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Échinodermes de l'Ordovicien supérieur (Ashgill) de Sardaigne et d'Algérie
Authors:Arnaud Botquelen  Alfredo Loi
Institution:a Laboratoire de paléontologie, UMR 6538, université de Bretagne Occidentale, 6, avenue Le-Gorgeu, CS 93837, 29283 Brest cedex 03, France
b Dipartamento di Scienze della Terra, Via Trentino, 51, 09127 Cagliari, Italia
Abstract:Research on the influence of sea level variations on the benthic faunas have been carried out in the Upper Ordovician of Sardinia. Study of the depositional facies and sequence analysis of the upper part (Lower Ashgill) of the Portixeddu Formation led to the identification of the sedimentary environments. Cystoids and crinoids are associated to bryozoans and brachiopods in most levels. The numerical analysis of associations and megaguilds shows that crinoids and cystoids have a higher frequency in the proximal and median facies of the upper offshore. The columnal association characterized by Conspectocrinus celticus and the coronoid Mespilocystites tregarvanicus has been discovered in the upper part of the formation. This material and complementary samples from Upper Ordovician of Sardinia and Kabylia (Algeria) bring additional data on the systematic and show the wide distribution of this fauna outside of the Ibero-armorican domain. The distribution of this echinoderm association supports a palaeogeographical position of the Ibero-armorican domain and Sardinia within the north gondwanan margin during the Lower Palaeozoic.
Keywords:É  chinodermes  Stratigraphie sé  quentielle  Systé  matique  Palé  ogé  ographie  Ordovicien supé  rieur  Sardaigne  Algé  rie  Gondwana
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