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A transgenic mouse line that expresses Cre recombinase under control of the human thyroid peroxidase (TPO) gene promoter was established. The activity and specificity of the TPO-driven Cre recombinase were examined by using Northern blotting and by crossing with the ROSA26 reporter transgenic mouse line. In the latter mice, Cre-mediated recombination occurred only in the thyrocytes, and recombination commenced around embryonic day 14.5, at the time during thyroid organogenesis when TPO expression begins. This study demonstrates that the TPO-Cre transgenic mouse is a powerful tool to specifically delete loxP-inserted (floxed) genes in thyrocytes and will be of great value in the study of thyrocyte-specific genes during development and/or in adult thyroids.  相似文献   

Heat shock protein expression in fish   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Heat shock proteins (HSP) are a family of proteins expressed in response to a wide range of biotic and abiotic stressors. They are thus also referred to as stress proteins. Their extraordinarily high degree of identity at the amino acid sequence level and the fact that this cellular stress response has been described in nearly all organisms studied, make this group of proteins unique. We provide a brief historical overview of HSP research, as a background to summarizing what is known about HSP expression in fish. The expression of HSPs in fish has been described in cell lines, primary cultures of various cells, and in the tissues of whole organisms. Collectively, the data show that the expression of HSPs are affected in a wide variety of fish cells and tissues, in response both to biological stressors such as infectious pathogens, as well as to abiotic stressors such as heat and cold shock, and environmental contaminants. HSP research in fish is in its early stages and many studies are describing the expression of proteins in response to various stressors. Several studies have contributed to our understanding of the molecular nature and the molecular biology of HSPs in fish. Recent studies have shown a relationship between HSP expression and the generalized stress response in fish, but further research is needed to clarify the complex relationships between stress hormones and the cellular HSP response. In general, the HSP response seems to be related to the sensing of the stressor and the subsequent cellular effects which may adapt the cells to cope with the stressors. Consequently, such data may be of central importance in understanding the significance of HSP expression to the whole organism. We conclude with sections on laboratory methods used in HSP research and on potential applications of this knowledge in biomonitoring.  相似文献   

The olfactory bulb is one of the most vulnerable brain regions in age‐related proteinopathies. Proteinopathic stress is mitigated by the heat shock protein (Hsp) family of chaperones. Here, we describe age‐related decreases in Hsc70 in the olfactory bulb of the female rat and higher levels of Hsp70 and Hsp25 in middle and old age than at 2–4 months. To model proteotoxic and oxidative stress in the olfactory bulb, primary olfactory bulb cultures were treated with the proteasome inhibitors lactacystin and MG132 or the pro‐oxidant paraquat. Toxin‐induced increases were observed in Hsp70, Hsp25, and Hsp32. To determine the functional consequences of the increase in Hsp70, we attenuated Hsp70 activity with two mechanistically distinct inhibitors. The Hsp70 inhibitors greatly potentiated the toxicity of sublethal lactacystin or MG132 but not of paraquat. Although ubiquitinated protein levels were unchanged with aging in vivo or with sublethal MG132 in vitro, there was a large, synergistic increase in ubiquitinated proteins when proteasome and Hsp70 functions were simultaneously inhibited. Our study suggests that olfactory bulb cells rely heavily on Hsp70 chaperones to maintain homeostasis during mild proteotoxic, but not oxidative insults, and that Hsp70 prevents the accrual of ubiquitinated proteins in these cells.


Constitutive promoters are widely used to functionally characterise plant genes in transgenic plants, but their lack of specificity and poor control over protein expression can be a major disadvantage. On the other hand, promoters that provide precise regulation of temporal or spatial transgene expression facilitate such studies by targeting over-expression or knockdown of target genes to specific tissues and/or at particular developmental stages. Here, we used the uidA (beta-glucuronidase, GUS) reporter gene to demonstrate that the barley Hvhsp17 gene promoter can be induced by heat treatment of 38-40 °C for 1-2 h in transgenic wheat. The GUS enzyme was expressed only in those tissues directly exposed to heat and not in neighbouring leaf tissues. The induction of HSP::GUS was demonstrated in all organs and tissues tested, but expression in older tissues was lower. Generally, proximal root sections showed less GUS activity than in root tips. This heat-inducible promoter provides the ability to investigate the function of candidate genes by overexpression or by down-regulation of target gene expression (for example by RNAi) in selected tissues or developmental stages of a transgenic plant, limited only by the ability to apply a heat shock to the selected tissues. It also allows the investigation of genes that would be lethal or reduce fertility if expressed constitutively.  相似文献   

Cre-expressing mouse lines constitute an important asset to mammalian genetics, allowing the deletion of genes in a spatio-temporal specific manner. Our study on Hox gene function in lung development has led us to use a lung endoderm-specific deletion with the Sftpc-cre mouse line expressing the Cre recombinase gene under the control of human surfactant protein C regulatory sequences. In control experiments, the Cre recombinase faithfully activated the Rosa26-lacZ reporter gene in lung epithelium. However as early as e15.5, lungs from Sftp-Cre(+) embryos showed abnormal dilated cysts. This unexpected phenotype was also observed in mice carrying the conditional lung epithelial Hoxa5 deletion, indicating some bias due to Cre deleterious effects. Excessive apoptosis, likely due to Cre toxicity, could explain the abnormal cysts. Our findings illustrate the need for appropriate control experiments and careful interpretation of data to discriminate between the phenotype due to the targeted mutation and the confounding effects of the Cre recombinase.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice were generated using a heat shock protein 2 (Hspa2) gene promoter to express green fluorescent protein (GFP) at the beginning of meiotic prophase I in spermatocytes. Expression was confirmed in four lines by in situ fluorescence, immunohistochemistry, western blotting, and PCR assays. The expression and distribution of the GFP and HSPA2 proteins co‐localized in spermatocytes and spermatids in three lines, but GFP expression was variegated in one line (F46), being present in some clones of meiotic and post‐meiotic germ cells and not in others. Fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) was used to isolate purified populations of spermatocytes and spermatids. Although bisulfite sequencing revealed differences in the DNA methylation patterns in the promoter regions of the transgene of the variegated expressing GFP line, a uniformly expressing GFP reporter line, and the Hspa2 gene, these differences did not correlate with variegated expression. The Hspa2‐GFP reporter mice provide a novel tool for studies of meiosis by allowing detection of GFP in situ and in isolated spermatogenic cells. They will allow sorting of meiotic and post‐meiotic germ cells for characterization of molecular features and correlation of expression of GFP with stage‐specific spermatogenic cell proteins and developmental events. genesis 52:976–984, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The neural crest is a unique structure in vertebrates. Wnt1‐cre and Wnt1‐GAL4 double transgenic (dTg) mice have been used in a variety of studies concerning neural crest cell lineages in which the Cre/loxP or GAL4/UAS system was applied. Here, we show psychiatric disorder‐related behavioral abnormalities and histologic alterations in a neural crest‐derived brain region in dTg mice. The dTg mice exhibited increased locomotor activity, decreased social interaction, and impaired short‐term spatial memory and nesting behavior. The choline acetyltransferase‐ and vesicular glutamate transporter 2‐immunoreactive habenulointerpeduncular fiber tracts that project from the medial habenular nucleus of the epithalamus to the interpeduncular nucleus of the midbrain tegmentum appeared irregular in the dTg mice. Both the medial habenula nucleus and the interpeduncular nucleus were confirmed to be derived from the neural crest. The findings of this study suggest that neural crest‐derived cells have pathogenic roles in the development of psychiatric disorders and that the dTg mouse could be a useful animal model for studying the pathophysiology of mental illness such as autism and schizophrenia. Scientists that use the dTg mice as a cre‐transgenic deleter line should be cautious in its possible toxicity, especially if behavioral analyses are to be performed.  相似文献   

The soybean Gmhsp17.3-B heat shock promoter is developmentally regulated in transgenic tobacco, as indicated by the constitutive expression of a -glucuronidase reporter in seeds [16]. In this paper, we show that both the heat shock promoter-driven -glucuronidase activity and the mRNA of the endogenous Nthsp18P gene accumulate coincident with the onset of seed desiccation. Deletions of the soybean Gmhsp17.3-B promoter, encompassing the heat shock element (HSE)-containing regions, revealed a co-localization of sequences responsible for heat induction and developmental expression. Moreover, synthetic HSEs fused to a TATA box sequence had the potential to stimulate the developmental expression of a GUS reporter gene in seeds of transgenic plants.  相似文献   

We have generated a transgenic mouse line that expresses improved Cre recombinase (iCre) under the control of the testis‐expressed gene 101 (Tex101) promoter. This transgenic mouse line was named Tex101‐iCre. Using the floxed ROSA reporter mice, we found that robust Cre recombinase activity was detected in postnatal testes with weak or no activity in other tissues. Within the testis, Cre recombinase was active in spermatogenic cells as early as the prospermatogonia stage at day 1 after birth. In 30‐ and 60‐day‐old mice, positive Cre recombinase activity was detected not only in prospermatogonia but also in spermatogenic cells at later stages of spermatogenesis. There was little or no Cre activity in interstitial cells. Breeding wild‐type females with homozygous floxed fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (Fgfr2) males carrying the Tex101‐iCre transgene did not produce any progeny with the floxed Fgfr2 allele. All the progeny inherited a recombined Fgfr2 allele, indicating that complete deletion of the floxed Fgfr2 allele by Tex101‐iCre can be achieved in the male germline. Furthermore, FGFR2 protein was not detected in spermatocytes and spermatids of adult Fgfr2fl/fl;Tex101‐iCre mice. Taken together, our results suggest that the Tex101‐iCre mouse line allows the inactivation of a floxed gene in spermatogenic cells in adult mice, which will facilitate the functional characterization of genes in normal spermatogenesis and male fertility. genesis 48:717–722, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Heat shock mediated modulation of protein kinase CK2 in the nuclear matrix   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nuclear matrix, a key structure in the nuclear framework, appears to be a particularly responsive target during heat shock treatment of cells. We have previously shown that nuclear matrix is a preferential target for protein kinase CK2 signaling in the nucleus. The levels of CK2 in the nuclear matrix undergo dynamic changes in response to altered growth status in the cell. Here, we have demonstrated that CK2 targeting to the nuclear matrix is profoundly influenced by treatment of the cells to temperatures higher than 37 degrees C. Rapid increase in the nuclear matrix association of CK2 is observed when cells are placed at temperatures of 41 and 45 degrees C. This effect at 45 degrees C was higher than at 41 degrees C, and was time-dependent. Also, different cell lines behaved in a qualitatively similar manner though the quantitative responses differed. The modulations in the nuclear matrix associated CK2 in response to heat shock appear to be due to trafficking of the enzyme between cytosolic and nuclear compartments. In addition, it was noted that isolated nuclei subjected to heat shock also responded by a shuttling of the intrinsic CK2 to the nuclear matrix compartment. These results suggest that modulations in CK2 in the nuclear compartment in response to the heat stress occur not only by a translocation of the enzyme from the cytoplasmic compartment to the nuclear compartment, but also that there is a redistribution of the kinase within the nuclear compartment resulting in a preferential association with the nuclear matrix. The results support the notion that CK2 association with the nuclear matrix in response to heat shock may serve a protective role in the cell response to stress.  相似文献   

We report a transgenic mouse line that expresses Cre recombinase exclusively in podocytes. Twenty- four transgenic founders were generated in which Cre recombinase was placed under the regulation of a 2.5-kb fragment of the human NPHS2 promoter. Previously, this fragment was shown to drive beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) expression exclusively in podocytes of transgenic mice. For analysis, founder mice were bred with ROSA26 mice, a reporter line that expresses beta-gal in cells that undergo Cre recombination. Eight of 24 founder lines were found to express beta-gal exclusively in the kidney. Histological analysis of the kidneys showed that beta-gal expression was confined to podocytes. Cre recombination occurred during the capillary loop stage in glomerular development. No evidence for Cre recombination was detected in any of 14 other tissues examined.  相似文献   

Gastric pit cells are high‐turnover epithelial cells of the gastric mucosa. They secrete mucus to protect the gastric epithelium from acid and pepsin. To investigate the genetic mechanisms underlying the physiological functions of gastric pit cells, we generated a transgenic mouse line, namely, Capn8‐Cre, in which the expression of Cre recombinase was controlled by the promoter of the intracellular Ca2+‐regulated cysteine protease calpain‐8. To test the tissue distribution and excision activity of Cre recombinase, the Capn8‐Cre transgenic mice were bred with the ROSA26 reporter strain and a mouse strain that carries Smad4 conditional alleles (Smad4Co/Co). Multiple‐tissue PCR and LacZ staining demonstrated that Capn8‐Cre transgenic mouse expressed Cre recombinase in the gastric pit cells. Cre recombinase activity was also detected in the liver and skin tissues. These data suggest that the Capn8‐Cre mouse line described here could be used to dissect gene function in gastric pit cells. genesis 47:674–679, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We isolated a homolog of Schizosaccharomyces pombe HSP9 from Grifola frondosa and designated it Gf.HSP9. The Gf.HSP9 gene consisted of four exons and three introns and encoded 84 amino acid residues. We have also identified related HSP9 genes from Pleurotus eryngii (Pe.HSP9), Hypsizygus marmoreus (Hm.HSP9), and Lentinula edodes (Le.HSP9). The predicted tertiary structures of these HSP9s were the same. In addition, the expression pattern of their mRNA increased during fruiting body in a differentiation-dependent manner. These results suggested that HSP9 was associated with the fruiting body differentiation in these four edible mushrooms.  相似文献   

The efficient expression of exogenous prion protein (PrP) molecules in mouse neuroblastoma cells that are chronically infected with murine scrapie prions (ScN2a cells; Butler, D.A., et al., 1988, J. Virol. 62, 1558-1564) and in transgenic mice is described. This technology allows investigation of the PrP molecule for structural regions involved in determining species specificity, as well as ablation experiments designed to address the functionality of particular regions of the PrP molecule. Previous reports demonstrated that the PrP gene specifies the host range for susceptibility of transgenic animals to prions (Scott, M., et al., 1989, Cell 59, 847-857; Prusiner, S.B., et al., 1990, Cell 63, 673-686). Consistent with these results, we showed that Syrian hamster (SHa) PrP is ineligible for efficient conversion to PrPSc in ScN2a cells. By constructing a series of chimeric mouse (Mo)/SHaPrP genes, we developed an epitopically tagged functional variant of the MoPrP gene, which can efficiently form protease-resistant PrP molecules upon expression in ScN2a cells. The presence of a defined epitope for an SHa-specific monoclonal antibody allows the products of this chimeric gene to be discriminated from endogenous MoPrP and creates a useful reagent for exploring structure/function relationships via targeted mutagenesis. In addition, we developed a transgenic mouse expression vector by manipulation of an SHaPrP cosmid clone. This vector permits the efficient expression of foreign PrP genes in the brains of transgenic animals, enabling pathological consequences of in vitro mutagenesis to be studied.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that pretreatment but not post-treatment with okadaic acid (OA) can aggravate cytotoxicity as well as alter the kinetics of stress protein expression and protein phosphorylation in heat shocked cells. Compared to heat shock, cells recovering from 1 hr pretreatment of OA at 200 nM and cotreated with heat shock at 45°C for the last 15 min of incubation (OA→HS treatment) exhibited enhanced induction of heat shock proteins (HSPs) 70 and 110. In addition to enhanced expression, the attenuation of HSC70 and HSP90 after the induction peaks was also delayed in OA→HS-treated cells. The above treatment also resulted in the rapid induction of the 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein (GRP78), which expression remained constant in cells recovering from treatment with 200 nM OA for 1 hr, heat shocked at 45°C for 15 min, or in combined treatment in reversed order (HS→OA treatment). Enhanced phosphorylation of vimentin and proteins with molecular weights of 65, 40, and 33 kDa and decreased phosphorylation of a protein with a molecular weight of 29 kDa were also observed in cells recovering from OA→HS treatment. Again, protein phosphorylation in cells recovering from HS→OA treatment did not differ from those in cells treated only with heat shock. Since the alteration in the kinetics of stress protein expression and protein phosphorylation was tightly correlated, we concluded that there is a critical link between induction of the stress proteins and phosphorylation of specific proteins. Furthermore, the rapid induction of GRP78 under the experimental condition offered a novel avenue for studying the regulation of its expression. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Abnormal levels of heat shock proteins have been observed in a number of human neoplasms and demonstrate prognostic, predictive and therapeutic implications. Since osteosarcoma (OSA) in dogs provides an important model for the same disease in humans, the aim of this study was to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of Hsp27, Hsp72, Hsp73 and Hsp90 in 18 samples of canine appendicular OSA, in relation to histological grade and overall survival (OS), in order to investigate their potential prognostic, predictive and/or therapeutic value. A semiquantitative method was used for the analysis of the results. Hsp27, Hsp73 and Hsp90 showed a variably intense, cytoplasmic and nuclear immunoreactivity that was not associated with histological type or grade. On the other hand, a high percentage of Hsp72 immunostaining was significantly associated with grade III (P < 0.01) and a lack of immunolabelling was significantly correlated to a longer OS (P = 0.006). Neoplastic emboli were occasionally positive for Hsp27, faintly immunoreactive for Hsp72 and intensely immunolabelled by Hsp73 and Hsp90. In conclusion, absence of Hsp72 immunosignal appears to be associated with a favourable prognosis whilst the widespread Hsp90 immunoreactivity detected in all tumour cases as well as in neoplastic emboli, suggests this protein could be targeted in the therapy of canine OSA, and likewise in its human counterpart.  相似文献   

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