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How many species are there is a question receiving more attention from biologists and reasons for this are suggested. Different methods of answering this question are examined and include: counting all species; extrapolations from known faunas and regions; extrapolations from samples; methods using ecological models; censusing taxonomists' views. Most of these methods indicate that global totals of 5 to 15 million species are reasonable. The implications of much higher estimates of 30 million species or more are examined, particularly the question of where these millions of species might be found.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the minimum number of consecutive blood pressure cuff inflations required to obtain seated stable resting baseline measurements of heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and mean arterial pressure (MAP). Sixty male college students aged 18 to 31 years volunteered as study subjects. Thirteen observations of HR, SBP, DBP, and MAP were recorded at 90-second intervals for each subject using a Critikon-Dinamap monitor. Stable readings for SBP and MAP were obtained in 6.5 minutes or 3 to 5 cuff inflations in the population tested. Using this procedure, additional age- and gender-specific norms could be established for normal and hypertensive subjects. Knowing the approximate quantity and frequency of blood pressure cuff inflations needed to generate baseline minimum measurements of HR, SBP, DBP, and MAP will be helpful in studies of cardiovascular reactivity, as well as for clinical and psychophysiologic treatment of hypertension.  相似文献   

Attempts to assess the magnitude of global biodiversity have focused on estimating species richness. However, this is but one component of biodiversity, and others, such as numbers of individuals or biomass, are at least as poorly known and just as important to quantify. Here, we use a variety of methods to estimate the global number of individuals for a single taxon, birds. The different methods yield surprisingly consistent estimates of a global bird population of between 200 billion and 400 billion individuals (1 billion=109). We discuss some of the implications of this figure.  相似文献   

Biological rhythms represent a fundamental property of various living organisms. In particular, circadian rhythms, i.e. rhythms with a period close to 24 hours, help organisms to adapt to environmental daily rhythms. Although various factors can entrain or reset rhythms, they persist even in the absence of external timing cue, showing that their generation is endogenous. Indeed, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus is considered to be the main circadian clock in mammals. Isolated SCN neurons have been shown to display circadian rhythms, and in each cell, a set of genes, called "clock genes", are devoted to the generation and regulation of rhythms. Recently, it has become obvious that the clock located in the SCN is not homogenous, but is rather composed of multiple functional components somewhat reminiscent of its neurochemical organization. The significance and implications of these findings are still poorly understood but pave the way for future exciting studies. Here, current knowledge concerning these distinct neuronal populations and the ways through which synchronization could be achieved, as well as the potential role of neuropeptides in both photic and non-photic resetting of the clock, are summarized. Finally, we discuss the role of the SCN within the circadian system, which also includes oscillators located in various tissues and cell types.  相似文献   

How many membrane proteins are there?   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
One of the basic issues that arises in functional genomics is the ability to predict the subcellular location of proteins that are deduced from gene and genome sequencing. In particular, one would like to be able to readily specify those proteins that are soluble and those that are inserted in a membrane. Traditional methods of distinguishing between these two locations have relied on extensive, time-consuming biochemical studies. The alternative approach has been to make inferences based on a visual search of the amino acid sequences of presumed gene products for stretches of hydrophobic amino acids. This numerical, sequence-based approach is usually seen as a first approximation pending more reliable biochemical data. The recent availability of large and complete sequence data sets for several organisms allows us to determine just how accurate such a numerical approach could be, and to attempt to minimize and quantify the error involved. We have optimized a statistical approach to protein location determination. Using our approach, we have determined that surprisingly few proteins are misallocated using the numerical method. We also examine the biological implications of the success of this technique.  相似文献   

Reconstructing phylogeny is a crucial target of contemporary biology, now commonly approached through computerized analysis of genetic sequence data. In angiosperms, despite recent progress at the ordinal level, many relationships between families remain unclear. Here we take a case study from Lamiales, an angiosperm order in which interfamilial relationships have so far proved particularly problematic. We examine the effect of changing one factor-the quantity of sequence data analyzed-on phylogeny reconstruction in this group. We use simulation to estimate a priori the sequence data that would be needed to resolve an accurate, supported phylogeny of Lamiales. We investigate the effect of increasing the length of sequence data analyzed, the rate of substitution in the sequences used, and of combining gene partitions. This method could be a valuable technique for planning systematic investigations in other problematic groups. Our results suggest that increasing sequence length is a better way to improve support, resolution, and accuracy than employing sequences with a faster substitution rate. Indeed, the latter may in some cases have detrimental effects on phylogeny reconstruction. Further molecular sequencing-of at least 10,000 bp-should result in a fully resolved and supported phylogeny of Lamiales, but at present the problematic aspects of this tree model remain.  相似文献   

How many species of Cladocera are there?   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
An estimation of the number of taxa within families, genera and local faunas of Cladocera reveals that only c. 129 species (17% of all known species) may be considered as sufficiently well described (valid species), and c. 146 as rather well described (fair species) but needing further study using modern methods of investigation. The status of all other species is vague. The families Chydoridae, Daphniidae and Sididae and genera Diaphanosoma, Daphnia, (including Daphniopsis), Megafenestra, Scapholeberis, Eurycercus, Chydorus, Ephemeroporus and Pleuroxus have been comparatively studied best. The largest number of valid species is known from Europe, North America, Australia and South America, and the smallest number from Africa. Presence of large number of vague species of Cladocera negatively affects faunistic, zoogeographic, and ecological studies of continental waters.Dedicated to the memory of Professor D. J. Frey  相似文献   

G Schneider 《Gene》1999,237(1):113-121
Artificial neural networks were trained on the prediction of the subcellular location of bacterial proteins. A cross-validated average prediction accuracy of 93% was reached for distinction between cytoplasmic and non-cytoplasmic proteins, based on the analysis of protein amino-acid composition. Principal component analysis and self-organizing maps were used to create graphical representations of amino-acid sequence space. A clear separation of cytoplasmic, periplasmic, and extracellular proteins was observed. The neural network system was applied to predicting potentially secreted proteins in 15 complete genomes. For mesophile bacteria the predicted fractions of non-cytoplasmic proteins agree with previously published estimates, ranging between 15% and 30%. Characteristics of thermophile genomes might lead to an under-estimation of the fraction of secreted proteins by presently available prediction systems. A self-organizing map was constructed from all 15 bacterial genomes. This technique can reveal additional sequence features independent from exhaustive pair-wise sequence alignment. The Treponema pallidum and Mycobacterium tuberculosis data formed separate clusters indicating unusual characteristics of these genomes.  相似文献   

Generalizability theory is an extension of classical reliability theory that allows multiple sources of measurement error in an experimental design to be investigated simultaneously. In the present study, generalizability theory was used to evaluate measurement error in psychophysiological test procedures used to differentiate tension headache patients from normal controls based upon measures of electromyographic (EMG) responding. Thirty-three subjects who met diagnostic criteria for tension-type headache and 40 normal control subjects who rarely or never experienced headache participated in two laboratory sessions. EMG activity of head and neck muscles was recorded while subjects performed baseline, relaxation, choice reaction time, psychomotor tracking, and cold pressor tasks. Variance components were computed for an experimental design having subjects nested within experimenters and crossed with sessions and replications. Generalizability coefficients were computed for combinations of various numbers of sessions and replications. The generalizability of EMG measures was highly variable, depending on the experimental conditions in force. The largest sources of measurement error were attributed to the unique responsiveness of individual subjects under a particular set of treatment conditions. For some stress tests currently in use, data from several testing sessions may need to be averaged in order to achieve acceptable levels of generalizability. Generalizability greater than 0.80 can be expected only rarely when data are collected during a single session. In the research setting, low generalizability may account for the failure of EMG-based stress tests to differentiate tension headache patients from controls during stressful task performance. In the clinical setting, the generalizability of information derived from stress profiling or muscle scanning techniques, which depend on results obtained during a single testing session, is doubtful.This research was supported by NIH under grant No. R01-NS-25114.  相似文献   

The formation of α-turns is a possibility to reverse the direction of peptide sequences via five amino acids. In this paper, a systematic conformational analysis was performed to find the possible isolated α-turns with a hydrogen bond between the first and fifth amino acid employing the methods of ab initio MO theory in vacuum (HF/6-31G*, B3LYP/6-311?+?G*) and in solution (CPCM/HF/6-31G*). Only few α-turn structures with glycine and alanine backbones fulfill the geometry criteria for the i←(i?+?4) hydrogen bond satisfactorily. The most stable representatives agree with structures found in the Protein Data Bank. There is a general tendency to form additional hydrogen bonds for smaller pseudocycles corresponding to β- and γ-turns with better hydrogen bond geometries. Sometimes, this competition weakens or even destroys the i←(i?+?4) hydrogen bond leading to very stable double β-turn structures. This is also the reason why an “ideal” α-turn with three central amino acids having the perfect backbone angle values of an α-helix could not be localized. There are numerous hints for stable α-turns with a distance between the \( {{\hbox{C}}_\alpha } \)-atoms of the first and fifth amino acid smaller than 6-7 Å, but without an i←(i?+?4) hydrogen bond.  相似文献   

Despite the current good level of annotation, the Drosophila genome still holds surprises. A recent study has added perhaps 2,000 genes to the predicted total, and raises a number of questions about how genome annotation data should be stored and presented.  相似文献   

The importance of possums as competitors with livestock for pasture is sometimes used as justification for possum control. Unfortunately a confusion of wet and dry weight values of pasture and daily consumption by possums appears to have resulted in a significant overestimate of the economic costs of possums as pasture pests. A correctly estimated daily dry matter intake of pasture by possums is 0.0144 kg pasture dry matter per possum per day. For a possum density of 1 ha-1, this amounts to a reduction of about 1% of a stock unit ha-1 year-1. At higher possum densities, which often occur on farms adjacent to forest or scrub, losses would be correspondingly higher. A more direct way to measure possum impact on pasture production would be to use exclosures.  相似文献   

Over the last 5 years proteogenomics (using mass spectroscopy to identify proteins predicted from genomic sequences) has emerged as a promising approach to the high‐throughput identification of protein N‐termini, which remains a problem in genome annotation. Comparison of the experimentally determined N‐termini with those predicted by sequence analysis tools allows identification of the signal peptides and therefore conclusions on the cytoplasmic or extracytoplasmic (periplasmic or extracellular) localization of the respective proteins. We present here the results of a proteogenomic study of the signal peptides in Escherichia coli K‐12 and compare its results with the available experimental data and predictions by such software tools as SignalP and Phobius. A single proteogenomics experiment recovered more than a third of all signal peptides that had been experimentally determined during the past three decades and confirmed at least 31 additional signal peptides, mostly in the known exported proteins, which had been previously predicted but not validated. The filtering of putative signal peptides for the peptide length and the presence of an eight‐residue hydrophobic patch and a typical signal peptidase cleavage site proved sufficient to eliminate the false‐positive hits. Surprisingly, the results of this proteogenomics study, as well as a re‐analysis of the E. coli genome with the latest version of SignalP program, show that the fraction of proteins containing signal peptides is only about 10%, or half of previous estimates.  相似文献   

How many processes are responsible for phenotypic evolution?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUMMARY In addressing phenotypic evolution, this article reconsiders natural selection, random drift, developmental constraints, and internal selection in the new extended context of evolutionary developmental biology. The change of perspective from the "evolution of phenotypes" toward an "evolution of ontogenies" (evo-devo perspective) affects the reciprocal relationships among these different processes. Random drift and natural selection are sibling processes: two forms of post-productional sorting among alternative developmental trajectories, the former random, the latter nonrandom. Developmental constraint is a compound concept; it contains even some forms of natural ("external" and "internal") selection. A narrower definition ("reproductive constraints") is proposed. Internal selection is not a selection caused by an internal agent. It is a form of environment-independent selection depending on the level of the organism's internal developmental or functional coordination. Selection and constraints are the main deterministic processes in phenotypic evolution but they are not opposing forces. Indeed, they are continuously interacting processes of evolutionary change, but with different roles that should not be confused.  相似文献   

How many flowering plants are pollinated by animals?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
It is clear that the majority of flowering plants are pollinated by insects and other animals, with a minority utilising abiotic pollen vectors, mainly wind. However there is no accurate published calculation of the proportion of the ca 352 000 species of angiosperms that interact with pollinators. Widely cited figures range from 67% to 96% but these have not been based on firm data. We estimated the number and proportion of flowering plants that are pollinated by animals using published and unpublished community‐level surveys of plant pollination systems that recorded whether each species present was pollinated by animals or wind. The proportion of animal‐pollinated species rises from a mean of 78% in temperate‐zone communities to 94% in tropical communities. By correcting for the latitudinal diversity trend in flowering plants, we estimate the global number and proportion of animal pollinated angiosperms as 308 006, which is 87.5% of the estimated species‐level diversity of flowering plants. Given current concerns about the decline in pollinators and the possible resulting impacts on both natural communities and agricultural crops, such estimates are vital to both ecologists and policy makers. Further research is required to assess in detail the absolute dependency of these plants on their pollinators, and how this varies with latitude and community type, but there is no doubt that plant–pollinator interactions play a significant role in maintaining the functional integrity of most terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

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