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A histological study of Miniopterus schreibersii was carried out in north-eastern New South Wales from April to September 1975. Reproductive tracts were examined from a total of 43 females collected during autumn and winter from three bat colonies in the New England region, Australia.
Copulation, ovulation and fertilization appeared synchronized over a one to two week period amongst all females observed. The conceptus developed to a blastocyst stage prior to commencement of hibernation and remained unattached during at least part of the hibernation period. Unlike populations from the south of France, implantation occurred before hibernation was completed, prior to resumption of regular activity and was not accompanied by an increase in corpus luteum development. The disparity in corpus luteum morphology and activity, suggests that mechanisms of control of delayed implantation in Australian M. schreibersii may differ from those proposed for populations from the south of France.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial ND2 gene (1037 bp) was sequenced to examine relationships within the bent-wing bat complex, Miniopterus schreibersii (Family Vespertilionidae). It was found that M. schreibersii is a paraphyletic assemblage comprising several species. Two major lineages were identified, one of which was restricted to the Palearctic-Ethiopian regions and the other to the Oriental-Australasian regions. This pattern of differentiation was mirrored by the genus as a whole. Speciation and differentiation within the genus Miniopterus appears to have a hierarchical geographical pattern. The earliest divergence corresponds to the Ethiopian-Palearctic and the Oriental-Australasian biogeographical zones. This early divergence is then followed by radiations within each of the Ethiopian, Oriental and Australasian regions. The study also revealed that the number of species currently recognized (11 or 13) is a gross underestimate of the number of actual species. The emerging picture is one of a relatively speciose genus with most species having relatively restricted distributions; few, if any, occur in more than one biogeographical region.  相似文献   

Mating in the long-fingered bat (Miniopterus schreibersii) from the East Cape region of South Africa occurred during a four-week period in April and May, and implantation was delayed until August. Analyses of foetal age and estimated dates of conception indicate that after implantation, the progression of pregnancy within the population was synchronous both within and between years. It is suggested that implantation, probably initiated by increasing day length, occurred at about the same time throughout the population and thus synchronized reproduction. In the final month of pregnancy foetal growth rate and, consequently, the timing of parturition in the three years of the study varied. These variations were correlated with variations in rainfall and it is suggested that the failure of the November rains in 1990 would have caused a reduction in insect abundance and that this was responsible for the decrease in foetal growth rate and the delay in parturition.  相似文献   

The anatomy, biology, and chronology of reproduction in the male of the long penile form of Mormopterus planiceps was studied in southeast South Australia and Victoria. In the morphology of its primary and accessory reproductive organs, M. planiceps was generally reminiscent of other Molossidae; however, in the specialized (sebaceous) nature of the Cowper's gland ducts, in the presence of para-anal glands, and in the unusual, horizontally bifid glans penis and the greatly elongated os penis, it was distinct from other Molossidae studied to date. Young of the year were not reproductively active. Adults displayed a single annual spermatogenic cycle that commenced in spring (September/October) and culminated in spermiogenesis in autumn (February-May), during which period plasma levels of testosterone overtook androstenedione. Thereafter, spermatogenesis appeared to cease (though scattered sperm were seen in the seminiferous tubules until August), but abundant epididymal sperm reserves persisted until September/(October). The accessory glands were hypertrophied during this period, becoming involuted by October. Although the numbers of animals available for study were small, these observations, together with the appearance of spermatozoa in the ductus deferens in August/September suggested that mating could occur during the interval from autumn to spring. Late winter/spring insemination is normal for molossids from temperate environments. However, protracted spermatogenesis commencing in spring that is not accompanied by the availability of spermatozoa until autumn, and a subsequent apparent extension of fertility (epididymal sperm storage, accessory gland hypertrophy) beyond the testicular gametogenic phase, are aspects of the male reproductive cycle in M. planiceps that have not heretofore been described in another molossid bat.  相似文献   

The chorioallantoic placental interhemal membrane of Miniopterus schreibersii fuliginosus has been described electron-microscopically. Morphologically there are three main types of placentae which develop in chronological sequence. They are (1) primary placenta, (2) secondary placenta and (3) tertiary placenta. In neural groove and limb-bud embryos the primary placenta consists of the following elements which separate the maternal and fetal circulations: (1) a continuous ectoplasmic layer, (2) intrasyncytial lamina, (3) syncytiotrophoblast, (4) cytotrophoblast, (5) basal lamina, (6) mesenchyme and (7) fetal endothelium. The primary placenta degenerates until term when it consists of a thin syncytiotrophoblastic layer resting on basal lamina. Mesenchyme does not show the presence of fetal capillaries. The secondary placenta is formed in early limb-bud embryos. The electron microscope has revealed that the placenta is of the endotheliomonochorial type and (1) consists of a well-developed maternal endothelium, (2) the trophoblast surrounding the maternal blood tubule is cellular, not syncytial as previously thought and the apical plasma membrane of these trophoblastic cells is in direct contact with the discontinuous interstitial membrane, (3) basal lamina, (4) mesenchyme and (5) fetal endothelium. Tertiary placenta at full term stage is of the hemodichorial type having the following elements: (1) thin ectoplasmic layer, (2) a thick intrasyncytial lamina, (3) syncytiotrophoblast, (4) cytotrophoblast, (5) basal lamina, (6) mesenchyme and (7) fetal endothelium. The definitive chorioallantoic placental barrier in this bat thus differs from the organization earlier proposed by Chari and Gopalakrishna [Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 93: 463-483, 1984] on the basis of light-microscopic observations: (1) the absence of maternal endothelium in the primary placenta from the neural groove and early limb-bud embryos, (2) the existence of only cellular trophoblast in the secondary placenta throughout the gestation and (3) the presence of well-developed hemodichorial tertiary placenta is the unique feature of the interhemal membrane in higher Chiroptera.  相似文献   

Lord  Medway 《Journal of Zoology》1971,165(2):261-273
The small bent-winged bat Miniopterus australis was studied at low tropical latitudes north of the equator, principally in Subis cave, Niah, Sarawak, East Malaysia. During the course of field-work in 1957–58, most specimens were captured at roost in concavities in the cave ceiling, here termed "cupolas". At all months of observation, roosting groups varied from one to seven bats. Solitary bats were predominantly males, and multiple groups rarely included more than one male. It is suggested that the sexes differ in their response to a potential or familiar roosting site, depending on the prior occupation by other bats. Roosting behaviour did not vary with the progress of the reproductive cycle and seemed to have no epigamic function.
Observations of reproductive biology in 1957–58, supported by specimens captured in 1959–60, demonstrated that the species is monoestrous, with a brief annually recurrent breeding season in November-December. Copulation was observed in early November and preceded ovulation. In unovulated females taken in early December the right uterine horn was distended with spermatozoa. The single embryo subsequently implanted in the right horn, although in the three females examined the fertilized ovum derived from the left ovary.
Parturition occurred in late April and early May after a gestation period of 4 1/2–5 months. This period is considerably longer than the presumed species-specific minimum, observed at latitude 15 S. The prolonged gestation period is regarded as an adaptation to perennially low and variable food resources in an otherwise favourable environment, and there is evidence that the months of gestation and birth coincide with a period of limited seasonal increase in abundance of insect prey.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Miniopterus schreibersii and M. australis was studied at latitude 28·5°S, in eastern Australia. Comparison was made with material from 23·5°S to 37°S.
Both species are monoestrous and monotocous. Ovulation is from the left ovary and implantation is in the right cornu. At latitude 28·5°S, a "silent heat" precedes behavioural oestrus and fertilization by two months in M. schreibersii and three months in M. australis. In M. schreibersii copulation and fertilization occur in late May and early June, immediately after a relatively short period of spermatogenesis and about one month after the release of sperm to the epididymides. During winter, implantation of the blastocyst stage is delayed. The male accessory glands involute but a store of epididymal sperm is retained. Implantation occurs in August and birth is in December.
M. australis conceives in mid-August, after an extended period of spermatogenesis which ceases four to six weeks prior to copulation. An epididymal sperm store is present some 21/2 months prior to insemination. Implantation has occurred by mid-September and parturition takes place in December.
Comparative data from other latitudes in eastern Australia show no differences in the timing of a reproductive events of M. australis between 23·5°S and 31°S. In M. schreibersii in South Australia (37°S) mating occurs in April and May. Plasticity in the timing of parturition (October to December) and other anomalies of this population are discussed.
The data suggest that evolutionary hypotheses involving extrapolation from one species to the other are questionable and that a more complex and varied adaptive response to climate may exist than has hitherto been supposed.  相似文献   

In this study we investigate population genetic structure and phylogeography of the bent-wing bat complex ( Miniopterus schreibersii ) in Asia Minor and adjacent regions. PCR amplification and sequencing of the first hypervariable domain of the mitochondrial control region were used to obtain the genetic data. Morphometric differentiation between lineages was analysed by comparing forearm lengths. We found two reciprocally monophyletic lineages within the M . schreibersii complex, identified as M.   s. schreibersii and M. s . pallidus . Distributions of the lineages were allopatric with a U-shaped suture zone passing through Central Anatolia. The suture zone separated coastal regions occupied by M.   s. schreibersii from inland, higher altitude regions occupied by M.   s. pallidus . The lineages showed a considerable sequence divergence of c . 9%, accompanied by a corresponding difference in forearm length. The presence of the genetically distinct lineages, with allopatric distribution and corresponding morphometric differences, probably reflects their long isolation during the ice-age in the Balkans and the Caspian/Caucasus refugia, followed subsequently by expansion into different habitats. Based on the present data, the lineages can be recognized as evolutionary significant units.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the female little mastiff bat (Mormopterus planiceps) was studied from specimens obtained throughout the year in southeast Australia, within the region occupied only by the long penile form of this species. Mormopterus planiceps appeared to undergo a single pregnancy each year and was monotocous. Conception occurred during late winter/early spring after a protracted proestrus, during which the uterine/vaginal epithelia attained an extraordinary thickness; spermatozoa were present in the uterine corpus, vagina, and intramural oviduct for at least 2 months prior to ovulation, although only those present in the oviducts were entire and thus appeared to be viable. Following ovulation, a massive postovulatory infiltration of phagocytes occurred; and the thickness of the uterine corpus epithelium was dramatically reduced. As in other molossids, the tract was bicornuate and dextrally functional. The length of gestation was difficult to determine because early embryonic stages, up to implantation, appeared to span several months (late July/August/September) as did parturition (December/January). Growth of the young was slow; nevertheless, females attained sexual maturity in their first year. Several unusual features included the presence of a long os clitoridis, and tubuloalveolar sudoriferous and associated lobulated, sebaceous, paravaginal glands, which surrounded and emptied into the lower vagina. A deep fornix anterior and lateral to the cervix probably serves to receive the secondary glans penis. The epithelium of the uterine corpus was stratified and indistinguishable, in its cytology and cyclicity, from that of the vagina; furthermore, it lacked a glandular endometrium. This portion of the female tract likely receives the elongated primary glans. These findings are discussed in relation to other Molossidae and to the reproductive biology of male M. planiceps. Although the number of animals sampled was relatively small, the data suggest that this species does not exhibit the usual temperate molossid pattern of late winter/spring coincidence of spermatogenesis and ovulation. It would seem that pregnancy may begin, at least in some individuals, during the inhospitable winter months (when epididymal and uterine spermatozoa are abundant but spermatogenesis has largely terminated) and that additional conceptions continue into the early spring. The occurrence of sperm storage in both sexes of this species is unique among Molossidae studied to date.  相似文献   

Plasma progesterone concentrations measured by radioimmunoassay in the Natal clinging bat remained below 2.01 ng/ml during lactational anoestrus but increased significantly during the period of delayed implantation. Values peaked at implantation but were followed by a significant decrease thereafter. Concentrations remained low (less than 6.0 ng/ml) during the initial period of fetal development (153-180 days post coitum) and attained peak values (85.6-181.3 ng/ml) 216-222 days after fertilization. The marked post-implantation increase in progesterone concentrations coincided with a significant increase in placental weight.  相似文献   

Five polymorphic, dinucleotide microsatellite loci have been identified and characterized in Schreibers’ long‐fingered bat, Miniopterus schreibersii (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). These include three uninterrupted (CA)n repeats, ranging in length from (CA)17 to (CA)19, one interrupted repeat (CA)4(CG)2(CA)13, and one uninterrupted (GA)27 repeat. All loci were highly polymorphic, with 17–20 alleles identified per locus. Observed heterozygosity levels (0.66–0.82) are lower than expected due to homozygote excess, probably caused by pooling of populations, resulting in population substructuring. All five polymorphic loci were also successfully amplified in the closely related M. fraterculus. Two pairs of primers additionally amplified polymorphic microsatellites in Chaerophon sp.  相似文献   

In the Japanese long-fingered bat, when compared with the baseline values during non-pregnancy in the autumn, plasma progesterone concentrations were not significantly elevated during the delayed implantation stage that begins before the bats enter hibernation. However, progesterone concentrations were significantly lower during the delayed development stage that occurs during hibernation and rose significantly during the rapid embryogenesis that occurs after arousal from hibernation in the spring. Changes in the corpus luteum volume corresponded closely with those of plasma progesterone values. Maintenance of gravid females at 25 degrees C for 2 weeks in winter resulted in significant increases in the plasma progesterone concentration and the corpus luteum volume.  相似文献   

Miniopterus schreibersii is a polytypic bat species, with one of the widest distribution ranges among the mammals. We studied the genetic differentiation and taxonomy of this species in the transition zone between south-eastern Europe and Anatolia (in Asia), where two subspecies have been described. The results indicated a sharp genetic break between the samples from western Anatolia and south-eastern Europe and those of eastern Anatolia. In addition, the samples from western Anatolia and south-eastern Europe were seen to be reciprocally monophyletic, although the differentiation was less drastic. These patterns of genetic differentiation suggest the presence of two distinct groups within the M. schreibersii complex in the region, concordant with previous subspecific recognition. The cause of this genetic break is most likely differentiation in separate glacial refugia followed by secondary contact. However, more samples are needed to assess whether these represent different species, as well as to understand more clearly the causes of this differentiation.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 87 , 577–582.  相似文献   

The placentae of the Japanese long-fingered bat were characterized by their morphological and functional transition from the main placenta to the accessory placentae. The main placenta transformed from an endotheliodichorial to a haemodichorial (one layer of syncytiotrophoblast and one layer of cytotrophoblast cells) condition. Degeneration of the main placenta was accompanied by development of two accessory placentae. These developed on both sides (fetal side) of the main placenta, and subsequently converted from a haemodichorial (two layers of cytotrophoblast cells) to a haemomonochorial condition.  相似文献   

Summary To elucidate the role of hypothalamic neuropeptides in regulation of reproductive phenomena of seasonally breeding feral mammals, we used Japanese long-fingered bats, Miniopterus schreibersii fuliginosus, for immunocytochemical study of distribution of the following neuropeptides in the hypothalamus: arginin vasopressin, oxytocin, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone, somatostatin, corticotropin-releasing factor, and growth hormone-releasing factor. The size, shape and location of supraoptic, paraventricular, suprachiasmatic, and arcuate nuclei of the bat were determined. Arginin vasopressin-and oxytocin-immunoreactive magnocellular neurons were found in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, where they exhibited separate distribution into two distinct groups. Parvocellular arginin vasopressin neurons occurred only in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. The hibernating bats exhibited slightly increased numbers of vasopressin and oxytocin neurons in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei. The pregnant bat displayed further increased numbers of vasopressin and oxytocin neurons in both nuclei. Somatostatin-immunoreactive neurons in the paraventricular nucleus were also immunopositive to anti-oxytocin serum, while those in the ventromedial and arcuate nuclei reacted solely to anti-somatostatin serum. They projected to the anterior median eminence and infundibular stalk. Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone-immunoreactive perikarya were scattered throughout the basal hypothalamus, being particularly abundant in the arcuate nucleus. They were larger in size in hibernating bats than those in normal (non-pregnant) and pregnant females. They projected fibers mainly to the internal layer of the median eminence and infundibular stalk. A few luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone-reactive fibers were also observed in the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis, lateral habenular nuclei, pineal stalk, retroflexus fasciculus, and olfactory tubercle. Corticotropin releasing factor-immunoreactive perikarya were distributed in the paraventricular nucleus and medial preoptic area and projected into the external layer of the anterior median eminence, while growth hormone-releasing factor-immunoreactive perikarya occurred only in the arcuate nucleus and projected into the posterior part of the median eminence.  相似文献   

The microclimate at Thermocline Cave (lat, 30° 45′S, long, 149° 43′E) was investigated by measuring air temperature and relative humidity at five stations on 18 occasions from September 1971 to December, 1973. The activity, body weight and roosting sites of the bat Miniopterus schreibersii blepotis in the cave were recorded on each visit. Relative humidity in the cave was generally high and paralleled temperature. The cave exhibited a range of temperatures from 9 to 19.5°C but bats selected roosting sites only in a part of this range. During the autumn when the bats arrived and were feeding, their body weights were low, and they roosted in a domed area at the rear of the cave with a temperature of 19.5°C. As they became less active and body weight increased they moved to cooler parts (9.5-11°C) towards the front of the cave and underwent periods of torpor, in one case lasting for at least 12 days. From July to September body weight decreased. The bats became more active in September and most had left the cave by October. It appears that M.s. blepotis can detect temperature differences of 1°C. They used this ability to select cold areas with stable high humidity in Thermocline Cave to under go periods of winter torpor.  相似文献   

1. Metabolic intermediates, substrate utilization and enzyme activities were determined in the red blood cells of the common bent-wing bat and the red fruit bat. Standard haematological parameters and oxy-haemoglobin dissociation curves were also determined in both species. 2. The glycolytic rate as measured by lactate production was much higher for all substrates in the bent-wing bats. The activities of the glycolytic enzymes were also much higher in this species. 3. The standard haematological parameters were similar for the two species. The levels of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (DPG) in the red cells of the fruit bat were nearly twice as high as those in the bent-wing bats. 4. The oxy-haemoglobin dissociation curve for the red fruit bat was located to the right of that for the bent-wing bat and both these curves were located to the right of that normally seen for human blood. 5. Both species of bat show blood characteristics well adapted to carrying the increased oxygen demands of flight.  相似文献   

Summary Immunocytochemical studies were performed to describe the characteristics of cell types and their distribution in the pars distalis of Japanese long-fingered bat, Miniopterus schreibersii fuliginosus, collected at various stages of the reproductive cycle. Six distinct cell types have been identified in the pars distalis by the unlabeled immunoperoxidase technique and by the ABC method. Growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) cells were immunostained with antisera against chicken GH and ovine PRL. The GH-immunoreactive cells were round or oval orangeophilic cells distributed throughout the pars distalis with prominent aggregation in the posterolateral region. The PRL cells were pleomorphic carminophilic cells that occurred in small groups within the central and dorsocaudal regions of the pars distalis. They were sparsely distributed in the central region of the pars distalis in the hibernating bats, but increased significantly in the pregnant and lactating bats. The adrenocorticotropic (ACTH) cells were large round or polygonal amphophilic cells in the rostroventral and ventrolateral regions of the pars distalis. The thyrotropic (TSH) cells were small rounded or polygonal and distributed mainly in the ventrolateral region of the pars distalis. Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) cells were identified immunocytochemically with antisera against the specific beta subunits of ovine LH and rat FSH. There were two populations of LH and FSH cells, one aggregated in the zona tuberalis and the other scattered singly throughout the rest of the pars distalis. The aggregated cells were immunoreactive with both antisera directed to LH and FSH, while scattered cells were reactive solely with antiserum to either LH or FSH and exhibited seasonal variations. In females, the proportional volume of the pars distalis occupied by LH cells was significantly reduced during pregnancy and lactation. No evidence of involution was observed in pars distalis cells except for PRL cells in males or females during hibernation.  相似文献   

Summary Developmental delay is correlated with torpor in the temperate zone bent-winged bat, Miniopterus schreibersii (latitude 37° S) as a period of pre-implantation delay (delayed implantation) followed by a short post-implantation delay (delayed development). During this time, the number of steroidogenic organelles in luteal cytoplasm is greatly reduced compared with normal embryogenesis, and granular endoplasmic reticulum is prominent. Nidation, which occurs while the animals are hibernating, is not accompanied by marked changes in luteal ultrastructure, although the number of lipid droplets decreases somewhat. Progesterone rises slightly but not significantly; however, a pre-nidation decrease in high 17-estradiol levels may play a role in implantation. Following implantation, the conceptus remains delayed at the blastocyst stage for several weeks. During this time the bats remain torpid and the only change in luteal cell ultrastructure is an increase in smooth endoplasmic reticulum as differentiation begins toward the trilaminar stage. At the end of developmental delay hypertrophy of the luteal cell begins and mitochondria and lipid droplets increase, markedly. By this time arousal from hibernation has occurred, placentation takes place, and normal development is underway. At placentation, smooth endoplasmic reticulum reaches its maximum in luteal cytoplasm; estrogen and progesterone levels peak about 6 weeks later. For the remaining 2 months of gestation, signs of luteolysis appear. These observations suggest that the corpus luteum of developmental delay, though suboptimally functional, is prolonged in its luteinization by the arrival of winter when the bats enter torpor. The capacity for maximal steroidogenesis is acquired at the end of winter, some weeks after implantation, when arousal occurs and normal development ensues.  相似文献   

Spermatogenesis in Schreibers' long-fingered bat from approximately 33 degrees S in South Africa was seasonal, and occurred in the 3 months (February-April) preceding ovulation. The ultrastructure of the Leydig cells indicated a period of increased steroidogenesis at this time, and plasma testosterone concentrations were elevated from March to May (10.3 ng/ml). The reproductive accessory glands were secretorily active between March and May, and copulation occurred at the end of this period of activity. Changes in LH-beta immunoreactivity suggest that the LH gonadotrophs were secretorily active 1 month before the onset of spermatogenesis and that peak activity coincided with peak plasma testosterone concentrations, spermiogenesis and spermiation. During winter (May-August) there was no reproductive activity and the bats remained active, only entering prolonged periods of torpor during particularly cold spells. A secondary elevation in plasma testosterone concentration, during reproductive inactivity (October; 9.3 ng/ml), was not accompanied by any change in Leydig cell ultrastructure, and the biological significance of this peak is unknown. Such synchronous activity of the pituitary, Leydig cells, seminiferous epithelium and accessory glands is associated with the typical reproductive cycle of long-fingered bats in which copulation and fertilization are restricted to a brief period at the end of summer, and in which neither sperm storage nor a prolonged period of copulation occur.  相似文献   

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