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Harnessing solar energy to grow algal biomass on wastewater nutrients could provide a holistic solution to nutrient management problems on dairy farms. The production of algae from a portion of manure nutrients to replace high-protein feed supplements which are often imported (along with considerable nutrients) onto the farm could potentially link consumption and supply of on-farm nutrients. The objective of this research was to assess the ability of benthic freshwater algae to recover nutrients from dairy manure and to evaluate nutrient uptake rates and dry matter/crude protein yields in comparison to a conventional cropping system. Benthic algae growth chambers were operated in semi-batch mode by continuously recycling wastewater and adding manure inputs daily. Using total nitrogen (TN) loading rates of 0.64-1.03 g m(-2) d(-1), the dried algal yields were 5.3-5.5 g m(-2) d(-1). The dried algae contained 1.5-2.1% P and 4.9-7.1% N. At a TN loading rate of 1.03 g m(-2) d(-1), algal biomass contained 7.1% N compared to only 4.9% N at a TN loading rate of 0.64 g m(-2) d(-1). In the best case, algal biomass had a crude protein content of 44%, compared to a typical corn silage protein content of 7%. At a dry matter yield of 5.5 g m(-2) d(-1), this is equivalent to an annual N uptake rate of 1,430 kg ha(-1) yr(-1). Compared to a conventional corn/rye rotation, such benthic algae production rates would require 26% of the land area requirements for equivalent N uptake rates and 23% of the land area requirements on a P uptake basis. Combining conventional cropping systems with an algal treatment system could facilitate more efficient crop production and farm nutrient management, allowing dairy operations to be environmentally sustainable on fewer acres.  相似文献   

Cultivating algae on nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in animal manure effluents presents an alternative to the current practice of land application. The objective of this study was to determine how algal productivity, nutrient removal efficiency, and elemental composition of turf algae change in response to different loading rates of raw swine manure effluent. Algal biomass was harvested weekly from laboratory scale algal turf scrubber units using four manure effluent loading rates (0.24, 0.40, 0.62 and 1.2 L m−2 d−1) corresponding to daily loading rates of 0.3–1.4 g total N and 0.08–0.42 g total P. Mean algal productivity values increased from 7.1 g DW m−2 d−1 at the lowest loading rate (0.24 L m−2 d−1) to 9.4 g DW m−2 d−1 at the second loading rate (0.40 L m−2 d−1). At these loading rates, algal N and P accounted for> 90% of input N and 68–76% of input P, respectively. However, at higher loading rates algal productivity did not increase and was unstable at the highest loading rate. Mean N and P contents in the dried biomass increased 1.5 to 2.0-fold with increasing loading rate up to maximums of 5.7% N and 1.8% P at 1.2 L m−2 d−1. Biomass concentrations of Al, Ca, Cd, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Si, and Zn increased 1.2 to 2.6-fold over the 5-fold range of loading rate. Biomass concentrations of Cd, K, Pb, and Si did not increase significantly with loading rate. At the loading rate of 0.40 L m−2 d−1 (corresponding to peak productivity) the mean concentrations of individual components in the algal biomass were (in mg kg−1): 250 (Al), 4900 (Ca), 0.30 (Cd), 1050 (Fe), 3.4 (Pb), 2500 (Mg), 105 (Mn), 6.0 (Mo), 7,500 (K), and 510 (Zn). At these concentrations, heavy metals in the algal biomass would not be expected to reduce its value as a soil or feed amendment.  相似文献   

An alternative to land spreading of manure effluents is to mass-culture algae on the N and P present in the manure and convert manure N and P into algal biomass. The objective of this study was to determine how the fatty acid (FA) content and composition of algae respond to changes in the type of manure, manure loading rate, and to whether the algae was grown with supplemental carbon dioxide. Algal biomass was harvested weekly from indoor laboratory-scale algal turf scrubber (ATS) units using different loading rates of raw and anaerobically digested dairy manure effluents and raw swine manure effluent. Manure loading rates corresponded to N loading rates of 0.2 to 1.3 g TN m−2 day−1 for raw swine manure effluent and 0.3 to 2.3 g TN m−2 day−1 for dairy manure effluents. In addition, algal biomass was harvested from outdoor pilot-scale ATS units using different loading rates of raw and anaerobically digested dairy manure effluents. Both indoor and outdoor units were dominated by Rhizoclonium sp. FA content values of the algal biomass ranged from 0.6 to 1.5% of dry weight and showed no consistent relationship to loading rate, type of manure, or to whether supplemental carbon dioxide was added to the systems. FA composition was remarkably consistent among samples and >90% of the FA content consisted of 14:0, 16:0, 16:1ω7, 16:1ω9, 18:0, 18:1ω9, 18:2 ω6, and 18:3ω3.  相似文献   

Conservation and reuse of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) from animalmanure is increasingly important as producers try to minimize transport ofthesenutrients from farms. An alternative to land spreading is to grow crops ofalgaeon the N and P present in the manure. The general goal of our research is toassess nutrient recovery from animal manure using attached algae. The specificobjective of this study was to evaluate the use of small subsections of algalturfs for determining N and P removal rates by attached algae under differentloading rates of dairy manure. Algae were grown in a laboratory–scalealgal turf scrubber (ATS) operated by recycling wastewater and adding manureeffluent daily. Replicate subsections (0.032 m2) ofalgal turf screens were removed and treated with five different loadings ofanaerobically digested dairy manure containing 5 to 80 mgL–1 NH4-N and 1 to 20 mgL–1 PO4-P over a 2-h incubationperiod. NH4-N removal rates were biphasic with a fast initial ratefollowed by a slower rate. Biphasic rates were more pronounced for the lowestloading rates but less so for the higher ones. PO4-P removal rateswere linear throughout the incubation period for all loading rates. N and Premoval rates increased with increasing loading rate and biomass. Inincubationsusing 1% dairy manure NH4-N and PO4-P removal ratesaveraged 0.72 and 0.33 g m–2d–1,respectively. These rates were approximately 5 to 8-fold lower than ratesmeasured on laboratory-scale ATS units using undisturbed turfs.  相似文献   

An alternative to land spreading of manure is to grow crops of algae on the N and P present in the manure and convert manure N and P into algal biomass. The objective of this study was to evaluate the fertilizer value of dried algal biomass that had been grown using anaerobically digested dairy manure. Results from a flask study using two soils amended with algal biomass showed that 3% of total algal nitrogen (N) was present as plant available N at day 0. Approximately 33% of algal N was converted to plant available N within 21 days at 25 degrees C in both soils. Levels of Mehlich-3 extractable phosphorus (P) in the two soils rose with increasing levels of algal amendment but were also influenced by existing soil P levels. Results from plant growth experiments showed that 20-day old cucumber and corn seedlings grown in algae-amended potting mix contained 15-20% of applied N, 46-60% of available N, and 38-60% of the applied P. Seedlings grown in algae-amended potting mixes were equivalent to those grown with comparable levels of fertilizer amended potting mixes with respect to seedling dry weight and nutrient content. These results suggest that dried algal biomass produced from treatment of anaerobically digested dairy manure can substitute for commercial fertilizers used for potting systems.  相似文献   

Growing algae to scrub nutrients from manure presents an alternative to the current practice of land application and provides utilizable algal biomass as an end product. The objective of this study was to assess algal growth, nutrient removal, and nitrification using higher light intensities and manure loading rates than in the previous experiments. Algal turfs, with periphyton mainly composed of green algal species, were grown under two light regimes (270 and 390 μmol photons·m?2· s?1) and anaerobically digested flushed dairy manure wastewater (ADFDMW) loading rates ranging from 0.8 to 3.7 g total N and 0.12 to 0.58 g total P·m?2·d?1. Filamentous cyanobacteria (Oscillatoria spp.) and diatoms (Navicula, Nitzschia, and Cyclotella sp.) partially replaced the filamentous green algae at relatively high ADFDMW loading rates and more prominently under low incident light. Mean algal production increased with loading rate and irradiance from 7.6±2.71 to 19.1±2.73 g dry weight· m?2·d?1. The N and P content of algal biomass generally increased with loading rate and ranged from 2.9%–7.3% and 0.5%–1.3% (by weight), respectively. Carbon content remained relatively constant at all loading rates (42%–47%). The maximum removal rates of N and P per unit algal biomass were 70 and 13 mg·g?1 dry weight·m?2·d?1, respectively. Recovery of nutrients in harvested algal biomass accounted for about 31%–52% for N and 30%–59% for P. Recovery of P appeared to be uncoupled with N at higher loading rates, suggesting that algal potential for accumulation of P may have already been saturated. It appears that higher irradiance level enhancing algal growth was the overriding factor in controlling nitrification in the algal turf scrubber units.  相似文献   

Controlling the input of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) from dairies and other livestock operations into the surrounding air- and water-sheds poses both technical and economic challenges to the agricultural community. The purpose of this paper is to assess the economics of algal turf scrubber treatment technology at the farm-scale for a hypothetical 1000-cow dairy. Costs were developed for farms with and without anaerobic pretreatment. The majority of capital costs were due to land preparation, installation of liner material, and engineering fees. The majority of operational costs were due to energy requirements for biomass drying, pumping water, and repayment of capital investment. On farms using anaerobic pretreatment, waste heat from burning of biogas could be used to offset the energy requirements of biomass drying. In addition, biogas combustion exhaust gas could then be recycled back to the algal system to supply dissolved inorganic carbon for optimal algal production and pH control. Under the best case (algal system coupled with anaerobic digestion pretreatment), the yearly operational costs per cow, per kg N, per kg P, and per kg of dried biomass were $454, $6.20, $31.10, and $0.70, respectively. Without anaerobic digestion pretreatment, the yearly operational costs were 36% higher, amounting to $631 per cow, $8.70 per kg N, $43.20 per kg P, and $0.97 per kg of dried biomass. For perspective, a recent survey of 36 Maryland dairy farms found long-term annual profits of about $500 per cow. As no market currently exists for manure grown algal biomass, our cost analysis does not include any value of the biomass generated during manure treatment. In addition, there are a variety of potential uses for the algal biomass from manure treatment that could defray treatment costs. Future opportunities for dairies to participate in nutrient trading approaches to watershed nutrient management may also become important.  相似文献   

《Journal of phycology》2001,37(Z3):42-42
Pizarro, C., Westhead, E. K. & Mulbry, W. Agricultural Research Service, U.S.D.A., Beltsville, MD 20705-2350 USA Conservation and reuse of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) from animal manure is increasingly important as producers try to minimize transport of these nutrients off-farm. An alternative to land spreading is to grow crops of algae on the N and P present in the manure. The general goals of our research are to assess one algal production technology, termed algal turf scrubbers (ATS) to recover nutrients from animal manures. The specific objectives of these experiments were to test different loading rates of anaerobically digested dairy manure on nitrogen removal rates. Algal turfs were grown in a laboratory-scale ATS unit (1 m2) operated by recycling wastewater and adding manure effluents daily. The most abundant genera of benthic algae in the ATS unit were Ulothrix, Oedegonium and Rhizoclonium. Replicate subsamples (0.04 m2) of algal turfs of the same age were removed from the ATS unit and treated with different loads of manure containing 5–40 mg l-1 ammonium-N (NH4-N). During the experiments, the pH was maintained between 7–7.5 to prevent ammonia volatilization. Ammonium-N removal rates were biphasic, with a fast rate of 3.0–4.7 mg-NH4-N hr-1g-1 DW for the first 20–30 minutes, followed by a slower rate of 0.53–0.96 mg-NH4-N hr-1g-1 DW for the remainder of the 2 hour incubation period. The initial rates are comparable to laboratory scale ATS units and correspond to calculated removal rates of about 3 g NH4-N m-2d-1.  相似文献   

Algal communities inhabiting four calamine mine spoils differing in time since cessation of exploitation and loaded with high concentrations of zinc (20,284–61,599 μg g−1 soil DW), lead (2,620–3,885 μg g−1 DW) and cadmium (104–232 μg g−1 DW) were studied. In dump soils of slightly alkaline pH (7.28–7.52) and low nutrient (, , ) concentrations, chlorophyll a content ranged from 0.41 to 2.27 μg g−1 soil DW. In total, 23 algal species were recorded. Chlorophyta were the dominant taxonomic group (42–55% of all identified species) followed by Cyanobacteria (28–36%) and Heterokontophyta (13–21%). The highest species richness (18) was observed in the oldest dump (120 years old) with natural succession, while in younger dumps it was lower (11–15). Total algal abundance ranged between 5.5 and 19.1 × 102 ind. g−1 soil DW, and values of Margalef’s diversity indices (1.59–2.25) were low. These results may suggest that both high concentrations of heavy metals and low nutrient content influenced the algal communities in all the dumps studied. The differences in algal microflora observed between tailing dumps may indicate that habitat quality improved with time and that algae isolated from Zn/Pb-loaded soils may be Zn/Pb-resistant ecotypes of ubiquitous species.  相似文献   

《Journal of phycology》2001,37(Z3):28-28
Kebede-Westhead, E.1, Pizarro, C.1, Mulbry, W.1, & Wilkie, A. C.2 1Agricultural Research Service, U.S.D.A., Beltsville, MD 20705-2350 USA; 2 Soil and Water Science Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-0960, USA A potential alternative to land application of livestock manures for crop production is the production of algae to recover the nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) present in the manure. The specific objectives of these experiments were to test the effects of different loading rates of anaerobically digested dairy manure on nitrogen removal efficiency and nitrification within algal turf scrubbers (ATS). Laboratory-scale ATS units were operated by continuously recycling 220 l of wastewater and adding manure effluents daily. The algal turfs contained mixed indigenous assemblages of benthic algae. The most abundant genera were Ulothrix, Oedogonium, and Rhizoclonium. Weekly harvest of algal biomass, and wastewater samples were analysed for total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), ammonium (NH4-N), nitrate, and elemental composition. In previous experiments with loading rates of 0.6–0.96 g TN m-2 d-1, algal nitrogen accounted for 42–50 % of input NH4-N. Nitrate production accounted for the bulk of remaining input NH4-N. Lower loading rates (0.24 and 0.48 g TN m-2 d-1) tested here showed a higher removal rate where algal nitrogen accounted for 71% of input NH4-N (56% of TN), and nitrate production was negligible. The disappearance of NH4-N from wastewater in scrubbers measured over 4–5 hours showed initial rates of about 6 mg NH4-N hr-1 g-1 DW algae, corresponding to 3.7 g NH4-N d-1 m-2. This was followed by slightly lower rates, probably indicating limitation in carbon and/or micronutrients.  相似文献   

Tubular photobioreactor design for algal cultures.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Principles of fluid mechanics, gas-liquid mass transfer, and irradiance controlled algal growth are integrated into a method for designing tubular photobioreactors in which the culture is circulated by an airlift pump. A 0.2 m(3) photobioreactor designed using the proposed approach was proved in continuous outdoor culture of the microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum. The culture performance was assessed under various conditions of irradiance, dilution rates and liquid velocities through the tubular solar collector. A biomass productivity of 1.90 g l(-1) d(-1) (or 32 g m(-2) d(-1)) could be obtained at a dilution rate of 0.04 h(-1). Photoinhibition was observed during hours of peak irradiance; the photosynthetic activity of the cells recovered a few hours later. Linear liquid velocities of 0.50 and 0.35 m s(-1) in the solar collector gave similar biomass productivities, but the culture collapsed at lower velocities. The effect of dissolved oxygen concentration on productivity was quantified in indoor conditions; dissolved oxygen levels higher or lower than air saturation values reduced productivity. Under outdoor conditions, for given levels of oxygen supersaturation, the productivity decline was greater outdoors than indoors, suggesting that under intense outdoor illumination photooxidation contributed to loss of productivity in comparison with productivity loss due to oxygen inhibition alone. Dissolved oxygen values at the outlet of solar collector tube were up to 400% of air saturation.  相似文献   

Cattle manure from stock bedded on straw was aerobically composted under ambient conditions, turning with either a tractor-mounted front-end loader or a rear discharge manure spreader. Three composting experiments, each of approximately four months duration, were conducted to investigate the effect of turning regime and seasonal weather conditions on nitrogen and phosphorus losses during aerobic composting of cattle manure. Manure stacks of 12-15 m(3) initial volume were constructed in separate 5 x 5 m concrete compartments. Experiment 1 (January-April 1999) compared manure heaps turned once (T1) or three times (T3) using a front-end loader with an unturned static (S) control manure stack. Experiment 2 (June-September 1999) compared the same treatments as Experiment 1. Experiment 3 (September-December 1999) compared T1 and T3 turning regimes using a front end loader with turning by a rear-discharge spreader (TR1 and TR1T2) for more effective aeration of the manure. Turning took place at 6 weeks for the one turn treatments, and after 2, 6 and 10 weeks for the three turn treatments. Leachate losses were dominated by NH(4)-N during the first three weeks of composting, after which time NH4-N and NO3-N concentrations in leachates were approximately the same, in the range 0-20 mg N l(-1). The concentrations of both NH4-N and NO3-N in leachate were higher after turning. Molybdate-reactive P concentrations in leachate tended not to be significantly influenced by turning regime. Gaseous losses of NH3 and N2O rose quickly during the initial phases of composting, peaking at 152 g N t(-1) d(-1) for the T3 treatment. Mean NH3 emission rate (25-252 g N t(-1) d(-1)) for the first two weeks of Experiment 2 conducted during the period June-September were an order of magnitude greater (1-10 g N t(-1) d(-1)) than Experiment 3, conducted during the colder, wetter autumn period (September-December). Nitrous oxide emission rates ranged between 1-14 g N t(-1) d(-1) and showed little influence of turning regime. Total N and P concentrations in turned (T) and static (S) manure were elevated at the end of all experiments, due to loss of dry matter. Mean total N losses were 30.4% (T1) and 36.8% (T3) and total P losses 28.2% (T1) and 27.4% (T3).  相似文献   

1. The relative importance of zooplankton grazing and nutrient limitation in regulating the phytoplankton community in the non-stratified Lake Kvie, Denmark, were measured nine times during the growing season.
2. Natural phytoplankton assemblage bioassays showed increasing importance of nutrient limitation during summer. Growth rates at ambient nutrient concentrations were continually below 0.12 per day, while co-enrichment with nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) to above concentration-saturated conditions enhanced growth rates from May to the end of July.
3. Stoichiometric ratios of important elements in seston (C : N, C : P, N : P), in lake water (TN : TP), in external loading (TN : TP) and in internal loading (DIN : DIP) were measured to determine whether N or P could be the limiting nutrient. TN : TP molar ratio of both lake water, benthic fluxes and external loading suggested P limitation throughout the growing season. However, seston molar ratios suggested moderate P-deficiency only during mid-summer.
4. Abundance and community structure of the zooplankton varied considerably through the season and proved to be important in determining the responses of algal assemblages to grazing. High abundance of cladocerans and rotifers resulted in significant grazing impact, while cyclopoid copepods had no significant effect on the phytoplankton biomass.
5. Regeneration of ammonium and phosphate by zooplankton were periodically important for phytoplankton growth. A comparison of nutrient regeneration by zooplankton with nutrient inputs from sediment and external sources indicated that zooplankton may contribute significantly in supplying N and P for the growth of phytoplankton.  相似文献   

We measured tributary inputs, algal nutrient demand and excretion rates of consumers (gizzard shad and zooplankton) at a eutrophic river impoundment. During two summers with contrasting flow regimes, tributary inputs accounted for 38% (1998) and 3% (1999) of algal N demand and 95% (1998) and 17% (1999) of algal P demand. Gizzard shad contributions averaged 14% and 20% of algal demand for N whereas P contributions were 31% and 58% (1998, 1999; respectively). Zooplankton recycling accounted for a comparable fraction of algal P demand (47%) but a larger fraction of N demand (43%) because their excretia were N rich (N:P = 13:1) compared to fish (7:1). Nutrient release by one of the consumers (gizzard shad) was compared with tributary loading over a nine-year period to assess inter-annual variation in their relative importance. Historical records of inflow chemistry, discharge and gizzard shad biomass showed that variation in tributary inputs was the primary determinant of seasonal and inter-annual variation in nutrient loading. Consumer-derived nutrients were important in late-summer and during years when tributary inputs were low. We propose a conceptual model in which primary production is regulated by external nutrient loading and consumer recycling acts to stabilize and sustain production during periods of diminished external inputs.  相似文献   

Darcy-Hall TL 《Oecologia》2006,148(4):660-671
The relative effects of nutrients and herbivores on primary producers are rarely compared across ecosystems that vary in potential primary productivity. Furthermore, proposed mechanisms to explain such patterns remain understudied. Here, I examine the strength of nutrient and grazer (herbivore) limitation (i.e., the extent to which producers’ growth is limited by insufficient nutrient supply or herbivory) of benthic algae across 13 southwest Michigan lakes that vary widely in productivity (i.e., resource supply). I compare the observed patterns of algal limitation and species composition to those predicted by two simple models: one that includes multiple species and species’ traits (the food-web model) and one that includes no variation in species or traits (the food-chain model). Species in the food-web model are assumed to display a tradeoff between resource competitive ability and resistance to herbivory (the “keystone predator” tradeoff). Among these lakes, benthic algal nutrient limitation was positive and declined significantly along a lake N:P gradient. In contrast, grazer limitation was negative and was not significantly related to any of the measured lake productivity variables. Negative grazer limitation indicated that the removal of grazers caused unexpected declines in algal biomass, which were potentially due to indirect, positive effects (e.g., nutrient recycling) of grazers. Nutrient limitation was significantly stronger than grazer limitation across lakes, which was more consistent with the food-web versus food-chain model. Changes in algal composition were also broadly consistent with predictions of the food-web model in that vulnerable, superior nutrient competitors dominated in low productivity lakes and more grazer-resistant species were observed in high productivity lakes. In general, these results point to the importance of examining limiting factors across systems and the consideration of key species’ traits when predicting and interpreting patterns.  相似文献   

1. Compared to lakes and streams, we know relatively little about the factors that regulate algae in freshwater wetlands. This discrepancy is particularly acute in boreal regions, where wetlands are abundant and processes related to climate change (i.e. increased permafrost collapse and soil weathering) are expected to increase nutrient inputs into aquatic systems. To investigate how accelerated nutrient inputs might affect algal structure and function in northern boreal wetlands, we added nitrogen, phosphorus and silica to mesocosms in an oligotrophic marsh in interior Alaska. 2. We conducted two in situ mesocosm enrichment experiments during consecutive summer growing seasons, each lasting 24 days. In 2007, we investigated the effects of +N, +P, +Si and +N+P+Si enrichment on benthic algal biomass (chlorophyll‐a, ash‐free dry mass, biovolume), chemistry (N : P ratio) and community composition. In 2008, we expanded our first experiment to investigate the effects +N+P, +N+Si, +P+Si and +N+P+Si on the same algal parameters as well as productivity (mg C m?2 h?1). 3. In both experiments, we measured water‐column dissolved organic carbon (DOC) inside treatment enclosures and related changes in DOC to standing algal biomass. 4. Benthic algal accrual did not increase following 24 days of enrichment with any nutrient alone or with P and Si together (+P+Si), but increased significantly with the addition of N in any combination with P and Si (+N+P, +N+Si, +N+P+Si). 5. Algal productivity (20 mg C m?2 h?1) increased between three‐ and seven‐fold (57–127 mg C m?2 h?1) with the addition of N in combination with any other nutrient (+N+P, +N+Si, +N+P+Si). Water‐column DOC concentration was significantly higher inside N‐combination treatments compared to the control during each season, and DOC increased linearly with benthic algal biomass in 2007 (r2 = 0.89, P < 0.0001) and 2008 (r2 = 0.74, P < 0.0001). 6. Taxonomic composition of the wetland algal community responded most strongly to N‐combination treatments in both seasons. In 2007, there was a significant shift from Euglena and Mougeotia in the control treatment to Chroococcus and Gloeocystis with +N+P+Si enrichment, and in 2008, a Mougeotia‐dominated community was replaced by Gloeocystis in the +N+P treatment and by Nitzschia in +N+Si and +N+P+Si treatments. 7. Together, these data provide several lines of evidence for co‐limitation, and the central importance of N as a co‐limiting nutrient for the wetland algal community. Changes in algal dynamics with increased nutrient concentrations could have important implications for wetland food webs and suggest that algae may provide a functional link between increasing nutrient inputs and altered wetland carbon cycling in this region.  相似文献   

1. We tested the hypothesis that the indirect effects of colonization by Hydropsyche spp. (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) may be greater than direct effects of nutrients on the benthic algal community growth. Two sets of nutrient-releasing substrates (a total of twenty-four) were deployed into a small pristine stream in northern Michigan. Each set was composed of four treatments replicated three times: (i) no nutrient enrichment (C), (ii) 0.5 M phosphate-P enrichment (P), (iii) 0.5 M nitrate-N enrichment (N) and (iv) 0.5 M phosphate-P plus 0.5 M nitrate-N enrichment (P + N). All hydropsychids colonizing on the substrate in one set (twelve substrates) were removed regularly and the other set (twelve substrates) with undisturbed hydropsychids served as the controls. 2. Algal biomass and gross primary productivity were estimated as chlorophyll a (chl a) concentration, algal biovolume, and carbon fixation rate, respectively. There was a significant interactive effect of hydropsychid colonization and P enrichment on algal biomass measured as chl a concentration. With removal of hydropsychids, chl a concentration increased 11-fold in the P enrichment treatments relative to the controls. The effects of P on chl a was, however, not significant in the presence of hydropsychids. Such interactive effects were not observed when algal responses were measured as biovolume and carbon fixation rate (GPP). 3. It is recommended that algal responses to nutrient enrichment should be measured as biovolume or carbon fixation rate in small streams where hydropsychids are commonly present.  相似文献   

Pennsylvanian phylloid algal reefs are widespread and well exposed in south Guizhou, China. Here we report on reefs ranging from 2 to 8 m thickness and 30–50 m lateral extension. Algae, the main components, display a wide spectrum of growth forms, but are commonly cyathiform (cup-shaped) and leaf-like (undulate plates). The algal reef facies is dominated by boundstone. Algal thalli form a dense carpet whose framework pores are filled with marine cement and peloidal micrite. The peloidal matrix is dense, partly laminated or clotted with irregular surfaces and often gravity defying. Algal reefs in Guizhou differ from examples reported to date by the high biodiversity of organisms other than phylloids: e.g., the intergrowth of algae with corals (some of which are twice the size of algal thalli) and numerous large brachiopods. This contrasts to previous views that phylloid algal “meadows” dominated the actual seafloor, excluding other biota. Also, the pervasive marine cements (up to 50%) including botryoidal cement are noteworthy. Algal reefs developed at platform margins, a depositional environment similar to that of modern Halimeda mounds in Java, Australia and off Bahamas, and to that of time-equivalent examples reported from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Whereas nutrients appear decisive in the growth of Halimeda reefs, algal reefs reported herein seemingly grew under conditions of low nutrient levels. Overall, algal reefs in Guizhou challenge previous views on growth forms, diversity patterns, and depositional environments and add to the spectrum of these partly puzzling biogenic structures.  相似文献   

Outdoor open thin-layer microalgal photobioreactor: potential productivity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have previously estimated the productivity and photosynthetic efficiency of the microalga Chlorella sp. grown in an outdoor open thin-layer photobioreactor under climate conditions typical of the Middle European region, i.e. with many days unsuitable for intensive growth of algae (cloudy and rainy days, low air temperature, low solar PAR input).To estimate the real potential productivity of the bioreactor, we collected data on algae yields obtained during clear summer day periods. Cultivation was performed in fed-batch cycles in a bioreactor with a 224 m2 culture area (length 28 m, slope 1.7%), and a 6–7 mm-thick layer of algal culture. The suspension volume in the bioreactor was 2,000 L. The mean values found for Třeboň (49°N), Czech Republic, as an average of several sunny summer cultivation periods in July, were: net areal productivity, P net = 38.2 g dry weight (DW) m-2 day-1; net volumetric productivity, Pvol, = 4.3 g algal DW L-1 day-1, photosynthetic efficiency (based on PAR), ηnet = 7.05%. The peak values were: P net about 50 g (DW) m-2 day-1, ηnet about 9%. Algal growth rate was practically linear up to high biomass densities (40–50 g DW L-1, corresponding to an areal density of 240–300 g DW m-2), at which point the culture was harvested. The concentration of dissolved oxygen increased from about 10 mg L-1 at the beginning to about 23 mg L-1 at the end of culture area at noon. Use of the above-described technology for economical production of bioethanol is proposed.  相似文献   

Swine manure has a very high pollution potential and obnoxious odor. Large farms particularly are confronted with a manure disposal problem since environmentally acceptable solutions are now required by government regulations. Swine manure was found to be a good source of supplementary nutrients to ferment wheat straw into single-cell protein (SCP) with Chaetomium cellulolyticum when 0.13g (NH4)2SO4/g solid was used as an additional source of N. In batch fermentations, inhibitory effects, possibly due to soluble released from the straw during alkali or acid pretreatment, were overcome by starting the fermentation at about pH 7.0 and then reducing it to 5.0 during growth. An overall protein productivity of up to 66 mg/L h was obtained from a slurry mixture of 1% w/v solids of manure and straw. This compares favorably with 99 mg/L h when manure was fermented with glucose instead of straw as the main carbon source. A high protein productivity of 200 mg/L h was obtained from a slurry mixture containing anaerobically prefermented swine manure liquor and 1.5% w/v solids from straw. The final products of the manure and straw fermentations contained 25–30% DW crude protein and 6–20% DW cellulose and the materials were free of the original obnoxious odor and undesirable microbial contamination.  相似文献   

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