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作者姓名:季恒清  罗贤全  何政  李文忠  姚东林
作者单位:1. 重庆市疾病预防控制中心,400042
2. 南充市林业局
3. 南充市金城山林场
摘    要:1997年至 1998年 ,我们在四川南充市金城山林场对平利短肛棒 (BaculumpinglienseChenetHe)的生物学特性及天敌进行了研究 ,结果表明 :该虫一年发生一代 ,以卵在卵囊内越冬 ,翌年 4月初开始孵化 ,4月中旬为孵化盛期 ,若虫共 5龄 ,6月下旬出现成虫 ,7月上旬到 9月下旬为产卵期 ,成虫 7月底开始死亡 ,终见于 9月下旬 ;具拟态、保护色、假死性和若虫断足能再生等奇特生命现象 ,但没有竹节虫常见的孤雌生殖行为 ;其天敌主要有鸟类、蜘蛛和捕食性昆虫等共 17种。

关 键 词:平利短肛棒(Baculum  pingliense  Chenet  He)  生物学特性  天敌

JI Heng-qing ,LUO Xian-quan ,HE Zheng ,LI Wen-zhong ,YAO Dong-lin.BIONOMICS OF BACULUM PINGLIENSE[J].Sichuan Journal of Zoology,2002,21(2).
Authors:JI Heng-qing  LUO Xian-quan  HE Zheng  LI Wen-zhong  YAO Dong-lin
Institution:JI Heng-qing 1,LUO Xian-quan 2,HE Zheng 3,LI Wen-zhong 3,YAO Dong-lin 3
Abstract:Baculum pingliense Chen et He is one kind of insect pest found in agriculture and forestry in the recent years. The bionomics and natural enemies of the insect were studied in Jincheng Mount Forest Farm of Nanchong City, Sichuan Province from 1997 to 1998. The results showed that Baculum pingliense was an incomplete metamorphosis insect and it had one generation each year. The eggs began to hatch in early April with a peak in the second ten days of April. Nymphs had five instars. Adults emerged in the last ten days of June and died in the period from the end of July to the end of September. The female laid eggs from the first ten days of July to the last ten days of September. It had some special living habits such as imitation, protective coloration, feign death, leg regenerating of nymph and so on. But it also showed that the female parthenogenesis was not found in this insect. Totally 17 specis of natural enemies including birds, spiders and predatory insects were found in this area.
Keywords:Baculum pingliense  bionomics  natural enemy
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