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作者姓名:刘强  张丽香
作者单位:1. 天津师范大学生物学系,天津,300074
2. 内蒙古师范大学生物学系,呼和浩特,010022
摘    要:对火红拟孔蜂(Hoplitis pyrrhosoma)连续4年的野外观察研究发现,该蜂为濒危植物四合木的重要传粉昆虫,其切取霸王,蝎虎霸王,白刺,红沙,猪毛菜,雾冰藜等植物叶片并与土粘合成巢室;筑巢场所有砖石缝,废弃的土墙或土坯墙,建筑物和崖壁上的孔洞或缝,植物茎杆内管,亦产发现在枝条稠密的灌木基部,挂在植物上的编织物和黑色塑料袋,马粪内筑巢,并在人工蜂箱的巢管内筑巢率极高。筑巢程序大致分为:选址与识记,构筑巢壁,贮粮与产卵,封闭巢口。

关 键 词:火红拟孔蜂  筑巢习性  行为  四合木  传粉昆虫

A Study of Nesting Habits and Behavior of Hoplitis pyrrhosoma
Abstract:A four year field investigation of Hoplitis pyrrhosoma . Revealed that this species is an important native pollinator of Tetraena mongolica ,an endangered plant. Hoplitis pyrrhosoma builds nests by mixing earth and shredded leaves of Zygophyllum xanthoxylon,Zygophyllum mucronatum,Nitraria roborowskii,Reaumuria soongorica,Salsola arbuscula and Bassia dasyphylla , etc. Nests are in plant stem,in holes and cracks which are found in brick, rock and earthen walls,etc. We have even found nests in the bases of densely branching shrubs,fabric hanging in branches, black plastic bags and horse dung. Furthermore, Hoplitis pyrrhosoma can nest in artificial boxes with hollow tubes. The sequence of nesting behaviour is roughly as follows:site selection and memorization of site location,construction of the nest wall,reserving food and oviposition,sealing cells.
Keywords:Hoplitis pyrrhosoma  Nesting  Habit  Behavior
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