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It is shown that the relative intensity of the second harmonic of gyrotron radiation on the axis of a microwave beam after quasi-optical filtering in a four-mirror quasi-optical transmission line is about ?50 dB of the total radiation intensity. The second-harmonic radiation is used in collective-scattering diagnostics of turbulent density fluctuations in the plasma column of the L-2M stellarator. At an electron temperature of 0.8–1.0 keV and average plasma density of 2.0–2.5×1013 cm?3 (a plasma energy of about 0.6 kJ), which was achieved after the boronization of the vacuum chamber, spatiotemporal structures in plasma density fluctuations were observed in the central region of the plasma column. The correlation time between the structures was found to be on the order of 1 ms. It is shown that the spectrum of the signal from the second-harmonic scattering extends to higher frequencies compared to that from the fundamental-harmonic scattering.  相似文献   

Microwave scattering diagnostics are described that allow direct measurements of the turbulent processes in the high-temperature plasma of magnetic confinement systems. The first physical results are presented from fluctuation measurements carried out in 2000–2001 in three stellarators: L-2M (Institute of General Physics, Moscow), LHD (National Institute of Fusion Science, Toki), and TJ-II (CIEMAT, Madrid). Plasma density fluctuations in the axial (heating) regions of the L-2M and LHD stellarators were measured from microwave scattering at the fundamental harmonic of the heating gyrotron radiation. In the TJ-II stellarator, a separate 2-mm microwave source was used to produce a probing beam; the measurements were performed at the middle of the plasma radius. Characteristic features of fluctuations, common for all three devices, are revealed by the methods of statistical and spectral analysis. These features are the wide frequency Fourier and wavelet spectra, autocorrelation functions with slowly decreasing tails, and non-Gaussian probability distributions of the magnitudes and the increments in the magnitude of fluctuations. Observations showed the high level of coherence between turbulent fluctuations in the central region and at the edge of the L-2M plasma. The drift-dissipative instability and the instability driven by trapped electrons are examined as possible sources of turbulence in a high-temperature plasma.  相似文献   

Reflection and backscattering of high-power (400 kW) gyrotron radiation creating and heating plasma at the second harmonic of the electronic cyclotron frequency in the L-2M stellarator have been investigated experimentally. The effect of the displacement of the gyroresonance region from the axis of the plasma column under doubling of the plasma density on the processes of reflection and backscattering of microwave radiation has been examined. A near doubling of short-wavelength (k ≈ 30 cm–1) turbulent density fluctuations squared is observed. The change in the energy confinement time under variations of plasma parameters and characteristics of short-wavelength turbulence is discussed. A discrepancy between the measured values of the reflection coefficient from the electron cyclotron resonance heating region and predictions of the one-dimensional model is revealed.  相似文献   

The results of the calculation of the thermal irradiation of the laser plasma formed by a powerful laser beam with the microwave-frequency-modulated intensity are presented. The analytical solution has been obtained for the case of the light detonation regime. It has been shown that the modulation of the gasdynamic parameters due to the absorption of the laser radiation leads to the modulation of the spectral and integral brightness observed from the thermal plasma irradiation.  相似文献   

The cell-cell adhesion characteristic of C-6 astrocytoma cells changes as a function of cell density. Cell suspensions prepared from monolayers having a density lower than 1 × 105 cells/cm2 show maximal affinity for plasma membranes and cells obtained from monolayers at densities greater than 1 × 106 cells/cm2 shows minimal affinity for plasma membranes. The adhesive component retained on plasma membranes is present at essentially equal levels in membranes prepared from cells at different density. This modulation in cell surface affinity appears to be due to cell-cell contact and appears to represent a suitable model for the study of the modulation of cell-cell adhesion as a result of cell contact.  相似文献   

The question is considered of how to estimate the parameters of local plasma density fluctuations from reflectometry measurements made by probing the plasma with an extraordinary electromagnetic wave. In the geometrical-optics approximation, a formula is derived that relates the fluctuation amplitude of the phase of the reflected signal to the amplitude of local plasma density fluctuations and the range of its applicability is considered. The spectral sensitivity of reflectometry measurements in a reflection region of finite dimensions to poloidal perturbations with wavenumbers k ? k 0 is estimated by the phase-screen method, and the expressions obtained are compared with the results of numerical simulations. Based on the relationships derived, an algorithm is proposed for recovering the amplitude of the local plasma density fluctuations from the fluctuations in the reflected reflectometer signal. The results obtained are compared with the results of the full-wave simulations of the reflection of microwaves from a turbulent plasma. Finally, an example is given of how to recover the data on the amplitude of the local plasma density fluctuations in the T-10 tokamak plasma.  相似文献   

The influence of charge-exchange processes on the spectral line intensities of impurity ions in the edge and core plasmas of fusion devices is considered. It is found that, at a sufficiently high density of neutrals, the rate at which the atomic states are populated through charge exchange becomes independent of the neutral density, which results in the saturation of the spectral line intensities. This effect can substantially limit the efficiency of impurity-ion spectroscopy. Conditions under which the saturation effect manifests itself are examined for both the edge and core plasma regions in the presence of fast neutral beams. The results of calculations for the edge plasma are used to interpret the experimental data from the TORE SUPRA tokamak. It is shown that, in the central plasma region, the intensities of the visible spectral lines associated with the charge exchange of impurity ions in the course of neutral beam injection decrease (rather than increase, as was expected earlier) with increasing ion charge.  相似文献   

An exactly solvable model is used as a basis to study the reflectionless passage of a transverse electromagnetic wave through an inhomogeneous plasma containing large-amplitude, small-scale (subwave-length) structures (in particular, opaque regions) that cannot be correctly described by approximate methods. It is shown that, during the reflectionless passage of an electromagnetic wave, strong wave field splashes can occur in certain plasma sublayers. The nonuniform spatial plasma density profile is characterized by a number of free parameters describing the modulation depth of the dielectric function, the characteristic sizes of the structures and their number, the thickness of the inhomogeneous plasma region, and so on. Such plasma density structures are shown to be very diverse when, e.g., a wave that is incident from vacuum propagates without reflection through a plasma layer (wave barrier transillumination). With the cubic nonlinearity taken into account, a one-dimensional problem of the nonlinear transillumination of an inhomogeneous plasma can be solved exactly.  相似文献   

It is shown that on the basis of the earlier revealed effect of generating the ion flow in the beam-plasma discharge from the discharge axis, a plasma processing reactor can be created for low-energy etching of semiconductor structures. The possibility of easily controlling the density and energy of ion flow by means of varying the potential of the discharge collector is demonstrated. The charge compensation of the ion flow incident on the nonconducting surface is implemented using the modulation of the potential of the substrate holder as well as the plasma-potential modulation.  相似文献   

The spectroscopic technique used to measure the parameters of the plasma jets generated in the plasma focus discharge and those of the plasma of the immobile gas through which these jets propagate is described. The time evolution of the intensities and shapes of spectral lines in experiments carried out with helium at the PF-3 facility was studied by means of electron-optical streak cameras. The plasma electron temperature, T ≈ 4–5 eV, was determined from the intensity ratio of two spectral lines, one of which (λ1 = 5876 Å) belongs to neutral helium, while the other (λ2 = 4686 Å), to hydrogen-like helium ions. The plasma density at different time instants was determined from the Stark broadening of these lines in the electric fields of different nature. The plasma density is found to vary from 4 × 1014 to 2 × 1017 cm?3.  相似文献   

The polarization bremsstrahlung from thermal electrons scattered by the Debye sphere of an ion in a plasma is studied in the quasiclassical approximation. The model of the local plasma frequency is used to check the validity of the asymptotic expression for the polarizability of the electron cloud of an ion in the high-frequency range. This asymptotic expression is then used to derive a formula for the intensity of the total effective polarization bremsstrahlung. The R factor (the ratio of the contribution from the polarization bremsstrahlung to the contribution from conventional static bremsstrahlung) is obtained as a function of the plasma coupling parameter and electron density in order to analyze the role of the polarization bremsstrahlung in the total bremsstrahlung of the thermal plasma electrons. The spectral intensity of the effective polarization bremsstrahlung is calculated in the rotational approximation, which was previously employed in the theory of conventional static bremsstrahlung. It is shown that the spectral intensity of the polarization bremsstrahlung from thermal electrons scattered by the Debye sphere around an ion, as compared with the polarization bremsstrahlung by fast superthermal electrons, decreases more gradually with increasing frequency.  相似文献   

An exactly solvable one-dimensional model describing resonance tunneling (reflectionless transmission) of a transverse electromagnetic wave through wide layers of magnetoactive plasma is developed on the basis of the Helmholtz equation. The plasma layers include a set of spatially localized density structures the amplitudes and thicknesses of which are such that approximate methods are inapplicable for their analysis. The profiles of the plasma density structures strongly depend on the choice of the free parameters of the problem that determine the amplitudes of plasma density modulation, characteristic scale lengths of the density structures, their number, and the total thickness of the nonuniform plasma layer. The plasma layers can also include a set of random inhomogeneities. The propagation of electromagnetic waves through such complicated plasma inhomogeneities is analyzed numerically within the proposed exactly solvable model. According to calculations, there are a wide set of inhomogeneous structures for which an electromagnetic wave incident from vacuum can propagate through the plasma layer without reflection, i.e., the complete tunneling of thick plasma barriers takes place. The model also allows one to exactly solve a one-dimensional problem on the nonlinear transillumination of a nonuniform plasma layer in the presence of cubic nonlinearity. It is important that, due to nonlinearity, the thicknesses of the evanescent plasma regions can decrease substantially and, at a sufficiently strong nonlinearity, such regions will disappear completely. The problem of resonance tunneling of electromagnetic radiation through gradient wave barriers is of interest for various applications, such as efficient heating of dense plasma by electromagnetic radiation and transmission of electromagnetic signals from a source located in the near-Earth plasma or deep in the plasma of an astrophysical object through the surrounding evanescent regions.  相似文献   

A study is made of the dispersion properties of waveguides filled with a magnetized plasma. It is shown that the eigenmodes of the waveguides filled with a low-density magnetized plasma fall into two families, which are weakly coupled to one another at all frequencies, in particular, in the cyclotron resonance frequency range. These families differ in transverse wavenumbers and the modes in them have hybrid polarization. Attention is focused on the study of the modes that have predominantly TE polarization at frequencies close to the cutoff frequency. The dependence of the critical frequencies of the TE modes on the plasma frequency, as well as the influence of the plasma on the energy flux and energy density of these modes, is investigated. The effect of mode crowding (the existence of an arbitrarily large number of dispersion curves in a finite frequency range between the cyclotron frequency and the upper hybrid frequency) is examined in detail. The results obtained are used to analyze how the plasma affects the electromagnetic properties of the cavity of the 1-MW 140-GHz continuous-wave gyrotron developed at the Institute of Pulsed and Microwave Technology of the Research Center in Karlsruhe, Germany (Institut für Hochleistungsimpuls-und Mikrowellentechnik Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe) for plasma heating in the W7-X stellarator, which is being constructed in Greifswald, Germany.  相似文献   

Millimeter-wave spectral line radiation from a powerful air explosion accompanied by neutron, X-ray, and gamma emission is considered. It is shown that the main contribution to the line radiation in the frequency window of air near the wavelength of 2.3 mm is made by nitric oxide molecules. The set of kinetic equations for a partially ionized plasma near the explosion is solved by the Runge-Kutta method. It is shown that the density of nitrogen oxide molecules increases in time to a certain steady-state level. The spectral power of radiation in the NO lines is estimated.  相似文献   

A new form of discharge excited by a microwave beam in a high-pressure (up to atmospheric and higher) gas in free space and in a closed chamber is discussed. For the first time, the discharge was implemented by means of a gyrotron with a pulse power of 200 ≤ P ≤ 600 kW, a pulse duration of 0.5 ≤ τ ≤ 20 ms, and a wavelength of λ = 0.4 cm. Under deeply subthreshold conditions in atmospheric-pressure air, a plasma column with a length of L = 50 cm was generated by a microwave beam formed with the help of a quasi-optical transmission line. With the use of the MIG-3 gyrotron complex with the above parameters, generation of a plasma column with a length of several meters is possible in principle. The parameters and structure of the formation of the plasma investigated make it possible to class it as a self-non-self-sustained (SNSS) discharge, discovered and described for the first time at the Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. One of the important applications of this type of discharge is plasmachemical cleaning of the urban air environment of hazardous contaminants.  相似文献   

A theoretical and experimental study of the oscillations of a space-charge cloud in a magnetron-injection gun of a powerful relativistic gyrotron has been performed. The charge storage occurs via electron-beam magnetic compression of the reflection of a part of the electrons having the highest transverse velocities from a magnetic mirror. It has been established that at high values of the compression coefficient the beam loses its stability that finally leads to the appearance of the beam current modulation at the frequency of the longitudinal oscillations of an electron beam in an adiabatic trap. According to the numerical simulations, the energy spread in the formed beam under these conditions reaches 4.6%, which is higher by an order of magnitude than that due to the space-charge effect in the beam transported along the metal tube.  相似文献   

Changes in the energy spectra of short-wavelength (k s ≈ 35 cm?1) plasma density fluctuations in the local region of the plasma column (r/a = 0.5–0.6) of the L-2M stellarator were studied by the method of collective scattering of 150-GHz radiation. The plasma was heated at the second harmonic of the electron gyrofrequency, the microwave heating power being in the range of 90–170 kW. A sector limiter was introduced in the peripheral plasma (r/a ≥ 0.8), and the Shafranov shift of the magnetic axis was varied by varying the vertical magnetic field. The results of measurements were averaged over 9–16 discharges. It is found that an increase in the heating power and/or the introduction of the sector limiter in the plasma lead to an increase in the energy of density fluctuations, which correlates with a decrease in the plasma energy lifetime. In the spectra of fluctuations, a broad spectral band in the range of 3–50 kHz was observed in which the spectral density was one order of magnitude higher than in the rest of the spectrum. Analysis of the Fourier spectra showed that the introduction of the sector limiter in the plasma resulted in an increase in both the spectral density of fluctuations in the range of 3–50 kHz and the fraction of quasi-coherent structures in turbulent density fluctuations.  相似文献   

The electron density in the midplane of a current sheet and far from it is determined from an analysis of the profiles of the HeII 6560-Å and Hα spectral lines. A new approach to calculating the Stark broadening of the HeII 6560-Å line is developed. The results obtained can be used to determine the plasma density in other experimental devices.  相似文献   

Two sinusoidal signals, one with a constant frequency of 13 Hz and the other with a frequency continuously changing from 1 to 6 Hz and back, were presented simultaneously to subjects through spectacles with light-emitting diodes either to both eyes as a product (amplitude modulation of a constant frequency by a variable one) or to each eye separately. Both kinds of variable frequency exposure revealed a rhomboid pattern of the resonance activation of the EEG spectrum, similar to the spectral dynamics of a signal subject to amplitude modulation. This testifies to the key role of EEG amplitude modulation in the responses of the nervous system to variable frequency rhythmic stimuli. Both types of photic stimulation led to a substantial increase in EEG spectral density and improved the subjects' self-rating of the overall state of well-being, activity, and mood. In addition, separate stimulation of each eye led to an improvement in the anxiety and exercise performance indices (the Luscher color test) and a significant correlation between the intensity of EEG responses and changes in the general state. These differences are explained in terms of the involvement of the interhemispheric interaction mechanisms in the processing of complex rhythmic signals by the brain.  相似文献   

A theory of generation of terahertz radiation under laser–cluster interaction, developed earlier for an overdense cluster plasma [A. A. Frolov, Plasma Phys. Rep. 42. 637 (2016)], is generalized for the case of arbitrary electron density. The spectral composition of radiation is shown to substantially depend on the density of free electrons in the cluster. For an underdense cluster plasma, there is a sharp peak in the terahertz spectrum at the frequency of the quadrupole mode of a plasma sphere. As the electron density increases to supercritical values, this spectral line vanishes and a broad maximum at the frequency comparable with the reciprocal of the laser pulse duration appears in the spectrum. The dependence of the total energy of terahertz radiation on the density of free electrons is analyzed. The radiation yield is shown to increase significantly under resonance conditions, when the laser frequency is close to the eigenfrequency of the dipole or quadrupole mode of a plasma sphere.  相似文献   

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