocene ramp with pure carbonate deposition shifted to a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic system during stage F. The subsequent platform stage G (NP 11–NP 14a) is characterised by a deepening trend at the mid ramp, resulting in the retrogradation of the platform. The increasing deposition of quartz-rich sandstones at the mid ramp reflects the enhanced erosion of Mesozoic and Palaeozoic deposits. In contrast to the deepening trend at the mid ramp, the deposition of cyclic tidalites reflects a coeval shallowing and the temporarily subaerial exposure of inner ramp environments. This oppositional trend is related to the continuing uplift along the Syrian Arc-Fold-Belt in stage G. Platform stage H (NP 14a–?) demonstrates the termination of Syrian Arc uplift and the recovery from a mixed siliciclastic carbonate platform to pure carbonate deposition.  相似文献   

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