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引用本文:秦祥堃. 女贞属的新系统[J]. 云南植物研究, 2009, 31(2): 97-116. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1143.2009.08131
基金项目:致谢 衷心感谢张美珍先生对研究工作的支持和帮助,感谢她对初稿提出的中肯意见和建议.感谢中科院昆明植物研究所、北京植物研究所、江苏植物研究所、复旦大学等单位的标本馆对我查阅标本提供方便;感谢国外著名标本馆K,A,P,TI,TNS借阅标本,尤其是一些重要的模式标本.还要感谢刘培贵、吴鹏程、徐增莱等教授对我工作提供帮助.
摘    要:通过对本属48个分类群的检查,发现女贞属的种子有4种类型:1)小球形,2)卵形,3)椭圆形,4)具沟形,并且它们与果实的类型有密切的相关性。因此,以种子的形态以及内果皮的类型为主要分组依据,提出了一个新的分类系统。此外,本文将L.xingrenense作为L.nepalense的地理亚种处理;将L.longipedicellatum和L.yunguiense归并到L.lianum;将L.longitubum及L.robustum subsp.chinense分别归并到L.leucanthum及L.expensum。真正的粗壮女贞L.robustum分布于斯里兰卡、印度及缅甸等地,未见于我国,文献上所载产于我国的粗壮女贞均为L.expansum的错误鉴定。

关 键 词:女贞属  种子  分类系统  分类学

A New System of Ligustrum (Oleaceae)
QIN Xiang-Kun. A New System of Ligustrum (Oleaceae)[J]. Acta Botanica Yunnanica, 2009, 31(2): 97-116. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1143.2009.08131
Authors:QIN Xiang-Kun
Affiliation:QIN Xiang-Kun ( Herbarium, Shanghai Museum of Natural History ( Shanghai Science and Technology Museum), Shanghai 200231, China)
Abstract:Based on an extensive examination of specimens of 48 taxa in the genus Ligustrum, it was found that four types of seeds could be divided: 1 ) sphaercular, 2) compressed ellipsoidal, 3) compressed ovoid, and 4) crescent-shape with two channels on the back. There is a close relationship between the form of seeds and the type of fruit. Thus, a new infragenetic system of Ligustrum is proposed based on the morphology of seeds and endocarps. In addition, L. xingrenense is regarded as a subspecies of L. nepalense ; L. longipedicellatum and L. yunguiense are treated as synonyms of L. lianum ; L. longitubum and L. robustum subsp, chinense are synonyms of L. leucanthum and L. expansum respectively. L. robustum only occured in India, Burma and Sri Lanka but not in China. The records of L. robustum in China are based on misidetifications of L. expansum.
Keywords:Ligustrum  Seed  Systematics  Taxonomy
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