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摘    要:针对内陆河流域空间土壤盐渍化问题,以新疆三工河流域为例,通过调查、取样分析,研究了冲洪积扇和冲洪积平原2个水文地质带上一个生长季5-10月0~10、10~20cm土壤盐分积聚特征及其主导因素.结果表明:冲洪积扇土壤盐分含量明显低于冲洪积平原,盐分含量的变异系数均>100%,属于强变异性;灌溉景观土壤盐分的聚积在冲洪积扇和冲洪积平原相似,盐分含量均减小,而非灌溉景观的差异较大,冲洪积扇区土壤盐分含量减小,土壤盐渍化程度减弱;而冲洪积平原区土壤盐分含量升高,盐渍化程度增强.冲洪积扇区土层间盐分变化关系紧密相关(P<0.01),降雨和灌溉对盐分都具有淋洗作用,促进了盐分含量的减少;冲洪积平原区,蒸发对非灌溉景观0~10 cm土层盐分聚积起到促进作用,而10~20 cm土层盐分聚积受上层土壤盐分和地下水位共同作用.
Aiming at the problem of soil salinization in inland river basin, a case study was con-ducted in the Sangong River catchment of Xinjiang, China. The characteristics and dominant af-fecting factors of salt accumulation in 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm soil layers in two hydro-geological zones, i. e. , alluvial-proluvial delta and alluvial plain, were studied in a growth season (from May to October), and the precipitation, evaporation, groundwater table, and irrigation were also taken into account. The soil salt content was obviously lower in alluvial-proluvial delta than in al-luvial plain, but its coefficient of variation in the two zones was all higher than 100%, indicating a great variability. The soil salt accumulation in irrigated landscape in the two zones had a similar decreasing trend, but that in non-irrigated landscape had greater difference, with a decreased soil salinization in alluvial-proluvial delta, and an increased soil salinization in alluvial plain. In allu-vial-proluvial delta, the salt contents in 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm soil layers had a close relation-ship (P <0. 01), and there was a clear process of salt leaching by precipitation and irrigation, leading to the decrease of soil salt content. In alluvial plain, the salt accumulation in 0-10 cm soil layer in non-irrigated landscape was promoted by evaporation, and that in 10-20 cm soil lay-er was co-affected by the salt content in 0-10 cm soil layer and the groundwater table.

关 键 词:内陆河流域  盐分聚积  灌溉景观  非灌溉景观

Change characteristics of soil salt content in different landscape units in arid region
Authors:WANG Yu-Gang  ZHENG Xin-Jun  LI Pan
Abstract:Aiming at the problem of soil salinization in inland river basin, a case study was con-ducted in the Sangong River catchment of Xinjiang, China. The characteristics and dominant af-fecting factors of salt accumulation in 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm soil layers in two hydro-geological zones, i. e. , alluvial-proluvial delta and alluvial plain, were studied in a growth season (from May to October), and the precipitation, evaporation, groundwater table, and irrigation were also taken into account. The soil salt content was obviously lower in alluvial-proluvial delta than in al-luvial plain, but its coefficient of variation in the two zones was all higher than 100%, indicating a great variability. The soil salt accumulation in irrigated landscape in the two zones had a similar decreasing trend, but that in non-irrigated landscape had greater difference, with a decreased soil salinization in alluvial-proluvial delta, and an increased soil salinization in alluvial plain. In allu-vial-proluvial delta, the salt contents in 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm soil layers had a close relation-ship (P <0. 01), and there was a clear process of salt leaching by precipitation and irrigation, leading to the decrease of soil salt content. In alluvial plain, the salt accumulation in 0-10 cm soil layer in non-irrigated landscape was promoted by evaporation, and that in 10-20 cm soil lay-er was co-affected by the salt content in 0-10 cm soil layer and the groundwater table.
Keywords:inland river basin  salt accumulation  irrigated landscape  non-irrigated landscape
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