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The ultrahistology of the hindgut of the spider miteTetranychus urticae is described, a new terminology of the histological portions, based on the presence and absence of cuticle, is presented, and functional characteristics are discussed.The alimentary canal of the spider mite consists of the cuticle-lined foregut (pharynx, esophagus, esophageal valve), a cuticle-free midgut, and a cuticle-lined hindgut with anal slit. The portions of the midgut are the ventriculus with three cranial and two caudal caeca, and the posterior midgut with two distinct cell types. Both portions are separated by a sphincter. The anterior lateral walls of the -shaped posterior midgut which terminates in the dorsal region of the ventriculus show histological variability. Cells are either asymmetrical with long apical projections (=typical transporting epithelium) or show resorptive characteristics and storage products (=resorptive epithelium). The dorsal and posterior lateral epithelium consists of flat glandular cells containing large granular secretion grana. It is suggested that these cells synthesize mucoid substances for the facilitation of excretion transport.The differentiation and function of the posterior midgut epithelium are discussed with respect to the formation of different elimination products.  相似文献   

Viruses were found to be very abundant in the top layer of the sediments of Lac Gilbert, Québec. Viruses were extracted from the sediments using pyrophosphate buffer, and viruses from the diluted extracts were pelleted onto grids and enumerated using transmission electron microscopy. Viral abundance in the sediments ranged from 6.5 × 108 to 1.83 × 1010 ml–1, which is 10- to 1,000-fold greater than the number observed in the water column. This increase corresponds well with the 100- to 1,000-fold increase in bacterial abundance in the sediments. Viral abundance differed significantly among the surface sediment samples taken at different bottom depths and among samples taken at different depths of the water column. Viral abundance also varied significantly between the oxic and anoxic zones of the water column and the sediments. The virus-to-bacteria ratio varied greatly among the different sediment sites but not among depths in the water column. Viral abundance in the water column was related to bacterial abundance and chlorophyll concentration, whereas viruses in the sediments were most abundant in sediments with high organic matter content. Elevated viral abundance and their erratic distribution in the sediments suggest that viruses might play an important role in sediment microbial dynamics. Correspondence to: Roxane Maranger  相似文献   

We aimed to determine whether the copepod assemblages in lakes and ponds of northern Québec, Canada, were closer in composition to those found in southern Québec, or to those reported from the subarctic and arctic. Six calanoid and five cyclopoid species were identified from 37 ponds and lakes located in the region between 55° N and 59° N. Species diversity was generally low, ranging from 0 to 4 species per lake. Dominant species were Leptodiaptomus minutus and Acanthocyclops vernalis. The species assemblages showed high affinity with those found in forested regions of southern Québec. Exceptions were Leptodiaptomus tyrrelli, previously only recorded west of Hudson Bay, and Hesperodiaptomus arcticus, hitherto recorded north of 58° N. Relationships between the lakes, species, and environmental variables were explored using multivariate analysis. Lakes situated along the coast and on two offshore islands clustered together and were characterised by higher conductivity and pH than those lakes located further inland. Leptodiaptomus tyrrelli was common in these coastal lakes. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed statistically significant relationships between copepod distributions and conductivity, dissolved organic carbon and pH. These three variables accounted for 70% of the variation in the species' distribution.  相似文献   

Data from wildlife disease surveillance programs are used to inform implementation of disease control (e.g., vaccination, population reduction) in space and time. We developed an approach to increase detection of raccoon rabies in raccoons (Procyon lotor) and skunks (Mephitis mephitis) of Québec, Canada, and we examined the implications of using this approach for targeted surveillance. First we modeled the probability of a rabid animal relative to environmental characteristics of sampling locations. Rabid animals were more likely to be found in low-lying flat landscapes that had higher proportions of corn-forest edge habitat and hay agriculture, and that were within 20 km of one or more known rabies cases. From the model, we created 2 complementary risk maps to identify areas where rabid animals were most likely to be sampled. One map accounted for habitat and known rabies case locations, and can be used to define an infection zone from which surveillance can be targeted along the periphery to determine if disease is continuing to spread. The other map only accounted for habitat and can be used to locate areas most likely to contain rabid animals when the disease is present. In a further analysis we compared the 2 most successful methods for detecting raccoon rabies in Québec, given the disease was present. Government trapping operations (active surveillance) detected more cases in the short-term, but citizen notification (passive and enhanced) was more effective after 12 trapping days from which the initial rabies case was found. Our approach can benefit wildlife and public health agencies wanting to assess the disease status of regions by targeting surveillance to habitats most likely to contain infected animals and by defining the duration over which sampling methods are effective. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

A reappraisal of chitinozoan distribution across the Ordovician-Silurian boundary on the Island of Anticosti has led to the recognition of a new zone, the Ancyrochitina ellisbayensis biozone, in the uppermost part of the Ellis Bay Formation. This biozone lies between the well defined Upper Ordovician Spinachitina taugourdeaui biozone and the lowest Silurian (Rhuddanian) Plectochitina nodifera biozone of the Becscie Formation. The occurrence of such diagnostic species as P. nodifera, Belonechitina postrobusta, Conochitina electa and Ancyrochitina ramosaspina in the Lower Silurian of Anticosti points to a close similarity to faunas in Estonia and north Latvia and indicates an age ranging from the Parakidograptus acuminatus to the Coronograptus cyphus in terms of graptolite zones. The chitinozoan biozonation harmonizes with that based on conodonts and, to a lesser extent, with the known graptolite faunal succession. Five new species: Ancyrochitina ellisbayensis sp. nov., Clathrochitina postconcinna sp. nov., Conochitina gunriveris sp. nov., Clathrochitina perexilis sp. nov., Bursachitina basiconcava sp. nov. and three species in open nomenclature are described.  相似文献   

In Québec City, a segment of an old wooden palisade built for protection was found buried in situ. The palisade was excavated by the Laval University archaeology field school in 2004–2005, and 29 posts were recovered and sampled. The palisade enclosed the Intendant's Palace compound, which was the residence of the governor of New France at the end of the 17th century. Tree-ring analysis was performed on wood excavated from the Intendant's Palace archaeological site (PDI) and additional wood from two historical military buildings, the Artillery Park (ART) (early 18th century) and the Québec Citadel (CIT) (17th–19th centuries). Wood identification revealed that white cedar (Thuja occidentalis L.) was used for wood construction at the three sites. Many trees used for the construction of the PDI palisade were felled after the 1690 growing season, likely in September/October 1690. Posts probably came from trees growing close to the site on the banks of the Saint-Charles River. A white cedar ring-width chronology from the Rimouski area, approximately 300 km northeast of Québec City, along the St. Lawrence River, was used for cross-dating. Archaeological and historical wood samples from two of the three sites (PDI and ART) were first assembled in a 235-year tree-ring chronology, called the Québec chronology, extending from 1489 to 1723. The two master chronologies (Québec and Rimouski) were merged into a single 513-year tree-ring chronology (1489–2001), called the Saint-Laurent chronology.  相似文献   

Genealogy, or the study of one's ancestral patri-lineage, has a long and esteemed pedigree in French Canadian and Québécois history. From Cyprien Tanguay's late-nineteenth-century encyclopedias to René Jetté's updated versions more than a century later, genealogy has been an important component of French Canadian nationalisms. Tracing one's ancestry back to the early St. Lawrence settlement in the seventeenth century has provided Québécois subjects with opportune political and social capital with which to make territorial and national claims legitimate. Through a case study approach, I explain how genealogy provides the grounds upon which Québécois and French subjects remember a shared past. Specifically, I examine a variety of sites of memory in the French countryside, including a museum that relies on ‘genealogics’ to call the French Canadian Québécois back to its roots. As such, I demonstrate how the biological, read as a contemporary articulation of Balibar's notion of the racial supplément necessary to nation building, travels across the Atlantic.  相似文献   

Myositis associated with infection by Ichthyophonus-like organisms was diagnosed in 35 of 260 (13%) wild amphibians collected in Quebec, Canada, from 1959 to 1964 (n = 30), and 1992 to 1999 (n = 230). Infection was diagnosed in 17 green frogs Rana clamitans, 9 wood frogs R. sylvatica, 4 red-spotted newts Notophthalmus viridescens, 3 bullfrogs R. catesbeiana, 1 spring peeper Pseudacris crucifer, and 1 pickerel frog R. palustris. The spring peeper and one of the bullfrogs were collected in 1964 from the Mont Saint-Hilaire Biosphere Reserve, indicating long-term presence of the organism. Spores of the organisms invaded striated muscle fibers and were associated with variable degrees of granulomatous and eosinophilic inflammation. Infection was considered fatal in 2 green frogs, 1 wood frog, and 1 red-spotted newt. It was considered potentially significant in 3 additional green frogs in which up to 100% of the fibers of some muscles were replaced by spores associated with a severe granulomatous reaction. Ultrastructural features of Ichthyophonus-like spores included a thick trilaminated wall, a paramural cytoplasm, multiple nuclei, oval mitochondria with short tubulo-vesicular cristae and numerous ribosomes. This report represents 4 new host records and shows that ichthyophonosis is enzootic in amphibians from Quebec.  相似文献   

Summary Mutations in the lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene, leading to partial or total inactivation of the enzyme, result in a hereditary clinical syndrome called familial LPL deficiency. The French Canadian population, which is primarily and historically located in the province of Québec, has the highest worldwide frequency of LPL-deficient patients. We have analyzed the prevalence, spatial distribution, and genealogy in the Québec population of a LPL gene mutation, M-207 (P207L in conventional notation), which changes the amino acid proline to leucine in position 207 of the LPL protein and inactivates the enzyme. Our results show that M-207 is the most prevalent LPL gene mutation among French Canadians and accounts for the largest proportion of LPL-deficient patients in this population. Genealogical reconstruction of French Canadian LPL-deficient patients point to 16 founders of M-207, all of whom migrated to Québec in the early seventeenth century from the north-western part of France, especially from the region of Perche. Most of the carriers of M-207 are, at present, found in the Charlevoix, Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean regions of eastern Québec. On the basis of the number of homozygote M-207 LPL-deficient patients so far identified, we estimate that there are at least 31,000 carriers of this mutation in the province of Québec. This constitutes a large pool of individuals at risk for atherosclerosis and other lipid-related diseases, since LPL deficiency is considered to be a significant contributing factor in the etiology and development of these diseases.  相似文献   

Longitudinal variations of phytoplankton biomass and composition were assessed in a 250 km-long section of the St.Lawrence River, which alternately runs through narrow (< 2 km) river cross sections and wide (up to 10 km) fluvial lakes. In the main river stem, concentrations of suspended matter and total phosphorus increased with distance downstream, whereas light penetration decreased. Seasonal changes in plankton composition and biomass were more important than those resulting from differences in water mass (tributary) of origin. Sampling at three cross river sections and in two fluvial lakes showed a progressive downstream decrease in phytoplankton biomass and changes in size structure and taxonomic composition. River plankton was primarily composed of small (< 10 µm equivalent spherical diameter), truly planktonic cells belonging to Cryptophyceae and diatoms, with Chlorophyceae in summer. Plankton sampled in summer among rooted macrophytes in fluvial lakes exhibited a higher biomass of resuspended periphytic algae than in the main river stem, which contributed slightly to downstream phytoplankton biomass.Successive river cross sections always shared about 50% of their taxa, indicating a rapid downstream transport of algae within the main water mass. However, the proportion of species common to all cross sections was highest during the spring freshet, and lowest during summer low discharge, likely resulting from the development of a distinct flora in fluvial lakes during summer. Conversely, about 30% of the identified taxa were exclusive to a cross section and were replaced by others occurring downstream. Overall, phytoplankton composition along the St.Lawrence River is primarily controlled by advective forces, which result in a homogeneous flora in the main river stem, with a local contribution of resuspended periphyton from fluvial lakes.  相似文献   

This work presents a multiscale analysis of the fish diversity of the lower St. Lawrence River which flows from the Laurentian Great Lakes of North America. A database of about 14,000 fish sampling stations from the lower St. Lawrence is linked to five different habitat maps of the study area: hydrographical units, water masses, depth, sediment type and wetland type. We hypothesize that species turnover (beta diversity) will be significant among these habitat maps. For each map, we calculate a UPGMA dendrogram based on the Jaccard coefficient of similarity in species occurrences as a first assemblage–habitat model. A randomization test is then used to identify the significant dendrograms from which we infer fish assemblages. We then show that many species are actually selecting or avoiding habitats. Finally, species selecting particular habitats are described by some selected ecological traits that are expected to occur frequently in those habitats. We found assemblages for the hydrographical units but not for the water masses. The fluvial section is selected by many stenohaline and some euryhaline species, while the freshwater estuary and the brackish estuary are only selected by euryhaline species. In the fluvial section at the hydrographical unit scale, many species associated with lentic habitats are limnophilic and more vegetation-dependent while many species selecting lotic habitats are rheophilic insectivorous species. Significant assemblages are defined for depth, sediment type and wetland type. Taken together, we found strong empirical evidence of a diverse actively selecting littoral assemblage of small, low mobility fishes opposing a channel assemblage of larger, more mobile fishes.  相似文献   

Analysing parties’ media representations in the context of France’s 2010 legal ban of Islamic facial coverings and Québec’s (rejected) Charter of Values in 2013, this paper foregrounds the neglected role that party competition plays in shaping the construction of nationhood in public debates around immigrant religious practices. Our findings show that in these debates, political parties aim to maintain their distinct identities by generating a particular universalism, in which purportedly “universal” values, such as gender equality, are imbricated with particularistic images of nationhood.  相似文献   

As part of an impact assessment of large hydroelectric projects in the James Bay drainage in Northwestern Québec, the aquatic insect communities were studied in a network of rivers, lakes and streams during the summer of 1975. Thirty-eight emergence traps operated over the ice-free season yielded 10 888 insects (5559 Ephemeroptera, 2817 Plecoptera, and 2512 Trichoptera), representing 148 species (respectively 44, 18, and 86), most of temperate and boreal afinities. There was no arctic element.Similarity analyses and clustering procedures on the emergence series revealed the existence of distinct insect communities in the river (fast and slow sections), the streams (fast and slow), the lakes and the bogs, each characterized by a particular assemblage of species. Many of the species were more or less ubiquitous and differences between communities were marked more by changes in the dominance of the species and differences in the frequency distributions, than absolute shifts in the species lists. The yields in the traps set in fast water were much greater than those in slow running water, and these in turn greater than those of standing water.By comparison with more southerly sites, the seasonal succession of species was retarded in the spring and early summer, but was not shortened appreciably in the fall. The usual emergence patterns associated with these taxa was observed, namely those of spring, summer and autumn species.  相似文献   

Brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis, often display alternate life history styles in coastal areas. In the Laval River, some brook charr remain freshwater residents, while others undergo seasonal migrations between freshwater and saltwater environments. In the present paper, we examined physiological (electrolyte concentrations, gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity, and thyroid hormone levels) as well as genetic differences (neutral genetic markers) between anadromous and river-resident fish from the Laval River. We also examined how artificial rearing conditions affected seasonal variations in the osmoregulatory physiology of a domestic strain derived from wild anadromous fish. Sympatric anadromous and resident forms of brook charr of the Laval River exhibited differences in gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity, plasma thyroxine (T4), and triidothyronine (T3) concentrations. In domestic anadromous charr, rearing conditions during development had no negative impact on osmoregulatory ability or on gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity. These results argued for an important hereditary component of gill Na+, K+-ATPase activity. However, the spring increase in T4 was present only in wild fish. Significant differences observed at microsatellite loci further suggested that at least some level of reproductive isolation may have occurred between anadromous and resident charr in the Laval River.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1987,29(3):195-204
Aboveground production of macrophytes in tidal marshes was studied for 3 years at Montmagny and Cap St. Ignace on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River in Québec, Canada. Year-to-year variation of production of the dominant species, Scirpus americanus Pers., was observed and related to variation in weather during the growing season. With the exception of Zizania aquatica L., relative production of the macrophytes for different parts of the marshes remained constant in successive years. A multiple regression procedure was used to establish the relationship between production and a series of independent variables including biotic (goose use and plant competition) and abiotic factors (submersion, substrate hardness, soil texture and sedimentation). A lower percentage of organic matter in the soil and a firm substrate were associated with a greater production of S. americanus. Accretion of sediments was positively correlated with the production of S. americanus and Sagittaria spp., whereas the percentage of time of submersion was negatively related with production of Sagittaria spp., Eleocharis spp. and Scirpus torreyi Olney. Competitive interference was apparent between S. americanus and S. torreyi and between Eleocharis spp. and Zizania spp. No measured abiotic characteristic of the marsh explained the variation of Zizania production.  相似文献   

Since its invasion of North America in 2000, the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Homoptera: Aphididae) has notably changed the arthropod community of the soybean agroecosystem. The objectives of this study were to characterize the foliar predatory fauna associated with A. glycines in commercial soybean fields in Québec, Canada, and to evaluate the suitability of A. glycines as prey for three coccinellid species: Harmonia axyridis Pallas, Propylea quatuordecimpunctata L. and Coleomegilla maculata lengi Timberlake (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Field surveys showed that several predators responded rapidly to expanding and increasing populations of the soybean aphid. Coccinellidae were the most important aphidophagous predators observed in 2002 (58.6%) and 2003 (44.8%), with mainly four native and naturalized species co-occurring with the soybean aphid throughout the growing season. Measurement of fitness parameters under laboratory conditions (survival, development time, longevity, fecundity) indicated that A. glycines is an excellent prey for the development and reproduction of all three of the coccinellid species studied. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) was highest for H. axyridis (0.238 d−1), intermediate for P. quatuordecimpunctata (0.215 d−1) and lowest for C. maculata (0.134 d−1).  相似文献   

Familial hyperchylomicronemia due to the lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity deficiency (Type I hyperlipoproteinemia) is an autosomal recessive disorder with a prevalence estimated at one case per million. Thirty-four type I individuals are known in Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean (SLSJ), a geographically isolated region of Quebec. The prevalence of type I and LPL deficient heterozygote in this region was estimated at 1/6382 and 1/46 inhabitants respectively. The mean inbreeding coefficient was slightly elevated in the type I group compared with three control groups. The mean kinship coefficient was 15.1 times higher in the type I group than in the control groups. The high prevalence of type I in SLSJ appears to be the result of the emigration of carriers of LPL deficiency from Charlevoix, another isolated region of quebec to the SLSJ region. Endogamy also played a crucial role in increasing the prevalence of type I in SLSJ.  相似文献   

Several Peronospora species are carried by wind over short and long distances, from warmer climates where they survive on living plants to cooler climates. In eastern Canada, this annual flow of sporangia was thought to be the main source of Peronospora destructor responsible for onion downy mildew. However, the results of a recent study showed that the increasing frequency of onion downy mildew epidemics in eastern Canada is associated with warmer autumns, milder winters, and previous year disease severity, suggesting overwintering of the inoculum in an area where the pathogen is not known to be endogenous. In this study, genotyping by sequencing was used to investigate the population structure of P. destructor at the landscape scale. The study focused on a particular region of southwestern Québec—Les Jardins de Napierville—to determine if the populations were clonal and regionally differentiated. The data were characterized by a high level of linkage disequilibrium, characteristic of clonal organisms. Consequently, the null hypothesis of random mating was rejected when tested on predefined or nonpredefined populations, indicating that linkage disequilibrium was not a function of population structure and suggesting a mixed reproduction mode. Discriminant analysis of principal components performed with predefined population assignment allowed grouping P. destructor isolates by geographical regions, while analysis of molecular variance confirmed that this genetic differentiation was significant at the regional level. Without using a priori population assignment, isolates were clustered into four genetic clusters. These results represent a baseline estimate of the genetic diversity and population structure of P. destructor.  相似文献   

Plants are chronically associated with microorganisms, residing all tissues. Holonomic analysis of diversity of established rhizobacteria in uncultivated plants is scarce. Thus, the present study was conducted to access the root-associated bacterial diversity of 6 crops (maize, canola, soybean, reed canarygrass, alfafa, and miscanthus) and 20 uncultivated plant species in the region of Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, Québec, Canada, using pure-culture methods. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, 446 bacterial isolates were distributed onto four phyla (Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes), 32 families and 90 genera. Proteobacteria constituted the largest group of isolates (240), 40% of ectophytic and 61% of endophytic bacteria. Representatives of the genera Bacillus and Pseudomonas dominated in rhizosphere soil; Microbacterium and Pseudomonas were the predominant endophytes. Some genera were associated with specific plant species, such as Stenotrophomonas, Yersinia, Labrys and Luteibacter. Several endophytes were occasionally observed in the rhizosphere, and vice versa. This is the first survey of culturable endophytic bacteria associated with uncultivated plants in Québec. The culturable bacterial community studied herein are assumed to represent a portion of the entire phytomicrobiome of the evaluated plants. Results confirmed that the crops and uncultivated plants of Québec represent an extremely rich reservoir of diverse rhizobacteria.  相似文献   

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