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We consider the optimal strategy for intra-specific brood-parasitism, especially with respect to the number of eggs laid by the parasitic individual in the nest of non-parasitic individual, in particular, a host that does not reject the parasite's eggs. With a fundamental mathematical model, assuming that the survival probability of the parasite's offspring in the nest of the host is significantly smaller than that in parasite's own nest, we determine the optimal number of eggs laid in the nest of host that maximizes the expected reproductive fitness of the parasite. We show that the invasion success of brood-parasitism could significantly depend on the total number of eggs laid by the parasite in a breeding season, and that the successfully invading brood-parasitism could realize maximum fitness with a specific number of parasite's eggs laid in the nest of the host.  相似文献   

Hosts of brood‐parasitic birds typically evolve anti‐parasitism defences, including mobbing of parasitic intruders at the nest and the ability to recognize and reject foreign eggs from their clutches. The Greater Honeyguide Indicator indicator is a virulent brood parasite that punctures host eggs and kills host young, and accordingly, a common host, the Little Bee‐eater Merops pusillus frequently rejects entire clutches that have been parasitized. We predicted that given the high costs of accidentally rejecting an entire clutch, and that the experimental addition of a foreign egg is insufficient to induce this defence, Bee‐eaters require the sight of an adult parasite near the nest as an additional cue for parasitism before they reject a clutch. We found that many Little Bee‐eater parents mobbed Greater Honeyguide dummies while ignoring barbet control dummies, showing that they recognized them as a threat. Surprisingly, however, neither a dummy Honeyguide nor the presence of a foreign egg, either separately or in combination, was sufficient to stimulate egg rejection.  相似文献   

A cost associated with the evolution of antiparasite strategies is the failure to recognize parasitic eggs, leading the host to evict its own eggs. However, there is evidence that birds recognize their own eggs through imprinting. This leads to the question of why birds accept parasitic eggs if such eggs can be identified. Here, we tested whether egg ejection per se can be costly due to increased predation risk to the remaining clutch and whether olfactory or visual cues of egg ejection increase predation. We carried out three field experiments to answer the following questions: (a) Does ejecting an egg increase nest predation risk? (b) Does the presence of olfactory cues, such as the smell of a broken egg, increase nest predation risk? And (c) Does the presence of visual cues, such as an egg shell below the nest, increase nest predation risk? We found evidence that egg ejection increases nest predation and that olfactory cues alone also increase nest predation. The presence of visual cues did not change predation rates. These data indicate that egg ejection is costly for both host and parasitic eggs that may remain in the nest. Our results suggest why host and parasite eggs are commonly found within the same nests, despite the possibility that hosts recognize and could possibly eject the parasite’s egg.  相似文献   

In a population of moorhens (Gallinula chloropus), at least27% of netting females laid one or more eggs in a neighbor'snest Females laid parasitically under three conditions: 56%of parasitic eggs were from nesting females that preceded layinga dutch in their own nest by a parasitic laying bout, 19% werefrom females whose nests were depredated before clutch completionand that laid the following egg parasiticaDy, and 25% were froma small number of females without territories, "non-nesting"parasites, that each laid a series of parasitic eggs. Clutchsizes varied greatly between females, but nesting females eachlaid a consistent clutch size both within and between seasonsfor a given mate and territory. Nesting females that employeda dual strategy of brood parasitism and parental care producedextra eggs that they laid in the nests of neighbors before layinga dutch in their own nests. Two out of ten females whose dutchesI experimentally removed during the laying period were successfullyinduced to lay their next egg in the nest of a neighbor. Nestingfemales that laid parasitically selected their hosts opportunisticallyfrom among the nests dosest to their territories. An experimentin which parasitic eggs were removed and hosts left to rearonly their own young showed that parasites did not choose hoststhat were better parents than pairs with contemporary neststhat were not parasitized. Females that only laid parasiticaDywithin a given season timed their parasitic laying bouts poorlyand achieved no reproductive success. Parasitic young rarelyfledged, and the mean seasonal reproductive success of nestingbrood parasites did not differ from that of nonparasitic females.However, the variance in reproductive success of nesting broodparasites was significantly higher than that of nonparasiticfemales.  相似文献   

Many brood parasitic birds lay eggs that mimic their hosts'' eggs in appearance. This typically arises from selection from discriminating hosts that reject eggs which differ from their own. However, selection on parasitic eggs may also arise from parasites themselves, because it should pay a laying parasitic female to detect and destroy another parasitic egg previously laid in the same host nest by a different female. In this study, I experimentally test the source of selection on greater honeyguide (Indicator indicator) egg size and shape, which is correlated with that of its several host species, all of which breed in dark holes. Its commonest host species did not discriminate against experimental eggs that differed from their own in size and shape, but laying female honeyguides preferentially punctured experimental eggs more than host or control eggs. This should improve offspring survival given that multiple parasitism by this species is common, and that honeyguide chicks kill all other nest occupants. Hence, selection on egg size in greater honeyguides parasitizing bee-eaters appears to be imposed not by host defences but by interference competition among parasites themselves.  相似文献   

I studied intraspecific nest parasitism in the grey starlingSturnus cineraceus in 1992 and 1993. The population in this study consisted of 290 nests (157 nests in 1992 and 133 nests in 1993) in which the clutches were completed before May 10 in the year studied. Twenty-nine nests in 1992 and 32 nests in 1993 contained at least 1 parasitic egg. Hatching success per nest of parasitized nests was slightly higher than that of non-parasitized nests. However, fledging success per nest of parasitized nests was significantly lower than that of non-parasitized nests. Thus parasitism appeared to reduce the reproductive success of hosts. Hosts exhibited a few behaviors that minimized the potential cost of brood parasitism. These behaviors included throwing out the parasitic egg and nest guarding. Hosts threw out parasitic eggs before the onset of laying, but they never did so to parasitic eggs laid after that period. The nest guarding level was low during the hosts’ laying periods, and one observed nest was parasitized during this time. Thus, nest-guarding behavior was not effective as an anti-parasite behavior. Grey starlings do not appear to adopt strategies effective in reducing parasitism.  相似文献   

The Lesser Rhea (Pterocnemia-Rhea-pennata pennata) has a complex reproductive system that combines polygyny with sequential polyandry, in which males build the nest, fully incubate the eggs and care for the young. As occurs with the Greater Rhea (Rhea americana), Lesser Rhea females sporadically lay eggs outside the nest (‘orphan’ eggs), which are not incubated and thus fail to hatch. We have examined the orphan eggs of Lesser Rhea over two separate breeding seasons to determine their abundance and fertility status. During 2004 and 2005, weekly ground searches for orphan eggs were conducted in a wild population of Lesser Rhea in northwestern Patagonia, Argentina. During these searches the total number of nests, eggs in each nest and orphan eggs laid outside the nests was recorded. Orphan eggs represented approximately 7% of the total eggs laid in a breeding season. Six fresh orphan eggs were artificially incubated, four of them being fertile. Orphan eggs seemed to have two origins: some were laid near deserted nests in the early to mid-reproductive season; others were probably laid by first-time breeders and were found later in the reproductive season. Given the near-threatened status of the Lesser Rhea, harvesting and artificial incubation of orphan eggs, which otherwise would be unproductive, may contribute significantly to the conservation of this species, i.e., ‘recovered’ birds could be used for reintroduction or reinforcement of wild Lesser Rhea populations.  相似文献   

The reproductive efficiency, defined as the number of breeding recruits produced per egg laid; of intraspecific nest parasites; of hosts in parasitized nests; and of unparasitized nesting females, was measured for 14 years for lesser snow geese Anser caerulescens caerulescens nesting near Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. Relative efficiencies were 0.71–0.88, 0.91, and 1.0 for eggs of parasites, hosts, and unparasitized birds, respectively. Differences in the hatching probabilities of the three classes of eggs produced the efficiency differences. Parasitic success was limited by the parasites' failure to place more eggs than expected by chance into nests at the appropriate time relative to host incubation. Host nesting success was lower when more than one parasitic egg was added to the clutch. No differences in gosling survival and breeding recruitment probabilities were detected among any categories of goslings. Thus, hatching parasitic young are at no disadvantage relative to parental young, and there is no support for the hypothesis that increased success of host young at later stages of reproduction might offset negative effects at the egg stage. The hatching efficiency of parasitic eggs declined more rapidly than that of parental eggs as the parasitism rate increased. Efficiencies were similar when 3–4% of the eggs laid per year were parasitic, but relative parasitic efficiency was significantly lower when the parasitism rate was 8–9% or more. Using ancillary information and assumptions about the fecundity, viability, and behavioral flexibility of parasitic and parental females, we conclude that intraspecific nest parasitism could compete with nesting as a reproductive strategy in this population. The conditional use of parasitism by a large component of the population in certain years, however, combined with negative-frequency dependent success, limits the potential spread of a purely parasitic strategy in this population.  相似文献   

HERMANN HÖTKER 《Ibis》2000,142(2):280-288
Evidence for the occurrence of conspecific nest parasitism (CNP) in Pied Avocets Recurvirostra avosetta is presented. Clutches of more than four eggs had obviously been produced by more than one female but were incubated by only one pair each. Minimum estimates for the frequencies of parasitized clutches and parasitic eggs were 3.3% and 1.3% respectively. CNP increased in frequency in colonies with higher nest densities. The frequency of CNP was unaffected by the rate of nest failures early in the season. On average, parasitic eggs were laid earlier in the season than the majority of non-parasitic eggs. Parasitic Avocets usually deposited their eggs during the laying period of host nests. Parasitized nests had significantly longer incubation periods than unparasitized nests. Hatching success in supernormal clutches was insignificantly reduced compared with four-egg clutches. The annual breeding success of individuals with parasitized clutches was considerably (but not significantly) higher than those of non-parasitized individuals. This was probably due to the fact that parasites chose to deposit their eggs in dense colonies whose members had significantly higher breeding success than the individuals in loose colonies. In colonies with a high rate of CNP, the frequency of clutches of more than five eggs increased. These clutches had little chance of survival.  相似文献   

Calls are functionally diverse signals that mediate behavior in a wide variety of contexts in both passerines and non‐passerines. However, the call‐based acoustic communication systems of non‐passerines have received less attention from investigators than those of passerines. We examined the vocal repertoire of Smooth‐billed Anis (Crotophaga ani), cooperatively breeding cuckoos that live in groups with multiple breeding pairs. We recorded calls from 22 groups over two breeding seasons at the Cabo Rojo National Wildlife Refuge in Puerto Rico. We identified 11 call types and one group vocalization, and used an automated sound measurement program to quantify their acoustic features. Discriminant function analysis (DFA) correctly classified 74.2% of calls based on these features. The vocal repertoire of Smooth‐billed Anis is larger than that reported for the three other species in the subfamily Crotophaginae. Smooth‐billed Anis have at least two alarm calls, two nest‐specific calls, and one nest defense call. We also identified one possible signal of aggressive intent, one possible appeasement signal, and two calls that may communicate identity. The relatively large vocal repertoire of Smooth‐billed Anis and association of distinct call types with different functions and contexts supports the main prediction of the social complexity hypothesis, i.e., species with more complex social systems will have more complex communication systems.  相似文献   

Efforts to evaluate the evolutionary and ecological dynamics of conspecific brood parasitism in birds and other animals have focused on the fitness costs of parasitism to hosts and fitness benefits to parasites. However, it has been speculated recently that, in species with biparental care, host males might cooperate with parasitic females by allowing access to the host nest in exchange for copulations. We develop a cost-benefit model to explore the conditions under which such host-parasite cooperation might occur. When the brood parasite does not have a nest of her own, the only benefit to the host male is siring some of the parasitic eggs (quasi-parasitism). Cooperation with the parasite is favored when the ratio of host male paternity of his own eggs relative to his paternity of parasitic eggs exceeds the cost of parasitism. When the brood parasite has a nest of her own, a host male can gain additional, potentially more important benefits by siring the high-value, low-cost eggs laid by the parasite in her own nest. Under these conditions, host males should be even more likely to accept parasitic eggs in return for copulations with the parasitic female. We tested these predictions for American coots (Fulica americana), a species with a high frequency of conspecific brood parasitism. Multilocus DNA profiling indicated that host males did not sire any of the parasitic eggs laid in host nests, nor did they sire eggs laid by the parasite in her own nest. We used field estimates of the model parameters from a four-year study of coots to predict the minimum levels of paternity required for the costs of parasitism to be offset by the benefits of mating with brood parasites. Observed levels of paternity were significantly lower than those predicted under a variety of assumptions, and we reject the hypothesis that host males cooperated with parasitic females. Our model clarifies the specific costs and benefits that influence host-parasite cooperation and, more generally, yields precise predictions about expected levels of host male paternity. These predictions will enable a more rigorous assessment of field studies designed to test adaptive hypotheses of host-parasite cooperation.  相似文献   

We studied intraspecific nest parasitism in the grey starling (Sturnus cineraceus) in 1992 and 1993. We used three criteria to detect nest parasitism: (i) the appearance of more than one egg per day while the host was laying; (ii) the appearance of extra eggs after the host completed its clutch; and (iii) the appearance of eggs which were of a different shape, size and color to other eggs in the clutch. There were 290 nests (157 nests in 1992; 133 nests in 1993) in which the clutch was completed early (clutches initiated before May 10). Twenty-nine (1992) and 32 (1993) nests contained at least one parasitic egg. Parasitic eggs hatched if they were laid during the laying period and early in the incubation period of their host, and a few of them fledged. Fledging success of parasitic eggs was not different from that of eggs in non-parasitized nests if parasitic eggs were laid during the host's laying period. However, fledging success of all parasitic eggs was fewer than that of eggs in non-parasitized nests. By comparison, fledging success of parasitized nests was not a great as that of non-parasitized nests.  相似文献   

Chicks of obligate brood parasites employ a variety of morphologicaland behavioral strategies to outcompete nest mates. Elevatedcompetitiveness is favored by natural selection because parasiticchicks are not related to their host parents or nest mates.When chicks of conspecific brood parasites (CBPs) are unrelatedto their hosts, they and their parents would also benefit fromtraits that enhance competitiveness. However, these traits mustbe inducible tactics in CBPs, since conspecific brood parasitism(CBP) is facultative. Such tactics could be induced by resourcespassed to offspring through the egg. Thus, females engagingin CBP should allocate to their eggs resources that will enhanceoffspring competitiveness. We tested this prediction in a populationof European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) breeding in southernSweden. Previous research showed that almost all CBPs in thispopulation are floater females that have yet to breed in thecurrent season. We identified putative brood parasitic eggsthrough monitoring egg laying and verified parasitism usingprotein fingerprinting. We then determined whether parasiticeggs were larger, larger-yolked, or had higher concentrationsof yolk testosterone or androstenedione than control eggs. The14 brood parasitic eggs laid in active nests (those with clutchesof at least two eggs that were eventually incubated) did notdiffer from controls in any of these characteristics. Ten dumpedeggs, laid in nonactive nest-boxes or on the ground, were smallerand smaller-yolked than control eggs but did not differ in yolkandrogen concentrations. The failure of our prediction couldbe the result of high costs of investing in eggs, lack of competition-basedbenefits for chicks, or physiological constraints on egg manipulation.  相似文献   

The ostrich breeding system is complex and unique; communal clutches are laid by several females, although only one female, the major female, and the resident territorial male provide parental care. More eggs are laid in the nest than can be incubated and the major female ejects surplus eggs from the incubated central clutch. Microsatellite markers were used to analyse the parentage of communal nests in Nairobi National Park. This revealed that major females contributed a disproportionate number of fertile eggs to the central, incubated clutch and that multiple paternity and maternity within a nest were common; 68.9% of all incubated eggs on a nest were not parented by both the resident territorial male and the major female of that nest. All the males fertilized eggs on the clutches of neighbouring males. Unexpectedly, every major female with her own nest was also simultaneously a minor female with incubated eggs on neighbouring clutches. The relatedness between females laying in the same nest was not significantly different from the population average and significantly less than that between chicks hatched from the same nest.  相似文献   

Individual eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis) females produce clutches of eggs with unique coloration and older females and females in better body condition lay more pigmented blue‐green eggs. Conspecific brood parasitism in this species is not uncommon and bluebirds occasionally reject what appear to be normal eggs by moving them to the periphery of the nest. I used UV‐visual reflectance spectrometry to objectively measure coloration of eggs and nest material. To estimate the conspicuousness of the trait, I calculated the contrast between eggs and background nest material. I found high achromatic and chromatic contrast between the coloration of eggs and of the nests, suggesting that bluebird eggs are highly conspicuous. To test the hypothesis that expression of blue‐green coloration eggs facilitates recognition of eggs laid by conspecific brood parasites, I cross‐fostered individual eggs into host nests during egg laying and monitored the fate of those eggs. I found no support, however, for the hypothesis that egg coloration facilitates discrimination of parasitic eggs from host eggs.  相似文献   

Dickinson JL 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(13):2610-2612
Conspecific brood parasitism, where females of the same species lay eggs in each other's nests, is common in waterfowl, and is usually considered costly to host females, which are stuck looking after eggs and chicks that are not their own. However, since female waterfowl often exhibit an unusual propensity to nest near where they were born, there has been some uncertainty over whether, in ducks and geese, laying in nests of conspecifics really is parasitism. Do parasitic and host females tend to be related? And is parasitism actually a form of cooperation in disguise? In a population in Hudson Bay, Andersson & Waldeck (this issue) found that ‘parasitic’ eggs in nests of the common eider, Somateria mollissima sedentaria, are more closely related to host eggs than expected by chance. In fact, host and ‘donor’ eggs are more closely related than are females breeding at neighbouring nests. The Hudson Bay population of common eiders is unusual, because unlike in more benign climates, females do not tend to breed near their natal nest. Spatial proximity alone cannot account for the high relatedness between host eggs and ‘dumped’ or donor eggs. Instead, the high relatedness values are probably the result of active recognition, where females favour kin, either when dumping or accepting eggs. These new data, along with evidence indicating that the donor lays the first egg in the nest nearly half the time, suggest that what appears to be parasitism in common eiders may be a form of kin‐based cooperation.  相似文献   

为了扩大朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)种群的数量和分布区,于2018年7月从洋县引进20只朱鹮在北戴河建立了朱鹮野化种群。2020年繁殖期,北戴河共有22只朱鹮,其中成年朱鹮17只,雌雄性比为1.1;实际繁殖密度为37.8只/hm2;人工巢的密度为40.0巢/hm2,人工巢筐内径为50 cm。2020年繁殖期,北戴河朱鹮共配对8对,其中6对繁殖成功,营巢成功率为75%;共产卵33枚,平均窝卵数为(4.1±1.8)枚;出壳18只,孵化率54.5%;出飞13只,出飞率72.2%,繁殖成功率为39.4%,繁殖生产力为2.2±1.2。与洋县饲养种群相比,北戴河种群首枚卵的产卵时间晚17 d,与两地温差相吻合。北戴河朱鹮的窝卵数显著高于洋县种群,这可能是由种内巢寄生所致。监控录像表明,北戴河1巢朱鹮的窝卵数高达6枚,超过野生种群平均窝卵数(2或3枚)的2倍,推测发生了种内巢寄生行为。此外,还观察到8号巢朱鹮同时发生了婚外配和种内巢寄生行为,婚外配雌鸟将卵产在该雄鸟的巢中,使得窝卵数高达7枚。此后在该巢中发现3只朱鹮轮流孵卵,以及2只雌性朱鹮并排孵于同一巢中的异常情况。北戴河朱鹮的种内巢寄生行为可能是因网笼内人工巢址密度较高但隐蔽性较低所致,而婚外配行为可能与种群密度和繁殖密度过高有关。本文有关朱鹮异常繁殖行为的研究结果可为野化网笼内人工巢筐的设置和野化种源的选择提供参考,并提示我们进一步关注朱鹮在环境压力下的表型可塑性和生态适应能力。  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(5):1282-1294
Biochemical genetic markers were used along with conventional methods (abnormal laying sequence/clutch size, unusual egg shape/pigmentation) to identify intraspecific nest parasitism at two British nestbox colonies of the European starling. Between 11 and 37% of first clutches were parasitized during 1977–1979. Parasitic females probably comprised all of the following categories: (1) paired females contesting a nestbox occupied by another pair; (2) previously paired females who had laid a clutch but had been unsuccessful; (3) unpaired females who had copulated with males that already had a mate and nest site; and (4) ‘professional’ nest parasites who distributed at lest some of their eggs in one or more nests other than their own. Although parasitized nests had higher clutch sizes, parasitism led to fewer host young fledging per egg laid, mainly through the eviction of eggs and subsequent nest desertion. Number of parasitic young fledged per egg laid was highest when eggs were laid synchronously with the host, when host clutches were larger, or a smaller number of parasite eggs were added to a nest, thus favouring parasites that distribute their eggs amongst a number of nests. A greater pressure on nest sites may have accounted for the higher levels of parasitism at the Aberdeen colony and for the greater number of parasite eggs laid in a nest. Although most parasitic female starlings appeared to be much less successful than non-parasitic ones, nest parasitism in the starling might evolve directly when one or more of the following advantages are present. (1) There are no constraints on the number of eggs a female may lay but there are constraints on the number of young she may feed adequately. (2) Female survival is increased by having fewer or no eggs/young to care for. (3) Current feeding conditions favour the survival of more young than would be produced by the most common clutch size. Intraspecific nest parasitism is considered to be a first stage in the evolution of interspecific nest parasitism.  相似文献   

雁形目鸟类的种内巢寄生现象十分普遍,但有关中华秋沙鸭(Mergussquamatus)的种内巢寄生现象未见报道。2019年4和5月,从长白山1个中华秋沙鸭人工巢的视频监控发现,1只雌鸭在亲鸟孵卵时强行进入巢箱趴卧约29 min。其后根据该巢窝卵数的增加、超常窝卵数和窝卵不同步孵化3个指标,确认该巢存在种内巢寄生现象。宿主对进入巢内寄生的个体表现出强烈的攻击行为,但对寄生卵未表现出明显的拒卵行为。由于区域内仍有较多巢箱未被利用,中华秋沙鸭的种内巢寄生行为是否源于对有限巢址资源的竞争,有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

White-fronted bee-eaters are colonially breeding birds that exhibit highly developed helping-at-the-nest. Through long-term studies of an individually-marked population, we have documented two costs of social living: 1) harassment of mated females by extra-pair males, and 2) intra-specific parasitism by females who lay eggs in the nests of others. Breeding females are sexually chased and, occasionally, forceably mated by males other than their mates. Focal-sampling of females throughout their period of receptivity revealed that the average female is involved in 5 to 8 sexual chases and is forceably copulated 0.15 to 0.23 times per breeding season. This risk to females would be much greater were it not for the behavior of male mates who remain close to, and actively defend, their partners. Such mate-guarding is highly effective — females entering and leaving the colony in consort with their mates are sexually harassed only 1/10 as often as females travelling alone. Although sexual harassment of females is common at bee-eater colonies, the risk of paternity uncertainty arising from forced copulations is thought to be low. The reason is that females copulate repeatedly with their male mates on all days immediately prior to as well as during egg laying. This point has been overlooked in previous reports and has led to an exaggeration of the paternity risks associated with forced sexual chases. We conclude that sexual chasing of extra-pair females is a low yield reproductive tactic employed primarily by monogamously mated males whose presence at the colony is required to allofeed and mateguard their own egg-laying females. Female white-fronted bee-eaters lay eggs in nests other than their own. This intraspecific parasitism constitutes a greater threat to certainty of parentage than does forced copulation. Over four years of study, 16% of nests were parasitized and 7 % of all eggs were laid by a female other than the breeder (Table 2). Parasitizing females come primarily from two sources: (1) members of mated pairs whose own breeding attempt is disrupted at the time of egg laying, and (2) single females who opportunistically add an egg at the nest of their parents (or parent plus step-parent). In each case of kin-parasitism, the “parasitic” female remained socially integrated with the host group and helped in the rearing of the young. In contrast, 9 of 10 females that parasitized the nests of non-relatives had no other interactions with the hosts (Table 3). Parasitizing females exhibited two specialized behaviors that enhanced their reproductive effectiveness: (1) they spent many hours observing, investigating, and testing the defenses of potential host nests, and (2) they preferentially laid in hosts' nests at the appropriate chronological stage of development. Breeding females also exhibited counterbehaviors against being parasitized. These included: (1) remaining sequestered in their nest chambers for 64%-65% of the daylight hours and 94 % of the pre-roost hours during their days of egg laying, (2) aggressively defending their nest entrances against all investigating (potentially parasitic) females, and (3) actively removing any eggs laid in their nests prior to the initiation of their own clutch. These tactics and countertactics suggest a long evolutionary history of parasitic opportunities and risks among white-fronted bee-eaters.  相似文献   

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