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作者姓名:朱劲伟  金铭德
作者单位:中国科学院科尔沁沙地农牧生态研究开发中心 (朱劲伟),北京农学院 (金铭德),中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 (朱廷曜,孔繁智,卢凤勇),中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所(赵焕印)
摘    要:乌兰敖都位于内蒙古自治区东部的科尔沁沙地中部,是西辽河中上游流域干旱地带的中心。境内分布着石质残丘和起伏的风积沙丘而呈现坨甸相间的景观,石质残丘、流动沙丘和固定沙丘占有很大比例,流动沙丘和固定沙丘(包括半固定沙丘在内)占总面积30%左右。由于地形起伏不平,下垫面性质的不同引起小气候、土壤和植被的显著差异。在本地区的半干旱气候条件下,光是决定生态系统生产力的主要因素之一,也是植物生长的唯一能源。本文根据1983—1984年实际观测资料,着重讨论乌兰敖都地区沙丘不同坡面对直射光到达量的影响,为沙地的综合利用和改造提供科学依据。一、计算方法沙丘不同坡面上直射光到达量,是指在单位时间内投射到单位坡面积上的直射光通量,

关 键 词:乌兰敖都  沙丘坡面  直射光分布

Distribution of Directive Radiation on Sand-hilly Slopes of Wulanaodu Region
Zhu Jinwei.Distribution of Directive Radiation on Sand-hilly Slopes of Wulanaodu Region[J].Chinese Journal of Ecology,1989,8(4):5-12.
Authors:Zhu Jinwei
Abstract:In the summer time of Wulanaodu region, changes of directive radiation with slope gradients are gentle on south, southeast and southwest facing slopes, but sharp on north facing slope. The hottest slope gradient (gradient with maximum directive radiation) increases as slope dlreetions aFFroaeh the south. In winter,directive radiations reduce rapidly from south to north facing slopes, the reduction becomes greater as slope gradient increases. Directive radiations increase with increasing slope gradient in all slopes to the south,and reduce gradually after they surpass the hottest gradient of the slope.
Keywords:sand-hilly slope  directive radiation  Wulanaodu region    
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