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The regions of single-stranded (ss) DNA that result from DNA damage are immediately coated by the ssDNA-binding protein (SSB). RecF pathway proteins facilitate the displacement of SSB from ssDNA, allowing the RecA protein to form protein filaments on the ssDNA region, which facilitates the process of recombinational DNA repair. In this study, we examined the mechanism of SSB displacement from ssDNA using purified Thermus thermophilus RecF pathway proteins. To date, RecO and RecR are thought to act as the RecOR complex. However, our results indicate that RecO and RecR have distinct functions. We found that RecR binds both RecF and RecO, and that RecO binds RecR, SSB and ssDNA. The electron microscopic studies indicated that SSB is displaced from ssDNA by RecO. In addition, pull-down assays indicated that the displaced SSB still remains indirectly attached to ssDNA through its interaction with RecO in the RecO-ssDNA complex. In the presence of both SSB and RecO, the ssDNA-dependent ATPase activity of RecA was inhibited, but was restored by the addition of RecR. Interestingly, the interaction of RecR with RecO affected the ssDNA-binding properties of RecO. These results suggest a model of SSB displacement from the ssDNA by RecF pathway proteins.  相似文献   

Specimen-tilting in an electron microscope was used to determine the three-dimensional architecture of the helical complexes formed with DNA by the closely related single-stranded DNA binding proteins of fd and IKe filamentous viruses. The fd gene 5 protein is the only member of the DNA-helix-destabilizing class of proteins whose structure has been determined crystallographically, and yet a parameter essential to molecular modeling of the co-operative interaction of this protein with DNA, the helix handedness, has not been available prior to this work. We find that complexes formed by titrating fd viral DNA with either the fd or IKe gene 5 protein have a left-handed helical sense. Complexes isolated from Escherichia coli infected by fd virus are also found to be left-handed helical; hence, the left-handed fd helices are not an artefact of reconstitution in vitro. Because the proteins and nucleic acid of the complexes are composed of asymmetric units which cannot be fitted equivalently to right-handed and left-handed helices, these results rule out a previous computer graphics atomic model for the helical fd complexes: a right-handed helix had been assumed for the model. Our work provides a defined three-dimensional structural framework within which to model the protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions of two structurally related proteins that bind contiguously and co-operatively on single-stranded DNAs.  相似文献   

O Gia  S M Magno  A Garbesi  F P Colonna  M Palumbo 《Biochemistry》1992,31(47):11818-11822
The effects of different DNA sequences on the photoreaction of various furocoumarin derivatives was investigated from a quantitative point of view using a number of self-complementary oligonucleotides. These contained 5'-TA and 5'-AT residues, having various flanking sequences. The furocoumarins included classical bifunctional derivatives, such as 8-methoxy- and 5-methoxypsoralen, as well as monofunctional compounds, such as angelicin and benzopsoralen. Taking into an account the thermodynamic constant for noncovalent binding of each psoralen to each DNA sequence, the rate constants for the photobinding process to each fragment were evaluated. The extent of photoreaction is greatly affected by the DNA sequence examined. While sequences of the type 5'-(GTAC)n are quite reactive towards all furocoumarins, 5'-TATA exhibited a reduced rate of photobinding using monofunctional psoralens. In addition terminal 5'-TA groups were the least reactive with 5- and 8-methoxypsoralen, but not with angelicin or benzopsoralen. Also 5'-AT-containing fragments exhibited remarkably variable responses toward monofunctional or bifunctional psoralen derivatives. As a general trend the photoreactivity rate of the former is less sequence-sensitive, the ratio between maximum and minimum being less than 2 for the examined fragments. The same ratio is about 3.4 for 8-methoxypsoralen and 6.2 for 5-methoxypsoralen. This approach, in combination with footprinting studies, appears to be quite useful for a quantitative investigation of the process of covalent binding of psoralens to specific sites in DNA.  相似文献   

The primary sequences were compared among several proteins: gene product 5 protein (GP5) from phage M13; PIKE from phage Ike; gene product 32 protein (GP32) from phage T4; RecA, SSB and SSF from Escherichia coli. These proteins bind strongly and cooperatively to single-stranded DNA with no sequence specificity. GP5 is the smallest in this group and its three-dimensional structure is well-characterized. Using the entire sequence of GP5 as a template we searched for the regions in other single-stranded DNA binding proteins yielding the best alignment of aromatic and basic residues. The identified domains show alignment of five aromatic and four charged residues in these proteins. The domains in PIKE, GP32 and RecA exhibit statistically significant sequence homology with GP5. These observations strongly favor the hypothesis that the protein-single-stranded DNA complex in this class of proteins is stabilized by the stacking interaction of the aromatic residues with the bases of the DNA, and by the electrostatic interaction of the basic residues with the phosphate groups of the DNA. We also find that the DNA binding domains of these proteins have similar secondary structural preferences, mainly beta structures. The triple-stranded beta-sheet may be a common motif in the DNA binding domains of these proteins.  相似文献   

Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSBs) are required for repair, recombination and replication in all organisms. Eukaryotic SSBs are regulated by phosphorylation on serine and threonine residues. To our knowledge, phosphorylation of SSBs in bacteria has not been reported. A systematic search for phosphotyrosine-containing proteins in Streptomyces griseus by immunoaffinity chromatography identified bacterial SSBs as a novel target of bacterial tyrosine kinases. Since genes encoding protein-tyrosine kinases (PTKs) have not been recognized in streptomycetes, and SSBs from Streptomyces coelicolor (ScSSB) and Bacillus subtilis (BsSSB) share 38.7% identity, we used a B.subtilis protein-tyrosine kinase YwqD to phosphorylate two cognate SSBs (BsSSB and YwpH) in vitro. We demonstrate that in vivo phosphorylation of B.subtilis SSB occurs on tyrosine residue 82, and this reaction is affected antagonistically by kinase YwqD and phosphatase YwqE. Phosphorylation of B.subtilis SSB increased binding almost 200-fold to single-stranded DNA in vitro. Tyrosine phosphorylation of B.subtilis, S.coelicolor and Escherichia coli SSBs occured while they were expressed in E.coli, indicating that tyrosine phosphorylation of SSBs is a conserved process of post-translational modification in taxonomically distant bacteria.  相似文献   

During the evolution of the eukaryotic cell, genes encoding proteins involved in the metabolism of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have been transferred from the endosymbiont into the host genome. Mitochondrial single-stranded DNA-binding (mtSSB) proteins serve as an excellent argument supporting this aspect of the endosymbiotic theory. The crystal structure of the human mtSSB, together with an abundance of biochemical and genetic data, revealed several exciting features of mtSSB proteins and enabled a detailed comparison with their prokaryotic counterparts. Moreover, identification of a novel member of the mtSSB family, mitochondrial telomere-binding protein of the yeast Candida parapsilosis, has raised interesting questions regarding mtDNA metabolism and evolution.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination-deficient cancers rely on DNA polymerase Theta (Polθ)-Mediated End Joining (TMEJ), an alternative double-strand break repair pathway. Polθ is the only vertebrate polymerase that encodes an N-terminal superfamily 2 (SF2) helicase domain, but the role of this helicase domain in TMEJ remains unclear. Using single-molecule imaging, we demonstrate that Polθ-helicase (Polθ-h) is a highly processive single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) motor protein that can efficiently strip Replication Protein A (RPA) from ssDNA. Polθ-h also has a limited capacity for disassembling RAD51 filaments but is not processive on double-stranded DNA. Polθ-h can bridge two non-complementary DNA strands in trans. PARylation of Polθ-h by PARP-1 resolves these DNA bridges. We conclude that Polθ-h removes RPA and RAD51 filaments and mediates bridging of DNA overhangs to aid in polymerization by the Polθ polymerase domain.  相似文献   

Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSBs) play vital roles in all aspects of DNA metabolism in all three domains of life and are characterized by the presence of one or more OB fold ssDNA-binding domains. Here, using the genetically tractable euryarchaeon Haloferax volcanii as a model, we present the first genetic analysis of SSB function in the archaea. We show that genes encoding the OB fold and zinc finger-containing RpaA1 and RpaB1 proteins are individually non-essential for cell viability but share an essential function, whereas the gene encoding the triple OB fold RpaC protein is essential. Loss of RpaC function can however be rescued by elevated expression of RpaB, indicative of functional overlap between the two classes of haloarchaeal SSB. Deletion analysis is used to demonstrate important roles for individual OB folds in RpaC and to show that conserved N- and C-terminal domains are required for efficient repair of DNA damage. Consistent with a role for RpaC in DNA repair, elevated expression of this protein leads to enhanced resistance to DNA damage. Taken together, our results offer important insights into archaeal SSB function and establish the haloarchaea as a valuable model for further studies.  相似文献   

Control of single-strand DNA synthesis in coliphage f1 was studied with the use of mutants which are temperature sensitive in gene 2, a gene essential for phage DNA replication. Cells were infected at a restrictive temperature with such a mutant, and the DNA synthesized after a shift to permissive temperature was examined. When cells were held at 42 °C for ten or more minutes after infection, only single-stranded DNA was synthesized immediately after the shift to permissive temperature. This indicated that the accumulation of a pool of double-stranded, replicative form DNA molecules is not an absolute requirement for the synthesis of single-stranded DNA, although replicative form DNA accumulation precedes single-strand synthesis in cells infected with wild-type phage. Cells infected at restrictive temperature with the mutant phage do not replicate the infecting DNA, but do accumulate a substantial amount of gene 5 protein, a DNA-binding protein essential for single-strand synthesis. It is proposed that this accumulated gene 5 protein, by binding to the limited number of replicating DNA molecules formed following the shift to the permissive temperature, acts to prevent the synthesis of double-stranded replicative form DNA, thus causing the predominant appearance of single strands. This explanation implies an intermediate common to both single and double-stranded DNA synthesis. The kinetics of gene 5 protein synthesis indicates that it is the ratio of the gene 5 protein to replicating DNA molecules which determines whether an intermediate will synthesize double or single-stranded DNA.  相似文献   

Archaeal DNA repair pathways are not well defined; in particular, there are no convincing candidate proteins for detection of DNA mismatches or the bulky lesions removed by excision repair pathways. Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSBs) play a central role in DNA replication, recombination and repair. The crenarchaeal SSB is a monomer with a single oligonucleotide-binding fold for single-stranded DNA binding coupled to a flexible C-terminal tail reminiscent of bacterial SSB that mediates interactions with other proteins. We demonstrate that Sulfolobus solfataricus SSB can melt DNA containing a mismatch or DNA lesion specifically in vitro. We suggest that a potential role for SSB in archaea is the detection of DNA damage due to local destabilisation of the DNA double helix, followed by recruitment of specific repair proteins. Proteins interacting specifically with a single-stranded DNA:SSB complex include several known or putative DNA repair proteins and DNA helicases.  相似文献   

Mammalian telomeres are composed of G-rich repetitive double-stranded (ds) DNA with a 3' single-stranded (ss) overhang and associated proteins that together maintain chromosome end stability. Complete replication of telomeric DNA requires de novo elongation of the ssDNA by the enzyme telomerase, with telomeric proteins playing a key role in regulating telomerase-mediated telomere replication. In regards to the protein component of mammalian telomeres, TRF1 and TRF2 bind to the dsDNA of telomeres, whereas POT1 binds to the ssDNA portion. These three proteins are linked through either direct interactions or by the proteins TIN2 and TPP1. To determine the biological consequence of connecting telomeric dsDNA to ssDNA through a multiprotein assembly, we compared the effect of expressing TRF1 and POT1 in trans versus in cis in the form of a fusion of these two proteins, on telomere length in telomerase-positive cells. When expressed in trans these two proteins induced extensive telomere elongation. Fusing TRF1 to POT1 abrogated this effect, inducing mild telomere shortening, and generated looped DNA structures, as assessed by electron microscopy, consistent with the protein forming a complex with dsDNA and ssDNA. We speculate that such a protein bridge between dsDNA and ssDNA may inhibit telomerase access, promoting telomere shortening.  相似文献   

Zinc finger proteins interact via their individual fingers to three base pair subsites on the target DNA. The four key residue positions -1, 2, 3 and 6 on the alpha-helix of the zinc fingers have hydrogen bond interactions with the DNA. Mutating these key residues enables generation of a plethora of combinatorial possibilities that can bind to any DNA stretch of interest. Exploiting the binding specificity and affinity of the interaction between the zinc fingers and the respective DNA can help to generate engineered zinc fingers for therapeutic purposes involving genome targeting. Exploring the structure-function relationships of the existing zinc finger-DNA complexes can aid in predicting the probable zinc fingers that could bind to any target DNA. Computational tools ease the prediction of such engineered zinc fingers by effectively utilizing information from the available experimental data. A study of literature reveals many approaches for predicting DNA-binding specificity in zinc finger proteins. However, an alternative approach that looks into the physico-chemical properties of these complexes would do away with the difficulties of designing unbiased zinc fingers with the desired affinity and specificity. We present a physico-chemical approach that exploits the relative strengths of hydrogen bonding between the target DNA and all combinatorially possible zinc fingers to select the most optimum zinc finger protein candidate.  相似文献   

This review deals with analysis of mechanisms involved in coordination of DNA replication and repair by SSB proteins; characteristics of eukaryotic, prokaryotic, and archaeal SSB proteins are considered, which made it possible to distinguish general mechanisms specific for functioning of proteins from organisms of different life domains. Mechanisms of SSB protein interactions with DNA during metabolism of the latter are studied; structural organization of the SSB protein complexes with DNA, as well as structural and functional peculiarities of different SSB proteins are analyzed.  相似文献   

The possible involvement of SSB-proteins in DNA replication in Ehrlich ascites tumour (EAT) has been investigated. A direct relation (the computer-generated correlation coefficient was 0.9) between the SSB-proteins content in chromatin and intensity of the replicative synthesis of DNA in various preparation of EAT in vivo and in vitro is observed. Addition of exogenous SSB-proteins to the permeable EAT cells has been found to increase the replicative synthesis. Although eukaryotic SSB-proteins are not complete analogs of the prokaryotic SSB-proteins, they evidently participate in DNA replication in eukaryotic cells and possibly are intracellular regulators of proliferation.  相似文献   

Sequence specificity of curved DNA   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
S Diekmann 《FEBS letters》1986,195(1-2):53-56
Anomalously slow migration of DNA fragments on polyacrylamide gels is interpreted as resulting from curvature of the DNA fragment. Different models have been suggested to explain DNA curvature. In this work a number of DNA fragments were synthesized, cloned, and electrophoretically characterized to distinguish between these models. Strong anomaly of migration is found for sequence stretches (dA)n repeated in phase with the helix turn with n at least 4. For n smaller than 4 only negligible anomaly is observed. The results contradict the purine-clash hypothesis. The data can be explained by assuming longer stretches of As to be in a B'-form, and that tilt of this structure might be the reason for its curvature.  相似文献   

A new purification technique for ‘single-stranded DNA-binding proteins’ from calf thymus permits the demonstration of a considerable heterogeneity within these proteins. Several molecular species are obtained with Mr between 24·103 and 30·103 and pI values between 6 and 8, showing significant differences with regard to the following functional properties: (1) strength of binding to single-stranded DNA; (2) lowering of melting temperature of poly[d(A-T)]; (3) stimulation of DNA polymerase α on a poly[d(A-T)] template. Analysis of trypsin digestion products demonstrates that the different molecular species share extensive primary sequence homology. Experiments with antibodies show that the different molecular species are antigenically related and that a 31 kDa protein present in low amounts in our preparations is very cross-reactive.  相似文献   

We previously purified an activity from meiotic cell extracts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that promotes the transfer of a strand from a duplex linear DNA molecule to complementary circular single-stranded DNA, naming it Strand Transfer Protein alpha (STP alpha) (Sugino, A., Nitiss, J., and Resnick, M. A. (1988) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 85, 3683-3687). This activity requires no nucleotide cofactor but is stimulated more than 10-fold by the addition of yeast single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (ySSBs). In this paper, we describe the aggregation and strand transfer of double-stranded and single-stranded DNA promoted by STP alpha and ySSB. There is a good correlation between the aggregation induced by various DNA-binding proteins (ySSBs, DBPs and histone proteins) and the stimulation of STP alpha-mediated DNA strand transfer. This implies that the stimulation by ySSBs and other binding proteins is probably due to the condensation of single-stranded and double-stranded DNA substrates into coaggregates. Within these coaggregates there is a higher probability of pairing between homologous double-stranded and single-stranded DNA, favoring the initiation of strand transfer. The aggregation reaction is rapid and precedes any reactions related to DNA strand transfer. We propose that condensation into coaggregates is a presynaptic step in DNA strand transfer promoted by STP alpha and that pairing between homologous double- and single-stranded DNA (synapsis) occurs in these coaggregates. Synapsis promoted by STP alpha and ySSBs also occurs between covalently closed double-stranded DNA and single-stranded linear DNA as well as linear double-stranded and linear single-stranded DNAs in the absence of any nucleotide cofactors.  相似文献   

The architecture of single-stranded DNA-binding proteins, which play key roles in DNA metabolism, is based on different combinations of the oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide binding (OB) fold. Whereas the polypeptide serving this function in bacteria contains one OB fold, the eukaryotic functional homolog comprises a complex of three proteins, each harboring at least one OB fold. Here we show that unlike these groups of organisms, the Euryarchaeota has exploited the potential in the OB fold to re-invent single-stranded DNA-binding proteins many times. However, the most common form is a protein with two OB folds and one zinc finger domain. We created several deletion mutants of this protein based on its conserved motifs, and from these structures functional chimeras were synthesized, supporting the hypothesis that gene duplication and recombination could lead to novel functional forms of single-stranded DNA-binding proteins. Biophysical studies showed that the orthologs of the two OB fold/one zinc finger replication protein A in Methanosarcina acetivorans and Methanopyrus kandleri exhibit two binding modes, wrapping and stretching of DNA. However, the ortholog in Ferroplasma acidarmanus possessed only the stretching mode. Most interestingly, a second single-stranded DNA-binding protein, FacRPA2, in this archaeon exhibited the wrapping mode. Domain analysis of this protein, which contains a single OB fold, showed that its architecture is similar to the functional homologs thought to be unique to the Crenarchaeotes. Most unexpectedly, genes coding for similar proteins were found in the genomes of eukaryotes, including humans. Although the diversity shown by archaeal single-stranded DNA-binding proteins is unparalleled, the presence of their simplest form in many organisms across all domains of life is of greater evolutionary consequence.  相似文献   

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