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Effect of water alkalinity on gill CO2 exchange and internal PCO2 in aquatic animals
Authors:Truchot J P  Forgue J
Institution:Laboratoire de Neurobiologie et Physiologie Comparée, Université Bordeaux 1, Arcachon, France.
Abstract:In addition to metabolic CO2 production and gill ventilatory flow rate, expired water PCO2 is very dependent on water acid-base balance in a complex way. This is particularly true in carbonated waters at low ambient PCO2 and high pH, where CO2 excreted in the gill water may be buffered by carbonate ions, leading to an increased CO2 capacitance coefficient. The higher the carbonate alkalinity (CA) and the lower the inspired PCO2 (i.e., the higher the inspired water pH), the stronger the carbonate buffering and the smaller the increase of PCO2 in the gill water during respiratory CO2 exchanges. As a consequence, as shown by a number of reported data, increasing the CA leads to blood hypocapnia and respiratory alkalosis at constant low, but not at high, inspired PCO2. In the low range of inspired PCO2, internal PCO2 becomes very sensitive to even small changes of water PCO2, which may explain at least in part the large variability of reported blood PCO2 values in gill breathers. Water CA also influences the amplitude of respiratory acid-base disturbances caused by changes of the gill ventilatory flow rate. Carbonate buffering of excreted CO2 and thus dependence of blood PCO2 on water alkalinity requires catalysis of CO2 hydration by carbonic anhydrase, that must be available from the water side of the gill epithelium.
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