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作者姓名:楼金玕  陈洁
摘    要:目的 探讨抗幽门螺杆菌治疗对儿童肠道菌群状态的影响。方法 分别称取18例幽门螺杆菌感染儿童治疗前后新鲜粪便1.0 g,对肠道菌群中最有代表性的3种需氧菌(肠杆菌、肠球菌和酵母菌)和4种厌氧菌(双歧杆菌、乳杆菌、类杆菌和产气荚膜梭菌) ,分别进行需氧和厌氧培养,菌落计数,同时计算B/ E值来代表定植抗力。结果 抗Hp治疗后,双歧杆菌、乳杆菌和类杆菌较治疗前明显降低( P<0 .0 5 ) ,B/ E值明显下降( P<0 .0 1) ,肠杆菌数量明显增加( P<0 .0 5 ) ,酵母菌的检出率明显增加( P<0 .0 5 )。结论 三联疗法抗Hp治疗对儿童肠道菌群产生明显的影响,因此在治疗Hp感染时须考虑到大量抗生素治疗后可能对患儿产生的副作用及潜在的危险

关 键 词:幽门螺杆菌  肠道菌群  儿童  感染  状态  疗法  三联  产气荚膜梭菌  双歧杆菌  抗生素治疗  新鲜粪便  厌氧培养  菌落计数  酵母菌  乳杆菌  类杆菌  肠杆菌  需氧菌  代表性  厌氧菌  肠球菌  Hp  检出率  副作用  E值

Change of intestinal microecosystem after Helicobacter pylori triple therapy in children
LOU Jin-gan,CHEN Jie.Change of intestinal microecosystem after Helicobacter pylori triple therapy in children[J].Chinese Journal of Microecology,2005,17(2):124-125.
Authors:LOU Jin-gan  CHEN Jie
Abstract:Objective To study change of intestinal microecosystem after Helicobacter pylori triple therapy in children. Methods Adopting fresh stool 1.0 g of 18 patients with Helicobacter pylori infection before and after triple therapy. Three aerobes( Enterobacterium,Enterococcus and Yeast ) and four anaerobes( Bifidobacterium,Lactobacillus,Bacteroides and Clostridium perfringens ) representing the intestinal flora were cultivated for analysis.B/E value ( Bifidobacterium/Enterobacterium ) represent the intestinal colonization resistance. Results The population of Bifidobacterium,Lactobacillus and Bacteroides were decreased after trible therapy ( P <0.05),the population of Enterobacterium was increased( P <0.05),B/E value was decreased( P <0.01).The rate of Yeast inspection was increased after therapy( P <0.05). Conclusions The intestinal normal flora of children was changed obviously by triple therapy on eradicating H.pylori . The side effects and potential dangers of triple therapy should be considered.
Keywords:Helicobacter  pylori  Infection  treatment  Intestinal flora  Triple therapy  Children
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