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作者姓名:柳园  李晶晶  石磊  马亚  胡雯
摘    要:目的采用随机、双盲、安慰剂对照研究,观察鼠李糖乳杆菌grx10对血脂异常者血脂水平的改善作用。方法筛选符合纳入排除标准的血脂指标检测异常者,随机分为对照组、低剂量组、高剂量组。对照组给予安慰剂10g/d,低剂量组给予grx10粉剂4g/d(3.2×10~(10) CFU/d)以及安慰剂6g/d,高剂量组给予grx10粉剂10g/d(8.0×10~(10) CFU/d)。试验周期为2周洗脱期+6周干预期。观察记录受试者干预前后血脂水平等。结果 44人完成试验,其中高剂量组17人,低剂量组14人,安慰剂组13人。益生菌高剂量干预组血清TC、TG、LDL-C水平与干预前相比显著下降(P0.05);三组间比较血脂改变差值差异无统计学意义。结论 grx10达到一定剂量时可降低人体血清TC、TG、LDL-C水平,后续本研究将继续扩大样本量,进一步明确grx10的降脂效果。

关 键 词:益生菌  血脂异常  随机对照试验

The blood lipid-lowering effect of Lactobacillus rhamnosus grx10
Abstract:Abstract: Objective To observe the blood lipid-lowering effect of grx10. Methods Participants who met the inclusion criteria were randomly divided into three groups. The placebo group received placebo alone at a dose of 10 g/d. The low dose group was given grx 10 4 g/d (3.2×1010 CFU/d) and placebo 6 g/d. The high dose group was given grx10 10 g/d (8.0×1010 CFU/d). The treatment period contained 6 weeks of intervention followed by a 2-week washout period. The levels of blood lipids before and after the intervention were observed. Results 44 participants completed the trial, including 17 in the high dose group, 14 in the low dose group and 13 in the placebo group. Compared with the baseline, the endpoint levels of TC, TG and LDL-C in the high dose group were significantly lower (P<0.05). No statistically significant difference in the levels of blood lipids was observed between groups. Conclusion grx10, when given at a certain dose, can reduce the levels of serum TC, TG and LDL-C. We need to enlarge the sample size in future trials to clarify the lipid lowering effect of grx10.
Keywords:Probiotics  Dyslipidemia  Randomized controlled trial
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