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引用本文:呙丽,关文灵,杜艳艳. 云南省观果植物资源及其在昆明市园林绿化中的应用[J]. 亚热带植物科学, 2013, 42(3): 255-260. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-7791.2013.03.016
作者姓名:呙丽  关文灵  杜艳艳
作者单位:(云南农业大学 园林园艺学院,云南 昆明 650201)
摘    要:对云南省野生观果植物资源及昆明市各绿地观果植物的种类进行调查分析,结果表明,云南省野生观果植物有266种,隶属于76科183属;主要分布在蔷薇科、忍冬科、卫矛科、木兰科、小檗科、冬青科等中。观果植物的观赏色彩多为红色系,其次是黄色系、深色系和绿色,少见白色。应用于昆明市各类绿地的观果树种约84种,隶属于31科52属,应用中存在以下问题:(1)绿化应用不够广泛;(2)绿化应用的种类数量较少;(3)大多生长不良;(4)应用形式较为单一,景观结构多为单层,景观效果不突出。

关 键 词:观果植物资源  园林绿化  云南  昆明  

The Resources of Ornamental Fruit Plants in Yunnan Province and the Landscape Application in Kunming City
GUO Li , GUAN Wen-ling , DU Yan-yan. The Resources of Ornamental Fruit Plants in Yunnan Province and the Landscape Application in Kunming City[J]. Subtropical Plant Science, 2013, 42(3): 255-260. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-7791.2013.03.016
Authors:GUO Li    GUAN Wen-ling    DU Yan-yan
Affiliation:(College of Horticulture and Landscape, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, Yunnan China)
Abstract:The wild ornamental fruit plants of Yunnan Province and the species of ornamental fruit plants of green space in Kunming were surveyed by the way of field investigation and reference documentation. The result showed that there were 266 species of wild ornamental fruit plants in Yunnan which belong to 76 families and 183 genera; they mainly distributed over Rosaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Celastraceae, Magnoliaceae, Berberidaceae, Aquifoliaceae etc. The colors of ornamental plants' fruits were mostly red, next yellow, deep color, green, rarely white. The ornamental fruit plants applied in Kunming were 84 species belonging to 31 families, 52 genera. And the landscape application of fruit plants in Kunming city was found the following problems: (1) application of greening was not widely; (2) number of species applied in landscape was small; (3) most ornamental fruit plants failed to grow well; (4) the application form was single, and most landscape structures were single layers so that the effect of landscape was not prominent.
Keywords:ornamental fruit plants  garden greening  Yunnan Province  Kunming City
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