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引用本文:李迪强,蒋志刚,王祖望. 人类活动对普氏原羚分布的影响[J]. 生态学报, 1999, 19(6): 890-895
作者姓名:李迪强  蒋志刚  王祖望
作者单位:1. 中国林业科学院森林环境与保护研究所,北京,100091
2. 中国科学院动物研究所,北京,100080
摘    要:根据卫星遥感(TM)影像与野外——GPS(全球定位系统)定位的实地考察资料,结合数字化的地形图、植被图与土地利用图、交通图,利用地理信息系统软件——生态信息系统(EIS)建立了地理信息系统模型,采用生境评价方法HEP就人类活动对青海湖地区普氏原羚生境的影响进行了分析。影响普氏原羚生境适合度的因素主要为基质类型、坡度、水源远近、植被类型与人类活动。当不考虑人类活动影响时,普氏原羚活动区的面积为7955km 2,最佳生境为典型草原,其次为灌丛沙地,折合适宜生境面积4664km 2。由于交通、居民点、农业用地等土地利用的影响,普氏原羚仅分布在草地沙地边缘,其适宜分布区迅速减小,生境的适合度等级出现明显变化,最适生境缺损,折合最适生境面积511km 2。只占原来适合生境面积11% 。典型草原围栏与人为放牧影响,普氏原羚实际分布区面积只有350km 2,讨论了普氏原羚的保护对策。

关 键 词:普氏原羚  生境分析  人类活动影响

Impacts of human activities on the distribution of the critically endangered Przewalski's g
LI Diqiang,JIANG Zhigang and WANG Zuwang. Impacts of human activities on the distribution of the critically endangered Przewalski's g[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 1999, 19(6): 890-895
Authors:LI Diqiang  JIANG Zhigang  WANG Zuwang
Affiliation:Institute of Zoology; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing; China
Abstract:We built a GIS software based Ecological Information System(EIS) which integrated the satellite remote sensing image(TM),topographic maps,vegetation maps,land use maps and field survey data.Then,we analyzed the impacts of human activities on the habitat of the Przewakski's gazelle( Procapra przewakskii Buchner) in the Qinghai Lake region.The key factors influenced the habitat suitability of the Przewakski's gazelle were identified as the matrix,slope,distance to the water sources,the type of vegetation,and human activities.The model indicated that when the human disturbance was ignored,the habitat area of the habitat the Przewakski's gazelle was 7955km 2,the best habitat for the gazelle was steppe,followed by desert shrub,in term of the most suitable habitat,the habitat area for the gazelle was 4664km 2.However,under the impacts of human being,when influences of traffic,human settlements,agriculture use and,especially the fenced steppe were considered,the suitable habitat for the Przewakski's gazelle,decreased rapidly.The gazelle struggled to survive in the margin lands and the ecotones between the desert and steppe.The potential area of 551km 2 was left as the most suitable habitat for gazelle, which was about 11% of the original habitat.The actual distribution of the Przewakski's gazelle was only about 350km 2 under the combined impacts of fenced grassland and the animal husbandry practice in the region.A national natural reserve was set up in the region.However the key habitat of the Przewakski's gazelle was excluded from the core zone of the reserve.
Keywords:Przewakski's gazelle  habitat analysis  human activity
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