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引用本文:秦天天,齐伟,李云强,曲衍波. 基于生态位的山地农村居民点适宜度评价[J]. 生态学报, 2012, 32(16): 5175-5183
作者姓名:秦天天  齐伟  李云强  曲衍波
作者单位:1. 山东农业大学资源与环境学院,泰安,271018
2. 中国农业大学土地资源管理系,北京,100193
摘    要:为了农村居民点优化布局和公共服务资源优化配置,运用复合生态位对农村居民点适宜性进行评价。根据栖霞市山地特点以及农村居民点用地特征,基于生态位理论,从生态条件、生产条件和生活条件3方面选取相关指标,选取地形位、坡向、水源影响度、地质灾害作为生态条件的评价指标;生产条件选取工商业用地比例、工商业用地可达性、耕地和园地面积、耕地和园地可达性作为评价指标;生活条件选取农村居民点规模、城镇中心可达性和道路通达度作为生活条件评价指标。采用可达性测算、聚类分析、适宜性评价等定量分析和定性分析相结合的方法,确定适宜性等级,并与提取出的农村居民点用地相叠加,将农村居民点分为重点发展型、适度发展型、限制扩建型和优先整治型4种类型,分别占总规模的35.19%、35.10%、20.29%和9.42%。重点发展型地理位置优越,交通便捷,基础设施较完善,建议有序调整内部结构促进集约利用;适度发展型村庄处于起步阶段,受闲散地较多、土地利用方式粗放的限制,建议盘活存量用地,循环利用旧宅基地和闲置宅基地;限制扩建型受地形复杂、农业生产生活条件较差的限制,建议维持现状,引导人口外迁,推动宅基地腾退;优先整治型受地势较高、生态环境脆弱、离水源较远,交通不便,易发灾害限制,建议村庄搬迁。最后结合研究区山地农村居民点特点提出了不同类型居民点相应的调控模式。研究能够揭示农村居民点的现状和适宜性,为当前农村居民点优化布局提供理论基础,同时丰富了生态位理论在不同领域中的应用,对农村居民点优化布局具有一定的指导意义。

关 键 词:农村居民点  生态位  山地  适宜性评价

Suitability evaluation of rural residential land based on niche theory in mountainous area
QIN Tiantian,QI Wei,LI Yunqiang and QU Yanbo. Suitability evaluation of rural residential land based on niche theory in mountainous area[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2012, 32(16): 5175-5183
Authors:QIN Tiantian  QI Wei  LI Yunqiang  QU Yanbo
Affiliation:College of Resources and Environment, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian 271018, China;College of Resources and Environment, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian 271018, China;College of Resources and Environment, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian 271018, China;Department of Land Resources Management, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
Abstract:The rural residential land often scattered in distribution especially in mountainous areas, which was restricted by terrain factors such as slope and elevation with lower intensive degree of utilization, imperfect infrastructure and lower utilization rate of public service resources. Niche is the total aggregation of living conditions of biological units, which reflects the space, position and function of the individual and population in ecological systems. Rural residential land is the compound carrier for production and living. The suitability evaluation of rural residential land with niche theory can not only reflect the suitable degree of all kinds of economic and production activities, but also indicate the importance of rural residential land in regional ecological system. Qixia City is located in the central of Shandong Peninsula, which is typical of hilly terrain and has the characteristics of intensive mountainous area. According to the requirements of new countryside construction and characteristics of rural residential land in Qixia City, 11 relevant indicators were selected from ecological, productive and living conditions to establish the index system for rural residential land suitability evaluation. Geological disaster, terrain, slope, and water effect were selected as ecological indexes; ratio of industry and commerce land, accessibility of industry and commerce land, cultivated land and garden land area, and accessibility of cultivated land and garden land were selected as productive indexes; road accessibility, rural residential land area, accessibility of town center were selected as living indexes. Accessibility can be summarized as the ability from origin point to attract point by certain transportation, which is deeply affected by the land use and closely related to the concepts of location, space interaction and space scale. On the basis of established evaluation index system, suitability grades were determined by a combination method of accessibility calculation, cluster analysis and suitability evaluation. After that the rural residential land was overlaid with the suitability grades and was divided into key development type, moderate development type, restricted expansion type and prior remediation type based on the suitability evaluation results and cluster analysis, which accounted for 35.19%, 35.10%, 20.29%, and 9.42% respectively. The key development type has superior geographical position, convenient transportation and relatively perfect infrastructure, which is suggested to orderly adjust the internal structure and promote land intensive use. The moderate development type is still in primary stage with more idle land and extensive land use, which is suggested to stimulate deposit land and recycle use the old residential land and idle land. The restricted expansion type is restricted by complicated topography, poor agriculture production and living conditions, which is suggested to maintain the current status, guide the population to move-out and make the old homestead retreat. The prior remediation type is restricted by high relief, fragile ecological environment, isolated to water source and inconvenient transportation; the suggestion of this type is to move the villages. Furthermore, the characteristics of rural residential land use were concluded and corresponding regulation and control measures were suggested. The results showed the current situation and suitability of rural residential land. This study provided theoretical foundations of optimizing the layout of rural residential land, enriched the application of niche theory in different fields and had guiding significance for the consolidation and optimum distribution of mountainous rural residential land.
Keywords:rural residential land  niche  mountainous area  suitability evaluation
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