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In order to maintain a stable genome, cells need to detect and repair DNA damage before they complete the division cycle. To this end, cell cycle checkpoints prevent entry into the next cell cycle phase until the damage is fully repaired. Proper reentry into the cell cycle, known as checkpoint recovery, requires that a cell retains its original cell cycle state during the arrest. Here, we have identified Tousled‐like kinase 2 (Tlk2) as an important regulator of recovery after DNA damage in G2. We show that Tlk2 regulates the Asf1A histone chaperone in response to DNA damage and that depletion of Asf1A also produces a recovery defect. Both Tlk2 and Asf1A are required to restore histone H3 incorporation into damaged chromatin. Failure to do so affects expression of pro‐mitotic genes and compromises the cellular competence to recover from damage‐induced cell cycle arrests. Our results demonstrate that Tlk2 promotes Asf1A function during the DNA damage response in G2 to allow for proper restoration of chromatin structure at the break site and subsequent recovery from the arrest.  相似文献   

DNA损伤检验点调控的分子机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Guo YH  Zhu YB 《生理科学进展》2007,38(3):208-212
多种因素可以引起DNA损伤而最终导致基因产生错义突变、缺失或错误重组。为确保遗传准确性,细胞形成了复杂的细胞周期监督机制,即细胞周期检验点。其中DNA损伤检验点由许多检验点相关蛋白组成,可以识别损伤的DNA,经复杂的信号转导途径引发蛋白激酶的级联反应,减慢或阻滞细胞周期进程,从而为细胞修复损伤的DNA赢得时间。  相似文献   

Following DNA damage, cells display complex multi‐pathway signaling dynamics that connect cell‐cycle arrest and DNA repair in G1, S, or G2/M phase with phenotypic fate decisions made between survival, cell‐cycle re‐entry and proliferation, permanent cell‐cycle arrest, or cell death. How these phenotypic fate decisions are determined remains poorly understood, but must derive from integrating genotoxic stress signals together with inputs from the local microenvironment. To investigate this in a systematic manner, we undertook a quantitative time‐resolved cell signaling and phenotypic response study in U2OS cells receiving doxorubicin‐induced DNA damage in the presence or absence of TNFα co‐treatment; we measured key nodes in a broad set of DNA damage signal transduction pathways along with apoptotic death and cell‐cycle regulatory responses. Two relational modeling approaches were then used to identify network‐level relationships between signals and cell phenotypic events: a partial least squares regression approach and a complementary new technique which we term ‘time‐interval stepwise regression.’ Taken together, the results from these analysis methods revealed complex, cytokine‐modulated inter‐relationships among multiple signaling pathways following DNA damage, and identified an unexpected context‐dependent role for Erk in both G1/S arrest and apoptotic cell death following treatment with this commonly used clinical chemotherapeutic drug.  相似文献   

Budding yeast cells suffering a single unrepaired DNA double-strand break (DSB) trigger the ATR (Mec1)-dependent DNA damage checkpoint and arrest prior to anaphase for 12–15 h, following which they adapt and resume cell division. When the DNA lesion can be repaired, the checkpoint is extinguished and cells “recover” and resume mitosis. In this autophagic punctum, we report that hyperactivation of autophagy—specifically via the cytoplasm-to-vacuole targeting (Cvt) pathway—prevents both adaptation to, and recovery from, DNA damage, resulting in the permanent arrest of cells in G2/M. We show that Saccharomyces cerevisiae deleted for genes encoding the Golgi-associated retrograde protein transport (GARP) complex are both adaptation- and recovery-defective. GARP mutants such as vps51Δ exhibit mislocalization of the key mitotic regulator, securin (Pds1), and its degradation by the vacuolar protease Prb1. In addition, separase (Esp1), is excluded from the nucleus, accounting for pre-anaphase arrest. Pds1 is degraded via the Cvt pathway. Many of the same defects seen by deleting GARP genes can be mimicked by hyperactivation of the Cvt pathway by overexpressing an unphosphorylatable form of ATG13 or by adding the TORC1 inhibitor rapamycin. These results suggest that nuclear events such as DNA damage can have profound effects on cytoplasmic processes and further expand the burgeoning connections between DNA damage and autophagy.  相似文献   

DNA damage activates the DNA damage checkpoint and the DNA repair machinery. After initial activation of DNA damage responses, cells recover to their original states through completion of DNA repair and termination of checkpoint signaling. Currently, little is known about the process by which cells recover from the DNA damage checkpoint, a process called checkpoint recovery. Here, we show that Src family kinases promote inactivation of ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM)-dependent checkpoint signaling during recovery from DNA double-strand breaks. Inhibition of Src activity increased ATM-dependent phosphorylation of Chk2 and Kap1. Src inhibition increased ATM signaling both in G2 phase and during asynchronous growth. shRNA knockdown of Lyn increased ATM signaling. Src-dependent nuclear tyrosine phosphorylation suppressed ATM-mediated Kap1 phosphorylation. These results suggest that Src family kinases are involved in upstream signaling that leads to inactivation of the ATM-dependent DNA damage checkpoint.  相似文献   

The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), an evolutionarily conserved surveillance pathway, prevents chromosome segregation in response to conditions that disrupt the kinetochore-microtubule attachment. Removal of the checkpoint-activating stimulus initiates recovery during which spindle integrity is restored, kinetochores become bi-oriented, and cells initiate anaphase. Whether recovery ensues passively after the removal of checkpoint stimulus, or requires mediation by specific effectors remains uncertain. Here, we report two unrecognized functions of yeast Cdk1 required for efficient recovery from SAC-induced arrest. We show that Cdk1 promotes kinetochore bi-orientation during recovery by restraining premature spindle elongation thereby extinguishing SAC signalling. Moreover, Cdk1 is essential for sustaining the expression of Cdc20, an activator of the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) required for anaphase progression. We suggest a model in which Cdk1 activity promotes recovery from SAC-induced mitotic arrest by regulating bi-orientation and APC/C activity. Our findings provide fresh insights into the regulation of mitosis and have implications for the therapeutic efficacy of anti-mitotic drugs.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, DNA damage triggers activation of checkpoint signaling pathways that coordinate cell cycle arrest and repair of damaged DNA. These DNA damage responses serve to maintain genome stability and prevent accumulation of genetic mutations and development of cancer. The p38 MAPK was previously implicated in cellular responses to several types of DNA damage. However, the role of each of the four p38 isoforms and the mechanism for their involvement in DNA damage responses remained poorly understood. In this study, we demonstrate that p38γ, but not the other p38 isoforms, contributes to the survival of UV-treated cells. Deletion of p38γ sensitizes cells to UV exposure, accompanied by prolonged S phase cell cycle arrest and increased rate of apoptosis. Further investigation reveal that p38γ is essential for the optimal activation of the checkpoint signaling caused by UV, and for the efficient repair of UV-induced DNA damage. These findings have established a novel role of p38γ in UV-induced DNA damage responses, and suggested that p38γ contributes to the ability of cells to cope with UV exposure by regulating the checkpoint signaling pathways and the repair of damaged DNA.  相似文献   

Besides the well‐understood DNA damage response via establishment of G2 checkpoint arrest, novel studies focus on the recovery from arrest by checkpoint override to monitor cell cycle re‐entry. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of Chk1 in the recovery from G2 checkpoint arrest in HCT116 (human colorectal cancer) wt, p53–/– and p21–/– cell lines following H2O2 treatment. Firstly, DNA damage caused G2 checkpoint activation via Chk1. Secondly, overriding G2 checkpoint led to (i) mitotic slippage, cell cycle re‐entry in G1 and subsequent G1 arrest associated with senescence or (ii) premature mitotic entry in the absence of p53/p21WAF1 causing mitotic catastrophe. We revealed subtle differences in the initial Chk1‐involved G2 arrest with respect to p53/p21WAF1: absence of either protein led to late G2 arrest instead of the classic G2 arrest during checkpoint initiation, and this impacted the release back into the cell cycle. Thus, G2 arrest correlated with downstream senescence, but late G2 arrest led to mitotic catastrophe, although both cell cycle re‐entries were linked to upstream Chk1 signalling. Chk1 knockdown deciphered that Chk1 defines long‐term DNA damage responses causing cell cycle re‐entry. We propose that recovery from oxidative DNA damage‐induced G2 arrest requires Chk1. It works as cutting edge and navigates cells to senescence or mitotic catastrophe. The decision, however, seems to depend on p53/p21WAF1. The general relevance of Chk1 as an important determinant of recovery from G2 checkpoint arrest was verified in HT29 colorectal cancer cells.  相似文献   

Topoisomerase II is essential for cell proliferation and survival and has been a target of various anticancer drugs. ICRF-193 has long been used as a catalytic inhibitor to study the function of topoisomerase II. Here, we show that ICRF-193 treatment induces DNA damage signaling. Treatment with ICRF-193 induced G2 arrest and DNA damage signaling involving gamma-H2AX foci formation and CHK2 phosphorylation. DNA damage by ICRF-193 was further demonstrated by formation of the nuclear foci of 53BP1, NBS1, BRCA1, MDC1, and FANCD2 and increased comet tail moment. The DNA damage signaling induced by ICRF-193 was mediated by ATM and ATR and was restricted to cells in specific cell cycle stages such as S, G2, and mitosis including late and early G1 phases. Downstream signaling of ATM and ATR involved the phosphorylation of CHK2 and BRCA1. Altogether, our results demonstrate that ICRF-193 induces DNA damage signaling in a cell cycle-dependent manner and suggest that topoisomerase II might be essential for the progression of the cell cycle at several stages including DNA decondensation.  相似文献   

Genistein is a major isoflavonoid in dietary soybean, commonly consumed in Asia. Genistein exerts inhibitory effects on the proliferation of various cancer cells and plays an important role in cancer prevention. However, the molecular and cellular mechanisms of genistein on human ovarian cancer cells are still little known. We show that exposure of human ovarian cancer HO-8910 cells to genistein induces DNA damage, and triggers G2/M phase arrest and apoptosis. Furthermore, we also found that checkpoint proteins ATM and ATR are phosphorylated and activated in the cells treated with genistein. It is also shown that genistein increases the phosphorylation and activation of Chk1 and Chk2, which results in the phosphorylation and inactivation of phosphatases Cdc25C and Cdc25A, and thereby the phosphorylation and inactivation of Cdc2 which arrests cells in G2/M phase. Moreover, genistein enhances the phosphorylation and activation of p53, while decreases the ratio of Bcl-2/Bax and Bcl-xL/Bax and the level of phosphorylated Akt, which result in cells undergoing apoptosis. These results demonstrate that genistein-activated ATM-Chk2-Cdc25 and ATR-Chk1-Cdc25 DNA damage checkpoint pathways can arrest ovarian cancer cells in G2/M phase, and induce apoptosis while the cellular DNA damage is too serious to be repaired. Thus, the antiproliferative, DNA damage-inducing and pro-apoptotic activities of genistein are probably responsible for its genotoxic effects on human ovarian cancer HO-8910 cells.  相似文献   

The DNA damage and replication checkpoints are signaling mechanisms that regulate and coordinate cellular responses to genotoxic conditions. Unlike typical signal transduction mechanisms that respond to one or a few stimuli, checkpoints can be activated by a broad spectrum of extrinsically or intrinsically derived DNA damage or replication interference. Recent investigations have shed light on how the damage and replication checkpoints are able to respond to such diverse stimuli. The activation of checkpoints not only attenuates cell cycle progression but also facilitates DNA repair and recovery of faltered replication forks, thereby preventing DNA lesions from being converted to inheritable mutations. Recently, more checkpoint targets from the cell cycle and DNA replication apparatus have been identified, revealing the increasing complexity of the checkpoint control of the cell cycle. In this article, we discuss current models of the DNA damage and replication checkpoints and highlight recent advances in the field.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of histone H2AX on Ser 139 (γH2AX) is one of the earliest events in the response to DNA double-strand breaks; however, the subsequent removal of γH2AX from chromatin is less understood, despite being a process tightly coordinated with DNA repair. Previous studies in yeast have identified the Pph3 phosphatase (the PP4C orthologue) as important for the dephosphorylation of γH2AX. By contrast, work in human cells attributed this activity to PP2A. Here, we report that PP4 contributes to the dephosphorylation of γH2AX, both at the sites of DNA damage and in undamaged chromatin in human cells, independently of a role in DNA repair. Furthermore, depletion of PP4C results in a prolonged checkpoint arrest, most likely owing to the persistence of mediator of DNA damage checkpoint 1 (MDC1) at the sites of DNA lesions. Taken together, these results indicate that PP4 is an evolutionarily conserved γH2AX phosphatase.  相似文献   

Cohesin complexes mediate sister chromatid cohesion. Cohesin also becomes enriched at DNA double‐strand break sites and facilitates recombinational DNA repair. Here, we report that cohesin is essential for the DNA damage‐induced G2/M checkpoint. In contrast to cohesin's role in DNA repair, the checkpoint function of cohesin is independent of its ability to mediate cohesion. After RNAi‐mediated depletion of cohesin, cells fail to properly activate the checkpoint kinase Chk2 and have defects in recruiting the mediator protein 53BP1 to DNA damage sites. Earlier work has shown that phosphorylation of the cohesin subunits Smc1 and Smc3 is required for the intra‐S checkpoint, but Smc1/Smc3 are also subunits of a distinct recombination complex, RC‐1. It was, therefore, unknown whether Smc1/Smc3 function in the intra‐S checkpoint as part of cohesin. We show that Smc1/Smc3 are phosphorylated as part of cohesin and that cohesin is required for the intra‐S checkpoint. We propose that accumulation of cohesin at DNA break sites is not only needed to mediate DNA repair, but also facilitates the recruitment of checkpoint proteins, which activate the intra‐S and G2/M checkpoints.  相似文献   

Cell division cycle 5‐like protein (Cdc5L) is a core component of the putative E3 ubiquitin ligase complex containing Prp19/Pso4, Plrg1 and Spf27. This complex has been shown to have a role in pre‐messenger RNA splicing from yeast to humans; however, more recent studies have described a function for this complex in the cellular response to DNA damage. Here, we show that Cdc5L interacts physically with the cell‐cycle checkpoint kinase ataxia‐telangiectasia and Rad3‐related (ATR). Depletion of Cdc5L by RNA‐mediated interference methods results in a defective S‐phase cell‐cycle checkpoint and cellular sensitivity in response to replication‐fork blocking agents. Furthermore, we show that Cdc5L is required for the activation of downstream effectors or mediators of ATR checkpoint function such as checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1), cell cycle checkpoint protein Rad 17 (Rad17) and Fanconi anaemia complementation group D2 protein (FancD2). In addition, we have mapped the ATR‐binding region in Cdc5L and show that a deletion mutant that is unable to interact with ATR is defective in the rescue of the checkpoint deficiency in Cdc5L‐depleted cells. These findings show a new function for Cdc5L in the regulation of the ATR‐mediated cell‐cycle checkpoint in response to genotoxic agents.  相似文献   

Tel1/ATM and Mec1/ATR checkpoint kinases are activated by DNA double‐strand breaks (DSBs). Mec1/ATR recruitment to DSBs requires the formation of RPA‐coated single‐stranded DNA (ssDNA), which arises from 5′–3′ nucleolytic degradation (resection) of DNA ends. Here, we show that Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mec1 regulates resection of the DSB ends. The lack of Mec1 accelerates resection and reduces the loading to DSBs of the checkpoint protein Rad9, which is known to inhibit ssDNA generation. Extensive resection is instead inhibited by the Mec1‐ad mutant variant that increases the recruitment near the DSB of Rad9, which in turn blocks DSB resection by both Rad53‐dependent and Rad53‐independent mechanisms. The mec1‐ad resection defect leads to prolonged persistence at DSBs of the MRX complex that causes unscheduled Tel1 activation, which in turn impairs checkpoint switch off. Thus, Mec1 regulates the generation of ssDNA at DSBs, and this control is important to coordinate Mec1 and Tel1 signaling activities at these breaks.  相似文献   

DNA lesions trigger the DNA damage response (DDR) machinery, which protects genomic integrity and sustains cellular survival. Increasing data underline the significance of the integrity of the DDR pathway in chemotherapy response. According to a recent work, persistent exposure of A549 lung carcinoma cells to doxorubicin induces an initial DDR‐dependent checkpoint response, followed by a later DDR‐independent, but p27Kip1‐dependent one. Prompted by the above report and to better understand the involvement of the DDR signaling after chemotherapeutic stress, we examined the potential role of the canonical DDR pathway in A549 cells treated with doxorubicin. Exposure of A549 cells, prior to doxorubicin treatment, to ATM, ATR and DNA‐PKcs inhibitors either alone or in various combinations, revealed that the earlier documented two‐step response was DDR‐dependent in both steps. Notably, inhibition of both ATM and ATR or selective inhibition of ATM or DNA‐PKcs resulted in cell‐cycle re‐entry despite the increased levels of p27Kip1 at all time points analyzed. We further investigated the regulation of p27Kip1 protein levels in the particular setting. Our results showed that the protein status of p27Kip1 is mainly determined by p38‐MAPK, whereas the role of SKP2 is less significant in the doxoroubicin‐treated A549 cells. Cumulatively, we provide evidence that the DNA damage signaling is responsible for the prolonged cell cycle arrest observed after persistent chemotherapy‐induced genotoxic stress. In conclusion, precise identification of the molecular mechanisms that are activated during the chemotherapeutic cycles could potentially increase the sensitization to the therapy applied.  相似文献   

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