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引用本文:余丽,杨世湖,晋玉宽,万建民,赵宝泉. Pib启动子中茉莉酸和乙烯响应元件的转基因分析[J]. 遗传, 2010, 32(1): 73-80. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1005.2010.00073
作者姓名:余丽  杨世湖  晋玉宽  万建民  赵宝泉
作者单位:南京农业大学作物遗传与种质创新国家重点实验室, 南京210095
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(编号:30571044), 江苏省高科技项目(编号:BG2001305)和长江学者和创新团队发展计划资助
摘    要:水稻Pib基因的表达受茉莉酸、乙烯等激素诱导, 为了确定该基因启动子响应茉莉酸和乙烯诱导的必需区域, 进一步阐明茉莉酸和乙烯响应分子元件, 文章用PCR制备了Pib全长启动子-3 572~2 bp及3个5′端有不同长度缺失的Pib启动子片段-2 692~2 bp、-1 335~2 bp、-761~2 bp。4个不同长度Pib启动子分别置换掉双元质粒中gus基因上游的35S构建为重组质粒, 经农杆菌介导转入水稻获得转基因植株。转基因水稻中gus活性的蛋白质水平和mRNA水平的定性和定量分析结果表明, 全长Pib启动子(-3 572~2 bp, pNAR901)启动活性最强, 茉莉酸或乙烯诱导6 h后, 其驱动gus基因在转基因植株各部组织中的表达量明显上升。而-3 572~-2 692 bp区段序列缺失后不但Pib启动子启动活性显著降低而且也丧失了对茉莉酸和乙烯的诱导活性。pNAR902(-2 692~2 bp),pNAR903(-1 335~2 bp)和pNAR904(-761~2 bp)中的Pib启动子序列的缺失长度相差达2倍和3倍以上, 但其对茉莉酸和乙烯的诱导响应没有区别。这些结果显示3个Pib启动子缺失体构建中, 其共同缺失序列即-3 572~-2 692 bp区域是Pib启动子茉莉酸和乙烯诱导响应的必需区域。软件检索证实, Pib启动子序列中只在上述共同缺失区段之内的-2 722 bp处有一个GCCGCC基序。文章报道的转基因实验表明GCCGCC基序可能是Pib基因中有关茉莉酸和乙烯诱导响应的顺式分子元件。

关 键 词:水稻  Pib启动子  GUS  乙烯  茉莉酸.  

Analysis of the molecular motif for inducing response to jasmonic acid and ethylene in Pib promoter via rice transformation
YU Li,YANG Shi-Hu,JIN Yu-Kuan,WAN Jian-Min,ZHAO Bao-Quan. Analysis of the molecular motif for inducing response to jasmonic acid and ethylene in Pib promoter via rice transformation[J]. Hereditas, 2010, 32(1): 73-80. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1005.2010.00073
Authors:YU Li  YANG Shi-Hu  JIN Yu-Kuan  WAN Jian-Min  ZHAO Bao-Quan
Affiliation:National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement, Nanjing Agricultural university, Nanjing 210095
Abstract:The expression of Pib gene in rice was induced by hormone, such as jasmonic acid and ethylene. In order to determine the necessary regions of sequence or motifs for response to jasmonic acid and ethylene in Pib promoter, the full length promoter of Pib (-3 572~2 bp) and three different 5′ deletion fragments of Pib promoter (-2 692~2 bp, -1 335~2 bp, -761~2 bp) were synthesized by PCR and then were substituted for 35S upstream gus in a binary plasmid to construct re-combined plasmids of Pib promoter-gus fusions. Transgenic rice plants of the four recombined plasmids were produced by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Quality and quantum analysis of gus activities in transgenic plants at both protein and mRNA levels were conducted. The promotion activity of the full length promoter of Pib (-3 572~2 bp, pNAR901) was the highest in the four recombinants and the gus activities in its transgenic plant organs were enhanced obviously at 6 h after treatment with jasmonic acid or ethylene. The promotion activity of the deleted Pib promoters was significantly decreased and the response to jasmonic acid or ethylene treatment was not present when the -3 572~-2 692 bp sequence was knocked out from the Pib promoter. Although the disparity in the lengths of the deleted Pib promoter of pNAR902 (-2 692~2 bp), pNAR903 (-1 335~2 bp), and pNAR904 (-761~2 bp) was more than 2 or 3 times, the response to jasmonic acid or ethylene treatment was not different among their transgenic plants. All these results indicated that the common deleted sequences (-3 572 ~-2 692 bp) in the three deleted Pib promoter constructs were the essential region to the response to jasmonic acid and ethylene treatment. The result of pib promoter sequence searching indicated that there was only one GCCGCC motif at -2 722 bp of this common deleted segment in the Pib promoter sequence. Our rice transgenic results showed that the GCCGCC may be a cis-motif for Pib gene conferring response to jasmonic acid and ethylene for Pib gene.
Keywords:Gus  rice  Pib promoter  Gus  jasmonic acid  ethylene
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