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作者单位:江西, 南昌, 江西农业大学
摘    要:江西位于我国中亚热带东部,地史悠久,自然地理条件优越,植物种类相当丰富。本文根据笔者历年的调查研究,在前人的基础上探讨了江西木本植物区系的起源和演化过程,该区系主要起源于中生代的古热带植物区系和泛北极植物区系。并对该区系各类地理成分进行了统计和分析,江西的野生木本植物计有102科430属约2000种(含种下单位),木本植物以热带亚洲、泛热带、东亚和北温带分布型成分为主体。将该区系的特征初步归结为如下几点:(1)地理成分复杂,区系联系广泛;(2)区系起源古老,子遗树种众多;(3)热带成分占优势,特有现象较显著;(4)南北区系交汇过渡,具明显的中亚热带华东区系特点;(5)珍稀濒危树种繁多,森林区系急待保护。

关 键 词:木本植物区系  区系组成  江西

Xie Guo-wen.STUDIES ON THE WOODY FLORISTIC COMPONENTS AND CHARACTERS OF JIANGXI[J].Bulletin of Botanical Research,1991,11(1):91-99.
Authors:Xie Guo-wen
Institution:Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang, Jiangxi
Abstract:Jiangxi province located in the southeast of China, is an ancient regionin geological history. Since the Mesozoic Period, it has kept relatively stable and advant ageous physical conditions. Its flora didn't suffered dan-ger by the glacier during the Quaternary, therefore, the plant species are very rich, and a great number of relic, ancient and primitive elements have been conserved.#br#This paper studies the origin and development of the flora in geologi-cal periods, the flora may be origined chiefly from an ancient tropical flo-ra of the Mesozoic, and second from the Holarctic flora. There are about 2000 species of the wild woody Plants in the flora, belonging to 102 families and 430 genera. The geographical elements are chiefly composed of the distribution types of Tropical Asia, the Pantropic, Eastern Asia and the North Temperate one. Based on a careful statistics and analysis of various elements, some characters of present woody flora in Jiangxi can be sum-marized as follows:#br#(1) Geographical elements are very complex, which can be divided into 10 distribution types of families (Tab1e 1) and 15 distribution types of genera (Table 3). It is to related extensiyely with most parts of the world.#br#(2) The origin of the flora is ancient and the relic woody Plants are numerous, such as Ginkgo, Podocarpus, Abies, Pseudolarix, Liriodendron, Disanthus, etc. Most of them are monotypic genera of the ancient and relic.#br#(3) The tropic elements are possessed of dominant position, and endemism is relatively high. The tropic families and genera comprise the grea-test proportion of the flora, respectively 72.83%, 52.59%. There are many endemic elements in the flora, with 4 families and 30 genera endemic in China, and also with a gro umber of endemic species in China, thirty endemic species and more in Jiangxi only.#br#(4) Being the floristic convergent and transition from south to north in China, Jiangxi is the north border of the tropical genera, such as Reeve-sia, Anneslea, Musa, etc., and also is the south limit of the strict temperate genera, such as Betula, Fagus, Alnus, etc. The flora has some evident flora features of centre subtropical one in E. China. It is the most closely related to the adjacent flora of Zhejiang flora, and with richness of the common elements, which are many endemic elements to flora of E. China, such as Magnolia amoena, Stewartia gemmata, Sorbus amabilis, etc.#br#(5) The flora is abundant in the rare and imminent extinction plants, because a number of forest have been cut down. We must take effective measures to protect them.
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