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The canine cervical trachea has been used for numerous studies regarding the neural control of tracheal smooth muscle. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether there is lateral dominance by either the left or right vagal innervation of the canine cervical trachea. In anesthetized dogs, pressure in the cuff of the endotracheal tube was used as an index of smooth muscle tone in the trachea. After establishment of tracheal tone, as indicated by increased cuff pressure, either the right or left vagus nerve was sectioned followed by section of the contralateral vagus. Sectioning the right vagus first resulted in total loss of tone in the cervical trachea, whereas sectioning the left vagus first produced either a partial or no decrease in tracheal tone. After bilateral section of the vagi, cuff pressure was recorded during electrical stimulation of the rostral end of the right or left vagus. At the maximum current strength used, stimulation of the left vagus produced tracheal constriction that averaged 28.5% of the response to stimulation of the right vagus (9.0 +/- 1.8 and 31.6 +/- 2.5 mmHg, respectively). In conclusion, the musculature of cervical trachea in the dog appears to be predominantly controlled by vagal efferents in the right vagus nerve.  相似文献   

Lorisid locomotor and postural behaviour exhibits a number of features that distinguish it clearly from other primates. The comparative myological study of the trunk in the slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) and the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sp.) presented here reveals differences that are related to unique aspects of lorisid positional behaviour. While quadrupedal running and leaping requires flexion and extension of the spine, slow climbing quadrupedalism in lorisids depends on spinal lateral flexion and rotation. The contrasting development of the epaxial musculature in the two species dissected reflects these different requirements. Bipedal suspension is a common posture in the lorisids during which rotation and dorsiflexion of the head is made possible by the robustly developed deep, dorsal, cervical musculature. The long lower lever arm in the M. rectus abdominis may play a significant role in the ventroflexion required to regain a quadrupedal stance. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper describes the anatomy of the musculature crossing the lumbar spine in a standardized form to provide data generally suitable for static biomechanical analyses of muscle and spinal forces. The muscular anatomy from several sources was quantified and transformed to the mean bony anatomy of four young healthy adults measured from standing stereo-radiographs. The origins, insertions and physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) of 180 muscle slips which act on the lumbar spine are given relative to the bony anatomy defined by the locations of 12 thoracic and five lumbar vertebrae, and the sacrum, and the shape and positions of the 24 ribs. The broad oblique abdominal muscles are each represented by six vectors and an appropriate proportion of the total PCSA was assigned to each to represent the muscle biomechanics.  相似文献   

In 20 anesthetized dogs the thoracic autonomic nerves were carefully exposed in order to determine which produced cardiovascular responses when the afferent or efferent component of each was stimulated. Efferent parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers arise from the caudal cervical ganglion regions bilaterally as well as from the vagus caudally to that ganglion. The majority of negative chromotropic, dromotropic and inotropic fibers arise from the vagus or near the recurrent laryngeal nerves; however, some small parasympathetic fibers also arise from the vagi down to the level of the pulmonary vessels. Efferent sympathetic nerves are relatively large with the exception of the stellate cardiac nerves, and produce specific positive chronotropic or inotropic responses. Afferent fibers are numerous in the recurrent cardiac, innominate, ventromedial and dorsal nerves and not very numerous in both stellate cardiac nerves as well as in the nerves at the level of the pulmonary vessels; thus there are numerous cholinergic and adrenergic efferent fibers which exhibit specific chronotropic or inotropic responses. The correlation between neural anatomy and specific physiological cardiodynamics illustrates beautifully the interrelationship of structure and function which exists within the autonomic nervous system.  相似文献   

J Kirchner  S Seiler  S Fuchs    M Schliwa 《The EMBO journal》1999,18(16):4404-4413
We have developed an assay that allows the functional efficiency of mutant kinesins to be probed in vivo. We show here that the growth rate of the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa can be used as a sensitive reporter for the ability of mutant kinesins to suppress the phenotype of the kinesin null mutant of Neurospora. Truncation mutants, internal deletion mutants and chimeras, in which homologous domains were exchanged between different fungal kinesins, were generated and transformed into the kinesin-deficient strain. None of the mutations affect motor velocity in vitro, but even minor alterations in the tail domain severely compromise kinesin's performance in vivo. The analysis of these mutants has identified subdomains in the stalk and tail likely to be involved in cargo binding and/or regulation of motor activity. The phenotypes of several mutants strongly suggest that kinesin requires a folded conformation to achieve full functionality in vivo. Folding critically depends on two flexible domains in the stalk that allow an interaction of the tail with the neck/hinge region near the catalytic motor domain. The assay has proven to be a valuable tool in the analysis of kinesin function in vivo and should help to characterize the sites involved in intra- and intermolecular interactions.  相似文献   

Tarsiers possess a very odd musculoskeletal foot anatomy that goes beyond their acknowledged specialized leaping adaptations. Tarsius has evolved a fundamentally different method of bone rotation to achieve an inverted foot position during grasping and has developed an unusual muscular system for holding onto vertical supports. Although galagos and tarsiers possess elongated foot bones as adaptations for leaping, galagos utilize many more types of movements, have specialized osteological surface for inversion, and have a more common type of muscle development in the foot and leg than tarsiers possess. Likewise, the Omomyidae, the ancestral lineage of Tarsius, exhibit a lack of morphological similarity with Tarsius in the known foot joints.  相似文献   

In the course of stereotactic thalamotomy, the neural noise level of subcortical structures was estimated quantitatively with the aid of two semimicro-electrodes. The neural noise showed several characteristic features in terms of its amplitude and discharge pattern so that it was correlated with the possible anatomical substrate, thus providing the functional anatomy of the subcortical structures. The study on saggital plane revealed a systematic difference of the noise level between VL and Vim-Vc that could be explained by the different cell size in respective nucleus. Several exceptional cases were also presented, emphasizing the neural noise study in stereotactic surgery.  相似文献   

Voles and lemmings are the most successful group of graminivorous rodents, but the adaptations allowing them to enter this niche are not fully known. Dissections of the masticatory musculature of the 12 genera and subgenera of North American microtines show an increase in the potential anterior vector component and in the potential vertical vector component of these muscles relative to the molar tooth row. The result is a separation of the compressive and propulsive functions of the masticatory muscles during the power stroke of mastication. This has led to the formulation of a propalinal “swing” hypothesis which is supported by vector analyses of the musculature.  相似文献   

We characterized the electrophysiological properties of a chloride channel protein isolated from bovine trachea after incorporation into planar lipid bilayers, and studied the effects of thiol-modulating agents on channel regulation both in bilayers and vesicular iodide uptake studies. Our experiments showed that this protein formed perfectly anion-selective channels in the bilayer, with an anion permeability sequence of I- (2.1) > NO3- (1.7) > Br- (1.2) > Cl- (1.0). The conductance of this channel was 25-30 picosiemens in 150 mM Cl-, and saturated with increasing chloride concentration. This channel could be completely inhibited by 4,4'-bis(isothiocyano)-2,2'-stilbenedisulfonate. Immunoblot analysis, using polyclonal antibodies (anti-p38), revealed one major band at 140 kDa. Upon reduction with dithiothreitol, 64- and 38-kDa polypeptides were observed. Functional experiments showed that reduction was accompanied by loss of 125I- uptake and single-channel activity. In the presence of dithiothreitol, only the low molecular mass protein forms (64 and 38 kDa) were detected by anti-p38 antibodies on Western blots. Cross-linking of S-S bonds with Cu(2+)-o-phenanthroline led to activation of chloride channels in vesicles and bilayers. Over-aggregation of chloride channels by this S-S cross-linking reagent caused inhibition of 125I- uptake by 80-100% and the abolishment of single-channel activity. We propose that the native chloride channel from bovine trachea can exist in vivo in different structural and functional forms depending upon its thiol-disulfide oxidation reduction status. The oxidized form has a molecular mass of 140 kDa and represents a fully active chloride channel. Inactivation of this channel might occur by over-aggregation of protein subunits, or by dissociation of the 140-kDa subunit by disulfide bond reduction.  相似文献   

The relations between the saccus lacrimalis and different portions of the musculus orbicularis oculi were studied in orbital regions of human fetuses sectioned into numbered series. No insertions of the pars lacrimalis or Horner's muscle on the saccus were found. These muscular fibres pass along the dorsal wall of the saccus and are separated from it by the reflex tendon of the ligamentum palpebrale mediale. The only muscular fibres that insert on the saccus are those that approach the anterior face of the saccus and the fornix. The fibres that insert on the anterior face proceed from the deep bundles of the pars preseptalis of the lower eyelids, and those that insert on the fornix derive from the deep bundles of the pars preseptalis of the upper eyelid.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster, the multidomain RNase III Dicer-1 (Dcr-1) functions in tandem with the double-stranded (ds)RNA-binding protein Loquacious (Loqs) to catalyze the maturation of microRNAs (miRNAs) from precursor (pre)-miRNAs. Here we dissect the molecular mechanism of pre-miRNA processing by the Dcr-1-Loqs complex. The tandem RNase III (RIII) domains of Dcr-1 form an intramolecular dimer such that one RIII domain cleaves the 3' strand, whereas the other cuts the 5' strand of pre-miRNA. We show that the functional core of Dcr-1 consists of a DUF283 domain, a PAZ domain, and two RIII domains. Dcr-1 preferentially associates with the Loqs-PB splice isoform. Loqs-PB uses the second dsRNA-binding domain to bind pre-miRNA and the third dsRNA-binding domain to interact with Dcr-1. Both domains of Loqs-PB are required for efficient miRNA production by enhancing the affinity of Dcr-1 for pre-miRNA. Thus, our results provide further insights into the functional anatomy of the Drosophila miRNA-generating enzyme.  相似文献   

Thirty-six harbor porpoises, Phocaena phocaena, were caught off the coast of Southern New Brunswick and Nova Scotia as part of a study of the biology and ecology of these animals. The formalin-preserved heart was examined first in situ, then measured and studied in detail. If the weight of the thick layer of blubber is discounted, the heart is heavy relative to the total body weight as may be expected in an animal capable of fast swimming, great agility and frequent emergence from the water to breathe. The shape of the heart, the relative size of atria and atrial appendages, the morphology of the ventricular septum, the thickness of the walls of the sinus and conus of the right ventricle and the anatomy of the pulmonary veins were found to be constant for this animal and unlike that of non-cetaceans. It is suggested that the absence of respiratory movements during diving may lead to these modifications of cardiac structure in an animal that is particularly well adapted to a totally aquatic existence.  相似文献   

The leaf anatomy of Bomarea is described and related to ecological conditions. The principal architecture of all species is very similar; adaptations are developed in numerous differences, for instance degree of lignification. All species have inverse leaves, the adaxial side being the stomatous side. In most species, the leaves are resupinate, the lower surface being the adaxial. Theories for the cause of resupination are discussed.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 152 , 73–90.  相似文献   

Functional and ecological xylem anatomy   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Cohesion-tension transport of water is an energetically efficient way to carry large amounts of water from the roots up to the leaves. However, the cohesion-tension mechanism places the xylem water under negative hydrostatic pressure (Px), rendering it susceptible to cavitation. There are conflicts among the structural requirements for minimizing cavitation on the one hand vs maximizing efficiency of transport and construction on the other. Cavitation by freeze-thaw events is triggered by in situ air bubble formation and is much more likely to occur as conduit diameter increases, creating a direct conflict between conducting efficiency and sensitivity to freezing induced xylem failure. Temperate ring-porous trees and vines with wide diameter conduits tend to have a shorter growing season than conifers and diffuse-porous trees with narrow conduits. Cavitation by water stress occurs by air seeding at interconduit pit membranes. Pit membrane structure is at least partially uncoupled from conduit size, leading to a much less pronounced trade-off between conducting efficiency and cavitation by drought than by freezing. Although wider conduits are generally more susceptible to drought-induced cavitation within an organ, across organs or species this trend is very weak. Different trade-offs become apparent at the level of the pit membranes that interconnect neighbouring conduits. Increasing porosity of pit membranes should enhance conductance but also make conduits more susceptible to air seeding. Increasing the size or number of pit membranes would also enhance conductance, but may weaken the strength of the conduit wall against implosion. The need to avoid conduit collapse under negative pressure creates a significant trade-off between cavitation resistance and xylem construction cost, as revealed by relationships between conduit wall strength, wood density and cavitation pressure. Trade-offs involving cavitation resistance may explain the correlations between wood anatomy, cavitation resistance, and the physiological range of negative pressure experienced by species in their native habitats.  相似文献   

In plant cytokinesis, Golgi/trans-Golgi network-derived vesicles are targeted to the plane of cell division where they fuse with one another to form the partitioning membrane (cell plate). This membrane fusion requires a specialised syntaxin (Qa-SNARE), named KNOLLE in Arabidopsis. KNOLLE is only made during the M-phase of the cell cycle, targeted to the plane of cell division and degraded in the vacuole at the end of cytokinesis. To identify the parts of KNOLLE required for proper targeting and function in membrane fusion, we generated chimeric syntaxins comprising complementary fragments from KNOLLE and MVB-localized PEP12 (SYP21). Surprisingly, targeting of the chimeric protein was not specified by the C-terminal membrane anchor. Rather the N-terminal region including helix Ha and the adjacent linker to helix Hb appeared to played a critical role. However, deletion of this N-terminal fragment from KNOLLE (KN(Δ1-82) ) had the same effect as its presence in the chimeric protein (KN(1-82) -PEP12(64-279) ), suggesting that targeting to the plane of cell division occurs by default, i.e. when no sorting signal would target the syntaxin to a specific endomembrane compartment. Once the full-length syntaxin accumulated at the plane of division, phenotypic rescue of the knolle mutant only required the SNARE domain plus the adjacent linker connecting helix Hc to the SNARE domain from KNOLLE. Our results suggest that targeting of syntaxin to the plane of cell division occurs without active sorting, whereas syntaxin-mediated membrane fusion requires sequence-specific features.  相似文献   

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