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引用本文:蒋学龙,马世来,王应祥,王强. 黑长臂猿的群体大小及组成[J]. 动物学研究, 1994, 15(2): 15-22
作者姓名:蒋学龙  马世来  王应祥  王强
摘    要:黑长臂猿(Hylobatesconcolor)是长臂猿科中较为原始的类群,对其野外行为生态习性近年来已有所报道,但意见不一。本文根据近两年的野外观察,认为黑长臂猿的群体大小为4.3±1.0只,(范围3—6,n=7),群体组成为1成年雄性,1—2成年雌性,1—3后代个体,群体之大小除与其本身的特点有关外,还与其赖以生存的生境条件好坏有关。

关 键 词:黑长臂猿 社群结构 群体大小

Jiang Xuelong, Ma Shilai,Wang Yingxiang. GROUP SIZE AND COMPOSITION OF BLACK-CRESTED GIBBONS(Hylobates concolor)[J]. Zoological Research, 1994, 15(2): 15-22
Authors:Jiang Xuelong   Ma Shilai  Wang Yingxiang
Abstract:Generally, gibbons are monogamous and territorial, mean group size is about four.But with the disputable species of black-crested gibbon (Hylobates concolor) based on recent ecological studies,the mean group size vairied from 3 to 7 or 8 according to different studies, and the mating system was considered to be monogamous or polygynous (Xu et al.,1983;Haimoff et al.,1986; Liu, 1988; Lan,1989).This article mainly deals with the black-gibbon's group size and composition,after a 10-month survey of black-crested gibbons in Wuliang and Ailao Reserve, Yunnan Province. We concluded from seven groups in 4 sites that mean group size is 4.3, each group has 1 adult male,1-2 adult females,and 1-3 offspring of various ages. The group size and composition is similar with that of Hainan black-crested gibbon reported by Xu et al.(1983) and Liu (1988), but the results showsome differences with Haimoff et al.(1986)and Lan(1989).The group size andcompositioon are quite correlated with the habitat,e.g.,GC1 group and GD group live in the less disturbed area, each maintians a group of six or seven individuals including two adult females respectively, and GG group only has one adult female and one subadult male because of heavy hunting presure and forest cutting in their habitat, althouth they live in more than 200 hm2.
Keywords:Black-crested gibbon  Hylobates concolor  Group size  Group composition  
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