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Variability of photosensitive period and voltinism among populations of a butterfly,Ypthima multistriata,inhabiting similar latitudes and altitudes
Authors:Yuto Hasegawa  Tsuyoshi Takeuchi  Norio Hirai
Abstract:In Ypthima multistriata Butler (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), there are univoltine and bivoltine populations in adjacent areas with similar climatic conditions. A previous study revealed that larvae of both univoltine and bivoltine populations diapause under a constant short day (i.e., a constant short light period; L13:D11), but not under a constant long‐day condition (L16:D8). However, in both types of populations, adults of an overwintering generation appear and oviposit in June and soon thereafter larvae hatch. Therefore, the younger larvae (at least the first instars) of both types of populations experience a long day; nevertheless, the larvae of univoltine populations diapause in nature. To resolve this inconsistency, we set up two hypotheses: (1) the photosensitive stage of larvae is the second instar or later, and (2) the photosensitive stage of univoltine populations is later than that of bivoltine populations. To test these hypotheses, we performed rearing experiments with two univoltine populations and two bivoltine ones. The results indicated that the photosensitive stage was the second or third instar and that the photosensitive stage was later in one univoltine population than in the two bivoltine populations. Larvae of the other univoltine population diapaused under all conditions. The former result supports our hypothesis, and the latter result indicates that the response to photoperiod is different among univoltine populations. In addition, larval development was slower in one univoltine population than in the bivoltine populations, which also delays the timing of the diapause decision in this univoltine population. Larvae that experienced a long day during the first and middle instars but experienced a short day at the end of their larval stage developed faster than larvae that experienced a constant long day. This may be an adaptation to enable emergence before the start of a cold season that is unsuitable for reproduction.
Keywords:diapause  developmental time  intraspecific variation  photoperiodism  Lepidoptera  Nymphalidae
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