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引用本文:徐信荣,陈炳耀,王炼,鞠建峰,杨光. 北部湾沙田水域中华白海豚和江豚的同域分布格局及时空变化[J]. 兽类学报, 2012, 32(4): 325-329
作者姓名:徐信荣  陈炳耀  王炼  鞠建峰  杨光
摘    要:北部湾是中华白海豚和江豚的重要分布区,但是对该水域两物种的分布格局及时空变化的研究却比较少,也不清楚这两个物种分布区是否有重叠。2003 ~ 2004 年与2011 ~2012 年期间,我们在北部湾沙田水域进行了船只调查,总计航程4 876.8 km,收集了两个物种空间分布的数据。结果表明,2003 ~ 2004 年仅发现中华白海豚,2011 ~2012 年则同时发现了中华白海豚和江豚。与2003 ~ 2004 年4 ~ 5 月相比,中华白海豚在2011 年4 ~ 5 月份的遇见率明显增加(0.152 vs 0. 028 头次/km)。中华白海豚的MCP、95% FK 家域和50% FK 核心域面积分别为162. 6 km2 、271. 35 km2 和56.78 km2 ,2011 ~ 2012 年50% FK 核心家域有所扩大且东移。江豚的MCP、95% FK家域和50% FK 核心域面积分别为97.21 km2 、318.72 km2 和38.18 km2 。江豚主要分布于中华白海豚的外围远岸水域,同时两个物种的分布区有小部分重叠。基于多种因素的分析,我们推测,江豚可能存在季节性迁移以及中华白海豚对河口区有明显的偏好,可能是造成它们分布格局不同的原因。

关 键 词:中华白海豚  江豚  分布格局  遇见率  家域  

The sympatric distribution pattern and tempo-spatial variation of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins and finless porpoises at Shatian,Beibuwan Gulf
XU Xinrong,CHEN Bingyao,WANG Lian,JU Jianfeng,YANG Guang. The sympatric distribution pattern and tempo-spatial variation of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins and finless porpoises at Shatian,Beibuwan Gulf[J]. Acta Theriologica Sinica, 2012, 32(4): 325-329
Authors:XU Xinrong  CHEN Bingyao  WANG Lian  JU Jianfeng  YANG Guang
Affiliation:(Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Biodiversity and Biotechnology,College of Life Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
Abstract:The Beibuwan Gulf represents a crucial distribution area of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) and finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides)in China. However,the systematic research on the distribution pattern and its tempo-spatial variation of these two species in this waters is still deficient,and it is still unclear whether they are overlapped with each other. In 2003 - 2004 and 2011 - 2012 surveys,we conducted boat-based surveys twice at Shatian, Beibu Gulf with 4 876.8 km survey route in total,and collected the spatial distribution data of both species. Only humpback dolphins were sighted in 2003 -2004,whereas both species were sighted in 2011 - 2012. Compared with the result of April and May 2003 - 2004,the encounter rate of humpback dolphins in April-May,2011 was significantly higher (0. 152 vs 0. 028 individuals/ km survey line). The Minimum convex polygon (MCP),95% Fixed kerne (FK)home range and 50% FK core range of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins were 162.6 km2 ,271. 35 km2 and 56.78km2,respectively. From 2003 -2004 to 2011 -2012,the 50% FK core range enlarged and moved eastward. The MCP,95% FK home range and 50% FK core range of finless porpoises were 97.21 km2 ,318. 72 km2 and 38. 18km2 respectively. The finless porpoise is mainly distributed in the periphery of the distribution area of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins,and a small part of distribution area of both species is overlapped. Based on the analysis of some possible factors,it was suggested that finless porpoises possibly migrate inshore-toward seasonally,whereas Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins have preference to the estuary area,which might have led to the different distribution pattern of both species.
Keywords:Distribution pattern  Encounter rate  Finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides)  Home range  IndoPacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis)  
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