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SNARE proteins are essential for intracellular membrane fusion of eukaryotes. Their assembly into stable four-helix bundles bridges membranes and may provide the energy for initiating membrane fusion. In vitro, assembly of soluble SNARE fragments is accompanied by major structural rearrangements that can be described as a folding reaction. The pathways and the thermodynamics of SNARE protein interactions, however, are not known. Here we report that assembly and dissociation of two distantly related SNARE complexes exhibit a marked hysteresis. The assembled and disassembled native states are separated by a kinetic barrier and cannot equilibrate on biologically relevant timescales. We suggest that the hysteresis is a hallmark of all SNARE complexes and that complex assembly and disassembly follow different pathways that may be independently controlled.  相似文献   

A phenomenological theory is presented for the kinetics of the in vitro assembly and disassembly of icosahedral virus capsids in solutions of coat proteins. The focus is on conditions where nucleation-type processes can be ignored. We find that the kinetics of assembly is strongly concentration dependent and that the late-stage relaxation time varies as the inverse of the square of the concentration. These findings are corroborated by experimental observations on a number of viruses. Further, our theory shows that hysteresis observed in some experiments could be a direct effect of the kinetics of a high-order mass action law, not necessarily the result of a free energy barrier between assembled and disassembled states.  相似文献   

A virus capsid is constructed from many copies of the same protein(s). Molecular recognition is central to capsid assembly. The capsid protein must polymerize in order to create a three-dimensional protein polymer. More than structure is required to understand this self-assembly reaction: one must understand how the pieces come together in solution.  相似文献   

The HI loop is a prominent domain on the adeno-associated virus (AAV) capsid surface that extends from each viral protein (VP) subunit overlapping the neighboring fivefold VP. Despite the highly conserved nature of the residues at the fivefold pore, the HI loops surrounding this critical region vary significantly in amino acid sequence between the AAV serotypes. In order to understand the role of this unique capsid domain, we ablated side chain interactions between the HI loop and the underlying EF loop in the neighboring VP subunit by generating a collection of deletion, insertion, and substitution mutants. A mutant lacking the HI loop was unable to assemble particles, while a substitution mutant (10 glycine residues) assembled particles but was unable to package viral genomes. Substitution mutants carrying corresponding regions from AAV1, AAV4, AAV5, and AAV8 yielded (i) particles with titers and infectivity identical to those of AAV2 (AAV2 HI1 and HI8), (ii) particles with a decreased virus titer (1 log) but normal infectivity (HI4), and (iii) particles that synthesized VPs but were unable to assemble into intact capsids (HI5). AAV5 HI is shorter than all other HI loops by one amino acid. Replacing the missing residue (threonine) in AAV2 HI5 resulted in a moderate particle assembly rescue. In addition, we replaced the HI loop with peptides varying in length and amino acid sequence. This region tolerated seven-amino-acid peptide substitutions unless they spanned a conserved phenylalanine at amino acid position 661. Mutation of this highly conserved phenylalanine to a glycine resulted in a modest decrease in virus titer but a substantial decrease (1 log order) in infectivity. Subsequently, confocal studies revealed that AAV2 F661G is incapable of efficiently completing a key step in the infectious pathway nuclear entry, hinting at a possible perturbation of VP1 phospholipase activity. Molecular modeling studies with the F661G mutant suggest that disruption of interactions between F661 and an underlying P373 residue in the EF loop of the neighboring subunit might adversely affect incorporation of the VP1 subunit at the fivefold axis. Western blot analysis confirmed inefficient incorporation of VP1, as well as a proteolytically processed VP1 subunit that could account for the markedly reduced infectivity. In summary, our studies show that the HI loop, while flexible in amino acid sequence, is critical for AAV capsid assembly, proper VP1 subunit incorporation, and viral genome packaging, all of which implies a potential role for this unique surface domain in viral infectivity.  相似文献   

Capsids of spherical viruses may be constructed from hundreds or thousands of copies of the major capsid protein(s). These assembly reactions are poorly understood. Here we consider the predicted behavior for assembly where the component reactions have weak association energy and are reversible and compare them to essentially irreversible reactions. The comparisons are based on mass action calculations and the behavior predicted from kinetic simulations where assembly is described as a cascade of low order reactions. Reversible reactions are characterized by a pseudo-critical concentration, whereas irreversible reactions consume all free subunits. Irreversible reactions are more susceptible to kinetic traps comprised of numerous small intermediates. In the case where only the ultimate step is irreversible, very low concentrations of intermediates slow the completion of the reaction so that overall it closely matches the predictions for the reversible reactions that make up the majority of the cascade. Data in the literature strongly support the hypothesis that most viruses are held together by many weak interactions.  相似文献   

In many viruses, a precursor particle, or procapsid, is assembled and undergoes massive chemical and physical modification to produce the infectious capsid. Capsid assembly and maturation are finely tuned processes in which viral and host factors participate. We show that the precursor of the VP2 capsid protein (pVP2) of the infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV), a double-stranded RNA virus, is processed at the C-terminal domain (CTD) by a host protease, the puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase (PurSA). The pVP2 CTD (71 residues) has an important role in determining the various conformations of VP2 (441 residues) that build the T = 13 complex capsid. pVP2 CTD activity is controlled by co- and posttranslational proteolytic modifications of different targets by the VP4 viral protease and by VP2 itself to yield the mature VP2-441 species. Puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase is responsible for the peptidase activity that cleaves the Arg-452-Arg-453 bond to generate the intermediate pVP2-452 polypeptide. A pVP2 R453A substitution abrogates PurSA activity. We used a baculovirus-based system to express the IBDV polyprotein in insect cells and found inefficient formation of virus-like particles similar to IBDV virions, which correlates with the absence of puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase in these cells. Virus-like particle assembly was nonetheless rescued efficiently by coexpression of chicken PurSA or pVP2-452 protein. Silencing or pharmacological inhibition of puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase activity in cell lines permissive for IBDV replication caused a major blockade in assembly and/or maturation of infectious IBDV particles, as virus yields were reduced markedly. PurSA activity is thus essential for IBDV replication.  相似文献   

The assembly/disassembly of biological macromolecules plays an important role in their biological functionalities. Although the dynamics of tubulin polymers and their super-assembly into microtubule structures is critical for many cellular processes, details of their cyclical polymerization/depolymerization are not fully understood. Here, we use a specially designed light scattering technique to continuously examine the effects of temperature cycling on the process of microtubule assembly/disassembly. We observe a thermal hysteresis loop during tubulin assembly/disassembly, consistently with earlier reports on the coexistence of tubulin and microtubules as a phase transition. In a cyclical process, the structural hysteresis has a kinetic component that depends on the rate of temperature change but also an intrinsic thermodynamic component that depends on the protein topology, possibly related to irreversible processes. Analyzing the evolution of such thermal hysteresis loops over successive cycles, we found that the assembly/disassembly ceases after some time, which is indicative of protein aging leading to its inability to self-assemble after a finite number of temperature cycles. The emergence of assembly-incompetent tubulin could have major consequences for human pathologies related to microtubules, including aging, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer.  相似文献   

Viruses assemble protective capsids from several copies of one or a few structural proteins. This is accomplished through a combination of conformational flexibility and control mechanisms that restrict this flexibility. This review will discuss some of these mechanisms in light of the many recent results in this area.  相似文献   

The rubella virus (RV) structural proteins capsid, E2, and E1 are synthesized as a polyprotein precursor. The signal peptide that initiates translocation of E2 into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum remains attached to the carboxy terminus of the capsid protein after cleavage by signal peptidase. Among togaviruses, this feature is unique to RV. The E2 signal peptide has previously been shown to function as a membrane anchor for the capsid protein. In the present study, we demonstrate that this domain is required for RV glycoprotein-dependent localization of the capsid protein to the juxtanuclear region and subsequent virus assembly at the Golgi complex.  相似文献   

In chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections, one of the most common mutations to the virus occurs at amino acid 97 of the core protein, where leucine replaces either phenylalanine or isoleucine, depending on strain. This mutation correlates with changes in viral nucleic acid metabolism and/or secretion. We hypothesize that this phenotype is due in part to altered core assembly, a process required for DNA synthesis. We examined in vitro assembly of empty HBV capsids from wild-type and F97L core protein assembly domains. The mutation enhanced both the rate and extent of assembly relative to those for the wild-type protein. The difference between the two proteins was most obvious in the temperature dependence of assembly, which was dramatically stronger for the mutant protein, indicating a much more positive enthalpy. Since the structures of the mutant and wild-type capsids are essentially the same and the mutation is not involved in the contact between dimers, we suggest that the F97L mutation affects the dynamic behavior of dimer and capsid.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) capsids were found to assemble spontaneously in a cell-free system consisting of extracts prepared from insect cells that had been infected with recombinant baculoviruses coding for HSV-1 capsid proteins. The capsids formed in this system resembled native HSV-1 capsids in morphology as judged by electron microscopy, in sedimentation rate on sucrose density gradients, in protein composition, and in their ability to react with antibodies specific for the HSV-1 major capsid protein, VP5. Optimal capsid assembly required the presence of extracts containing capsid proteins VP5, VP19, VP23, VP22a, and the maturational protease (product of the UL26 gene). Assembly was more efficient at 27 degrees C than at 4 degrees C. The availability of a cell-free assay for HSV-1 capsid formation will be of help in identifying the morphogenetic steps that occur during capsid assembly in vivo and in evaluating candidate antiherpes therapeutics directed at capsid assembly.  相似文献   

The simian virus 40 capsid is composed of 72 pentamers of VP1 protein. Although the capsid is known to dissociate to pentamers in vitro following simultaneous treatment with reducing and chelating agents, the functional roles of disulfide linkage and calcium ion-mediated interactions are not clear. To elucidate the roles of these interactions, we introduced amino acid substitutions in VP1 at cysteine residues and at residues involved in calcium binding. We expressed the mutant proteins in a baculovirus system and analyzed both their assembly into virus-like particles (VLPs) in insect cells and the disassembly of those VLPs in vitro. We found that disulfide linkages at both Cys-9 and Cys-104 conferred resistance to proteinase K digestion on VLPs, although neither linkage was essential for the formation of VLPs in insect cells. In particular, reduction of the disulfide linkage at Cys-9 was found to be critical for VLP dissociation to VP1 pentamers in the absence of calcium ions, indicating that disulfide linkage at Cys-9 prevents VLP dissociation, probably by increasing the stability of calcium ion binding. We found that amino acid substitutions at carboxy-terminal calcium ion binding sites (Glu-329, Glu-330, and Asp-345) resulted in the frequent formation of unusual tubular particles as well as VLPs in insect cells, indicating that these residues affect the accuracy of capsid assembly. In addition, unexpectedly, amino acid substitutions at any of the calcium ion binding sites tested, especially at Glu-157, resulted in increased stability of VLPs in the absence of calcium ions in vitro. These results suggest that appropriate affinities of calcium ion binding are responsible for both assembly and disassembly of the capsid.  相似文献   

Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV), a member of the Birnaviridae family, is a double-stranded RNA virus. The IBDV capsid is formed by two major structural proteins, VP2 and VP3, which assemble to form a T=13 markedly nonspherical capsid. During viral infection, VP2 is initially synthesized as a precursor, called VPX, whose C end is proteolytically processed to the mature form during capsid assembly. We have computed three-dimensional maps of IBDV capsid and virus-like particles built up by VP2 alone by using electron cryomicroscopy and image-processing techniques. The IBDV single-shelled capsid is characterized by the presence of 260 protruding trimers on the outer surface. Five classes of trimers can be distinguished according to their different local environments. When VP2 is expressed alone in insect cells, dodecahedral particles form spontaneously; these may be assembled into larger, fragile icosahedral capsids built up by 12 dodecahedral capsids. Each dodecahedral capsid is an empty T=1 shell composed of 20 trimeric clusters of VP2. Structural comparison between IBDV capsids and capsids consisting of VP2 alone allowed the determination of the major capsid protein locations and the interactions between them. Whereas VP2 forms the outer protruding trimers, VP3 is found as trimers on the inner surface and may be responsible for stabilizing functions. Since elimination of the C-terminal region of VPX is correlated with the assembly of T=1 capsids, this domain might be involved (either alone or in cooperation with VP3) in the induction of different conformations of VP2 during capsid morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Recent experiments show that, in the range from approximately 15 to 45 degrees C, an increase in the temperature promotes the spontaneous assembly into capsids of the Escherichia coli-expressed coat proteins of hepatitis B virus. Within that temperature interval, an increase in ionic strength up to five times that of standard physiological conditions also acts to promote capsid assembly. To explain both observations we propose an interaction of mean force between the protein subunits that is the sum of an attractive hydrophobic interaction, driving the self-assembly, and a repulsive electrostatic interaction, opposing the self-assembly. We find that the binding strength of the capsid subunits increases with temperature virtually independently of the ionic strength, and that, at fixed temperature, the binding strength increases with the square root of ionic strength. Both predictions are in quantitative agreement with experiment. We point out the similarities of capsid assembly in general and the micellization of surfactants. Finally we make plausible that electrostatic repulsion between the native core subunits of a large class of virus suppresses the formation in vivo of empty virus capsids, that is, without the presence of the charge-neutralizing nucleic acid.  相似文献   

M Yu  J Summers 《Journal of virology》1991,65(5):2511-2517
Mutations introduced into the capsid gene of duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) were tested for their effects on viral DNA synthesis and assembly of enveloped viruses. Four classes of mutant phenotypes were observed among a series of deletions of covering the 3' end of the capsid open reading frame. Class I mutant capsids were able to support normal single-stranded and relaxed circular viral DNA synthesis; class II mutant capsids supported normal single-stranded DNA synthesis but not relaxed circular DNA synthesis; class III mutant capsids resembled class II capsids, but viral DNA synthesis was inhibited 5- to 10-fold; and class IV capsids were severely restricted in their ability to support viral DNA synthesis. Class I capsids were assembled into enveloped virions, but class II, III, and IV capsids were not. Viral DNA synthesized inside class II capsids was normal with respect to minus-strand DNA initiation, plus-strand DNA initiation, and circularization of the DNA, but plus strands failed to be elongated to mature 3-kb DNA. The results suggest that a function of the capsid protein specifically required for viral DNA maturation is also required for assembly of nucleocapsids into envelopes. Thus, class II mutants appear to be defective in the appearance of the "packaging signal" for virus assembly (J. Summers and W. Mason, Cell 29:403-415, 1982).  相似文献   

S Zhou  S Q Yang    D N Standring 《Journal of virology》1992,66(5):3086-3092
Little is known about the assembly of the 28-nm nucleocapsid or core particle of hepatitis B virus. Here we show that this assembly process can be reconstituted in Xenopus oocytes injected with a synthetic mRNA encoding the hepatitis B virus capsid protein (p21.5). Injected oocytes produce both a nonparticulate p21.5 species (free p21.5) and capsid particles. We describe rapid and simple methods for fractionating these species on a small scale either with step gradients of 10 to 60% (wt/vol) sucrose or by centrifugation to pellet the particles, and we characterize the oocyte core particles. Free p21.5 exhibits chemical and physical properties distinctly different from those of particles. Free p21.5 is partially cleaved by proteinase K, whereas core particles are almost completely resistant to cleavage. This suggests that the carboxyl-terminal protamine region, the main target for proteases within p21.5, is exposed in free p21.5 but faces the interior of the p21.5 core particle. Finally, pulse-chase experiments demonstrated that free p21.5 can be chased almost quantitatively into core particles, establishing that free p21.5 is fully competent to form particles and represents an assembly intermediate on the pathway for core particle formation. However, core particle assembly appears very dependent on p21.5 concentration and is rapidly compromised if the p21.5 concentration is lowered. The advantages of oocytes for studying assembly are discussed.  相似文献   

The filamentous virion of the closterovirus Beet yellows virus (BYV) consists of a long body formed by the major capsid protein (CP) and a short tail composed of the minor capsid protein (CPm) and the virus-encoded Hsp70 homolog. By using nano-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and biochemical analyses, we show here that the BYV 64-kDa protein (p64) is the fourth integral component of BYV virions. The N-terminal domain of p64 is exposed at the virion surface and is accessible to antibodies and mild trypsin digestion. In contrast, the C-terminal domain is embedded in the virion and is inaccessible to antibodies or trypsin. The C-terminal domain of p64 is shown to be homologous to CP and CPm. Mutation of the signature motifs of capsid proteins of filamentous RNA viruses in p64 results in the formation of tailless virions, which are unable to move from cell to cell. These results reveal the dual function of p64 in tail assembly and BYV motility and support the concept of the virion tail as a specialized device for BYV cell-to-cell movement.  相似文献   

We have previously described a cell-free system that reconstitutes immature capsid assembly of Gag polypeptides from viruses belonging to three major primate lentiviral lineages, including HIV-1, HIV-2 and SIVagm. Studies described here examine a member of the SIVmac/Mne lineage, SIVMneCL8, using assays for virus production and infectivity as well as cellular events in capsid formation. We report that SIVMneCL8, a molecular clone with properties typical of transmitted viral variants, is less infectious per unit p27 Gag than another member of the SIVmac/Mne lineage, SIVmac239. SIVMneCL8 Gag polypeptides are arrested at an early stage of capsid assembly in the cell-free system. Additionally, SIVMneCL8 Gag polypeptides associate minimally with the host factor human HP68. This is the first report of a primate lentivirus that does not complete capsid assembly in the cell-free system.  相似文献   

Alphavirus budding is driven by interactions between spike and nucleocapsid proteins at the plasma membrane. The binding motif, Y-X-L, on the spike protein E2 and the corresponding hydrophobic cavity on the capsid protein were described earlier. The spike-binding cavity has also been suggested to bind an internal hydrophobic motif, M113-X-I115, of the capsid protein. In this study we found that replacement of amino acids M113 and I115 with alanines, as single or double mutations, abolished formation of intracellular nucleocapsids. The mutants could still bud efficiently, but the NCs in the released virions were not stable after removal of the membrane and spike protein layer. In addition to wild-type spherical particles, elongated multicored particles were found at the plasma membrane and released from the host cell. We conclude that the internal capsid motif has a biological function in the viral life cycle, especially in assembly of nucleocapsids. We also provide further evidence that alphaviruses may assemble and bud from the plasma membrane in the absence of preformed nucleocapsids.  相似文献   

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