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The purpose of this article is to introduce a diffusion model for biological organisms that increase their motility when food or other resource is insufficient. It is shown in this paper that Fick’s diffusion law does not explain such a starvation driven diffusion correctly. The diffusion model for nonuniform Brownian motion in Kim (Einstein’s random walk and thermal diffusion, preprint http://amath.kaist.ac.kr/papers/Kim/31.pdf, 2013) is employed in this paper and a Fokker–Planck type diffusion law is obtained. Lotka–Volterra type competition systems with spatial heterogeneity are tested, where one species follows the starvation driven diffusion and the other follows the linear diffusion. In heterogeneous environments, the starvation driven diffusion turns out to be a better survival strategy than the linear one. Various issues such as the global asymptotic stability, convergence to an ideal free distribution, the extinction and coexistence of competing species are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Biochemical control involves steep and hysteretic response. But the law of mass action does not allow for cooperativity. Therefore resort is classically made to concerted conformational change of protomers. This explanation of steepness and hysteresis by cooperativity is supported by regular surface patterns often observed by electron microscopy. But at other times the lattice appearance which gave rise to the lattice model is not observed. By contrast, a random appearance is observed and the fluid mosaic model of the membrane is assumed. So we are faced with the choice between the fluid mosaic model and the lattice model. Recently the fluid mosaic model is favoured but unlike the lattice model it does not explain the steep hyteretic response.It is suggested that the lattice model and the fluid mosaic model are in fact expression of two states of the very same membrane. The random state corresponds to a resting state. The lattice state corresponds to an active or inhibited state. Thus the transition from random distribution to hexagonal distribution provides simultaneously for triggering and hysteretic cycle with respect to both chemical production and transport across the membrane. This is a universal mechanism for rapid responsiveness and cyclic activity which is largely independent of the chemical mechanism assumed. It is based on the law of mass action supplemented by lateral diffusion. Conformational change and cooperativity are not invoked at all.  相似文献   

The Locomotion of Mouse Fibroblasts in Tissue Culture   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Time-lapse cinematography was used to investigate the motion of mouse fibroblasts in tissue culture. Observations over successive short time intervals revealed a tendency for the cells to persist in their direction of motion from one 2.5 hr time interval to the next. Over 5.0-hr time intervals, however, the direction of motion appeared random. This fact suggested that D, the diffusion constant of a random walk model, might serve to characterize cellular motility if suitably long observation times were used. We therefore investigated the effect of “persistence” on the pure random walk model, and we found theoretically and confirmed experimentally that the motility of a persisting cell could indeed be characterized by an augmented diffusion constant, D*. A method for determining confidence limits on D* was also developed. Thus a random walk model, modified to comprehend the persistence effect, was found to describe the motion of fibroblasts in tissue culture and to provide a numerical measure of cellular motility.  相似文献   

To understand the evolution of dispersal, we study a Lotka–Volterra reaction–diffusion–advection model for two competing species in a heterogeneous environment. The two species are assumed to be identical except for their dispersal strategies: both species disperse by random diffusion and advection along environmental gradients, but with slightly different random dispersal or advection rates. Two new phenomena are found for one-dimensional habitats and monotone intrinsic growth rates: (i) If both species disperse only by random diffusion, i.e., no advection, it was well known that the slower diffuser always wins. We show that if both species have the same advection rate which is suitably large, the faster dispersal will evolve; (ii) If both species have the same random dispersal rate, it was known that the species with a little advection along the resource gradient always wins, provided that the other species is a pure random disperser and the habitat is convex. We show that if both species have the same random dispersal rate and both also have suitably large advection rates, the species with a little smaller advection rate always wins. Implications of these results for the habitat choices of species will be discussed. Some future directions and open problems will be addressed.  相似文献   

Application of random effects to the study of resource selection by animals   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1. Resource selection estimated by logistic regression is used increasingly in studies to identify critical resources for animal populations and to predict species occurrence. 2. Most frequently, individual animals are monitored and pooled to estimate population-level effects without regard to group or individual-level variation. Pooling assumes that both observations and their errors are independent, and resource selection is constant given individual variation in resource availability. 3. Although researchers have identified ways to minimize autocorrelation, variation between individuals caused by differences in selection or available resources, including functional responses in resource selection, have not been well addressed. 4. Here we review random-effects models and their application to resource selection modelling to overcome these common limitations. We present a simple case study of an analysis of resource selection by grizzly bears in the foothills of the Canadian Rocky Mountains with and without random effects. 5. Both categorical and continuous variables in the grizzly bear model differed in interpretation, both in statistical significance and coefficient sign, depending on how a random effect was included. We used a simulation approach to clarify the application of random effects under three common situations for telemetry studies: (a) discrepancies in sample sizes among individuals; (b) differences among individuals in selection where availability is constant; and (c) differences in availability with and without a functional response in resource selection. 6. We found that random intercepts accounted for unbalanced sample designs, and models with random intercepts and coefficients improved model fit given the variation in selection among individuals and functional responses in selection. Our empirical example and simulations demonstrate how including random effects in resource selection models can aid interpretation and address difficult assumptions limiting their generality. This approach will allow researchers to appropriately estimate marginal (population) and conditional (individual) responses, and account for complex grouping, unbalanced sample designs and autocorrelation.  相似文献   

When two individuals are unwilling to fight over a valuable resource, then they may obtain it with equal probability, or they may choose to divide the resource in some way. Although both strategies have been observed in nature, modelers have so far implicitly assumed that their long-term payoffs are the same. First we show that increasing returns to size in the value of a resource favor random allocation over sharing, whereas diminishing returns favor the reverse. Next we extend our approach to understand the conditions under which sharing will evolve when contestants vary in their resource-holding potential. We show that although closely matched individuals are more likely to share, it is by no means a prerequisite when contestants have limited information about one another’s abilities. Collectively, our models support recent observations of physical sharing as a solution to conflict resolution, and elucidate the conditions under which sharing will arise.  相似文献   

There are two key characteristic of animal and human societies: (1) degree heterogeneity, meaning that not all individual have the same number of associates; and (2) the interaction topology is not static, i.e. either individuals interact with different set of individuals at different times of their life, or at least they have different associations than their parents. Earlier works have shown that population structure is one of the mechanisms promoting cooperation. However, most studies had assumed that the interaction network can be described by a regular graph (homogeneous degree distribution). Recently there are an increasing number of studies employing degree heterogeneous graphs to model interaction topology. But mostly the interaction topology was assumed to be static. Here we investigate the fixation probability of the cooperator strategy in the prisoner's dilemma, when interaction network is a random regular graph, a random graph or a scale-free graph and the interaction network is allowed to change.  相似文献   

Biomedical trials often give rise to data having the form of time series of a common process on separate individuals. One model which has been proposed to explain variations in such series across individuals is a random effects model based on sample periodograms. The use of spectral coefficients enables models for individual series to be constructed on the basis of standard asymptotic theory, whilst variations between individuals are handled by permitting a random effect perturbation of model coefficients. This paper extends such methodology in two ways: first, by enabling a nonparametric specification of underlying spectral behaviour; second, by addressing some of the tricky computational issues which are encountered when working with this class of random effect models. This leads to a model in which a population spectrum is specified nonparametrically through a dynamic system, and the processes measured on individuals within the population are assumed to have a spectrum which has a random effect perturbation from the population norm. Simulation studies show that standard MCMC algorithms give effective inferences for this model, and applications to biomedical data suggest that the model itself is capable of revealing scientifically important structure in temporal characteristics both within and between individual processes.  相似文献   

The problem of how competing individuals should distribute themselves between food resource patches has been studied theoretically and experimentally. In this study a simple simulation model is used as a tool. To give the model a realistic background it is assumed that the individuals differ in their abilities to compete for food. Simulations are run with and without assuming travelling costs in order to study their influence. It is shown that the individuals distribute themselves between the food patches in good approximation to the ratio of the patch profitabilities. This result is discussed in relation to the theories of the ideal free distribution and the despotic distribution. The model makes five predictions on how competing individuals should distribute themselves between food resource patches. These predictions have already received some confirmation in experimental studies.  相似文献   

Natural landscape boundaries between vegetation communities are dynamically influenced by the selective grazing of herbivores. Here we show how this may be an emergent property of very simple animal decisions, without the need for any sophisticated choice rules etc., using a model based on biased diffusion. Animal grazing intensity is coupled with plant competition, resulting in reaction-diffusion dynamics, from which stable boundaries spontaneously emerge. In the model, animals affect their resources by both consumption and trampling. It is assumed that forage consists of two heterogeneously distributed competing resource species, one that is preferred (grass) over the other (heather) by the animals. The solutions to the resulting system of differential equations for three cases a) optimal foraging, b) random walk foraging and c) taxis-diffusion are presented. Optimal and random foraging gave unrealistic results, but taxis-diffusion accorded well with field observations. Persistent boundaries between patches of near-monoculture vegetation were predicted, with these boundaries drifting in response to overall grazing pressure (grass advancing with increased grazing and vice versa). The reaction-taxis-diffusion model provides the first mathematical explanation for such vegetation mosaic dynamics and the parameters of the model are open to experimental testing.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of experiments on bacterial chemotaxis to naphthalene   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A mathematical model was developed to quantify chemotaxis to naphthalene by Pseudomonas putida G7 (PpG7) and its influence on naphthalene degradation. The model was first used to estimate the three transport parameters (coefficients for naphthalene diffusion, random motility, and chemotactic sensitivity) by fitting it to experimental data on naphthalene removal from a discrete source in an aqueous system. The best-fit value of naphthalene diffusivity was close to the value estimated from molecular properties with the Wilke-Chang equation. Simulations applied to a non-chemotactic mutant strain only fit the experimental data well if random motility was negligible, suggesting that motility may be lost rapidly in the absence of substrate or that gravity may influence net random motion in a vertically oriented experimental system. For the chemotactic wild-type strain, random motility and gravity were predicted to have a negligible impact on naphthalene removal relative to the impact of chemotaxis. Based on simulations using the best-fit value of the chemotactic sensitivity coefficient, initial cell concentrations for a non-chemotactic strain would have to be several orders of magnitude higher than for a chemotactic strain to achieve similar rates of naphthalene removal under the experimental conditions we evaluated. The model was also applied to an experimental system representing an adaptation of the conventional capillary assay to evaluate chemotaxis in porous media. Our analysis suggests that it may be possible to quantify chemotaxis in porous media systems by simply adjusting the model's transport parameters to account for tortuosity, as has been suggested by others.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss a class of bistable reaction-diffusion systems used to model the competitive interaction of two species. The interactions are assumed to be of classic “Lotka–Volterra” type and we will consider a particular problem with relevance to applications in population dynamics: essentially, we study under what conditions the interplay of relative motility (diffusion) and competitive strength can cause waves of invasion to be halted and reversed. By establishing rigorous results concerning related degenerate and near-degenerate systems, we build a picture of the dependence of the wave speed on system parameters. Our results lead us to conjecture that this class of competition model has three “zones of response”. In the central zone, varying the motility can slow, halt and reverse invasion. However, in the two outer zones, the direction of invasion is independent of the relative motility and is entirely determined by the relative competitive strengths. Furthermore, we conjecture that for a large class of competition models of the type studied here, the wave speed is an increasing function of the relative motility.  相似文献   

The structure of solutions to a simple spatially dependent population model involving growth and death is investigated. Two forms of motility of the population are considered: (1) random motion only modeled by a Fickian law, and (2) a directed component of motion (chemotaxis), included in addition to the random motion. Under certain growth conditions a traveling wave of constant speed is approached. This speed can be increased by the addition of the chemotaxis with a corresponding increase in the asymptotic population. Development of initial conditions into a wave is illustrated numerically.  相似文献   

We address several conjectures raised in Cantrell et al. [Evolution of dispersal and ideal free distribution, Math. Biosci. Eng. 7 (2010), pp. 17-36 [ 9 ]] concerning the dynamics of a diffusion-advection-competition model for two competing species. A conditional dispersal strategy, which results in the ideal free distribution of a single population at equilibrium, was found in Cantrell et al. [ 9 ]. It was shown in [ 9 ] that this special dispersal strategy is a local evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) when the random diffusion rates of the two species are equal, and here we show that it is a global ESS for arbitrary random diffusion rates. The conditions in [ 9 ] for the coexistence of two species are substantially improved. Finally, we show that this special dispersal strategy is not globally convergent stable for certain resource functions, in contrast with the result from [ 9 ], which roughly says that this dispersal strategy is globally convergent stable for any monotone resource function.  相似文献   

The functional response is a fundamental model of the relationship between consumer intake rate and resource abundance. The random walk is a fundamental model of animal movement and is well approximated by simple diffusion. Both models are central to our understanding of numerous ecological processes but are rarely linked in ecological theory. To derive a synthetic model, we draw on the common logical premise underlying these models and show how the diffusion and consumption rates of consumers depend on elementary attributes of naturally occurring consumer-resource interactions: the abundance, spatial aggregation, and traveling speed of resources as well as consumer handling time and directional persistence. We show that resource aggregation may lead to increased consumer diffusion and, in the case of mobile resources, reduced consumption rate. Resource-dependent movement patterns have traditionally been attributed to area-restricted search, reflecting adaptive decision making by the consumer. Our synthesis provides a simple alternative hypothesis that such patterns could also arise as a by-product of statistical movement mechanics.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the random motility (RAMOT) assay based on image correlation spectroscopy for the automated, label-free, high-throughput characterization of random cell migration. The approach is complementary to traditional migration assays, which determine only the collective net motility in a particular direction. The RAMOT assay is less demanding on image quality compared to single-cell tracking, does not require cell identification or trajectory reconstruction, and performs well on live-cell, time-lapse, phase contrast video microscopy of hundreds of cells in parallel. Effective diffusion coefficients derived from the RAMOT analysis are in quantitative agreement with Monte Carlo simulations and allowed for the detection of pharmacological effects on macrophage-like cells migrating on a planar collagen matrix. These results expand the application range of image correlation spectroscopy to multicellular systems and demonstrate a novel, to our knowledge, migration assay with little preparative effort.  相似文献   


Population dynamics with demographic variability is frequently studied using discrete random variables with continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) models. An approximation of a CTMC model using continuous random variables can be derived in a straightforward manner by applying standard methods based on the reaction rates in the CTMC model. This leads to a system of Itô stochastic differential equations (SDEs) which generally have the form \( d \mathbf {y} = \varvec{\mu } \, dt + G \, d \mathbf {W},\) where \(\mathbf {y}\) is the population vector of random variables, \(\varvec{\mu }\) is the drift vector, and G is the diffusion matrix. In some problems, the derived SDE model may not have real-valued or nonnegative solutions for all time. For such problems, the SDE model may be declared infeasible. In this investigation, new systems of SDEs are derived with real-valued solutions and with nonnegative solutions. To derive real-valued SDE models, reaction rates are assumed to be nonnegative for all time with negative reaction rates assigned probability zero. This biologically realistic assumption leads to the derivation of real-valued SDE population models. However, small but negative values may still arise for a real-valued SDE model. This is due to the magnitudes of certain problem-dependent diffusion coefficients when population sizes are near zero. A slight modification of the diffusion coefficients when population sizes are near zero ensures that a real-valued SDE model has a nonnegative solution, yet maintains the integrity of the SDE model when sizes are not near zero. Several population dynamic problems are examined to illustrate the methodology.


Developments in tissue engineering over the past decade have offered promising future for the repair and reconstruction of damaged tissues. To regenerate three dimensional and weight-bearing implants, advances in biomaterials and manufacturing technologies prompted cell cultivations with natural or artificial scaffolds, in which cells are allowed to proliferate, migrate, and differentiate in vitro. In this article, we develop a mathematical model for cell growth in a porous scaffold. By treating the cell-scaffold construct as a porous medium, a continuum model is set up based on basic principles of mass conservation. In addition to cell growth kinetics, we incorporate cell diffusion in the model to describe the effects of cell random walks. Computational results are compared to experimental data found in the literature. With this model, we are able to investigate cell motility, heterogeneous cell distributions, and non-uniform seeding for tissue engineering applications. Results show that random walks tend to enhance uniform cell spreads in space, which in turn increases the probabilities for cells to acquire nutrients; therefore random walks are likely to be a positive contribution to the overall cell growth on scaffolds.  相似文献   

We are interested in modeling Darwinian evolution resulting from the interplay of phenotypic variation and natural selection through ecological interactions. The population is modeled as a stochastic point process whose generator captures the probabilistic dynamics over continuous time of birth, mutation, and death, as influenced by each individual's trait values, and interactions between individuals. An offspring usually inherits the trait values of her progenitor, except when a random mutation causes the offspring to take an instantaneous mutation step at birth to new trait values. In the case we are interested in, the probability distribution of mutations has a heavy tail and belongs to the domain of attraction of a stable law and the corresponding diffusion admits jumps. This could be seen as an alternative to Gould and Eldredge's model of evolutionary punctuated equilibria. We investigate the large-population limit with allometric demographies: larger populations made up of smaller individuals which reproduce and die faster, as is typical for micro-organisms. We show that depending on the allometry coefficient the limit behavior of the population process can be approximated by nonlinear Lévy flights of different nature: either deterministic, in the form of non-local fractional reaction-diffusion equations, or stochastic, as nonlinear super-processes with the underlying reaction and a fractional diffusion operator. These approximation results demonstrate the existence of such non-trivial fractional objects; their uniqueness is also proved.  相似文献   

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