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作者姓名:陈小麟  宋晓军
摘    要:厦门岛位于台湾海峡西部,北纬24°20′,东经118°4′左右,属典型亚热带海洋性季风气候,年平均气温208℃,年降雨量约1100mm。厦门岛三面隔海与大陆相邻,一面潮向外海;潮汐是规则的半日潮,同时具有日潮不等的特征,潮间带每日两次暴露于空气中5]。厦门鸟类区系及生态分布情况,曾有几位国外学者做过零星考察2,7],但未有系统专门报道。关于潮间带鸟类群落研究的国内报道也尚不多见,仅有陆健健等对东海北部的行鸟鹬群落做过研究4]。我们于3~5月间对厦门潮间带鸟类进行了调查,目的在于初步了解厦门不同地区潮间带的鸟类种类组成和数量状况,探…

关 键 词:鸟类群落  生态  春季  厦门

Ecological Analysis of Bird Communites in Xiamen(Amoy) Intertidal Zone during Spring.
Chen Xiaolin,Song Xiaojun.Ecological Analysis of Bird Communites in Xiamen(Amoy) Intertidal Zone during Spring.[J].Chinese Journal of Ecology,1999,18(4):36-39.
Authors:Chen Xiaolin  Song Xiaojun
Abstract:Sampling investigation in Xiamen intertidal zone during spring indicated that waders were the main components of intertidal avian communities and 44.4% of the components of intertidal avian communities were composed by shorebirds (charadriiformes). Among populations, Tringa totanus, Charadrius dubius, Charadrius leschenaultii, Egratta garzetta and Hirundo rustica were more common than other species. The structure of bird communities in each sampling area was analyzed, and the similarity between communities was studied by using cluster analysis method. The results demonstrated that the avian communities in Xiamen intertidal zone might be classified into three types and the community similarity was related to the intertidal base. Also, the influential factors of community diversity and the economic significance of the birds in Xiamen intertidal zone were discussed.
Keywords:avian community  wader ecology  intertidal zone  
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