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作者姓名:曾治高  钟文勤  宋延龄  巩会生  王学杰  王宽武
作者单位:1. 中国科学院动物研究所,
2. 陕西佛坪国家级自然保护区管理局,
摘    要:从集群、迁移、时间、方式、饮水和舔盐 6个方面报道了秦岭羚牛的采食行为。羚牛主要以集群的方式在白天采食 ,也见到羚牛单独采食及在夜间活动采食的情形。研究期间集群活动的羚牛个体数占所见羚牛总数的 95 4% ,有 5 0 %以上的羚牛是在大于 1 5只的羚牛群体中见到的。头牛在羚牛群体的采食迁移过程中起着重要的作用。它通过发出低沉的吼叫声来使牛群聚集在一起并共同采食迁移。随着食物的季节性生长变化 ,羚牛具有季节性上下垂直迁移采食的习性。羚牛采食时 ,多用上下唇扯断植物的枝 (茎 )叶 ,而不是以舌卷食 ,也用牙咬或啃食木本植物的幼枝或皮。羚牛有多种采食方式 ,一般是以常规行走的方式采食。但当食物超出正常采食方式所能获得的特殊情况下 ,羚牛会采用一些特殊的方式取食 ,包括后肢站立采食、骑树采食、压枝采食、撞击采食和跪地采食。

关 键 词:秦岭羚牛  采食行为

Feeding Behavior of Golden Takin
Abstract:Feeding behaviors of golden takins were observed in Foping National Nature Reserve from 1995 to 1996 Most takins fed in the daytime and they were casually found to feed in the night. About 95 4% individuals having been seen in the field were in groups. More than 50% of the takins occurred in groups with more than 15 individuals. Group leader which was an adult female often gave the signal of movement to every one in the group by making a low bellowing, then the members of the group would gather together and follow her to move. Seasonal vertical movement of the takins was found with the change of food availability. The takins could pluck the terminal leaves of a twig by their broad, flexible lips. Their large and strong teeth enabled takins to bite shoots, twigs and barks. Normally, takins made movement while they were feeding. However, the strong bodies gave takins more ability to fetch their food. A takin could obtain browse beyond reach in one of several ways. An animal could stand up on both hindlegs to browse. Or it bent a sapling or shrub with side of neck or head, and hold it down with both forelegs. In order to fetch leaves of a sapling a takin was able to break trees by running from few meters and hitting its head against the stem. In one case, a takin was observed to fetch its food from a below site in a kneeing position.
Keywords:Golden takin (Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi)  Feeding behavior
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