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Nonnative disulfide bond formation can play a critical role in the assembly of disulfide bonded proteins. During the folding and assembly of the P22 tailspike protein, nonnative disulfide bonds form both in vivo and in vitro. However, the mechanism and identity of cysteine disulfide pairs remains elusive, particularly for P22 tailspike, which contains no disulfide bonds in its native, functional form. Understanding the interactions between cysteine residues is important for developing a mechanistic model for the role of nonnative cysteines in P22 tailspike assembly. Prior in vivo studies have suggested that cysteines 496, 613, and 635 are the most likely site for sulfhydryl reactivity. Here we demonstrate that these three cysteines are critical for efficient assembly of tailspike trimers, and that interactions between cysteine pairs lead to productive assembly of native tailspike.  相似文献   

Receptor-like protein kinases (RLKs) play vital roles in sensing outside signals, yet little is known about RLKs functions and roles in stress signal perception and transduction in plants, especially in wild soybean. Through the microarray analysis, GsSRK was identified as an alkaline (NaHCO3)-responsive gene, and was subsequently isolated from Glycine soja by homologous cloning. GsSRK encodes a 93.22 kDa protein with a highly conserved serine/threonine protein kinase catalytic domain, a G-type lectin region, and an S-locus region. Real-time PCR results showed that the expression levels of GsSRK were largely induced by ABA, salt, and drought stresses. Over expression of GsSRK in Arabidopsis promoted seed germination, as well as primary root and rosette leaf growth during the early stages of salt stress. Compared to the wild type Arabidopsis, GsSRK overexpressors exhibited enhanced salt tolerance and higher yields under salt stress, with higher chlorophyll content, lower ion leakage, higher plant height, and more siliques at the adult developmental stage. Our studies suggest that GsSRK plays a crucial role in plant response to salt stress.  相似文献   

The function of the extrinsic 23 kDa protein of Photosystem II (PSII) was studied with respect to Mn binding and its ability to supply Mn to PSII during photoactivation, i.e. the light-dependent assembly of the tetramanganese cluster. The extrinsic proteins and the Mn cluster were removed by TRIS treatment from PSII-enriched membrane fragments and purified by anion exchange chromatography. Room temperature EPR spectra of the purified 23 kDa protein demonstrated the presence of Mn. Photoactivation was successful with low Mn concentrations when the 23 kDa protein was present, while in its absence a higher Mn concentration was needed to reach the same level of oxygen evolution activity. In addition, the rate of photoactivation was significantly accelerated in the presence of the 23 kDa protein. It is proposed that the 23 kDa protein plays an important role in providing Mn during the process of PSII assembly and that it acquires Mn during the light-induced turnover of D1 in the PSII damage-repair cycle and delivers Mn to repaired PSII.  相似文献   

The physical properties of type I collagen were studied by electron microscopy of rotary shadowed collagen molecules and laser light scattering techniques. The physical properties, molecular structure and flexibility of type I collagen molecules from two structurally and functionally different connective tissues, cornea and sclera, were similar when measured in HCl, pH 2.0. The molecular weights were 328 and 298 × 102 for corneal and scleral type I collagen, respectively, while the values of TM were 33.7°C for both preparations. These values were in agreement with those obtained for other type I collagens. The higher level of glycosylation in corneal versus scleral type I collagen did not significantly modify the physical properties of type I collagen in acid solution or the charge distribution along the molecule as determined from the positively stained SLS banding patterns. Our morphological studies indicated that the collagen molecule, although relatively flexible based on electron microscopy, behaved as a long thin rod in solution. The mean end-to-end distances measured from electron micrographs were 253 and 256 nm for corneal and cler type I collagen, respectively, while the molecular contour lengths were 298 and 305 nm. The translational diffusion coefficients (0.849 and 0.857 × 10?7cm2s?1) were consistent with the contour lengths while the reported values in the literature for the rotational diffusion coefficient of type I collagen were consistent with the end-to-end distances. The intermediate value for molecular length obtained from the particle scattering factor (277 nm) reflects contributions from all possible molecular configurations.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli topoisomerase I (EcTopoI) is a type IA bacterial topoisomerase which is receiving large attention due to its potential application as novel target for antibacterial therapeutics. Nevertheless, a detailed knowledge of its mechanism of action at molecular level is to some extent lacking. This is partly due to the requirement of several factors (metal ions, nucleic acid) to the proper progress of the enzyme catalytic cycle. Additionally, each of them can differently affect the protein structure.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni, a major cause of acute bacterial diarrhea in humans, expresses numerous proteins to import diverse forms of essential iron. The expression of p19 and an adjacent iron transporter homologue (ftr1) is strongly induced upon iron limitation, suggesting a function in iron acquisition. Here, we show that the loss of P19 alone is detrimental to growth on iron-restricted media. Furthermore, metal binding analysis demonstrates that recombinant P19 has distinct copper and iron binding sites. Crystal structures of P19 have been solved to 1.41 Å resolution, revealing an immunoglobulin-like fold. A P19 homodimer in which both monomers contribute ligands to two equivalent copper sites located adjacent to methionine-rich patches is observed. Copper coordination occurs via three histidine residues (His42, His95, and His132) and Met88. A solvent channel lined with conserved acidic residues leads to the copper site. Soaking crystals with a solution of manganese as iron analog reveals a second metal binding site in this solvent channel (metal-metal distance, 7.7 Å). Glu44 lies between the metal sites and displays multiple conformations in the crystal structures, suggesting a role in regulating metal-metal interaction. Dimerization is shown to be metal dependent in vitro and is detected in vivo by cross-linking.  相似文献   

Shovanlal Gayen 《FEBS letters》2010,584(4):713-718
The C-terminal residues 98-104 are important for structure stability of subunit H of A1AO ATP synthases as well as its interaction with subunit A. Here we determined the structure of the segment H85-104 of H from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii, showing a helix between residues Lys90 to Glu100 and flexible tails at both ends. The helix-helix arrangement in the C-terminus was investigated by exchange of hydrophobic residues to single cysteine in mutants of the entire subunit H (HI93C, HL96C and HL98C). Together with the surface charge distribution of H85-104, these results shine light into the A-H assembly of this enzyme.  相似文献   

The Mu phage virion contains tail-spike proteins beneath the baseplate, which it uses to adsorb to the outer membrane of Escherichia coli during the infection process. The tail spikes are composed of gene product 45 (gp45), which contains 197 amino acid residues. In this study, we purified and characterized both the full-length and the C-terminal domains of recombinant gp45 to identify the functional and structural domains. Limited proteolysis resulted in a Ser64-Gln197 sequence, which was composed of a stable C-terminal domain. Analytical ultracentrifugation of the recombinant C-terminal domain (gp45-C) indicated that the molecular weight of gp45-C was about 58 kDa and formed a trimeric protomer in solution. Coprecipitation experiments and a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) demonstrated that gp45-C irreversibly binds to the E. coli membrane. These results indicate that gp45 shows behaviors similar to tail-spike proteins of other phages; however, gp45 did not show significant sequence homology with the other phage tail-spike structures that have been identified.  相似文献   

Juha Okkeri  Tuomas Haltia 《BBA》2006,1757(11):1485-1495
ZntA is a P-type ATPase which transports Zn2+, Pb2+ and Cd2+ out of the cell. Two cysteine-containing motifs, CAAC near the N-terminus and CPC in transmembrane helix 6, are involved in binding of the translocated metal. We have studied these motifs by mutating the cysteines to serines. The roles of two other possible metal-binding residues, K693 and D714, in transmembrane helices 7 and 8, were also addressed. The mutation CAAC → SAAS reduces the ATPase activity by 50%. The SAAS mutant is phosphorylated with ATP almost as efficiently as the wild type. However, its phosphorylation with Pi is poorer than that of the wild type and its dephosphorylation rate is faster than that of the wild type ATPase. The CPC → SPS mutant is inactive but residual phosphorylation with ATP could still be observed. The most important findings of this work deal with the prospective metal-binding residues K693 and D714: the substitution K693N eliminates the Zn2+-stimulated ATPase activity completely, although significant Zn2+-dependent phosphorylation by ATP remains. The K693N ATPase is hyperphosphorylated by Pi. ZntA carrying the change D714M has strong metal-independent ATPase activity and is very weakly phosphorylated both by ATP and Pi. In conclusion, K693 and D714 are functionally essential and appear to contribute to the metal specificity of ZntA, most probably by being parts of the metal-binding site made up by the CPC motif.  相似文献   

Youg R. Thaker  Yin H. Yau 《FEBS letters》2009,583(7):1090-1095
Owing to the complex nature of V1VO ATPases, identification of neighboring subunits is essential for mechanistic understanding of this enzyme. Here, we describe the links between the V1 headpiece and the VO-domain of the yeast V1VO ATPase via subunit A and d as well as the VO subunits a and d using surface plasmon resonance and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Binding constants of about 60 and 200 nM have been determined for the a-d and d-A assembly, respectively. The data are discussed in light of subunit a and d forming a peripheral stalk, connecting the catalytic A3B3 hexamer with VO.

Structured summary

MINT-7012054: d (uniprotkb:P32366) binds (MI:0407) to A (uniprotkb:P17255) by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (MI:0052)MINT-7012041: d (uniprotkb:P32366) binds (MI:0407) to A (uniprotkb:P17255) by surface plasmon resonance (MI:0107)MINT-7012028: d (uniprotkb:P32366) binds (MI:0407) to a (uniprotkb:P32563) by surface plasmon resonance (MI:0107)  相似文献   

The transmembrane (TM) segment of the major coat protein from Ff bacteriophage has been extensively studied as an example of dimerization in detergent and lipid bilayer systems. However, almost all the information regarding this interaction has been gained through mutagenesis studies, with little direct structural information being available. To this end solution NMR has the potential to provide new insights into structure of the dimer. In order to evaluate the utility of this approach we have studied a selectively 15N-labeled peptide containing the TM segment of MCP (MCPTM) by solution NMR. This peptide was found to give rise to detergent concentration-dependent spectra that were assigned to monomeric and dimeric forms. The standard free energy of this interaction in SDS was estimated from these spectra and found to be consistent with weak but specific dimerization. In addition, similar spectra could be obtained in β-octyl glucoside with intermolecular paramagnetic relaxation experiments demonstrating a parallel arrangement of TM helices in the dimer. In both detergents backbone chemical shift differences between monomeric and dimeric forms of MCPTM showed that the largest changes occur around its GXXXG motif. The resulting structural model is consistent with observations made for MCP mutants previously characterized in biological membranes, opening the door to detailed structural characterization of this form of MCP. These results also have general implications for the study of weakly interacting TM segments by solution NMR since the use of similar sample conditions should allow structural data to be accessed for oligomeric states from a wide range systems that undergo biologically relevant but weak associations in the membrane.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer (CRC), one of the most prevalent cancers in the western world, is treatable if detected early. However, 70% of CRC is detected at an advanced stage. This is largely due to the inadequacy of current faecal occult blood screening testing and costs involved in conducting population-based colonoscopy, the ‘gold standard’ for CRC detection. Another biomarker for CRC, carcinoembryonic antigen, while useful for monitoring CRC recurrence, is ineffective, lacking the specificity required early detection of CRC. For these reasons there is a need for more effective blood-based markers for early CRC detection. In this study we targeted glycoproteins secreted from the human colon carcinoma cell line LIM1215 as a source of potential CRC biomarkers. Secreted candidate glycoproteins were confirmed by MS and validated by Western blot analysis of tissue/tumour interstitial fluid (Tif) from LIM1215 xenograft tumours grown in immunocompromised mice. Overall, 39 glycoproteins were identified in LIM1215 culture media (CCM) and 5 glycoproteins in LIM1215 tumour xenograft Tif; of these, cadherin-17 (CDH17), galectin-3 binding protein (LGALS3BP), and tyrosine-protein kinase-like 7 (PTK7) were identified in both CM and glycosylation motifs. Swiss-Prot was used to annotate Tif. Many of the glycoproteins identified in this study (e.g., AREG, DSG2, EFNA1, EFNA3, EFNA4, EPHB4, ST14, and TIMP1) have been reported to be implicated in CRC biology. Interestingly, the cadherin-17 ectodomain, but not full length cadherin-17, was identified in CM, Tif and plasma derived from mice bearing the LIM1215 xenograft tumour. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the cadherin-17 ectodomain in plasma. In this study, we report for the first time that the presence of full-length cadherin-17 in exosomes released into the CM. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: An Updated Secretome.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma rangeli is a parasite of a numerous wild and domestic animals, presenting wide geographical distribution and high immunological cross-reactivity with Trypanosoma cruzi, which may lead to misdiagnosis. T. rangeli has a complex life cycle, involving distinct morphological and functional forms in the vector. Here, we characterized the cell surface polypeptides and the phosphatase activities in short and long epimastigotes forms of T. rangeli, using intact living parasites. The surface protein profile revealed by the incubation of parasites with biotin showed a preferential expression of the 97, 70, 50, 45, 25-22, and 15 kDa biotinylated polypeptides in the long forms, in contrast to the 55 and 28 kDa biotinylated polypeptides synthesized by the short epimastigotes. Additionally, flow cytometry analysis showed that the short forms had relatively lower biotin surface binding than long ones. The involvement of phosphatases with the trypanosomatid differentiation has been proposed. In this sense, T. rangeli living parasites were able to hydrolyze the artificial substrate p-nitrophenylphosphate at a rate of 25.57+/-2.03 and 10.09+/-0.93 nmol p-NPP x h(-1) x 10(7) cells for the short and long epimastigotes, respectively. These phosphatase activities were linear with time for at least 60 min and the optimum pH lies in the acid range. Classical inhibitors of acid phosphatases, such as ammonium molybdate, sodium fluoride, and zinc chloride, showed a significant decrease in these phosphatase activities, with different patterns of inhibition. Additionally, these phosphatase activities presented different kinetic parameters (Km and Vmax) and distinct sensitivities to divalent cations. Both epimastigotes were unable to release phosphatase to the extracellular environment. Cytochemical analysis demonstrated the localization of these enzymes on the parasite surfaces (cell body and flagellum) and in intracellular vacuoles, resembling acidocalcisomes.  相似文献   

Filamentous, heterocystous cyanobacteria are capable of nitrogen fixation and photoautotrophic growth. Nitrogen fixation takes place in heterocysts that differentiate as a result of nitrogen starvation. Heterocysts uphold a microoxic environment to avoid inactivation of nitrogenase, e.g. by downregulation of oxygenic photosynthesis. The ATP and reductant requirement for the nitrogenase reaction is considered to depend on Photosystem I, but little is known about the organization of energy converting membrane proteins in heterocysts. We have investigated the membrane proteome of heterocysts from nitrogen fixing filaments of Nostoc punctiforme sp. PCC 73102, by 2D gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. The membrane proteome was found to be dominated by the Photosystem I and ATP-synthase complexes. We could identify a significant amount of assembled Photosystem II complexes containing the D1, D2, CP43, CP47 and PsbO proteins from these complexes. We could also measure light-driven in vitro electron transfer from Photosystem II in heterocyst thylakoid membranes. We did not find any partially disassembled Photosystem II complexes lacking the CP43 protein. Several subunits of the NDH-1 complex were also identified. The relative amount of NDH-1M complexes was found to be higher than NDH-1L complexes, which might suggest a role for this complex in cyclic electron transfer in the heterocysts of Nostoc punctiforme.  相似文献   

The cellular response of three Chlorella species that differ in their temperature preferences and tolerance – Chlorella vulgaris — Antarctic, C. vulgaris strain 8/1 — thermophilic, and Chlorella kesslery — mesophilic – is analysed.  相似文献   

A series of truncated forms of subunit H were generated to establish the domain features of that protein. Circular dichroism analysis demonstrated that H is divided at least into a C-terminal coiled-coil domain within residues 54-104, and an N-terminal domain formed by adjacent α-helices. With a cysteine at the C-terminus of each of the truncated proteins (H1-47, H1-54, H1-59, H1-61, H1-67, H1-69, H1-71, H1-78, H1-80, H1-91, and H47-105), the residues involved in formation of the coiled-coil interface were determined. Proteins H1-54, H1-61, H1-69, and H1-80 showed strong cross-link formation, which was weaker in H1-47, H1-59, H1-71, and H1-91. A shift in disulfide formation between cysteins at positions 71 and 80 reflected an interruption in the periodicity of hydrophobic residues in the region 71AEKILEETEKE81. To understand how the N-terminal domain of H is formed, we determined for the first time, to our knowledge, the solution NMR structure of H1-47, which revealed an α-helix between residues 15-42 and a flexible N-terminal stretch. The α-helix includes a kink that would bring the two helices of the C-terminus into the coiled-coil arrangement. H1-47 revealed a strip of alanines involved in dimerization, which were tested by exchange to single cysteines in subunit H mutants.  相似文献   

The role of electrostatic interactions in the assembly of a native protein structure was studied using fragment complementation. Contributions of salt, pH, or surface charges to the kinetics and equilibrium of calbindin D(9k) reconstitution was measured in the presence of Ca(2+) using surface plasmon resonance and isothermal titration calorimetry. Whereas surface charge substitutions primarily affect the dissociation rate constant, the association rates are correlated with subdomain net charge in a way expected for Coulomb interactions. The affinity is reduced in all mutants, with the largest effect (260-fold) observed for the double mutant K25E+K29E. At low net charge, detailed charge distribution is important, and charges remote from the partner EF-hand have less influence than close ones. The effects of salt and pH on the reconstitution are smaller than mutational effects. The interaction between the wild-type EF-hands occurs with high affinity (K(A) = 1.3 x 10(10) M(-1); K(D) = 80 pM). The enthalpy of association is overall favorable and there appears to be a very large favorable entropic contribution from the desolvation of hydrophobic surfaces that become buried in the complex. Electrostatic interactions contribute significantly to the affinity between the subdomains, but other factors, such as hydrophobic interactions, dominate.  相似文献   

A complex formed by human α-lactalbumin (α-LA) and oleic acid (OA), named HAMLET, has been shown to have an apoptotic activity leading to the selective death of tumor cells. In numerous publications it has been reported that in the complex α-LA is monomeric and adopts a partly folded or “molten globule” state, leading to the idea that partly folded proteins can have “beneficial effects”. The protein/OA molar ratio initially has been reported to be 1:1, while recent data have indicated that the OA-complex is given by an oligomeric protein capable of binding numerous OA molecules per protein monomer. Proteolytic fragments of α-LA, as well as other proteins unrelated to α-LA, can form OA-complexes with biological activities similar to those of HAMLET, thus indicating that a generic protein can form a cytotoxic complex under suitable experimental conditions. Moreover, even the selective tumoricidal activity of HAMLET-like complexes has been questioned. There is recent evidence that the biological activity of long chain unsaturated fatty acids, including OA, can be ascribed to their effect of perturbing the structure of biological membranes and consequently the function of membrane-bound proteins. In general, it has been observed that the cytotoxic effects exerted by HAMLET-like complexes are similar to those reported for OA alone. Overall, these findings can be interpreted by considering that the protein moiety does not have a toxic effect on its own, but merely acts as a solubilising agent for the inherently toxic fatty acid.  相似文献   

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